Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- O
: ExN04DetectorConstruction
, RE05DetectorConstruction
- o_m_in
: G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc
, G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection
, G4PiNuclearCrossSection
- o_m_t
: G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc
, G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection
, G4PiNuclearCrossSection
- o_p_in
: G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc
, G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection
, G4PiNuclearCrossSection
- o_p_t
: G4PiNuclearCrossSection
- object
: G4FastList< OBJECT >
, G4GenericMessenger::Method
, G4GenericMessenger
- ObjectW
: G4FastListNode< OBJECT >
- ObtainFinalStep()
: G4ITMultiNavigator
, G4MultiNavigator
- ObtainSafety()
: G4ITPathFinder
, G4PathFinder
- occupancyData
: G4RDShellData
, G4ShellData
- occupancyPdfMap
: G4RDShellData
, G4ShellData
- offset
: G4GeomSplitter< T >
, G4PDefSplitter< T >
, G4TemplateRNGHelper< T >
, G4VUPLSplitter< T >
- offsetFromCenter
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer
- OffsetZ()
: G4VDivisionParameterisation
- oFile
: G4INCL::AvatarDumpAction
- ofs
: HadrontherapyDetectorSD
, HadrontherapyLet
, HadrontherapyMatrix
, IORTDetectorSD
, IORTMatrix
- OhmicNegMaterial
: XrayFluoDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoPlaneDetectorConstruction
- OhmicNegThickness
: XrayFluoDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoPlaneDetectorConstruction
- OhmicPosMaterial
: XrayFluoDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoPlaneDetectorConstruction
- OhmicPosThickness
: XrayFluoDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
, XrayFluoPlaneDetectorConstruction
- OhmicPosThicknessCmd
: XrayFluoDetectorMessenger
- ok
: CompileTimeConstraints::IsA< A, B >
, TG4GenericPhysicsList< T >
, TINCLXXPhysicsListHelper< T, withNeutronHP, withFTFP >
, TLBE< T >
, TNuBeam< T >
, TShielding< T >
, TUrQMD< T >
- okay()
: G4CascadeCheckBalance
- oldIndex
: G4EnergyLossTables
- OldMomentum
: G4OpBoundaryProcess
- OldPolarization
: G4OpBoundaryProcess
- oldTotalEnergy
: G4INCL::InteractionAvatar
- oldXSec
: G4INCL::InteractionAvatar
- om
: G4RPGInelastic
- omega
: G4ParticleTypeConverter
- OmegabMinus()
: G4OmegabMinus
- OmegabMinusDefinition()
: G4OmegabMinus
- omegac
: G4EqEMFieldWithEDM
, G4EqEMFieldWithSpin
, G4Mag_SpinEqRhs
, G4RepleteEofM
- OmegacZero()
: G4OmegacZero
- OmegacZeroDefinition()
: G4OmegacZero
- OmegaMinus()
: G4OmegaMinus
- OmegaMinusDefinition()
: G4OmegaMinus
- OmegaMinusExchange()
: G4LightMedia
- omittable
: G4UIparameter
- on_shell
: G4CollisionOutput
- one()
: c2_transformation< float_type >
- one_minus_ratio_2
: G4AdjointhIonisationModel
, G4AdjointIonIonisationModel
- one_plus_ratio_2
: G4AdjointhIonisationModel
, G4AdjointIonIonisationModel
- OneBodyDecayIt()
: G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay
, G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel
- OneBoundaryXTRNdensity()
: G4VXTRenergyLoss
- OneGoodStep()
: G4MagInt_Driver
- OneInterfaceXTRdEdx()
: G4VXTRenergyLoss
- oneOverE
: G4CascadeFinalStateAlgorithm
- oneOverNbins
: G4MTRandGeneral
- OneProcessCount()
: OneProcessCount
- onethird
: G4Pow
- onFlightDB
: G4NeutronHPCaptureData
, G4NeutronHPElasticData
, G4NeutronHPFissionData
, G4NeutronHPInelasticData
, G4ParticleHPCaptureData
, G4ParticleHPElasticData
, G4ParticleHPInelasticData
- OnlyBeamParticleCanTriggerStudiedProcess()
: CexmcPhysicsManager
- onlyBeamParticleCanTriggerStudiedProcess
: CexmcPhysicsManager
- OnlyCountDamages()
: G4DNADamages
- onlyCS
: G4ChipsAntiBaryonElasticXS
, G4ChipsHyperonElasticXS
, G4ChipsKaonMinusElasticXS
, G4ChipsKaonPlusElasticXS
, G4ChipsNeutronElasticXS
, G4ChipsPionMinusElasticXS
, G4ChipsPionPlusElasticXS
, G4ChipsProtonElasticXS
- OnlyFromFactory()
: G4WarnPLStatus
- OnTheBoundaryButExiting()
: G4FastTrack
- open
- Open()
: G4FRofstream
- open()
: G4HepRepFileXMLWriter
, G4HepRepSceneHandler
- Open()
: G4INCLXXVInterfaceTally
, G4ofstreamDestinationBase
- open
: HepMCG4AsciiReaderMessenger
- OpenFile()
: G4CsvFileManager
- openFile()
: G4HepRepSceneHandler
- OpenFile()
: G4LatticeReader
, G4RootFileManager
, G4VAnalysisManager
, G4VFileManager
, G4XmlFileManager
, GammaRayTelRunAction
- openFileDialog
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer
- OpenFileImpl()
: G4CsvAnalysisManager
, G4RootAnalysisManager
, G4VAnalysisManager
, G4XmlAnalysisManager
- OpenGeometry()
: G4GeometryManager
- openHepRep()
: G4HepRepSceneHandler
- Opening_angle
: G4PolyconeHistorical
, G4PolyhedraHistorical
- OpenNewFile()
: G4tgrFileIn
- OpenReactionWhiteBoard()
: G4NeutronHPManager
, G4NeutronHPThreadLocalManager
, G4ParticleHPManager
- OpenRFile()
: G4CsvRFileManager
, G4RootRFileManager
, G4XmlRFileManager
- openViewPtFileCB()
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer
- OperationApplied()
: G4BOptrForceCollision
, G4VBiasingOperator
, GB01BOptrChangeCrossSection
, GB01BOptrMultiParticleChangeCrossSection
, GB02BOptrMultiParticleForceCollision
- operator bool()
: G4AnyType
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
- operator c2_class< float_type > &()
: c2_typed_ptr< float_type, c2_class >
- operator const c2_function< float_type > &()
: c2_const_ptr< float_type >
- operator const char *()
: G4String
- operator const int &()
: G4FakeParticleID
, G4ITType
- operator delete()
: B2TrackerHit
, B4cCalorHit
, B5DriftChamberHit
, B5EmCalorimeterHit
, B5HadCalorimeterHit
, B5HodoscopeHit
, CexmcEnergyDepositStore
, CexmcTrackPointInfo
, CexmcTrackPointsStore
, DMXPmtHit
, DMXScintHit
, Em10CalorHit
, eRositaTrackerHit
, ExExChSensitiveDetectorHit
, ExGflashHit
, ExN02TrackerHit
, ExN04CalorimeterHit
, ExN04MuonHit
, ExN04TrackerHit
, ExP01TrackerHit
, ExTGTrackerHit
, F01CalorHit
, F02CalorHit
, F03CalorHit
, F04Trajectory
, F04TrajectoryPoint
, FCALCalorHit
, G4CountedObject< X >
, G4DCofThisEvent
, G4DynamicParticle
, G4ElectronOccupancy
, G4Event
, G4Fragment
, G4HCofThisEvent
, G4HEPEvtParticle
, G4HumanPhantomHit
, G4IT
, G4KDNode< PointT >
, G4KDTree
, G4Molecule
, G4NavigationHistory
, G4NavigationLevel
, G4NavigationLevelRep
, G4PrimaryParticle
, G4PrimaryVertex
, G4RayTrajectory
, G4RayTrajectoryPoint
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
, G4RichTrajectory
, G4RichTrajectoryPoint
, G4SmoothTrajectory
, G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint
, G4TDigiCollection< T >
, G4THitsCollection< T >
, G4TouchableHistory
, G4Track
, G4Trajectory
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4TrajectoryPoint
, GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceHit
, GammaRayTelCalorimeterHit
, GammaRayTelDigi
, GammaRayTelTrackerHit
, H02MuonHit
, HadrontherapyDetectorHit
, IORTDetectorHit
, LXeScintHit
, LXeTrajectory
, Par01CalorimeterHit
, RE01CalorimeterHit
, RE01TrackerHit
, RE01TrackInformation
, RE01Trajectory
, RE04Trajectory
, RE04TrajectoryPoint
, RE05CalorimeterHit
, RE05MuonHit
, RE05TrackerHit
, RMC01DoubleWithWeightHit
, SensitiveDetectorHit
, UltraOpticalHit
, WLSPhotonDetHit
, WLSTrajectory
, WLSTrajectoryPoint
, XAluminumElectrodeHit
, XrayFluoSensorHit
- operator G4double()
: CexmcTrackPointInfo
- operator G4Fragment()
: G4InuclNuclei
- operator G4String()
: G4BestUnit
- operator G4ThreeVector()
: G4Colour
- operator int &()
: G4FakeParticleID
, G4ITType
- operator new()
: B2TrackerHit
, B4cCalorHit
, B5DriftChamberHit
, B5EmCalorimeterHit
, B5HadCalorimeterHit
, B5HodoscopeHit
, CexmcEnergyDepositStore
, CexmcTrackPointInfo
, CexmcTrackPointsStore
, DMXPmtHit
, DMXScintHit
, Em10CalorHit
, eRositaTrackerHit
, ExExChSensitiveDetectorHit
, ExGflashHit
, ExN02TrackerHit
, ExN04CalorimeterHit
, ExN04MuonHit
, ExN04TrackerHit
, ExP01TrackerHit
, ExTGTrackerHit
, F01CalorHit
, F02CalorHit
, F03CalorHit
, F04Trajectory
, F04TrajectoryPoint
, FCALCalorHit
, G4CountedObject< X >
, G4DCofThisEvent
, G4DynamicParticle
, G4ElectronOccupancy
, G4Event
, G4Fragment
, G4HCofThisEvent
, G4HEPEvtParticle
, G4HumanPhantomHit
, G4IT
, G4KDNode< PointT >
, G4KDTree
, G4Molecule
, G4NavigationHistory
, G4NavigationLevel
, G4NavigationLevelRep
, G4PrimaryParticle
, G4PrimaryVertex
, G4RayTrajectory
, G4RayTrajectoryPoint
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
, G4RichTrajectory
, G4RichTrajectoryPoint
, G4SmoothTrajectory
, G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint
, G4TDigiCollection< T >
, G4THitsCollection< T >
, G4TouchableHistory
, G4Track
, G4Trajectory
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4TrajectoryPoint
, GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceHit
, GammaRayTelCalorimeterHit
, GammaRayTelDigi
, GammaRayTelTrackerHit
, H02MuonHit
, HadrontherapyDetectorHit
, IORTDetectorHit
, LXeScintHit
, LXeTrajectory
, Par01CalorimeterHit
, RE01CalorimeterHit
, RE01TrackerHit
, RE01TrackInformation
, RE01Trajectory
, RE04Trajectory
, RE04TrajectoryPoint
, RE05CalorimeterHit
, RE05MuonHit
, RE05TrackerHit
, RMC01DoubleWithWeightHit
, SensitiveDetectorHit
, UltraOpticalHit
, WLSPhotonDetHit
, WLSTrajectory
, WLSTrajectoryPoint
, XAluminumElectrodeHit
, XrayFluoSensorHit
- operator UVector3()
: UVector2
- operator!()
: G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
, G4SubString
- operator!=()
: CCalDetector
, CCalMaterial
, G3MatTableEntry
, G3MedTableEntry
, G3RotTableEntry
, G4Absorber
, G4AffineTransform
, G4AlphaCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaEvaporationChannel
, G4AlphaEvaporationProbability
, G4AlphaGEMChannel
, G4AlphaGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaGEMProbability
, G4AntiProtonField
, G4B10GEMChannel
, G4B10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B10GEMProbability
, G4B11GEMChannel
, G4B11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B11GEMProbability
, G4B12GEMChannel
, G4B12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B12GEMProbability
, G4B13GEMChannel
, G4B13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B13GEMProbability
, G4B8GEMChannel
, G4B8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B8GEMProbability
, G4B9FermiFragment
, G4BaryonWidth
, G4Be10GEMChannel
, G4Be10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be10GEMProbability
, G4Be11GEMChannel
, G4Be11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be11GEMProbability
, G4Be12GEMChannel
, G4Be12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be12GEMProbability
, G4Be7GEMChannel
, G4Be7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be7GEMProbability
, G4Be8FermiFragment
, G4Be9GEMChannel
, G4Be9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be9GEMProbability
, G4BinaryCascade
, G4C10GEMChannel
, G4C10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C10GEMProbability
, G4C11GEMChannel
, G4C11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C11GEMProbability
, G4C12GEMChannel
, G4C12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C12GEMProbability
, G4C13GEMChannel
, G4C13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C13GEMProbability
, G4C14GEMChannel
, G4C14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C14GEMProbability
, G4C15GEMChannel
, G4C15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C15GEMProbability
, G4C16GEMChannel
, G4C16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C16GEMProbability
, G4CascadeInterface
, G4Clebsch
, G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic
, G4CollisionNN
, G4CollisionNNElastic
, G4CollisionnpElastic
, G4CollisionPN
, G4Colour
, G4CompetitiveFission
, G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance
, G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta
, G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance
, G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter
, G4CoulombBarrier
, G4CrossSectionComposite
, G4CrossSectionPatch
, G4DecayProducts
, G4DecayStrongResonances
, G4DecayTable
, G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel
, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability
, G4DeuteronGEMChannel
, G4DeuteronGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronGEMProbability
, G4DiffractiveExcitation
, G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron
, G4DiffractiveStringBuilder
, G4DimensionedType< T, ConversionErrorPolicy >
, G4DynamicParticle
, G4E1Probability
, G4E1SingleProbability1
, G4ElasticHNScattering
, G4ElectronOccupancy
, G4Element
, G4EnergyRangeManager
, G4Evaporation
, G4EvaporationChannel
, G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationFactory
, G4EvaporationGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter
, G4EvaporationProbability
, G4Event
, G4EventGenerator
, G4ExceptionHandler
, G4ExcitationHandler
, G4ExcitedString
, G4ExcitedStringDecay
, G4ExitonConfiguration
, G4F17GEMChannel
, G4F17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F17GEMProbability
, G4F18GEMChannel
, G4F18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F18GEMProbability
, G4F19GEMChannel
, G4F19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F19GEMProbability
, G4F20GEMChannel
, G4F20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F20GEMProbability
, G4F21GEMChannel
, G4F21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F21GEMProbability
, G4Fancy3DNucleus
, G4FastList< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastStep
, G4FermiBreakUp
, G4FermiConfiguration
, G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay
, G4FieldPropagation
, G4FissionBarrier
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameter
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX
, G4FissionParameters
, G4FissionProbability
, G4Fragment
, G4FragmentingString
, G4FTFAnnihilation
, G4FTFModel
, G4FTFParticipants
, G4GEMChannel
, G4GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4GEMCoulombBarrierHE
, G4GEMProbability
, G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface
, G4GNASHTransitions
, G4HadronicInteraction
, G4He3CoulombBarrier
, G4He3EvaporationChannel
, G4He3EvaporationProbability
, G4He3GEMChannel
, G4He3GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He3GEMProbability
, G4He5FermiFragment
, G4He6GEMChannel
, G4He6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He6GEMProbability
, G4He8GEMChannel
, G4He8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He8GEMProbability
, G4HEPEvtParticle
, G4HETCAlpha
, G4HETCChargedFragment
, G4HETCDeuteron
, G4HETCEmissionFactory
, G4HETCFragment
, G4HETCNeutron
, G4HETCProton
, G4HETCTriton
, G4HIJING_Model
, G4INCLXXInterface
, G4InteractionContent
, G4InuclEvaporation
, G4InuclParticle
, G4IonisParamElm
, G4IonisParamMat
, G4Isotope
, G4IsotopeProperty
, G4IT
, G4ITReactionChange
, G4KaonMinusField
, G4KaonPlusField
, G4KaonZeroField
, G4KineticTrack
, G4LevelManager
, G4LevelReader
, G4Li5FermiFragment
, G4Li6GEMChannel
, G4Li6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li6GEMProbability
, G4Li7GEMChannel
, G4Li7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li7GEMProbability
, G4Li8GEMChannel
, G4Li8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li8GEMProbability
, G4Li9GEMChannel
, G4Li9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li9GEMProbability
, G4LightMedia
, G4LMsdGenerator
, G4LogicalBorderSurface
, G4LogicalSkinSurface
, G4LogicalSurface
, G4LowEIonFragmentation
, G4LundStringFragmentation
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4Material
, G4MaterialCutsCouple
, G4Mg22GEMChannel
, G4Mg22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg22GEMProbability
, G4Mg23GEMChannel
, G4Mg23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg23GEMProbability
, G4Mg24GEMChannel
, G4Mg24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg24GEMProbability
, G4Mg25GEMChannel
, G4Mg25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg25GEMProbability
, G4Mg26GEMChannel
, G4Mg26GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg26GEMProbability
, G4Mg27GEMChannel
, G4Mg27GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg27GEMProbability
, G4Mg28GEMChannel
, G4Mg28GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg28GEMProbability
, G4ModelingParameters
, G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNo
, G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier
, G4Molecule
, G4N12GEMChannel
, G4N12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N12GEMProbability
, G4N13GEMChannel
, G4N13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N13GEMProbability
, G4N14GEMChannel
, G4N14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N14GEMProbability
, G4N15GEMChannel
, G4N15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N15GEMProbability
, G4N16GEMChannel
, G4N16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N16GEMProbability
, G4N17GEMChannel
, G4N17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N17GEMProbability
, G4Na21GEMChannel
, G4Na21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na21GEMProbability
, G4Na22GEMChannel
, G4Na22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na22GEMProbability
, G4Na23GEMChannel
, G4Na23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na23GEMProbability
, G4Na24GEMChannel
, G4Na24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na24GEMProbability
, G4Na25GEMChannel
, G4Na25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na25GEMProbability
, G4Ne18GEMChannel
, G4Ne18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne18GEMProbability
, G4Ne19GEMChannel
, G4Ne19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne19GEMProbability
, G4Ne20GEMChannel
, G4Ne20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne20GEMProbability
, G4Ne21GEMChannel
, G4Ne21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne21GEMProbability
, G4Ne22GEMChannel
, G4Ne22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne22GEMProbability
, G4Ne23GEMChannel
, G4Ne23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne23GEMProbability
, G4Ne24GEMChannel
, G4Ne24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne24GEMProbability
, G4NeutronCoulombBarrier
, G4NeutronEvaporationChannel
, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability
, G4NeutronField
, G4NeutronGEMChannel
, G4NeutronGEMProbability
, G4NuclearLevel
, G4NuclearLevelManager
, G4Nucleon
, G4Nucleus
, G4NucLevel
, G4O14GEMChannel
, G4O14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O14GEMProbability
, G4O15GEMChannel
, G4O15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O15GEMProbability
, G4O16GEMChannel
, G4O16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O16GEMProbability
, G4O17GEMChannel
, G4O17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O17GEMProbability
, G4O18GEMChannel
, G4O18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O18GEMProbability
, G4O19GEMChannel
, G4O19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O19GEMProbability
, G4O20GEMChannel
, G4O20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O20GEMProbability
, G4OpticalSurface
, G4PartialWidthTable
, G4ParticleChange
, G4ParticleChangeForDecay
, G4ParticleDefinition
, G4ParticleGun
, G4ParticlePropertyData
, G4ParticlePropertyTable
, G4Parton
, G4PartonPair
, G4PhotonEvaporation
, G4Physics2DVector
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4PionMinusField
, G4PionPlusField
, G4PionZeroField
, G4PreCompoundAlpha
, G4PreCompoundDeuteron
, G4PreCompoundEmission
, G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4PreCompoundFragment
, G4PreCompoundFragmentVector
, G4PreCompoundHe3
, G4PreCompoundIon
, G4PreCompoundModel
, G4PreCompoundNeutron
, G4PreCompoundNucleon
, G4PreCompoundProton
, G4PreCompoundTransitions
, G4PreCompoundTriton
, G4PrimaryParticle
, G4PrimaryVertex
, G4ProcessAttribute
, G4ProcessManager
, G4ProcessTable
, G4ProcTblElement
, G4ProductionCuts
, G4ProtonCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonEvaporationChannel
, G4ProtonEvaporationProbability
, G4ProtonField
, G4ProtonGEMChannel
, G4ProtonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonGEMProbability
, G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation
, G4QGSMFragmentation
, G4QGSMParameters
, G4QGSParticipants
, G4QuasiElasticChannel
, G4RadioactiveDecayRate
, G4RadioactiveDecayRateVector
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4ResonanceNames
, G4RKFieldIntegrator
, G4RKPropagation
, G4Scene
, G4SensitiveVolumeList
, G4SigmaMinusField
, G4SigmaPlusField
, G4SigmaZeroField
, G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation
, G4SmartTrackStack
, G4SoftStringBuilder
, G4Solver< Function >
, G4StableFermiFragment
, G4StackManager
, G4StateManager
, G4StatMF
, G4StatMFChannel
, G4StatMFFragment
, G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroCanonical
, G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential
, G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity
, G4StatMFMacroNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTemperature
, G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon
, G4StatMFMicroCanonical
, G4StatMFMicroManager
, G4StatMFMicroPartition
, G4String
, G4StringModel
, G4SubString
, G4TheoFSGenerator
, G4TrackStack
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4TritonCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonEvaporationChannel
, G4TritonEvaporationProbability
, G4TritonGEMChannel
, G4TritonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonGEMProbability
, G4TypeKey
, G4UIaliasList
, G4UIcommand
, G4UIcommandTree
, G4UImanager
, G4UIparameter
, G4UnitDefinition
, G4UnitsCategory
, G4UnstableFermiFragment
, G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp
, G4UrQMD1_3Model
, G4V3DNucleus
, G4VAnnihilationCollision
, G4VCollision
, G4VCoulombBarrier
, G4VCrossSectionSource
, G4VDecayChannel
, G4VDigitizerModule
, G4VElasticCollision
, G4VEmissionProbability
, G4VEvaporation
, G4VEvaporationChannel
, G4VEvaporationFactory
, G4VExceptionHandler
, G4VFermiBreakUp
, G4VFermiFragment
, G4VFieldPropagation
, G4VFissionBarrier
, G4VGammaDeexcitation
, G4VGammaTransition
, G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector
, G4VHighEnergyGenerator
, G4ViewParameters
, G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel
, G4VisAttributes
, G4VisExtent
, G4Visible
, G4VITProcess
, G4VKineticNucleon
, G4VLevelDensityParameter
, G4VLongitudinalStringDecay
, G4VMarker
, G4VMultiFragmentation
, G4VNuclearField
, G4VParticipants
, G4VParticleChange
, G4VParticlePropertyReporter
, G4VParticlePropertyRetriever
, G4VPartonStringModel
, G4VPhotonEvaporation
, G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4VPreCompoundFragment
, G4VPreCompoundModel
, G4VPreCompoundTransitions
, G4VProcess
, G4VRangeToEnergyConverter
, G4VReadOutGeometry
, G4VScatteringCollision
, G4VSensitiveDetector
, G4VShortLivedParticle
, G4VSplitableHadron
, G4VStateDependent
, G4VStatMFEnsemble
, G4VStatMFMacroCluster
, G4VStringFragmentation
, G4VXResonance
, G4WrapperProcess
, G4XAnnihilationChannel
, G4XAqmElastic
, G4XAqmTotal
, G4XDeltaDeltastarTable
, G4XDeltaDeltaTable
, G4XDeltaNstarTable
, G4XMesonBaryonElastic
, G4XNDeltastarTable
, G4XNDeltaTable
, G4XNNElastic
, G4XNNElasticLowE
, G4XNNstarTable
, G4XNNTotal
, G4XnpElastic
, G4XnpElasticLowE
, G4XnpTotal
, G4XnpTotalLowE
, G4XPDGElastic
, G4XPDGTotal
, G4XResonance
, UVector2
, UVector3
- operator()()
: __1DSortOut::sortOutNDim
, c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_function< float_type >
, CLHEP::detail::do_right_shift< n, false >
, CLHEP::detail::esft2_deleter_wrapper
, comparator
, CompareMaterial
, compDoubleWithPrecision
, compMoleculeP
, CompMoleculePointer
, Delete< T >
, DeleteCollisionInitialState
, DeleteDynamicParticle
, DeleteKineticTrack
, DeleteLevel
, DeleteParton
, DeleteReactionProduct
, DeleteString
, DeleteVSplitableHadron
, eOccComp
, G4AnyMethod::FuncRef1< S, T, A0 >
, G4AnyMethod::FuncRef2< S, T, A0, A1 >
, G4AnyMethod::FuncRef< S, T >
, G4AnyMethod
, G4AnyMethod::Placeholder
, G4CollisionComposite::Register
, G4CollisionComposite::Resolve
, G4CrossSectionSourcePtr
, G4Delete
, G4DimensionedType< T, ConversionErrorPolicy >
, G4DimensionedTypeUtils::HasName
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4GDMLWriteSolids::G4ThreeVectorCompare
, G4GeometryCellComp
, G4INCL::IFunction1D
, G4INCL::INCL::RecoilCMFunctor
, G4INCL::INCL::RecoilFunctor
, G4INCL::InteractionAvatar::ViolationEEnergyFunctor
, G4INCL::InteractionAvatar::ViolationEMomentumFunctor
, G4INCL::InterpolationTable
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::Gaussian
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::GaussianRP
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::HardSphere
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::ModifiedHarmonicOscillator
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::ModifiedHarmonicOscillatorRP
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::ParisP
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::ParisR
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::WoodsSaxon
, G4INCL::NuclearDensityFunctions::WoodsSaxonRP
, G4INCL::Random::Adapter
, G4MoleculeHandleManager::CompMoleculePointer
, G4MoleculeIterator< MOLECULE >
, G4MTHepRandom
, G4MTRandExponential
, G4MTRandFlat
, G4MTRandGamma
, G4MTRandGauss
, G4MTRandGaussQ
, G4MTRandGeneral
, G4ParticleLargerBeta
, G4ParticleLargerEkin
, G4ParticleTableIterator< K, V >
, G4PenelopeOscillatorResEnergyComparator
, G4PhysicsTable
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4PiData::Delete
, G4ProcessVector
, G4QGSParticipants::DeleteInteractionContent
, G4QGSParticipants::DeletePartonPair
, G4QGSParticipants::DeleteSplitableHadron
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
, G4Scatterer::Register
, G4SmartVoxelStat::ByCpu
, G4SmartVoxelStat::ByMemory
, G4SPBaryonTable::DeleteSPBaryon
, G4StatMFChannel::DeleteFragment
, G4StatMFMacroCanonical::DeleteFragment
, G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential
, G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity
, G4StatMFMacroTemperature
, G4StatMFMicroCanonical::DeleteFragment
, G4StatMFMicroCanonical::SumProbabilities
, G4StatMFMicroManager::DeleteFragment
, G4String
, G4SubString
, G4SurfaceVoxelizer::G4VoxelComparator
, G4Tokenizer
, G4TypeKey
, G4VertexComparator
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetColourFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetDaughtersInvisibleFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceAuxEdgeVisibleFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceLineSegmentsPerCircleFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceSolidFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceWireframeFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineStyleFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineWidthFunction
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibilityFunction
, G4VisCommandSceneAddArrow2D::Arrow2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddDate::Date
, G4VisCommandSceneAddEventID::EventID
, G4VisCommandSceneAddExtent::Extent
, G4VisCommandSceneAddFrame::Frame
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLine2D::Line2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLine::Line
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo2D::Logo2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo::G4Logo
, G4VisCommandSceneAddText2D::G4Text2D
, G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory::DeleteFragment
, G4VUserVisAction
, G4VVisCommandGeometrySetFunction
, ReactionProduct4Mom
, SelectFromKTV
, SumCoulombEnergy
, UUtils::CompareAsc< T >
, UUtils::CompareDesc< T >
, UVector2
, UVertexComparator
, UVoxelComparator
- operator*()
: c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_function< float_type >
, G4AffineTransform
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4SortHelperPtr< A >
, UVector2
- operator*=()
: G4AffineTransform
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, UTransform3D
, UVector2
, UVector3
- operator+()
: AClass
, c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_function< float_type >
, DicomPhantomZSliceHeader
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4FakeParticleID
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, G4ITType
, G4NeutronHPVector
, G4ParticleHPVector
, G4ReactionProduct
, GMocrenDataPrimitive< T >
, UVector2
- operator++()
: G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4ITType
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4MoleculeIterator< MOLECULE >
, G4ParticleTableIterator< K, V >
- operator+=()
: AClass
, DicomPhantomZSliceHeader
, G4AffineTransform
, G4Colour
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, G4String
, G4TessellatedSolid
, G4THitsMap< T >
, GMocrenDataPrimitive< T >
, UTessellatedSolid
, UVector2
, UVector3
- operator-()
: c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_function< float_type >
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4FakeParticleID
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, G4ITType
, G4MemStat::MemStat
, G4ReactionProduct
, UVector2
, UVector3
- operator--()
: G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
- operator-=()
: G4AffineTransform
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, UVector2
, UVector3
- operator->()
: c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_ptr< float_type >
, c2_typed_ptr< float_type, c2_class >
, G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
- operator/()
: c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_function< float_type >
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, UVector2
- operator/=()
: G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4INCL::ThreeVector
, UVector3
- operator<()
: exrdmEnergyDeposition
, G4CollisionInitialState
, G4CrossSectionSourcePtr
, G4DimensionedType< T, ConversionErrorPolicy >
, G4FakeParticleID
, G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper
, G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D
, G4INCL::ClusteringModelIntercomparison::SortedNucleonConfiguration
, G4INCL::InterpolationNode
, G4InteractionContent
, G4IT
, G4ITType
, G4Molecule
, G4NuclearLevel
, G4NucLevel
, G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer::elementForSorting
, G4PenelopeOscillator
, G4PhysicalVolumeModel::G4PhysicalVolumeNodeID
, G4SortHelperPtr< A >
, G4TypeKey
, G4VDecayChannel
, ion
, ionLet
, ResNode
, UVector2
- operator<<
: CCalAMaterial
, CCalDetector
, CCalG4Able
, CCalG4Hit
, CCalHit
, CCalMaterial
, G4AttCheck
, G4BestUnit
, G4Colour
, G4CrossSectionFactoryRegistry
, G4DataVector
, G4Element
, G4ErrorFreeTrajParam
, G4ErrorFreeTrajState
, G4ErrorSurfaceTrajParam
, G4ErrorSurfaceTrajState
, G4ErrorTrajState
, G4FieldTrack
, G4Fragment
, G4INCL::Random::SeedVector
, G4Isotope
, G4ITMultiNavigator
, G4ITNavigator1
, G4ITNavigator2::G4NavigatorState
, G4ITNavigator2
, G4Material
, G4MemStat::MemStat
, G4ModelingParameters
, G4MPIScorerMerger
, G4MultiNavigator
, G4NavigationHistory
, G4Navigator
, G4NucleusLimits
, G4OrderedTable
, G4PhysicsTable
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4Point3DList
, G4Polyline
, G4Polymarker
, G4Scene
, G4SmartVoxelHeader
, G4tgbMaterial
, G4tgbMaterialSimple
, G4tgrElementFromIsotopes
, G4tgrElementSimple
, G4tgrIsotope
, G4tgrMaterialMixture
, G4tgrMaterialSimple
, G4tgrPlaceDivRep
, G4tgrPlaceParameterisation
, G4tgrPlaceSimple
, G4tgrRotationMatrix
, G4tgrSolid
, G4tgrSolidBoolean
, G4tgrVolume
, G4tgrVolumeAssembly
, G4tgrVolumeDivision
, G4TypeKey
, G4VGlauberDataSet
, G4ViewParameters
, G4VisAttributes
, G4VisExtent
, G4Visible
, G4VisManager
, G4VMarker
, G4VModel
, G4VPreCompoundFragment
, G4VSceneHandler
, G4VSolid
, G4VViewer
, UVector2
- operator<=()
: exrdmEnergyDeposition
, G4INCL::InterpolationNode
, UVector2
- operator=()
: AnalysisManager
, B2TrackerHit
, B4cCalorHit
, B5DriftChamberHit
, B5EmCalorimeterHit
, B5HadCalorimeterHit
, B5HodoscopeHit
, c2_const_ptr< float_type >
, c2_ptr< float_type >
, c2_typed_ptr< float_type, c2_class >
, CCalAMaterial
, CCalG4Hit
, CCalHit
, CCalMaterial
, CCalSDList
, CheckVolumeSD
, CLHEP::enable_shared_from_this2< T >
, CLHEP::enable_shared_from_this< T >
, DetectorConstruction
, DMXMaxTimeCuts
, DMXMinEkineCuts
, DMXPmtHit
, DMXScintHit
, DMXSpecialCuts
, Em10CalorHit
, Em10StepCut
, EmAcceptance
, eRositaTrackerHit
, EventAction
, ExExChHadronElasticPhysics
, ExExChProcessChanneling
, ExExChSensitiveDetectorHit
, ExGflashHit
, ExN02TrackerHit
, ExN04CalorimeterHit
, ExN04MuonHit
, ExN04TrackerHit
, ExP01TrackerHit
, exrdmPhysicsList
, ExTGTrackerHit
, F01CalorHit
, F01StepCut
, F02CalorHit
, F02StepCut
, F03CalorHit
, F03StepCut
, F04ElementField
, F04GlobalField
, F04StepMax
, FCALCalorHit
, G3MatTableEntry
, G3MedTableEntry
, G3RotTableEntry
, G4Abla
, G4Absorber
, G4AdjointAlongStepWeightCorrection
, G4AdjointPrimaryGenerator
, G4AdjointPrimaryGeneratorAction
, G4AllocatorPool
, G4AlphaCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaEvaporationChannel
, G4AlphaEvaporationProbability
, G4AlphaGEMChannel
, G4AlphaGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaGEMProbability
, G4alphaIonisation
, G4AnalysisManagerState
, G4AngleDirect
, G4AnnihiToMuPair
, G4AntiNeutronAnnihilationAtRest
, G4AntiNuclElastic
, G4AntiProtonAbsorptionFritiof
, G4AntiProtonField
, G4AntiSigmaPlusAbsorptionFritiof
, G4AnyMethod
, G4AnyType
, G4ArrowModel
, G4AssemblyTriplet
, G4ASTARStopping
, G4AtomicTransitionManager
, G4AttHolder
, G4AxesModel
, G4B10GEMChannel
, G4B10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B10GEMProbability
, G4B11GEMChannel
, G4B11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B11GEMProbability
, G4B12GEMChannel
, G4B12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B12GEMProbability
, G4B13GEMChannel
, G4B13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B13GEMProbability
, G4B8GEMChannel
, G4B8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B8GEMProbability
, G4B9FermiFragment
, G4BaryonPartialWidth
, G4BaryonWidth
, G4Be10GEMChannel
, G4Be10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be10GEMProbability
, G4Be11GEMChannel
, G4Be11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be11GEMProbability
, G4Be12GEMChannel
, G4Be12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be12GEMProbability
, G4Be7GEMChannel
, G4Be7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be7GEMProbability
, G4Be8FermiFragment
, G4Be9GEMChannel
, G4Be9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be9GEMProbability
, G4BetheBlochIonGasModel
, G4BetheBlochModel
, G4BetheBlochNoDeltaModel
, G4BetheHeitlerModel
, G4BGGNucleonElasticXS
, G4BGGNucleonInelasticXS
, G4BGGPionElasticXS
, G4BGGPionInelasticXS
, G4BigBanger
, G4BinaryCascade
, G4BohrFluctuations
, G4BoldyshevTripletModel
, G4BooleanSolid
, G4Box
, G4BraggIonGasModel
, G4BraggIonModel
, G4BraggModel
, G4BraggNoDeltaModel
, G4BremsstrahlungCrossSectionHandler
, G4BremsstrahlungParameters
, G4C10GEMChannel
, G4C10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C10GEMProbability
, G4C11GEMChannel
, G4C11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C11GEMProbability
, G4C12GEMChannel
, G4C12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C12GEMProbability
, G4C13GEMChannel
, G4C13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C13GEMProbability
, G4C14GEMChannel
, G4C14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C14GEMProbability
, G4C15GEMChannel
, G4C15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C15GEMProbability
, G4C16GEMChannel
, G4C16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C16GEMProbability
, G4Cache< VALTYPE >
, G4CachedMagneticField
, G4CallbackModel< F >
, G4CascadeCheckBalance
, G4CascadeColliderBase
, G4CascadeDeexcitation
, G4CascadeDeexciteBase
, G4CascadeHistory
, G4CascadeInterface
, G4CascadeRecoilMaker
, G4CascadParticle
, G4CashKarpRKF45
, G4Cerenkov
, G4ChargeState
, G4ChebyshevApproximation
, G4ChipsComponentXS
, G4ChordFinder
, G4ClassicalRK4
, G4Clebsch
, G4CollisionComposite
, G4CollisionInitialState
, G4CollisionManager
, G4CollisionMesonBaryon
, G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic
, G4CollisionMesonBaryonToResonance
, G4CollisionNN
, G4CollisionNNElastic
, G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1600
, G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1620
, G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta1700
, G4CollisionNNToDeltaDelta
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1620
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1700
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1900
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1905
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1910
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1920
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1930
, G4CollisionNNToNDelta1950
, G4CollisionNNToNDeltastar
, G4CollisionNNToNNstar
, G4CollisionnpElastic
, G4CollisionNStarNToNN
, G4CollisionOutput
, G4CollisionPN
, G4CompetitiveFission
, G4ComponentSAIDTotalXS
, G4CompositeDataSet
, G4CompositeEMDataSet
, G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance
, G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta
, G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDeltastar
, G4ConcreteNNToDeltaNstar
, G4ConcreteNNToNDelta
, G4ConcreteNNToNDeltaStar
, G4ConcreteNNToNNStar
, G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance
, G4ConcreteNStarNToNN
, G4Cons
, G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter
, G4ConstRK4
, G4ContinuousGainOfEnergy
, G4CoulombBarrier
, G4CoulombScattering
, G4CrossSectionComposite
, G4CrossSectionDataSet
, G4CrossSectionDataStore
, G4CrossSectionElastic
, G4CrossSectionFactoryRegistry
, G4CrossSectionHandler
, G4CrossSectionInelastic
, G4CrossSectionPairGG
, G4CrossSectionPatch
, G4CrossSectionSourcePtr
, G4CSGSolid
, G4CsvRNtupleDescription
, G4CutTubs
, G4DalitzDecayChannel
, G4DataInterpolation
, G4DataSet
, G4DCofThisEvent
, G4Decay
, G4DecayProducts
, G4DecayTable
, G4DecayTableMessenger
, G4DeltaAngle
, G4DeltaAngleFreeScat
, G4DensityEffectData
, G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel
, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability
, G4DeuteronGEMChannel
, G4DeuteronGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronGEMProbability
, G4DiffElasticRatio
, G4DiffractiveExcitation
, G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron
, G4DigiManager
, G4DipBustGenerator
, G4DisplacedSolid
, G4DNABornAngle
, G4DNABornExcitationModel
, G4DNABornIonisationModel
, G4DNABrownianTransportation
, G4DNAChampionElasticModel
, G4DNACrossSectionDataSet
, G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel
, G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel
, G4DNAGenericIonsManager
, G4DNAMeltonAttachmentModel
, G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationModel
, G4DNAMolecularDissociation
, G4DNAMolecularMaterial
, G4DNAMolecularReaction
, G4DNAMolecularStepByStepModel
, G4DNAMoleculeEncounterStepper
, G4DNAOneStepSolvatationModel
, G4DNARuddAngle
, G4DNARuddIonisationExtendedModel
, G4DNARuddIonisationModel
, G4DNASancheExcitationModel
, G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel
, G4DNASecondOrderReaction
, G4DNASmoluchowskiReactionModel
, G4DNATransformElectronModel
, G4DopplerProfile
, G4DPMJET2_5CrossSectionParamSet
, G4DPMJET2_5Model
, G4DrawVoxels
, G4DummyModel
, G4DynamicParticle
, G4E1Probability
, G4E1SingleProbability1
, G4eBremParametrizedModel
, G4eBremsstrahlung
, G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel
, G4eBremsstrahlungSpectrum
, G4eCoulombScatteringModel
, G4ecpssrBaseKxsModel
, G4ecpssrBaseLixsModel
, G4ecpssrFormFactorKxsModel
, G4ecpssrFormFactorLixsModel
, G4ecpssrFormFactorMixsModel
, G4eCrossSectionHandler
, G4ee2KChargedModel
, G4ee2KNeutralModel
, G4eeCrossSections
, G4eeTo3PiModel
, G4eeToHadrons
, G4eeToHadronsModel
, G4eeToHadronsMultiModel
, G4eeToPGammaModel
, G4eeToTwoGammaModel
, G4eeToTwoPiModel
, G4eIonisation
, G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler
, G4eIonisationParameters
, G4eIonisationSpectrum
, G4ElasticData
, G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE
, G4ElasticHNScattering
, G4ElectricField
, G4ElectroMagneticField
, G4ElectronCapture
, G4ElectronIonPair
, G4ElectronOccupancy
, G4Element
, G4ElementaryParticleCollider
, G4ElementData
, G4ElementSelector
, G4Ellipsoid
, G4EllipticalCone
, G4EllipticalTube
, G4eLowEnergyLoss
, G4EmBiasingManager
, G4EmCalculator
, G4EmCaptureCascade
, G4EmConfigurator
, G4EmCorrections
, G4EMDataSet
, G4EMDissociation
, G4EmElementSelector
, G4EmModelManager
, G4EmMultiModel
, G4empCrossSection
, G4EmProcessOptions
, G4EmSaturation
, G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator
, G4EnergyRangeManager
, G4ePolarizedIonisation
, G4EquilibriumEvaporator
, G4ErrorEnergyLoss
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel
, G4ESTARStopping
, G4Evaporation
, G4EvaporationChannel
, G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationFactory
, G4EvaporationGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationInuclCollider
, G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter
, G4EvaporationProbability
, G4Event
, G4EventGenerator
, G4EventManager
, G4ExactHelixStepper
, G4ExceptionHandler
, G4ExcitationHandler
, G4ExcitedString
, G4ExcitedStringDecay
, G4ExtrudedSolid
, G4F17GEMChannel
, G4F17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F17GEMProbability
, G4F18GEMChannel
, G4F18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F18GEMProbability
, G4F19GEMChannel
, G4F19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F19GEMProbability
, G4F20GEMChannel
, G4F20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F20GEMProbability
, G4F21GEMChannel
, G4F21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F21GEMProbability
, G4FakeParticleID
, G4Fancy3DNucleus
, G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper
, G4FastList< OBJECT >
, G4FastStep
, G4FermiBreakUp
, G4FermiConfiguration
, G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay
, G4Field
, G4FieldManager
, G4FieldPropagation
, G4FieldTrack
, G4FissionBarrier
, G4Fissioner
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameter
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX
, G4FissionParameters
, G4FissionProbability
, G4FluoData
, G4ForwardXrayTR
, G4Fragment
, G4FragmentingString
, G4FTFAnnihilation
, G4FTFBuilder
, G4FTFModel
, G4FTFParticipants
, G4FullGlaubAADataSet
, G4GammaConversionToMuons
, G4GaussChebyshevQ
, G4GaussHermiteQ
, G4GaussJacobiQ
, G4GaussLaguerreQ
, G4GaussLegendreQ
, G4GDMLMatrix
, G4GEMChannel
, G4GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4GEMCoulombBarrierHE
, G4GEMProbability
, G4Generator2BN
, G4Generator2BS
, G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface
, G4GenericBiasingPhysics
, G4GenericPolycone
, G4GenericTrap
, G4GeometryCell
, G4GeometrySampler
, G4GHEKinematicsVector
, G4GlaubAADataSet
, G4GMocrenFileCTtoDensityMap
, G4GNASHTransitions
, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel
, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable
, G4GRSSolid
, G4GRSVolume
, G4HadProjectile
, G4HadronDElasticPhysics
, G4HadronElasticPhysics
, G4HadronElasticPhysicsHP
, G4HadronElasticPhysicsLEND
, G4HadronElasticPhysicsXS
, G4HadronElasticProcess
, G4HadronHElasticPhysics
, G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini
, G4HadronicAbsorptionFritiof
, G4HadronicInteraction
, G4HadronicProcess
, G4HadronInelasticQBBC
, G4HadronStoppingProcess
, G4hBremsstrahlung
, G4hBremsstrahlungModel
, G4HCofThisEvent
, G4hCoulombScatteringModel
, G4He3CoulombBarrier
, G4He3EvaporationChannel
, G4He3EvaporationProbability
, G4He3GEMChannel
, G4He3GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He3GEMProbability
, G4He5FermiFragment
, G4He6GEMChannel
, G4He6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He6GEMProbability
, G4He8GEMChannel
, G4He8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He8GEMProbability
, G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton
, G4HEPEvtParticle
, G4HepRepSceneHandler
, G4HETCAlpha
, G4HETCChargedFragment
, G4HETCDeuteron
, G4HETCEmissionFactory
, G4HETCFragment
, G4HETCNeutron
, G4HETCProton
, G4HETCTriton
, G4hhIonisation
, G4hImpactIonisation
, G4hIonisation
, G4HnDimensionInformation
, G4hNuclearStoppingModel
, G4hPairProduction
, G4hPairProductionModel
, G4hParametrisedLossModel
, G4hRDEnergyLoss
, G4HumanPhantomHit
, G4Hype
, G4ICRU49NuclearStoppingModel
, G4ICRU73NoDeltaModel
, G4ICRU73QOModel
, G4IDataSet
, G4IInterpolator
, G4ImportanceBiasing
, G4ImportanceConfigurator
, G4ImportanceProcess
, G4INCL::Cluster
, G4INCL::ClusteringModelIntercomparison::SortedNucleonConfiguration
, G4INCL::NuclearDensity
, G4INCL::Nucleus
, G4INCL::Particle
, G4INCL::PauliStrictStandard
, G4INCL::PhaseSpaceRauboldLynch
, G4INCL::Store
, G4INCLXXInterface
, G4InitXscPAI
, G4InteractionContent
, G4InterpolationManager
, G4IntersectionSolid
, G4IntraNucleiCascader
, G4InuclCollider
, G4InuclElementaryParticle
, G4InuclEvaporation
, G4InuclNuclei
, G4InuclParticle
, G4InuclSpecialFunctions::paraMaker
, G4IonCoulombCrossSection
, G4IonCoulombScatteringModel
, G4IonDEDXHandler
, G4ionEffectiveCharge
, G4IonElasticPhysics
, G4IonFluctuations
, G4ionIonisation
, G4IonisParamElm
, G4IonisParamMat
, G4IonParametrisedLossModel
, G4IonProtonCrossSection
, G4IonTable
, G4IsoResult
, G4Isotope
, G4IsotopeMagneticMomentTable
, G4IsotopeProperty
, G4IT
, G4ITBox
, G4ITModelHandler
, G4ITModelManager
, G4ITModelProcessor
, G4ITNavigator1
, G4ITNavigator2::G4NavigatorState
, G4ITNavigator2
, G4ITReactionChange
, G4ITReactionTable
, G4ITStepProcessor::G4ITStepProcessorState
, G4ITStepProcessor
, G4ITTransportation
, G4ITType
, G4KaonMinusAbsorptionBertini
, G4KaonMinusField
, G4KaonPlusField
, G4KaonZeroField
, G4KDNode< PointT >
, G4KDNode_Base
, G4KDTree::HyperRect
, G4KineticTrack
, G4KL3DecayChannel
, G4KleinNishinaCompton
, G4KleinNishinaModel
, G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS
, G4LENDManager
, G4LevelManager
, G4LevelReader
, G4Li5FermiFragment
, G4Li6GEMChannel
, G4Li6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li6GEMProbability
, G4Li7GEMChannel
, G4Li7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li7GEMProbability
, G4Li8GEMChannel
, G4Li8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li8GEMProbability
, G4Li9GEMChannel
, G4Li9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li9GEMProbability
, G4LightMedia
, G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel
, G4LivermoreComptonModel
, G4LivermoreComptonModifiedModel
, G4LivermoreGammaConversionModel
, G4LivermoreGammaConversionModelRC
, G4LivermoreIonisationCrossSection
, G4LivermoreIonisationModel
, G4LivermoreNuclearGammaConversionModel
, G4LivermorePhotoElectricModel
, G4LivermorePolarizedComptonModel
, G4LivermorePolarizedGammaConversionModel
, G4LivermorePolarizedPhotoElectricModel
, G4LivermorePolarizedRayleighModel
, G4LivermoreRayleighModel
, G4LMsdGenerator
, G4LogicalBorderSurface
, G4LogicalSkinSurface
, G4LogicalSurface
, G4LogicalVolume
, G4LossTableBuilder
, G4LossTableManager
, G4LowEIonFragmentation
, G4LowEnergyBremsstrahlung
, G4LowEnergyCompton
, G4LowEnergyGammaConversion
, G4LowEnergyIonisation
, G4LowEnergyPhotoElectric
, G4LowEnergyPolarizedCompton
, G4LowEnergyRayleigh
, G4LowEPComptonModel
, G4LowEWentzelVIModel
, G4LundStringFragmentation
, G4MagErrorStepper
, G4MagHelicalStepper
, G4MagInt_Driver
, G4MagIntegratorStepper
, G4MagneticField
, G4MagneticFieldModel
, G4Material
, G4MaterialCutsCouple
, G4MaxTimeCuts
, G4MCTEvent
, G4MCTGenEvent
, G4MCTSimEvent
, G4MCTSimParticle
, G4MCTSimVertex
, G4MesonAbsorption
, G4Mg22GEMChannel
, G4Mg22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg22GEMProbability
, G4Mg23GEMChannel
, G4Mg23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg23GEMProbability
, G4Mg24GEMChannel
, G4Mg24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg24GEMProbability
, G4Mg25GEMChannel
, G4Mg25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg25GEMProbability
, G4Mg26GEMChannel
, G4Mg26GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg26GEMProbability
, G4Mg27GEMChannel
, G4Mg27GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg27GEMProbability
, G4Mg28GEMChannel
, G4Mg28GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg28GEMProbability
, G4MicroElecCrossSectionDataSet
, G4MicroElecElasticModel
, G4MicroElecInelasticModel
, G4MinEkineCuts
, G4ModifiedTsai
, G4MolecularConfiguration
, G4MolecularDissociationChannel
, G4MolecularDissociationTable
, G4Molecule
, G4MoleculeDefinition
, G4MoleculeIterator< MOLECULE >
, G4MollerBhabhaModel
, G4MonopolePhysics
, G4MottCoefficients
, G4mplIonisation
, G4mplIonisationModel
, G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel
, G4MuBetheBlochModel
, G4MuBremsstrahlung
, G4MuBremsstrahlungModel
, G4MuElecCrossSectionDataSet
, G4MuElecElasticModel
, G4MuElecInelasticModel
, G4MuIonisation
, G4MultiBodyMomentumDist
, G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound
, G4MuMultipleScattering
, G4MuonDecayChannel
, G4MuonDecayChannelWithSpin
, G4MuonMinusBoundDecay
, G4MuonMinusCapture
, G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin
, G4MuPairProduction
, G4MuPairProductionModel
, G4N12GEMChannel
, G4N12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N12GEMProbability
, G4N13GEMChannel
, G4N13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N13GEMProbability
, G4N14GEMChannel
, G4N14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N14GEMProbability
, G4N15GEMChannel
, G4N15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N15GEMProbability
, G4N16GEMChannel
, G4N16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N16GEMProbability
, G4N17GEMChannel
, G4N17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N17GEMProbability
, G4Na21GEMChannel
, G4Na21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na21GEMProbability
, G4Na22GEMChannel
, G4Na22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na22GEMProbability
, G4Na23GEMChannel
, G4Na23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na23GEMProbability
, G4Na24GEMChannel
, G4Na24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na24GEMProbability
, G4Na25GEMChannel
, G4Na25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na25GEMProbability
, G4NavigationHistory
, G4NavigationLevel
, G4NavigationLevelRep
, G4Navigator
, G4Ne18GEMChannel
, G4Ne18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne18GEMProbability
, G4Ne19GEMChannel
, G4Ne19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne19GEMProbability
, G4Ne20GEMChannel
, G4Ne20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne20GEMProbability
, G4Ne21GEMChannel
, G4Ne21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne21GEMProbability
, G4Ne22GEMChannel
, G4Ne22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne22GEMProbability
, G4Ne23GEMChannel
, G4Ne23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne23GEMProbability
, G4Ne24GEMChannel
, G4Ne24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne24GEMProbability
, G4NeutronBetaDecayChannel
, G4NeutronCaptureXS
, G4NeutronCoulombBarrier
, G4NeutronElasticXS
, G4NeutronEvaporationChannel
, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability
, G4NeutronField
, G4NeutronGEMChannel
, G4NeutronGEMProbability
, G4NeutronHPDataPoint
, G4NeutronHPFieldPoint
, G4NeutronHPHash
, G4NeutronHPLegendreTable
, G4NeutronHPVector
, G4NeutronInelasticXS
, G4NeutronKiller
, G4NeutronKillerMessenger
, G4NeutronRadCapture
, G4NonEquilibriumEvaporator
, G4NuclearDecayChannel
, G4NuclearLevel
, G4NuclearLevelManager
, G4NuclearStopping
, G4Nucleon
, G4Nucleus
, G4NucLevel
, G4O14GEMChannel
, G4O14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O14GEMProbability
, G4O15GEMChannel
, G4O15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O15GEMProbability
, G4O16GEMChannel
, G4O16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O16GEMProbability
, G4O17GEMChannel
, G4O17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O17GEMProbability
, G4O18GEMChannel
, G4O18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O18GEMProbability
, G4O19GEMChannel
, G4O19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O19GEMProbability
, G4O20GEMChannel
, G4O20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O20GEMProbability
, G4OpAbsorption
, G4OpBoundaryProcess
, G4OpMieHG
, G4OpRayleigh
, G4OpticalPhysics
, G4OpticalPhysicsMessenger
, G4OpticalSurface
, G4Orb
, G4OrlicLiXsModel
, G4OTubs
, G4PAIModel
, G4PAIModelData
, G4PAIPhotData
, G4PAIPhotModel
, G4PAIPhotonModel
, G4PairProductionRelModel
, G4PAIxSection
, G4Para
, G4Paraboloid
, G4ParallelWorldPhysics
, G4ParamType1GlaubAADataSet
, G4PartialWidthTable
, G4ParticleChange
, G4ParticleChangeForDecay
, G4ParticleChangeForGamma
, G4ParticleChangeForLoss
, G4ParticleChangeForMSC
, G4ParticleChangeForRadDecay
, G4ParticleChangeForTransport
, G4ParticleDefinition
, G4ParticleGun
, G4ParticleHPDataPoint
, G4ParticleHPFieldPoint
, G4ParticleHPHash
, G4ParticleHPLegendreTable
, G4ParticleHPVector
, G4ParticlePropertyData
, G4ParticlePropertyTable
, G4ParticleTable
, G4Parton
, G4PaulKxsModel
, G4PEEffectFluoModel
, G4PenelopeAnnihilationModel
, G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS
, G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel
, G4PenelopeComptonModel
, G4PenelopeCrossSection
, G4PenelopeGammaConversionModel
, G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection
, G4PenelopeIonisationModel
, G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler
, G4PenelopeOscillator
, G4PenelopeOscillatorManager
, G4PenelopePhotoElectricModel
, G4PenelopeRayleighModel
, G4PenelopeSamplingData
, G4PhononDownconversion
, G4PhononReflection
, G4PhononScattering
, G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized
, G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila
, G4PhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple
, G4PhotonEvaporation
, G4PhysicalVolumeModel
, G4Physics2DVector
, G4PhysicsModelCatalog
, G4PhysicsTable
, G4PhysicsTableHelper
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4PiMinusAbsorptionBertini
, G4PionDecayMakeSpin
, G4PionMinusField
, G4PionPlusField
, G4PionRadiativeDecayChannel
, G4PionZeroField
, G4PixeCrossSectionHandler
, G4PixeShellDataSet
, G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel
, G4PolarizedCompton
, G4PolarizedComptonModel
, G4PolarizedGammaConversion
, G4PolarizedMollerBhabhaModel
, G4PolarizedPEEffectModel
, G4Polycone
, G4PolyconeHistorical
, G4PolyconeSide
, G4Polyhedra
, G4PolyhedraHistorical
, G4PolyhedraSide
, G4PolyhedronArbitrary
, G4PolyPhiFace
, G4PreCompoundAlpha
, G4PreCompoundDeexcitation
, G4PreCompoundDeuteron
, G4PreCompoundEmission
, G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4PreCompoundFragment
, G4PreCompoundFragmentVector
, G4PreCompoundHe3
, G4PreCompoundIon
, G4PreCompoundModel
, G4PreCompoundNeutron
, G4PreCompoundNucleon
, G4PreCompoundProton
, G4PreCompoundTransitions
, G4PreCompoundTriton
, G4PrimaryParticle
, G4PrimaryVertex
, G4ProcessAttribute
, G4ProcessManager
, G4ProcessTable
, G4ProcessVector
, G4ProcTblElement
, G4ProductionCuts
, G4PromptPhotonEvaporation
, G4ProtonCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonEvaporationChannel
, G4ProtonEvaporationProbability
, G4ProtonField
, G4ProtonGEMChannel
, G4ProtonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonGEMProbability
, G4PSTARStopping
, G4PVDivision
, G4PVPlacement
, G4PVReplica
, G4Pythia6Decayer
, G4Pythia6DecayerMessenger
, G4QGSBuilder
, G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation
, G4QGSMFragmentation
, G4QGSModel< ParticipantType >
, G4QGSMSplitableHadron
, G4QGSParticipants
, G4QMDReaction
, G4QuadrangularFacet
, G4QuasiElasticChannel
, G4RadioactiveDecay
, G4RadioactiveDecayRate
, G4RadioactiveDecayRateVector
, G4RayleighAngularGenerator
, G4RayTrajectory
, G4RDAtomicTransitionManager
, G4RDBremsstrahlungCrossSectionHandler
, G4RDBremsstrahlungParameters
, G4RDCompositeEMDataSet
, G4RDCrossSectionHandler
, G4RDDopplerProfile
, G4RDeBremsstrahlungSpectrum
, G4RDeIonisationCrossSectionHandler
, G4RDeIonisationParameters
, G4RDeIonisationSpectrum
, G4RDEMDataSet
, G4RDFluoData
, G4RDGenerator2BN
, G4RDGenerator2BS
, G4RDModifiedTsai
, G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorPolarized
, G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSauterGavrila
, G4RDPhotoElectricAngularGeneratorSimple
, G4RDShellData
, G4RDShellEMDataSet
, G4RDVBremAngularDistribution
, G4RDVCrossSectionHandler
, G4RDVDataSetAlgorithm
, G4RDVeLowEnergyLoss
, G4RDVEMDataSet
, G4RDVEnergySpectrum
, G4RDVPhotoElectricAngularDistribution
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4ReduciblePolygon
, G4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
, G4ReflectedSolid
, G4ReflectionFactory
, G4Region
, G4RegionModels
, G4ReplicatedSlice
, G4ResonanceNames
, G4ResonancePartialWidth
, G4ResonanceWidth
, G4RichTrajectory
, G4RichTrajectoryPoint
, G4RIsotopeTable
, G4RKFieldIntegrator
, G4RKPropagation
, G4RootRNtupleDescription
, G4Run
, G4RunManager
, G4SandiaTable
, G4SauterGavrilaAngularDistribution
, G4ScaleModel
, G4Scheduler
, G4Scintillation
, G4ScoringManager
, G4ScreeningMottCrossSection
, G4SDManager
, G4SDParticleWithEnergyFilter
, G4SeltzerBergerModel
, G4SensitiveVolumeList
, G4ShellData
, G4ShellEMDataSet
, G4SigmaMinusAbsorptionBertini
, G4SigmaMinusField
, G4SigmaPlusField
, G4SigmaZeroField
, G4SimpleIntegration
, G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation
, G4SmartTrackStack
, G4SmoothTrajectory
, G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint
, G4Solver< Function >
, G4SpecialCuts
, G4Sphere
, G4StableFermiFragment
, G4StackManager
, G4StateManager
, G4StatMF
, G4StatMFChannel
, G4StatMFFragment
, G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroCanonical
, G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential
, G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity
, G4StatMFMacroNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTemperature
, G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon
, G4StatMFMicroCanonical
, G4StatMFMicroManager
, G4StatMFMicroPartition
, G4Step
, G4StepLimiter
, G4StepLimiterPhysics
, G4StepPoint
, G4String
, G4StringModel
, G4strstreambuf
, G4SubString
, G4SubtractionSolid
, G4SurfBits
, G4SynchrotronRadiation
, G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat
, G4TablesForExtrapolator
, G4TauLeptonicDecayChannel
, G4TemplateAutoLock< M, L, U >
, G4teoCrossSection
, G4TessellatedSolid
, G4Tet
, G4Text
, G4TextModel
, G4tgbMaterialMixture
, G4tgrMaterialMixture
, G4tgrMaterialSimple
, G4TheoFSGenerator
, G4Torus
, G4Track
, G4TrackingInformation
, G4TrackStack
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4TransitionRadiation
, G4Trap
, G4Trd
, G4TriangularFacet
, G4TritonCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonEvaporationChannel
, G4TritonEvaporationProbability
, G4TritonGEMChannel
, G4TritonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonGEMProbability
, G4Tubs
, G4TwistedBox
, G4TwistedTrap
, G4TwistedTrd
, G4TwistedTubs::LastState
, G4TwistedTubs::LastValue
, G4TwistedTubs::LastValueWithDoubleVector
, G4TwistedTubs::LastVector
, G4TwistedTubs
, G4TwoBodyAngularDist
, G4UAtomicDeexcitation
, G4UBox
, G4UCNAbsorption
, G4UCNBoundaryProcess
, G4UCNLoss
, G4UCNMultiScattering
, G4UCons
, G4UExtrudedSolid
, G4UGenericPolycone
, G4UGenericTrap
, G4UImanager
, G4UMultiUnion
, G4UniformElectricField
, G4UniformGravityField
, G4UniformMagField
, G4UnionSolid
, G4UnitDefinition
, G4UnitsCategory
, G4UniversalFluctuation
, G4UnknownDecay
, G4UnstableFermiFragment
, G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp
, G4UOrb
, G4UPolycone
, G4UPolyhedra
, G4UrbanMscModel
, G4UserSpecialCuts
, G4UserTimeStepAction
, G4USolid
, G4USphere
, G4UTet
, G4UTrap
, G4UTrd
, G4UTubs
, G4V3DNucleus
, G4VAtomDeexcitation
, G4VCascadeCollider
, G4VCascadeDeexcitation
, G4VCollision
, G4VComponentCrossSection
, G4VContinuousDiscreteProcess
, G4VContinuousProcess
, G4VCoulombBarrier
, G4VCrossSectionDataSet
, G4VCrossSectionHandler
, G4VCrossSectionRatio
, G4VCrossSectionSource
, G4VCSGfaceted
, G4VDataSetAlgorithm
, G4VDecayChannel
, G4VDiscreteProcess
, G4VDNAReactionModel
, G4VecpssrKModel
, G4VecpssrLiModel
, G4VecpssrMiModel
, G4Vee2hadrons
, G4VEmAngularDistribution
, G4VEMDataSet
, G4VEmFluctuationModel
, G4VEmissionProbability
, G4VEmModel
, G4VEmProcess
, G4VEnergyLossProcess
, G4VEnergySpectrum
, G4VEvaporation
, G4VEvaporationChannel
, G4VEvaporationFactory
, G4VExceptionHandler
, G4VExtDecayer
, G4VFermiBreakUp
, G4VFermiFragment
, G4VFieldPropagation
, G4VFissionBarrier
, G4VGammaDeexcitation
, G4VGammaTransition
, G4VGaussianQuadrature
, G4VGlauberDataSet
, G4VH1Manager
, G4VH2Manager
, G4VH3Manager
, G4VHadronModelBuilder
, G4VHadronPhysics
, G4VhElectronicStoppingPower
, G4VHighEnergyGenerator
, G4VhNuclearStoppingPower
, G4VhShellCrossSection
, G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel
, G4VisAttributes
, G4VisCommandAbortReviewKeptEvents
, G4VisCommandDrawTree
, G4VisCommandDrawView
, G4VisCommandDrawVolume
, G4VisCommandEnable
, G4VisCommandGeometryList
, G4VisCommandGeometryRestore
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetColour
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetDaughtersInvisible
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceAuxEdgeVisible
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceSolid
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetForceWireframe
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineStyle
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetLineWidth
, G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibility
, G4VisCommandInitialize
, G4VisCommandList
, G4VisCommandOpen
, G4VisCommandReviewKeptEvents
, G4VisCommandSceneActivateModel
, G4VisCommandSceneAddArrow2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddArrow
, G4VisCommandSceneAddAxes
, G4VisCommandSceneAddDate
, G4VisCommandSceneAddDigis
, G4VisCommandSceneAddEventID
, G4VisCommandSceneAddExtent
, G4VisCommandSceneAddFrame
, G4VisCommandSceneAddGhosts
, G4VisCommandSceneAddHits
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLine2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLine
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLogicalVolume
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddLogo
, G4VisCommandSceneAddMagneticField
, G4VisCommandSceneAddPSHits
, G4VisCommandSceneAddScale
, G4VisCommandSceneAddText2D
, G4VisCommandSceneAddText
, G4VisCommandSceneAddTrajectories
, G4VisCommandSceneAddUserAction
, G4VisCommandSceneAddVolume
, G4VisCommandSceneCreate
, G4VisCommandSceneEndOfEventAction
, G4VisCommandSceneEndOfRunAction
, G4VisCommandSceneList
, G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers
, G4VisCommandSceneSelect
, G4VisCommandSetColour
, G4VisCommandSetLineWidth
, G4VisCommandSetTextColour
, G4VisCommandSetTextLayout
, G4VisCommandSetTextSize
, G4VisCommandSetTouchable
, G4VisCommandSpecify
, G4VisCommandsTouchable
, G4VisCommandsTouchableSet
, G4VisCommandsViewerSet
, G4VisCommandVerbose
, G4VisCommandViewerAddCutawayPlane
, G4VisCommandViewerChangeCutawayPlane
, G4VisCommandViewerClear
, G4VisCommandViewerClearCutawayPlanes
, G4VisCommandViewerClearTransients
, G4VisCommandViewerClone
, G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom
, G4VisCommandViewerCreate
, G4VisCommandViewerDefaultHiddenEdge
, G4VisCommandViewerDefaultStyle
, G4VisCommandViewerDolly
, G4VisCommandViewerFlush
, G4VisCommandViewerList
, G4VisCommandViewerPan
, G4VisCommandViewerRebuild
, G4VisCommandViewerRefresh
, G4VisCommandViewerReset
, G4VisCommandViewerSave
, G4VisCommandViewerScale
, G4VisCommandViewerSelect
, G4VisCommandViewerUpdate
, G4VisCommandViewerZoom
, G4Visible
, G4VisManager
, G4VisModelManager< Model >
, G4VIsotopeTable
, G4VITProcess
, G4VITReactionProcess
, G4VITRestDiscreteProcess
, G4VITRestProcess
, G4VITStepModel
, G4VITTimeStepComputer
, G4VKineticNucleon
, G4VLevelDensityParameter
, G4VLongitudinalStringDecay
, G4VLowEnergyModel
, G4VMarker
, G4VModel
, G4VModularPhysicsList
, G4VMscModel
, G4VMultiFragmentation
, G4VMultipleScattering
, G4VNuclearField
, G4VP1Manager
, G4VP2Manager
, G4VParticipants
, G4VParticleChange
, G4VPartonStringModel
, G4VPhononProcess
, G4VPhotonEvaporation
, G4VPhysicalVolume
, G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4VPreCompoundFragment
, G4VPreCompoundModel
, G4VPreCompoundTransitions
, G4VProcess
, G4VRangeToEnergyConverter
, G4VReadOutGeometry
, G4VRestContinuousDiscreteProcess
, G4VRestContinuousProcess
, G4VRestDiscreteProcess
, G4VRestProcess
, G4VScatteringCollision
, G4VSceneHandler
, G4VSensitiveDetector
, G4VShortLivedParticle
, G4VSolid
, G4VSplitableHadron
, G4VStateDependent
, G4VStatMFEnsemble
, G4VStatMFMacroCluster
, G4VStringFragmentation
, G4VSubCutProducer
, G4VTrajectoryModel
, G4VTransitionRadiation
, G4VTRModel
, G4VTwistedFaceted::LastState
, G4VTwistedFaceted::LastValue
, G4VTwistedFaceted::LastValueWithDoubleVector
, G4VTwistedFaceted::LastVector
, G4VTwistedFaceted
, G4VUserPhysicsList
, G4VUserTrackInformation
, G4VVisCommandScene
, G4VVisCommandViewer
, G4VWLSTimeGeneratorProfile
, G4VXResonance
, G4VXTRenergyLoss
, G4WaterStopping
, G4WeightCutOffConfigurator
, G4WeightCutOffProcess
, G4WeightWindowBiasing
, G4WeightWindowConfigurator
, G4WeightWindowProcess
, G4WendtFissionFragmentGenerator
, G4WentzelOKandVIxSection
, G4WentzelVIModel
, G4WentzelVIRelModel
, G4WentzelVIRelXSection
, G4WilsonAbrasionModel
, G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileDelta
, G4WLSTimeGeneratorProfileExponential
, G4WrapperProcess
, G4XAnnihilationChannel
, G4XAqmElastic
, G4XAqmTotal
, G4XDeltaDeltastarTable
, G4XDeltaDeltaTable
, G4XDeltaNstarTable
, G4XMesonBaryonElastic
, G4XmlRNtupleDescription
, G4XNDeltastarTable
, G4XNDeltaTable
, G4XNNElastic
, G4XNNElasticLowE
, G4XNNstarTable
, G4XNNTotal
, G4XNNTotalLowE
, G4XnpElastic
, G4XnpElasticLowE
, G4XnpTotal
, G4XnpTotalLowE
, G4XPDGElastic
, G4XPDGTotal
, G4XrayRayleighModel
, G4XResonance
, GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceHit
, GammaRayTelCalorimeterHit
, GammaRayTelDigi
, GammaRayTelTrackerHit
, GFlashHitMaker
, GMocrenDataPrimitive< T >
, H02MuonHit
, HadrontherapyDetectorHit
, IORTDetectorHit
, LXeScintHit
, P6DExtDecayerPhysics
, Par01CalorimeterHit
, PhantomSD
, PhysicsList
, PhysicsListMessenger
, PrimaryGeneratorAction
, PrimaryGeneratorMessenger
, RE01TrackInformation
, RE05CalorimeterHit
, RE05MuonHit
, RE05TrackerHit
, ResNode
, RMC01DoubleWithWeightHit
, RunAction
, SensitiveDetectorHit
, StepLimiter
, StepLimiterBuilder
, StepLimiterMessenger
, SteppingAction
, TargetSD
, TimeStepAction
, TrackingAction
, UBits
, UBox
, UCons
, UExtrudedSolid
, UGenericPolycone
, UGenericTrap
, UltraOpticalHit
, UMultiUnion
, UOrb
, UPolycone
, UPolyconeHistorical
, UPolyconeSide
, UPolyhedra
, UPolyhedraHistorical
, UPolyhedraSide
, UPolyPhiFace
, UQuadrangularFacet
, UReduciblePolygon
, USphere
, UTessellatedSolid
, UTet
, UTransform3D
, UTrap
, UTrd
, UTriangularFacet
, UTubs
, UVCSGfaceted
, UVector2
, UVector3
, WLSPhotonDetHit
, WLSStepMax
, XAluminumElectrodeHit
, XrayFluoSensorHit
, XrayTelStepCut
, XWrapperContinuousDiscreteProcess
, XWrapperDiscreteProcess
, yystype
- operator==()
: AClass
, B2TrackerHit
, B4cCalorHit
, B5DriftChamberHit
, B5EmCalorimeterHit
, B5HadCalorimeterHit
, B5HodoscopeHit
, CCalDetector
, CCalG4Able
, CCalG4Hit
, CCalHit
, CCalMaterial
, DMXPmtHit
, DMXScintHit
, eRositaTrackerHit
, ExExChSensitiveDetectorHit
, ExGflashHit
, ExN02TrackerHit
, ExN04CalorimeterHit
, ExN04MuonHit
, ExN04TrackerHit
, ExP01TrackerHit
, exrdmEnergyDeposition
, ExTGTrackerHit
, F01CalorHit
, F02CalorHit
, F03CalorHit
, F04Trajectory
, F04TrajectoryPoint
, FCALCalorHit
, G3MatTableEntry
, G3MedTableEntry
, G3Pos
, G3RotTableEntry
, G3VolTableEntry
, G4Absorber
, G4AffineTransform
, G4AlphaCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaEvaporationChannel
, G4AlphaEvaporationProbability
, G4AlphaGEMChannel
, G4AlphaGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4AlphaGEMProbability
, G4AntiProtonField
, G4B10GEMChannel
, G4B10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B10GEMProbability
, G4B11GEMChannel
, G4B11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B11GEMProbability
, G4B12GEMChannel
, G4B12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B12GEMProbability
, G4B13GEMChannel
, G4B13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B13GEMProbability
, G4B8GEMChannel
, G4B8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4B8GEMProbability
, G4B9FermiFragment
, G4BaryonWidth
, G4Be10GEMChannel
, G4Be10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be10GEMProbability
, G4Be11GEMChannel
, G4Be11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be11GEMProbability
, G4Be12GEMChannel
, G4Be12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be12GEMProbability
, G4Be7GEMChannel
, G4Be7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be7GEMProbability
, G4Be8FermiFragment
, G4Be9GEMChannel
, G4Be9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Be9GEMProbability
, G4BinaryCascade
, G4C10GEMChannel
, G4C10GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C10GEMProbability
, G4C11GEMChannel
, G4C11GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C11GEMProbability
, G4C12GEMChannel
, G4C12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C12GEMProbability
, G4C13GEMChannel
, G4C13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C13GEMProbability
, G4C14GEMChannel
, G4C14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C14GEMProbability
, G4C15GEMChannel
, G4C15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C15GEMProbability
, G4C16GEMChannel
, G4C16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4C16GEMProbability
, G4CascadeInterface
, G4Clebsch
, G4CollisionInitialState
, G4CollisionMesonBaryonElastic
, G4CollisionNN
, G4CollisionNNElastic
, G4CollisionnpElastic
, G4CollisionPN
, G4Colour
, G4CompetitiveFission
, G4ConcreteMesonBaryonToResonance
, G4ConcreteNNToDeltaDelta
, G4ConcreteNNTwoBodyResonance
, G4ConstantLevelDensityParameter
, G4CoulombBarrier
, G4CrossSectionComposite
, G4CrossSectionPatch
, G4CrossSectionSourcePtr
, G4DecayProducts
, G4DecayStrongResonances
, G4DecayTable
, G4DeuteronCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronEvaporationChannel
, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability
, G4DeuteronGEMChannel
, G4DeuteronGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4DeuteronGEMProbability
, G4DiffractiveExcitation
, G4DiffractiveSplitableHadron
, G4DiffractiveStringBuilder
, G4DigiCollection
, G4DimensionedType< T, ConversionErrorPolicy >
, G4DynamicParticle
, G4E1Probability
, G4E1SingleProbability1
, G4ElasticHNScattering
, G4ElectronOccupancy
, G4Element
, G4EnergyRangeManager
, G4Evaporation
, G4EvaporationChannel
, G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationFactory
, G4EvaporationGEMFactory
, G4EvaporationLevelDensityParameter
, G4EvaporationProbability
, G4Event
, G4EventGenerator
, G4ExceptionHandler
, G4ExcitationHandler
, G4ExcitedString
, G4ExcitedStringDecay
, G4ExitonConfiguration
, G4F17GEMChannel
, G4F17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F17GEMProbability
, G4F18GEMChannel
, G4F18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F18GEMProbability
, G4F19GEMChannel
, G4F19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F19GEMProbability
, G4F20GEMChannel
, G4F20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F20GEMProbability
, G4F21GEMChannel
, G4F21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4F21GEMProbability
, G4FakeParticleID
, G4Fancy3DNucleus
, G4Fancy3DNucleusHelper
, G4FastList< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4FastSimulationManager
, G4FastStep
, G4FermiBreakUp
, G4FermiConfiguration
, G4FermiPhaseSpaceDecay
, G4FieldPropagation
, G4FissionBarrier
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameter
, G4FissionLevelDensityParameterINCLXX
, G4FissionParameters
, G4FissionProbability
, G4Fragment
, G4FragmentingString
, G4FTFAnnihilation
, G4FTFModel
, G4FTFParticipants
, G4GEMChannel
, G4GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4GEMCoulombBarrierHE
, G4GEMProbability
, G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface
, G4GMocrenFileSceneHandler::Index3D
, G4GNASHTransitions
, G4HadronicInteraction
, G4He3CoulombBarrier
, G4He3EvaporationChannel
, G4He3EvaporationProbability
, G4He3GEMChannel
, G4He3GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He3GEMProbability
, G4He5FermiFragment
, G4He6GEMChannel
, G4He6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He6GEMProbability
, G4He8GEMChannel
, G4He8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4He8GEMProbability
, G4HEPEvtParticle
, G4HETCAlpha
, G4HETCChargedFragment
, G4HETCDeuteron
, G4HETCEmissionFactory
, G4HETCFragment
, G4HETCNeutron
, G4HETCProton
, G4HETCTriton
, G4HIJING_Model
, G4HitsCollection
, G4HumanPhantomHit
, G4INCLXXInterface
, G4InteractionContent
, G4InuclEvaporation
, G4InuclNuclei
, G4InuclParticle
, G4IonisParamElm
, G4IonisParamMat
, G4Isotope
, G4IsotopeProperty
, G4IT
, G4ITReactionChange
, G4ITType
, G4KaonMinusField
, G4KaonPlusField
, G4KaonZeroField
, G4KineticTrack
, G4LevelManager
, G4LevelReader
, G4Li5FermiFragment
, G4Li6GEMChannel
, G4Li6GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li6GEMProbability
, G4Li7GEMChannel
, G4Li7GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li7GEMProbability
, G4Li8GEMChannel
, G4Li8GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li8GEMProbability
, G4Li9GEMChannel
, G4Li9GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Li9GEMProbability
, G4LightMedia
, G4LMsdGenerator
, G4LogicalBorderSurface
, G4LogicalSkinSurface
, G4LogicalSurface
, G4LogicalVolume
, G4LowEIonFragmentation
, G4LundStringFragmentation
, G4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
, G4Material
, G4MaterialCutsCouple
, G4Mg22GEMChannel
, G4Mg22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg22GEMProbability
, G4Mg23GEMChannel
, G4Mg23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg23GEMProbability
, G4Mg24GEMChannel
, G4Mg24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg24GEMProbability
, G4Mg25GEMChannel
, G4Mg25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg25GEMProbability
, G4Mg26GEMChannel
, G4Mg26GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg26GEMProbability
, G4Mg27GEMChannel
, G4Mg27GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg27GEMProbability
, G4Mg28GEMChannel
, G4Mg28GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Mg28GEMProbability
, G4ModelingParameters::PVNameCopyNo
, G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier
, G4Molecule
, G4N12GEMChannel
, G4N12GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N12GEMProbability
, G4N13GEMChannel
, G4N13GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N13GEMProbability
, G4N14GEMChannel
, G4N14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N14GEMProbability
, G4N15GEMChannel
, G4N15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N15GEMProbability
, G4N16GEMChannel
, G4N16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N16GEMProbability
, G4N17GEMChannel
, G4N17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4N17GEMProbability
, G4Na21GEMChannel
, G4Na21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na21GEMProbability
, G4Na22GEMChannel
, G4Na22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na22GEMProbability
, G4Na23GEMChannel
, G4Na23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na23GEMProbability
, G4Na24GEMChannel
, G4Na24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na24GEMProbability
, G4Na25GEMChannel
, G4Na25GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Na25GEMProbability
, G4Ne18GEMChannel
, G4Ne18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne18GEMProbability
, G4Ne19GEMChannel
, G4Ne19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne19GEMProbability
, G4Ne20GEMChannel
, G4Ne20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne20GEMProbability
, G4Ne21GEMChannel
, G4Ne21GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne21GEMProbability
, G4Ne22GEMChannel
, G4Ne22GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne22GEMProbability
, G4Ne23GEMChannel
, G4Ne23GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne23GEMProbability
, G4Ne24GEMChannel
, G4Ne24GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4Ne24GEMProbability
, G4NeutronCoulombBarrier
, G4NeutronEvaporationChannel
, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability
, G4NeutronField
, G4NeutronGEMChannel
, G4NeutronGEMProbability
, G4NuclearLevel
, G4NuclearLevelManager
, G4Nucleon
, G4Nucleus
, G4NucLevel
, G4O14GEMChannel
, G4O14GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O14GEMProbability
, G4O15GEMChannel
, G4O15GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O15GEMProbability
, G4O16GEMChannel
, G4O16GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O16GEMProbability
, G4O17GEMChannel
, G4O17GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O17GEMProbability
, G4O18GEMChannel
, G4O18GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O18GEMProbability
, G4O19GEMChannel
, G4O19GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O19GEMProbability
, G4O20GEMChannel
, G4O20GEMCoulombBarrier
, G4O20GEMProbability
, G4OpticalSurface
, G4PartialWidthTable
, G4ParticleChange
, G4ParticleChangeForDecay
, G4ParticleDefinition
, G4ParticleGun
, G4ParticlePropertyData
, G4ParticlePropertyTable
, G4Parton
, G4PartonPair
, G4PenelopeOscillator
, G4PhotonEvaporation
, G4Physics2DVector
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4PionMinusField
, G4PionPlusField
, G4PionZeroField
, G4PlacedPolyhedron
, G4PreCompoundAlpha
, G4PreCompoundDeuteron
, G4PreCompoundEmission
, G4PreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4PreCompoundFragment
, G4PreCompoundFragmentVector
, G4PreCompoundHe3
, G4PreCompoundIon
, G4PreCompoundModel
, G4PreCompoundNeutron
, G4PreCompoundNucleon
, G4PreCompoundProton
, G4PreCompoundTransitions
, G4PreCompoundTriton
, G4PrimaryParticle
, G4PrimaryVertex
, G4ProcessAttribute
, G4ProcessManager
, G4ProcessTable
, G4ProcessVector
, G4ProcTblElement
, G4ProductionCuts
, G4ProtonCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonEvaporationChannel
, G4ProtonEvaporationProbability
, G4ProtonField
, G4ProtonGEMChannel
, G4ProtonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4ProtonGEMProbability
, G4QGSDiffractiveExcitation
, G4QGSMFragmentation
, G4QGSMParameters
, G4QGSParticipants
, G4QuasiElasticChannel
, G4RadioactiveDecayRate
, G4RadioactiveDecayRateVector
, G4ReactionProduct
, G4Region
, G4ResonanceNames
, G4RichTrajectory
, G4RichTrajectoryPoint
, G4RKFieldIntegrator
, G4RKPropagation
, G4Scene
, G4SDStructure
, G4SensitiveVolumeList
, G4SigmaMinusField
, G4SigmaPlusField
, G4SigmaZeroField
, G4SingleDiffractiveExcitation
, G4SmartTrackStack
, G4SmartVoxelHeader
, G4SmartVoxelNode
, G4SmartVoxelProxy
, G4SmoothTrajectory
, G4SmoothTrajectoryPoint
, G4SoftStringBuilder
, G4Solver< Function >
, G4SPBaryon
, G4SPPartonInfo
, G4StableFermiFragment
, G4StackManager
, G4StateManager
, G4StatMF
, G4StatMFChannel
, G4StatMFFragment
, G4StatMFMacroBiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroCanonical
, G4StatMFMacroChemicalPotential
, G4StatMFMacroMultiNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroMultiplicity
, G4StatMFMacroNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTemperature
, G4StatMFMacroTetraNucleon
, G4StatMFMacroTriNucleon
, G4StatMFMicroCanonical
, G4StatMFMicroManager
, G4StatMFMicroPartition
, G4String
, G4StringModel
, G4SubString
, G4TDigiCollection< T >
, G4TheoFSGenerator
, G4THitsCollection< T >
, G4THitsMap< T >
, G4Track
, G4TrackStack
, G4Trajectory
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4TrajectoryPoint
, G4TritonCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonEvaporationChannel
, G4TritonEvaporationProbability
, G4TritonGEMChannel
, G4TritonGEMCoulombBarrier
, G4TritonGEMProbability
, G4TypeKey
, G4UIaliasList
, G4UIcommand
, G4UIcommandTree
, G4UImanager
, G4UImessenger
, G4UIparameter
, G4UnitDefinition
, G4UnitsCategory
, G4UnstableFermiFragment
, G4UnstableFragmentBreakUp
, G4UrQMD1_3Model
, G4USolid
, G4V3DNucleus
, G4VAnnihilationCollision
, G4VCollision
, G4VCoulombBarrier
, G4VCrossSectionSource
, G4VDecayChannel
, G4VDigi
, G4VDigiCollection
, G4VDigitizerModule
, G4VElasticCollision
, G4VEmissionProbability
, G4VEvaporation
, G4VEvaporationChannel
, G4VEvaporationFactory
, G4VExceptionHandler
, G4VFacet
, G4VFastSimulationModel
, G4VFermiBreakUp
, G4VFermiFragment
, G4VFieldPropagation
, G4VFissionBarrier
, G4VGammaDeexcitation
, G4VGammaTransition
, G4VGFlashSensitiveDetector
, G4VHighEnergyGenerator
, G4VHit
, G4VHitsCollection
, G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel
, G4VisAttributes
, G4VITProcess
, G4VKineticNucleon
, G4VLevelDensityParameter
, G4VLongitudinalStringDecay
, G4VMultiFragmentation
, G4VNuclearField
, G4VParticipants
, G4VParticleChange
, G4VParticlePropertyReporter
, G4VParticlePropertyRetriever
, G4VPartonStringModel
, G4VPDigitsCollectionIO
, G4VPHitsCollectionIO
, G4VPhotonEvaporation
, G4VPhysicalVolume
, G4VPreCompoundEmissionFactory
, G4VPreCompoundFragment
, G4VPreCompoundModel
, G4VPreCompoundTransitions
, G4VProcess
, G4VRangeToEnergyConverter
, G4VReadOutGeometry
, G4VScatteringCollision
, G4VSensitiveDetector
, G4VShortLivedParticle
, G4VSolid
, G4VSplitableHadron
, G4VStateDependent
, G4VStatMFEnsemble
, G4VStatMFMacroCluster
, G4VStringFragmentation
, G4VTrajectory
, G4VTrajectoryPoint
, G4VXResonance
, G4WrapperProcess
, G4XAnnihilationChannel
, G4XAqmElastic
, G4XAqmTotal
, G4XDeltaDeltastarTable
, G4XDeltaDeltaTable
, G4XDeltaNstarTable
, G4XMesonBaryonElastic
, G4XNDeltastarTable
, G4XNDeltaTable
, G4XNNElastic
, G4XNNElasticLowE
, G4XNNstarTable
, G4XNNTotal
, G4XnpElastic
, G4XnpElasticLowE
, G4XnpTotal
, G4XnpTotalLowE
, G4XPDGElastic
, G4XPDGTotal
, G4XResonance
, GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceHit
, GammaRayTelCalorimeterHit
, GammaRayTelDigi
, GammaRayTelTrackerHit
, H02MuonHit
, HadrontherapyDetectorHit
, IORTDetectorHit
, LXeScintHit
, Par01CalorimeterHit
, Par01EnergySpot
, RE01Trajectory
, RE04Trajectory
, RE04TrajectoryPoint
, RE05CalorimeterHit
, RE05MuonHit
, RE05TrackerHit
, RMC01DoubleWithWeightHit
, SensitiveDetectorHit
, UltraOpticalHit
, UVector2
, UVector3
, VUFacet
, WLSPhotonDetHit
, WLSTrajectory
, WLSTrajectoryPoint
, XAluminumElectrodeHit
, XrayFluoSensorHit
, yystype
- operator>()
: G4DimensionedType< T, ConversionErrorPolicy >
, G4INCL::InterpolationNode
, G4PenelopeOscillator
, G4TypeKey
, UVector2
- operator>=()
: G4INCL::InterpolationNode
, UVector2
- operator>>
: G4VGlauberDataSet
- operator[]()
: G4AffineTransform
, G4DecayProducts
, G4DecayTable
, G4DPMJET2_5CrossSectionParamSet
, G4ErrorMatrix::G4ErrorMatrix_row
, G4ErrorMatrix::G4ErrorMatrix_row_const
, G4ErrorMatrix
, G4ErrorSymMatrix::G4ErrorSymMatrix_row
, G4ErrorSymMatrix::G4ErrorSymMatrix_row_const
, G4ErrorSymMatrix
, G4FastVector< Type, N >
, G4INCL::HornerCoefficients< N >
, G4IT
, G4KDNode< PointT >
, G4KDNode_Base
, G4ModelColourMap< T >
, G4PhysicsVector
, G4ProcessVector
, G4ScreenedCoulombCrossSection
, G4SPSRandomGenerator::bweights_t
, G4SubString
, G4SurfBits
, G4TDigiCollection< T >
, G4THitsCollection< T >
, G4THitsMap< T >
, G4TrajectoryContainer
, G4VectorCache< VALTYPE >
, UBits
, UVector2
, UVector3
- opKinEnergy
: CexmcEventAction
- OpNoviceActionInitialization()
: OpNoviceActionInitialization
- OpNoviceDetectorConstruction()
: OpNoviceDetectorConstruction
- OpNovicePhysicsList()
: OpNovicePhysicsList
- OpNovicePhysicsListMessenger()
: OpNovicePhysicsListMessenger
- OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorAction()
: OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorAction
- OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorMessenger()
: OpNovicePrimaryGeneratorMessenger
- OpNoviceRunAction()
: OpNoviceRunAction
- OpNoviceStackingAction()
: OpNoviceStackingAction
- OpNoviceSteppingAction()
: OpNoviceSteppingAction
- OpNoviceSteppingVerbose()
: OpNoviceSteppingVerbose
- opt
: G4Abla
, G4EnergyLossMessenger
- opt_vec
: G4GDMLWriteStructure
- optActivateCmd
: G4PolarizationMessenger
- optafan
: G4Ald
- optcha
: G4Opt
- optCmd
: G4RunMessenger
- optcol
: G4Fiss
- optemd
: G4Opt
- OpticalHitsCollection
: UltraPMTSD
- OpticalHitsCollID
: UltraEventAction
- OpticalPhoton()
: G4OpticalPhoton
- opticalphoton
: G4PrimaryTransformer
- opticalphotonDefined
: G4PrimaryTransformer
- OpticalPhotonDefinition()
: G4OpticalPhoton
- OpticalSurface
: G4OpBoundaryProcess
- OpticalSurfaceRead()
: G4GDMLReadSolids
- OpticalSurfaceWrite()
: G4GDMLWriteSolids
- opticAperture
: XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
- opticDia
: XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
- opticThickness
: XrayFluoMercuryDetectorConstruction
- OptionNotCompulsory
: G4DNAPARSER::Command
- optles
: G4Fiss
- optshp
: G4Fiss
- optxfis
: G4Fiss
- OPTxs
: G4ExcitationHandler
, G4PreCompoundModel
, G4VEmissionProbability
, G4VEvaporation
, G4VEvaporationChannel
, G4VPreCompoundFragment
- OpVerbLevel
: DMXPhysicsList
, TLBE< T >
- orange
: G4HumanPhantomColour
- Orb_dimensionsRead()
: G4GDMLReadParamvol
- Orb_dimensionsWrite()
: G4GDMLWriteParamvol
- orbitE
: G4DiscreteGammaTransition
- orbitHeightCmd
: XrayFluoMercuryDetectorMessenger
- OrbRead()
: G4GDMLReadSolids
- OrbWrite()
: G4GDMLWriteSolids
- ordering
: G4PhysicsListOrderingParameter
- orderOfModels
: G4EmModelManager
- ordParamFileName
: G4PhysicsListHelper
- ordProcVector
: G4ProcessAttribute
- organ
: G4MIRDBodyFactory
, G4VoxelBreastFactory
- orientation
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer::viewPtData
- orig
: UBBoxStruct
- origDir
: CexmcParticleGun
- origin
: ccurqmd13isys
, G4INCL::EventInfo
, G4RadioactiveDecay
- original_parameters
: G4Polycone
, G4Polyhedra
- OriginatingShellId()
: G4FluoTransition
, G4RDFluoTransition
- originatingShellIds
: G4FluoTransition
- OriginatingShellIds()
: G4FluoTransition
- originatingShellIds
: G4RDFluoTransition
- OriginatingShellIds()
: G4RDFluoTransition
- origint
: ccurqmd13svinfo
- origMomentumAmp
: CexmcParticleGun
- origPos
: CexmcParticleGun
- origUserEventAction
: ParRunManager
- orlicShellLi
: G4empCrossSection
- orthogonal()
: UVector2
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer
- oscillatorStoreCompton
: G4PenelopeOscillatorManager
- oscillatorStoreIonisation
: G4PenelopeOscillatorManager
- oscillatorStrength
: G4PenelopeOscillator
- OscillatorTotalCrossSection()
: G4PenelopeComptonModel
- oscManager
: G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel
, G4PenelopeComptonModel
, G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection
, G4PenelopeIonisationModel
, G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler
- other
: G4Allocator< Type >::rebind< U >
, G4EnhancedVecAllocator< _Tp >::rebind< _Tp1 >
- other_ev
: DMXEventAction
- OtherMaterial()
: DetectorConstruction
- otherMaterials()
: CML2Acc1
- OtherServices
: CCalVisualisable
- othersIndices
: G4GIDI_target
- out
: c2_function< float_type >::c2_sample_recur
, G4HepRepSceneHandler
- outCb
: ccurqmd13spdata
- OutCode()
: G4VoxelLimits
- outdww
: ccurqmd13spdata
- outerCrystalsVetoAlgorithm
: CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizer
- outerCrystalsVetoAlgorithmRef
: CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizer
- outerCrystalsVetoFraction
: CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizer
- outerCrystalsVetoFractionRef
: CexmcEnergyDepositDigitizer
- outerFace
: G4Hype
- outerRadius
: G4Hype
- outerRadius2
: G4Hype
- outerRadiusCollimator
: LaserDrivenBeamLine
- OuterRadiusDiscoIORT
: IORTDetectorConstruction
- OuterRadiusDiscoIORT1
: IORTDetectorConstruction
- outerRadiusFinalCollimator
: LaserDrivenBeamLine
- OuterRadiusFinalCollimatorIORT
: Collimator100BeamLine
, Collimator40BeamLine
, Collimator50BeamLine
, Collimator60BeamLine
, Collimator70BeamLine
, Collimator80BeamLine
- OuterRadiusFinalCollimatorIORTCmd
: Collimator100BeamLineMessenger
, Collimator40BeamLineMessenger
, Collimator50BeamLineMessenger
, Collimator60BeamLineMessenger
, Collimator70BeamLineMessenger
, Collimator80BeamLineMessenger
- outerRadiusStopper
: PassiveCarbonBeamLine
, PassiveProtonBeamLine
- outerRadiusStopperCmd
: PassiveProtonBeamLineMessenger
- outerStereo
: G4Hype
- outFile
: AnalysisManager
, GammaRayTelRunAction
- outfile
: HadrontherapyInteractionParameters
, IORTInteractionParameters
- outFileT
: AnalysisManager
- outgoing
: G4INCL::FinalState
, G4INCL::Store
- outgoingNuclei
: G4CollisionOutput
- OutgoingParticleBindingEnergyConstant()
: G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel
, G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel
- OutgoingParticleDefinition()
: G4DNADingfelderChargeDecreaseModel
, G4DNADingfelderChargeIncreaseModel
- outgoingParticles
: G4CollisionOutput
, G4INCL::INCL::RecoilCMFunctor
, G4INCL::INCL::RecoilFunctor
- OutMinusInBoxPV
: CML2Ph_BoxInBox
- outOfWell
: G4INCL::Particle
- OutOfWorldTracksData
: FCALSteppingAction
- outParticleTrackIDList
: G4MCTSimVertex
- outPau
: ccurqmd13spdata
- output
: G4CascadeInterface
, G4IntraNucleiCascader
, G4InuclCollider
- Output()
: G4SurfBits
- output
: tbbTask
- Output()
: UBits
- outputData
: CexmcCmdLineData
- outputFileCommand
: XrayFluoAnalysisMessenger
- outputFileName
: XrayFluoAnalysisManager
- outputFileRoot
: G4INCL::Config
- outputParticle
: CexmcProductionModel
, CexmcProductionModelData
, CexmcTrackingAction
- outputParticleDecayProductCopyNumber
: CexmcTrackingAction
- outputParticleLAB
: CexmcProductionModelData
- outputParticleMass
: CexmcChargeExchangeReconstructor
- outputParticleSCM
: CexmcProductionModelData
- outputParticleTrackId
: CexmcTrackingAction
- outside
: G4KineticTrack
- OutsideOfExtent()
: G4TessellatedSolid
, UTessellatedSolid
- outSky
: ccurqmd13spdata
- outsteps
: ccurqmd13inputs
- outVec
: CexmcPhaseSpaceGenerator
- outYuk
: ccurqmd13spdata
- overEn
: Em10RunAction
- overflow()
: G4strstreambuf
- overGamma
: Em10RunAction
- overlap
: G4IonQMDPhysics
- OverlapCheck()
: G4GDMLRead
- overR
: Em10RunAction
- overrideExistingProject
: CexmcCmdLineData
- overrideSuspension
: G4NeutronHPElastic
, G4ParticleHPElastic
- overStep
: Em10RunAction
- overTb
: Em10RunAction
- overTh
: Em10RunAction
- overThback
: Em10RunAction
- overTsec
: Em10RunAction
- overTt
: Em10RunAction
- oververtexz
: Em10RunAction
- overwrite
: G4HepRepMessenger
- overwriteFileCB()
: G4OpenInventorXtExaminerViewer
- owner_count
: c2_function< float_type >
- ownEvapLDP
: G4FissionProbability
- ownFissLDP
: G4FissionProbability
- owning
: GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation
, GFlashSamplingShowerParameterisation