Geant4  10.03
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27 // $Id: 100807 2016-11-02 15:00:41Z gcosmo $
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29 //
30 // John Allison 15th July 2012
31 // Model that knows how to draw an arrow.
33 #include "G4ArrowModel.hh"
35 #include "G4PhysicalConstants.hh"
36 #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh"
37 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
38 #include "G4Tubs.hh"
39 #include "G4GenericPolycone.hh"
40 #include "G4Polyhedron.hh"
41 #include "G4Vector3D.hh"
42 #include "G4Point3D.hh"
43 #include "G4Transform3D.hh"
46 {
47  delete fpHeadPolyhedron;
48  delete fpShaftPolyhedron;
49 }
53  G4double x2, G4double y2, G4double z2,
54  G4double width, const G4Colour& colour,
55  const G4String& description,
56  G4int lineSegmentsPerCircle)
57 {
58  fType = "G4ArrowModel";
59  fGlobalTag = fType;
60  fGlobalDescription = fType + ": " + description;
61  fExtent = G4VisExtent
62  (std::min(x1,x2),
63  std::max(x1,x2),
64  std::min(y1,y2),
65  std::max(y1,y2),
66  std::min(z1,z2),
67  std::max(z1,z2));
69  // Force number of line segments per circle (aka number of rotation steps)
70  G4int tempN = G4Polyhedron::GetNumberOfRotationSteps();
71  G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(lineSegmentsPerCircle);
73  // Make a cylinder slightly shorter than the arrow length so that it
74  // doesn't stick out of the head.
75  const G4double shaftLength = std::sqrt
76  (std::pow(x2-x1,2)+std::pow(y2-y1,2)+std::pow(z2-z1,2));
77  G4double shaftRadius = width/2.;
78  // Limit the radius
79  if (shaftRadius > shaftLength/100.) shaftRadius = shaftLength/100.;
80  const G4double halfShaftLength = shaftLength/2.;
81  const G4double halfReduction = 4.*shaftRadius;
82  const G4double halfLength = halfShaftLength-halfReduction;
83  G4Tubs shaft("shaft",0.,shaftRadius,halfLength,0.,twopi);
84  fpShaftPolyhedron = shaft.CreatePolyhedron();
85  // Move it a little so that the tail is at z = -halfShaftLength.
86  fpShaftPolyhedron->Transform(G4Translate3D(0,0,-halfReduction));
88  // Locate the head at +halfShaftLength.
89  const G4int numRZ = 3;
90  G4double r[] = {0,4,0};
91  G4double z[] = {0,-6,-4};
92  for (G4int i = 0; i < numRZ; i++) {
93  r[i] *= 2.*shaftRadius;
94  z[i] = halfShaftLength + z[i] * 2.*shaftRadius;
95  }
96  G4GenericPolycone head("head",0,twopi,numRZ,r,z);
97  fpHeadPolyhedron = head.CreatePolyhedron();
99  // Transform to position
100  const G4Vector3D arrowDirection = G4Vector3D(x2-x1,y2-y1,z2-z1).unit();
101  const G4double theta = arrowDirection.theta();
102  const G4double phi = arrowDirection.phi();
103  const G4Point3D arrowCentre(0.5*(x1+x2),0.5*(y1+y2),0.5*(z1+z2));
104  const G4Transform3D tr =
105  G4Translate3D(arrowCentre) * G4RotateZ3D(phi) * G4RotateY3D(theta);
106  fpShaftPolyhedron->Transform(tr);
107  fpHeadPolyhedron->Transform(tr);
109  G4VisAttributes va;
110  va.SetColour(colour);
111  va.SetForceSolid(true);
112  fpShaftPolyhedron->SetVisAttributes(va);
113  fpHeadPolyhedron->SetVisAttributes(va);
115  // Restore number of line segments per circle
116  G4Polyhedron::SetNumberOfRotationSteps(tempN);
117 }
120 {
121  sceneHandler.BeginPrimitives();
122  sceneHandler.AddPrimitive(*fpShaftPolyhedron);
123  sceneHandler.AddPrimitive(*fpHeadPolyhedron);
124  sceneHandler.EndPrimitives();
125 }
void SetColour(const G4Colour &)
HepGeom::RotateY3D G4RotateY3D
Definition: G4Tubs.hh:85
virtual void BeginPrimitives(const G4Transform3D &objectTransformation=G4Transform3D())=0
#define width
HepGeom::Point3D< G4double > G4Point3D
Definition: G4Point3D.hh:35
HepGeom::Vector3D< G4double > G4Vector3D
Definition: G4Vector3D.hh:35
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
HepGeom::RotateZ3D G4RotateZ3D
void SetForceSolid(G4bool=true)
static constexpr double twopi
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:76
virtual void AddPrimitive(const G4Polyline &)=0
G4Polyhedron * CreatePolyhedron() const
G4Polyhedron * CreatePolyhedron() const
G4ArrowModel(G4double x1, G4double y1, G4double z1, G4double x2, G4double y2, G4double z2, G4double width, const G4Colour &colour, const G4String &description="", G4int lineSegmentsPerCircle=6)
HepGeom::Transform3D G4Transform3D
G4Polyhedron * fpShaftPolyhedron
Definition: G4ArrowModel.hh:68
virtual ~G4ArrowModel()
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
T min(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the smallest of the two arguments
HepGeom::Translate3D G4Translate3D
virtual void EndPrimitives()=0
virtual void DescribeYourselfTo(G4VGraphicsScene &)
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
G4Polyhedron * fpHeadPolyhedron
Definition: G4ArrowModel.hh:69