Geant4  10.03
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 Caccumulated_histogramAn interpolating_function_p which is the cumulative integral of a histogram
 CActionInitializationAction initialization class
 Carrhenius_interpolating_function_pA spline with X in reciprocal space and Y transformed in log space.Most useful for thermodynamic types of data where Y is roughly A*exp(-B/x). Typical examples are reaction rate data, and thermistor calibration data
 CAtomAtom Class
 CB1ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB1ConActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB1ConRunRun class which extends B1Run
 CB1ConRunActionRun action class
 CB1DetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials and geometry
 CB1EventActionEvent action class
 CB1PrimaryGeneratorActionThe primary generator action class with particle gun
 CB1RunRun class
 CB1RunActionRun action class
 CB1SteppingActionStepping action class
 CB2ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB2aDetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials, geometry and global uniform magnetic field
 CB2aDetectorMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for B2aDetectorConstruction
 CB2bChamberParameterisationA parameterisation that describes a series of boxes along Z
 CB2bDetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials, geometry and global uniform magnetic field
 CB2bDetectorMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for B2bDetectorConstruction
 CB2EventActionEvent action class
 CB2PrimaryGeneratorActionThe primary generator action class with particle gum
 CB2RunActionRun action class
 CB2TrackerHitTracker hit class
 CB2TrackerSDB2Tracker sensitive detector class
 CB3aActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB3aEventActionEvent action class
 CB3aRunActionRun action class
 CB3bActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB3bRunRun class
 CB3bRunActionRun action class
 CB3DetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials and geometry
 CB3PhysicsListModular physics list
 CB3PrimaryGeneratorActionThe primary generator action class with particle gum
 CB3StackingActionStacking action class : manage the newly generated particles
 CB4aActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB4aEventActionEvent action class
 CB4aSteppingActionStepping action class
 CB4bActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB4bEventActionEvent action class
 CB4bRunActionRun action class
 CB4bRunDataRun data class
 CB4bSteppingActionStepping action class
 CB4cActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB4cCalorHitCalorimeter hit class
 CB4cCalorimeterSDCalorimeter sensitive detector class
 CB4cDetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials and geometry. The calorimeter is a box made of a given number of layers. A layer consists of an absorber plate and of a detection gap. The layer is replicated
 CB4cEventActionEvent action class
 CB4dActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB4dDetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials and geometry. The calorimeter is a box made of a given number of layers. A layer consists of an absorber plate and of a detection gap. The layer is replicated
 CB4DetectorConstructionDetector construction class to define materials and geometry. The calorimeter is a box made of a given number of layers. A layer consists of an absorber plate and of a detection gap. The layer is replicated
 CB4dEventActionEvent action class
 CB4PrimaryGeneratorActionThe primary generator action class with particle gum
 CB4RunActionRun action class
 CB5ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CB5CellParameterisationEM Calorimeter cell parameterisation
 CB5DetectorConstructionDetector construction
 CB5DriftChamberHitDrift chamber hit
 CB5DriftChamberSDDrift chamber sensitive detector
 CB5EmCalorimeterHitEM Calorimeter hit
 CB5EmCalorimeterSDEM calorimeter sensitive detector
 CB5EventActionEvent action
 CB5HadCalorimeterHitHadron Calorimeter hit
 CB5HadCalorimeterSDHadron calorimeter sensitive detector
 CB5HodoscopeHitHodoscope hit
 CB5HodoscopeSDHodoscope sensitive detector
 CB5MagneticFieldMagnetic field
 CB5PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator
 CB5RunActionRun action class
 CBarycenterMolecule Class
 Cc2_arrhenius_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of Arrhenius (1/x vs. log(y)) space
 Cc2_cached_function_pA container into which any other c2_function can be dropped.It allows a function to be pre-evaluated at a point, and used at multiple places in an expression efficiently. If it is re-evaluated at the previous point, it returns the remembered values; otherwise, it re-evauates the function at the new point
 Cc2_classic_function_pContainer into which any conventional c-style function can be dropped, to create a degenerate c2_function without derivatives. Mostly useful for sampling into interpolating functions. construct a reference to this with c2_classic_function()
 Cc2_connector_function_pCreate a c2_function which smoothly connects two other c2_functions.This takes two points and generates a polynomial which matches two c2_function arguments at those two points, with two derivatives at each point, and an arbitrary value at the center of the region. It is useful for splicing together functions over rough spots (0/0, for example)
 Cc2_const_ptrCreate a container for a c2_function which handles the reference counting. It is useful as a smart container to hold a c2_function and keep the reference count correct. The recommended way for a class to store a c2_function which is handed in from the outside is for it to have a c2_ptr member into which the passed-in function is stored. This way, when the class instance is deleted, it will automatically dereference any function which it was handed
 Cc2_constant_pC2_function which is constantThe factory function c2_factory::constant() creates *new c2_constant_p()
 Cc2_cos_pCompute cos(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::cos() creates *new c2_cos_p
 Cc2_exceptionException class for c2_function operations
 Cc2_exp_pCompute exp(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::exp() creates *new c2_exp_p
 Cc2_factoryFactory of pre-templated c2_function generators
 Cc2_fblockStructure used to hold evaluated function data at a point
 Cc2_functionParent class for all c2_functions
 Cc2_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of a coordinate space, using 2 c2_transformations
 Cc2_identity_pCompute x with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::identity() creates *new c2_identity_p
 Cc2_inverse_function_pCreate the formal inverse function of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f
 Cc2_lin_lin_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of lin-lin space
 Cc2_lin_log_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of lin-log space
 Cc2_linear_pCreate a linear mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f
 Cc2_log_lin_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of log-lin space
 Cc2_log_log_function_transformationTransformation of a function in and out of log-log space
 Cc2_log_pCompute log(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::log() creates *new c2_log_p
 Cc2_piecewise_function_pCreate a c2_function which is a piecewise assembly of other c2_functions.The functions must have increasing, non-overlapping domains. Any empty space between functions will be filled with a linear interpolation
 Cc2_power_law_pCreate a power law mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f
 Cc2_product_pCreate a c2_function which is the product of two other c2_functions.This should always be constructed using c2_function::operator*()
 Cc2_quadratic_pCreate a quadratic mapping of another functionfor example, given a c2_function f
 Cc2_ratio_pCreate a c2_function which is the ratio of two other c2_functions.This should always be constructed using c2_function::operator/()
 Cc2_recip_pCompute scale/x with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::recip() creates *new c2_recip_p
 Cc2_sin_pCompute sin(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::sin() creates *new c2_sin_p
 Cc2_sqrt_pCompute sqrt(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::sqrt() creates *new c2_sqrt_p()
 Cc2_tan_pCompute tan(x) with its derivatives.The factory function c2_factory::tan() creates *new c2_tan_p
 Cc2_transformationTransformation of a coordinate, including an inverse
 Cc2_transformation_linearIdentity transform
 Cc2_transformation_logLog axis transform
 Cc2_transformation_recipReciprocal axis transform
 CCCalAnalysisDefines the format which is used for the output file default is a ROOT file. Comment the g4root and un-comment one of the others, to change the output format
 CClusterSBPointsDefine a cluster of SB Points
 CDetectorConstructionDetector construction class to demonstrate various ways of placement
 CDetectorMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for DetectorConstruction
 CDicomIntersectVolumeManages intersections of DICOM files with volumes
 CDicomNestedParamDetectorConstructionConstruct the phantom using DicomPhantomParameterisationColour
 CDicomNestedPhantomParameterisationImplements a G4VNestedParameterisation
 CDicomPartialDetectorConstructionConstruct a DICOM Geant4 geometry produced from the intersetion of a DICOM file and a volume
 CDicomPhantomParameterisationColourClass inherited from G4PhantomParameterisation to provide different
 CDicomPhantomZSliceHeaderDicomPhantomZSliceHeader class
 CDicomRegularDetectorConstructionDicomRegularDetectorConstruction class
 CDicomRunDicomRun class
 CElectronActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CEventActionEvent action class
 CExErrorDetectorConstructionDetector construction class
 CExErrorDetectorMessengerDetector messenger class
 CExErrorMagneticFieldMagnetic field class
 CExG4DetectorConstruction01Simple detector construction with only a world volume
 CExG4DetectorConstruction01MessengerMessenger class that defines commands for ExG4DetectorConstruction01
 CExG4DetectorConstruction02Simple detector construction with a box volume placed in a world
 CExG4DetectorConstruction02MessengerMessenger class that defines commands for ExG4DetectorConstruction02
 CExG4EventAction01Event action class
 CExG4EventAction01MessengerMessenger class that defines commands for ExG4EventAction01
 CExG4PhysicsList00Physics list with geantino and charged geantino only
 CExG4PrimaryGeneratorAction01The primary generator class with particle gun
 CExG4PrimaryGeneratorAction02The primary generator class with general particle source
 CExG4RunAction01Run action class
 CExG4RunAction01MessengerMessenger class that defines commands for ExG4RunAction01
 CExGflashActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CExP01ChamberParameterisationChamber parameterisation for the persistency example
 CExP01DetectorConstructionDetector Construction for the persistency example
 CExP01DetectorMessengerDetector messenger for the persistency example
 CExP01EventActionEvent action for the persistency example
 CExP01MagneticFieldMagnetic field for the persistency example
 CExP01PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action for the persistency example
 CExP01RunActionRun action for the persistency example
 CExP01SteppingActionStepping action for the persistency example
 CExP01SteppingVerboseStepping verbose for the persistency example
 CExP01TrackerHitHit implementation for the persistency example
 CExP01TrackerSDSensitive detector implementation for the ROOT hits persistency example
 CExP02DetConstrReaderDetector construction reader using ROOT I/O
 CExP02DetectorConstructionDetector construction
 CExP02GeoTreeHelper class needed for the ROOT I/O. It contains pointers to geometry tree, element table and material table
 CExP02PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action
 CExTGActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CExTGDetectorConstructionDetector construction class using text geometry file
 CExTGDetectorConstructionWithCppDetector construction class using text geometry file and C++ code
 CExTGDetectorConstructionWithCutsDetector construction class using text geometry file using cuts per region
 CExTGDetectorConstructionWithSDDetector construction class using text geometry file and using a sensitive detector
 CExTGPrimaryGeneratorActionExample of primary generator action
 CExTGRCDetectorBuilderDetector builder class implementing cuts per region
 CExTGRCLineProcessorLine processor that adds the definition of regions
 CExTGRCRegionCutsMgrRegion cuts manager
 CExTGRCRegionDataStores cuts per region data
 CExTGRunActionDumps geometry in text format
 CExTGTrackerHitExample of hit
 CExTGTrackerSDExample of Sensitive detector
 CExUCNActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF01ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF02ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF02ElectricFieldSetupA class for control of the Electric Field of the detector
 CF03ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF03FieldSetupA class for setting up the Magnetic Field
 CF04ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF04PhysicsListMessengerProvide control of the physics list and cut parameters
 CF05ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CF06ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CFCALActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CG01DetectorConstructionDetector construction allowing to use the geometry read from the GDML file
 CG01PrimaryGeneratorActionMinimal primary generator action to demonstrate the use of GDML geometries
 CG02ChamberParameterisationChamber parametrisation used in the GDML read/write example
 CG02DetectorConstructionDetector construction used in GDML read/write example
 CG02DetectorMessengerDetector messenger class used in GDML read/write example
 CG02PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action used in GDML read/write example
 CG02RunActionRun action used in GDML read/write example
 CG03ColorReaderGDML reader for the color attributes
 CG03ColorWriterGDML writer for the color attributes
 CG03DetectorConstructionDetector construction for the GDML extensions example
 CG03DetectorMessengerDetector messenger for the GDML extensions example
 CG03PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action for the GDML extension example
 CG03RunActionRun action for the GDML extension example
 CG04ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CG04DetectorConstructionDetector construction for laoding GDML geometry
 CG04PrimaryGeneratorActionPrimary generator action for GDML sensitive detector example
 CG04SensitiveDetectorSensitive detector to be attached to the GDML geometry
 CG3toG4ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CG3toG4DetectorConstructionDetector construction class
 CG4AblaClass containing ABLA de-excitation code
 CG4AblaDataFileRead ABLA data from files
 CG4AblaVirtualDataAn interface to data used by ABLA
 CG4AllITFinderHolds all IT Manager, and take care of deleting them when AllITManager is deleted Set general verbose for all IT Manager
 CG4AnyMethodThis class represents any object method
 CG4AnyTypeThis class represents any data type
 CG4BadArgumentBad Argument exception
 CG4CacheReference< G4double >
 CG4CacheReference< VALTYPE * >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 0 >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 1 >
 CG4CrossSectionFactory< T, 2 >
 CG4DNAChemistryManagerWARNING: THIS CLASS IS A PROTOTYPE G4DNAChemistryManager is called from the physics models
 CG4DNAMolecularDissociationG4DNAMolecularDissociation should be called only for molecules
 CG4DNAMolecularReactionG4DNAMolecularReaction is the reaction process used in G4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel between two molecules
 CG4DNAMolecularReactionDataG4DNAMolecularReactionData contains the information relative to a given reaction (eg : °OH + °OH -> H2O2)
 CG4DNAMolecularReactionTableG4DNAMolecularReactionTable sorts out the G4DNAMolecularReactionData for bimolecular reaction
 CG4DNAMolecularStepByStepModelG4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel :
 CG4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepperGiven a molecule G4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepper will calculate for its possible reactants what will be the minimum encounter time and the associated molecules
 CG4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModelG4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModel should be used for very fast reactions (high reaction rate) : the reactions between reactants occuring at encounter
 CG4DNATransformElectronModelWhen an electron reaches the highest energy domain of G4DNATransformElectronModel, it is then automatically converted into a solvated electron without thermalization displacement (assumed to be already thermalized)
 CG4EcldShell corrections and deformations
 CG4ENDFTapeReadG4ENDFTapeRead is a class designed to read in data from unformatted ENDF data tapes for MT = 454 or MT = 459, which correspond to independent fission yields and cumulative fission yields, respectively
 CG4ENDFYieldDataContainerG4ENDFYieldDataContainer is a simple data storage class that handles the memory management internally
 CG4FastListG4FastList is used by G4TrackHolder to save G4IT tracks only
 CG4FastList_const_iteratorG4FastList_iterator enables to go through the tracks contained by a list
 CG4FastList_iteratorG4FastList_iterator enables to go through the tracks contained by a list
 CG4FastListNodeG4FastListNode is the entity actually stored by the G4FastList
 CG4FbFission barriers
 CG4FissionFragmentGeneratorG4FissionFragmentGenerator is the front end class to be used by the user for handling all fission event generation
 CG4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXXRevised level-density parameter for fission after INCL++
 CG4FissionProductYieldDistG4FissionProductYieldDist is the base class for storing all the fission data and generating fission events
 CG4ForEach< G4Terminator >
 CG4FPYBiasedLightFragmentDistG4FPYBiasedLightFragmentDist is an inherited class of G4FissionProductYield that only samples the 'light' fission fragments, defined by A < 115
 CG4FPYNormalFragmentDistG4FPYNormalFragmentDist is an inherited class of G4FissionProductYield that samples fission fragments from the entire data set
 CG4FPYSamplingOpsG4FPYSamplingOps performs all the uniform and Gaussian distribution sampling operations
 CG4GeneralParticleSourceAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 GPS messenger design requires some explanation for what distributions parameters are concerned : Each thread has its own GPS since primary generation is a user action
 CG4GeneralParticleSourceMessengerAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 GPS messenger design requires some explanation for what distributions parameters are concerned : Each thread has its own GPS since primary generation is a user action
 CG4GenericMessengerThis class is generic messenger
 CG4INCLXXInterfaceINCL++ intra-nuclear cascade
 CG4INCLXXInterfaceStoreSingleton class for configuring the INCL++ Geant4 interface
 CG4INCLXXNeutronBuilderBuilder for neutron processes using the INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
 CG4INCLXXProtonBuilderBuilder for proton processes using the INCL++ intra-nuclear cascade model
 CG4ITG4IT is a interface which allows the inheriting object to be tracked using G4ITStepProcessor The inheriting class must implement the operator < , == and != in order to enable the sorting out
 CG4ITBoxG4ITBox behaves just like a stack for G4IT
 CG4ITFinderLocalize the nearest neighbor For now, G4KDTree is used
 CG4ITModelHandlerG4ITModelHandler holds for two IT types the corresponding model manager
 CG4ITModelManagerG4ITModelManager chooses which model to use according to the global simulation time
 CG4ITModelProcessorThe G4ITModelProcessor will call the two processes defined in G4VITModel
 CG4ITReactionChangeSimilar to G4ParticleChange, but deal with two tracks rather than one
 CG4ITReactionTableFree interface to define reaction information
 CG4ITStepProcessorIts role is the same as G4StepManager :
 CG4ITTypeTag the G4IT Should be automatically setup by G4IT using : ITDef(MyIT) and ITImp(MyIT)
 CG4KDNodeG4KDNode stores one entity in G4KDTree This class is for internal use only
 CG4KDNodeCopyG4KDNode stores one entity in G4KDTree This class is for internal use only
 CG4KDTreeG4KDTree is used by the ITManager to locate the neareast neighbours
 CG4MolecularConfigurationThe pointer G4MolecularConfiguration will be shared by all the molecules having the same molecule definition and the same electron occupancy BE CAREFUlL !!! : If you change the mass for instance of a OH^-, this will affect all the OH^- molecule diffusing around
 CG4MolecularDissociationTableClass Description G4MolecularDecayTable operates as a container of deexcitation modes for excited or ionized molecules
 CG4MoleculeClass Description The dynamic molecule holds all the data that change for a molecule It has a pointer to G4MoleculeDefinition object, which holds all the "ground level" information
 CG4Number< 0 >
 CG4Pythia6DecayerPythia6 decayer
 CG4Pythia6DecayerMessengerMessenger class that defines commands for G4Pythia6Decayer
 CG4SchedulerG4Scheduler synchronizes (in time) track stepping
 CG4ScreenedNuclearRecoilA process which handles screened Coulomb collisions between nuclei
 CG4ShiftedGaussianG4ShiftedGaussian is a class for storing the shifted values used for sampling a Gaussian distribution and returning only positive values; it is integrated into G4FPYSamplingOps
 CG4SingleParticleSourceAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSAngDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSEneDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSPosDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSRandomGeneratorAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4TableTemplateG4TableTemplate is essentially a wrapper around a std::vector designed to work specifically with pointers
 CG4TAtomicHitsCollectionThis is an implementation of G4THitsCollection<T> where the underlying type is G4atomic<T>, not just T. A static assert is provided to ensure that T is fundamental. This class should be used in lieu of G4THitsCollection<T> when memory is a concern. Atomics are thread-safe and generally faster that mutexes (as long as the STL implementation is lock-free) but the synchronization does not come without a cost. If performance is the primary concern, use G4THitsCollection<T> in thread-local instances
 CG4TAtomicHitsMapThis is an implementation of G4THitsMap<T> where the underlying type is G4atomic<T>, not just T. A static assert is provided to ensure that T is fundamental. This class should be used in lieu of G4THitsMap<T> when memory is a concern. Atomics are thread-safe and generally faster that mutexes (as long as the STL implementation is lock-free) but the synchronization does not come without a cost. If performance is the primary concern, use G4THitsMap<T> in thread-local instances
 CG4TDNAOneStepThermalizationModelWhen an electron reaches the highest energy domain of G4DNAOneStepThermalizationModel, it is then automatically converted into a solvated electron and displace from its original position using a published thermalization statistic
 CG4TrackingInformationThe class G4TrackingInformation (hold by G4IT) emcompasses processes informations computed at the PS/AS/AtRest/InteractionLength stage, and also, the selection of processes for the given step
 CG4TrackState< G4ITMultiNavigator >
 CG4TrackState< G4ITPathFinder >
 CG4UserTimeStepActionG4UserTimeStepAction is used by G4Scheduler
 CG4VDNAReactionModelG4VDNAReactionModel is an interface used by the G4DNAMolecularReaction process
 CG4VITProcessG4VITProcess inherits from G4VProcess
 CG4VITReactionProcessG4VITReactionProcess defines the reaction between two G4IT
 CG4VITRestDiscreteProcessIdentical to G4VRestDiscreteProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess
 CG4VITRestProcessIdentical to G4VRestProcess with dependency from G4VITProcess
 CG4VITStepModelDefine what to do before stepping and after stepping
 CG4VITTimeStepComputerBefore stepping all tracks G4Scheduler calls all the G4VITModel which may contain a G4VITTimeStepper (optionnal)
 CG4VITTrackHolderG4ITTrackHolder is an empty interface that permits to push tracks to the IT system without actually depending on the IT tracking system
 CG4VolantEvaporation and fission output data
 CGammaKnifeActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGB01ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGB02ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGB03BOptrGeometryBasedBiasingBiasing operator class
 CGB04ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGB05ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGB06ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CGIDI_settings_flux_orderThis class stores the flux for one Legendre order (see class GIDI_settings_flux)
 CHadrontherapyAnalysisFileMessengerA messenger object of this class is created by the AnalysisManager
 CHadrontherapyAnalysisManagerA class for connecting the simulation to an analysis package
 CHadrontherapyGeometryControllerController for geometry selection
 CHepMCG4InterfaceA base class for primary generation via HepMC object. This class is derived from G4VPrimaryGenerator
 CHepMCG4PythiaInterfaceA generic interface class with Pythia event generator via HepMC
 Cinterpolating_function_pCreate a cubic spline interpolation of a set of (x,y) pairsThis is one of the main reasons for c2_function objects to exist
 CIORTAnalysisFileMessengerA messenger object of this class is created by the AnalysisManager
 CIORTAnalysisManagerA class for connecting the simulation to an analysis package
 CIORTGeometryControllerController for geometry selection
 Clin_log_interpolating_function_pA spline with Y transformed into log space.Most useful for functions looking like y=exp(x)
 Clog_lin_interpolating_function_pA spline with X transformed into log space
 Clog_log_interpolating_function_pA spline with X and Y transformed into log space.Most useful for functions looking like y=x^n or any other function with a huge X and Y dynamic range
 CLXeActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CmatInfoDicom detector construction
 CMoleculeMolecule Class
 COpNoviceActionInitializationAction initialization class
 COpNoviceSteppingActionStepping action class
 CP6DExtDecayerPhysicsThe builder for external decayer
 CPar01ActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CPar02ActionInitializationActions initialization
 CPar02DetectorConstructionConstruction of detector geometry
 CPar02DetectorParametrisationDefinition of detector resolution and efficiency
 CPar02EventActionEvent action (before/after event processing)
 CPar02EventInformationEvent information
 CPar02FastSimModelEMCalShortcut to the ordinary tracking for electromagnetic calorimeters
 CPar02FastSimModelHCalShortcut to the ordinary tracking for hadronic calorimeters
 CPar02FastSimModelTrackerShortcut to the ordinary tracking for tracking detectors
 CPar02OutputHandling the saving to the file
 CPar02PhysicsListConstruction of a physics list
 CPar02PrimaryGeneratorActionConstruction of a primary generation action
 CPar02PrimaryParticleInformationPrimary particle information
 CPar02RunActionRun action (before/after run processing)
 CPar02SmearerSmearing of the particle momentum or energy
 CPar02TrackingActionTracking action (before/after track processing)
 CPDBlibPDBlib Class
 CPhysicsListPhysics list class
 CPrimaryGeneratorActionThe primary generator action class with particle gun
 CPrimaryKillerKill the primary particle:
 CProbabilityBranchProbabilityBranch is a tree hierarchy storage method
 CProbabilityTreeProbabilityTree is the 'root' for each tree hierarchy, and contains pointer to the first ProbabilityBranch, or 'trunk', or each tree
 CPurgMagAnalysisManagerUncomment #include to switch to ROOT or XML output file
 CPydat1_tPYDAT1 common-block
 CPydat3_tPYDAT3 common-block
 CPyjets_tPYJETS common-block
 CPythia6The C++ interface class to Pythia6
 CPythia6ParticleStructure for Pythia6 particle properties
 CRE02DetectorConstructionUer detector construction class
 CRE02EventActionUser event action class
 CRE02NestedPhantomParameterisationA nested parameterisation class for a phantom
 CRE02PrimaryGeneratorActionUser primary particle generator class
 CRE02PSCellFluxCell flux class for a parameterized volume in a three dimentional structure
 CRE02RunUser run class
 CRE02RunActionUser run action class
 CRE04DetectorConstructionUser detector construction class
 CRE04EventActionUser event action class
 CRE04ParallelWorldConstructionA parallel world construction class
 CRE04ParallelWorldParamParameterisation class for volumes in a parallel world
 CRE04PrimaryGeneratorActionUser primary particle generator class
 CRE04SteppingActionUser stepping action class
 CRE04TrackingActionUser tracking action class
 CRE04TrajectoryUser trajectory class
 CRE04TrajectoryPointTrajectory point class
 CRE05SteppingVerboseThis class manages the verbose outputs in G4SteppingManager. It inherits from G4SteppingVerbose. It shows how to extract informations during the tracking of a particle
 Cremove_reference< const T & >
 Cremove_reference< T & >
 CResidueResidue Class
 CRootIORoot IO implementation for the persistency example
 CRunActionRun action class
 CSBPointDefines a point of energy deposition which defines a damage to the DNA
 CScoreSpeciesThis is a primitive scorer class for molecular species
 CStackingActionStacking action class : manage the newly generated particles
 CTrackerHitTracker hit class
 CTrackerSDTracker sensitive detector class
 CTSActionInitializationStandard ActionInitialization class creating a RunAction instance for the master thread and RunAction and PrimaryGeneratorAction instances for the worker threads
 CTSPhysicsListThis is a very, very extensive physics list and step-limiters are applied to many particles. The reasoning behind this is because we wan't to put as much pressure on the atomics as possible and produce as much round-off error as possible. See descriptions in README and TSDetectorConstruction for more details
 CWattSpectrumConstantsWattSpectrumConstants contains constants and other variables for use in sampling the Watt fission spectrum
 CWLSActionInitializationAction initialization class
 CWLSPhysicsListMessengerProvide control of the physics list and cut parameters