Geant4  10.03
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 C_ListRef< LIST >
 CG4INCL::AllocationPool< T >
 CAtomAtom Class
 CBarycenterMolecule Class
 CG4INCL::BystrickyEvaluator< N >
 Cc2_const_ptr< float_type >Create a container for a c2_function which handles the reference counting. It is useful as a smart container to hold a c2_function and keep the reference count correct. The recommended way for a class to store a c2_function which is handed in from the outside is for it to have a c2_ptr member into which the passed-in function is stored. This way, when the class instance is deleted, it will automatically dereference any function which it was handed
 Cc2_const_ptr< G4double >
 Cc2_factory< float_type >Factory of pre-templated c2_function generators
 Cc2_fblock< float_type >Structure used to hold evaluated function data at a point
 Cc2_function< float_type >Parent class for all c2_functions
 Cc2_function< G4double >
 Cc2_function_transformation< float_type >Transformation of a function in and out of a coordinate space, using 2 c2_transformations
 Cc2_function< float_type >::c2_integrate_recurStructure used to pass information recursively in integrator
 Cc2_function< float_type >::c2_root_infoStructure used to hold root bracketing information
 Cc2_function< float_type >::c2_sample_recurStructure used to pass information recursively in sampler
 Cc2_transformation< float_type >Transformation of a coordinate, including an inverse
 CCCalAnalysisDefines the format which is used for the output file default is a ROOT file. Comment the g4root and un-comment one of the others, to change the output format
 CCexmcPrivate::CexmcBasePhysicsInstance< typename >
 CCexmcPrivate::CexmcBasePhysicsInstance< FTFP_BERT >
 CCexmcProductionModelFactory< BasePhysics, StudiedPhysics, ProductionModel >
 CCexmcSimpleRangeWithValue< RangeCategory, ValueCategory >
 CClusterSBPointsDefine a cluster of SB Points
 CG4INCL::ConfigThe INCL configuration object
 CG4INCL::Nucleus::ConservationBalanceStruct for conservation laws
 CG4INCL::ConsideredPartnerContainer for the relevant information
 CDelete< T >
 CDicomPhantomZSliceHeaderDicomPhantomZSliceHeader class
 CCLHEP::detail::do_right_shift< n, false >
 CExP02GeoTreeHelper class needed for the ROOT I/O. It contains pointers to geometry tree, element table and material table
 CExTGRCRegionCutsMgrRegion cuts manager
 CExTGRCRegionDataStores cuts per region data
 CF02ElectricFieldSetupA class for control of the Electric Field of the detector
 CF03FieldSetupA class for setting up the Magnetic Field
 CG4INCL::FinalStateFinal state of an interaction
 CG4AblaClass containing ABLA de-excitation code
 CG4AblaVirtualDataAn interface to data used by ABLA
 CG4AllITFinderHolds all IT Manager, and take care of deleting them when AllITManager is deleted Set general verbose for all IT Manager
 CG4AnyMethodThis class represents any object method
 CG4AnyTypeThis class represents any data type
 CG4Cache< VALTYPE >
 CG4Cache< DMXPmtSD * >
 CG4Cache< DMXScintSD * >
 CG4Cache< F01CalorimeterSD * >
 CG4Cache< F01FieldSetup * >
 CG4Cache< F02CalorimeterSD * >
 CG4Cache< F02ElectricFieldSetup * >
 CG4Cache< F03CalorimeterSD * >
 CG4Cache< F03FieldSetup * >
 CG4Cache< F04GlobalField * >
 CG4Cache< G4BiasingOperatorStateNotifier * >
 CG4Cache< G4bool >
 CG4Cache< G4double >
 CG4Cache< G4GlobalMagFieldMessenger * >
 CG4Cache< G4HadFinalState * >
 CG4Cache< G4MagneticField * >
 CG4Cache< G4MultiFunctionalDetector * >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPAngular::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPContAngularPar::toBeCached * >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPEnAngCorrelation::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPFissionBaseFS::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPFSFissionFS::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< G4ParticleHPProduct::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< G4PhysicsFreeVector * >
 CG4Cache< G4SingleParticleSource::part_prop_t >
 CG4Cache< G4SPSEneDistribution::threadLocal_t >
 CG4Cache< G4SPSPosDistribution::thread_data_t >
 CG4Cache< G4SPSRandomGenerator::a_check >
 CG4Cache< G4SPSRandomGenerator::bweights_t >
 CG4Cache< G4VParticleHPEnergyAngular::toBeCached >
 CG4Cache< GammaRayTelAnticoincidenceSD * >
 CG4Cache< GammaRayTelCalorimeterSD * >
 CG4Cache< GammaRayTelTrackerSD * >
 CG4Cache< LXePMTSD * >
 CG4Cache< LXeScintSD * >
 CG4Cache< std::map< const G4LogicalVolume *, G4VBiasingOperator * > >
 CG4Cache< std::map< const G4ProcessManager *, G4BiasingProcessSharedData * > >
 CG4Cache< std::map< G4VBiasingOperation *, std::size_t > >
 CG4Cache< std::map< KEYTYPE, VALTYPE > >
 CG4Cache< std::vector< G4int > * >
 CG4Cache< std::vector< G4VBiasingOperation * > >
 CG4Cache< std::vector< G4VBiasingOperator * > >
 CG4Cache< std::vector< VALTYPE > >
 CG4Cache< T * >
 CG4Cache< WLSPhotonDetSD * >
 CG4Cache< XrayFluoSD * >
 CG4CacheReference< VALTYPE >
 CG4CacheReference< G4double >
 CG4CacheReference< VALTYPE * >
 CG4CacheReference< value_type >
 CG4CascadeData< NE, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, N7, N8, N9 >
 CG4CascadeInterpolator< NBINS >
 CG4CascadeInterpolator< 30 >
 CG4CascadeInterpolator< 5 >
 CG4CascadeInterpolator< 72 >
 CG4CascadeInterpolator< NKEBINS >
 CG4CascadeSampler< NBINS, NMULT >
 CG4CascadeSampler< 30, 8 >
 CG4CascadeSampler< 31, 6 >
 CG4CountedObject< X >
 CG4CountedObject< G4TouchableHistory >
 CG4CountedObject< G4VTouchable >
 CG4CreatorFactoryT< T, Identifier, Creator >
 CG4DNAMolecularReactionDataG4DNAMolecularReactionData contains the information relative to a given reaction (eg : °OH + °OH -> H2O2)
 CG4EcldShell corrections and deformations
 CG4ENDFTapeReadG4ENDFTapeRead is a class designed to read in data from unformatted ENDF data tapes for MT = 454 or MT = 459, which correspond to independent fission yields and cumulative fission yields, respectively
 CG4ENDFYieldDataContainerG4ENDFYieldDataContainer is a simple data storage class that handles the memory management internally
 CG4FastList< OBJECT >G4FastList is used by G4TrackHolder to save G4IT tracks only
 CG4FastList< G4FastList< G4Track > >
 CG4FastList< G4FastList< OBJECT > >
 CG4FastList< G4Track >
 CG4FastList_Boundary< OBJECT >
 CG4FastList_const_iterator< OBJECT >G4FastList_iterator enables to go through the tracks contained by a list
 CG4FastList_iterator< OBJECT >G4FastList_iterator enables to go through the tracks contained by a list
 CG4FastListNode< OBJECT >G4FastListNode is the entity actually stored by the G4FastList
 CG4FastListNode< G4FastList< G4FastList< G4Track > > >
 CG4FastListNode< G4FastList< G4FastList< OBJECT > > >
 CG4FastListNode< G4FastList< G4Track > >
 CG4FastListNode< G4FastList< OBJECT > >
 CG4FastListNode< G4Track >
 CG4FastVector< Type, N >
 CG4FbFission barriers
 CG4FissionFragmentGeneratorG4FissionFragmentGenerator is the front end class to be used by the user for handling all fission event generation
 CG4FissionProductYieldDistG4FissionProductYieldDist is the base class for storing all the fission data and generating fission events
 CG4ForEach< group >
 CG4ForEach< G4Terminator >
 CG4FPYSamplingOpsG4FPYSamplingOps performs all the uniform and Gaussian distribution sampling operations
 CG4GeomSplitter< T >
 CG4INCLXXInterfaceStoreSingleton class for configuring the INCL++ Geant4 interface
 CG4Integrator< T, F >
 CG4IntGrp< t1, i2, t3 >
 CG4ITBoxG4ITBox behaves just like a stack for G4IT
 CG4ITModelHandlerG4ITModelHandler holds for two IT types the corresponding model manager
 CG4ITModelManagerG4ITModelManager chooses which model to use according to the global simulation time
 CG4ITModelProcessorThe G4ITModelProcessor will call the two processes defined in G4VITModel
 CG4ITReactionChangeSimilar to G4ParticleChange, but deal with two tracks rather than one
 CG4ITReactionTableFree interface to define reaction information
 CG4ITStepProcessorIts role is the same as G4StepManager :
 CG4ITTypeTag the G4IT Should be automatically setup by G4IT using : ITDef(MyIT) and ITImp(MyIT)
 CG4KDTreeG4KDTree is used by the ITManager to locate the neareast neighbours
 CG4ManyFastLists_iterator< OBJECT >
 CG4ModelColourMap< T >
 CG4ModelColourMap< Charge >
 CG4ModelColourMap< G4String >
 CG4MolecularConfigurationThe pointer G4MolecularConfiguration will be shared by all the molecules having the same molecule definition and the same electron occupancy BE CAREFUlL !!! : If you change the mass for instance of a OH^-, this will affect all the OH^- molecule diffusing around
 CG4MolecularDissociationTableClass Description G4MolecularDecayTable operates as a container of deexcitation modes for excited or ionized molecules
 CG4MoleculeIterator< MOLECULE >
 CG4Number< N >
 CG4Number< 0 >
 CG4Pair< t1, t2 >
 CG4ParticleTableIterator< K, V >
 CG4PolynomialSolver< T, F >
 CG4ReferenceCountedHandle< X >
 CG4ReferenceCountedHandle< G4TouchableHistory >
 CG4ReferenceCountedHandle< G4VTouchable >
 CG4ShiftedGaussianG4ShiftedGaussian is a class for storing the shifted values used for sampling a Gaussian distribution and returning only positive values; it is integrated into G4FPYSamplingOps
 CG4SimplexDownhill< T >
 CG4SimplexDownhill< G4ConvergenceTester >
 CG4Solver< Function >
 CG4SortHelperPtr< A >
 CG4SPSAngDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSEneDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSPosDistributionAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4SPSRandomGeneratorAndrea Dotti Feb 2015 Important: This is a shared class between threads
 CG4TableTemplate< T >G4TableTemplate is essentially a wrapper around a std::vector designed to work specifically with pointers
 CG4TableTemplate< G4ENDFYieldDataContainer >
 CG4TemplateAutoLock< M, L, U >
 CG4TemplateAutoLock< G4Mutex, thread_lock, thread_unlock >
 CG4TemplateRNGHelper< T >
 CG4THnManager< T >
 CG4THnManager< tools::histo::h1d >
 CG4THnManager< tools::histo::h2d >
 CG4THnManager< tools::histo::h3d >
 CG4THnManager< tools::histo::p1d >
 CG4THnManager< tools::histo::p2d >
 CG4TNtupleDescription< TNTUPLE >
 CG4TrackingInformationThe class G4TrackingInformation (hold by G4IT) emcompasses processes informations computed at the PS/AS/AtRest/InteractionLength stage, and also, the selection of processes for the given step
 CG4TWorkspacePool< T >
 CG4UserTimeStepActionG4UserTimeStepAction is used by G4Scheduler
 CG4VDNAReactionModelG4VDNAReactionModel is an interface used by the G4DNAMolecularReaction process
 CG4VFilter< T >
 CG4VFilter< G4AttValue >
 CG4VFilter< G4VTrajectory >
 CG4VisFilterManager< T >
 CG4VisFilterManager< G4VDigi >
 CG4VisFilterManager< G4VHit >
 CG4VisFilterManager< G4VTrajectory >
 CG4VisListManager< T >
 CG4VisModelManager< Model >
 CG4VisModelManager< G4VTrajectoryModel >
 CG4VITReactionProcessG4VITReactionProcess defines the reaction between two G4IT
 CG4VITStepModelDefine what to do before stepping and after stepping
 CG4VITTimeStepComputerBefore stepping all tracks G4Scheduler calls all the G4VITModel which may contain a G4VITTimeStepper (optionnal)
 CG4VITTrackHolderG4ITTrackHolder is an empty interface that permits to push tracks to the IT system without actually depending on the IT tracking system
 CG4VModelFactory< T >
 CG4VModelFactory< G4VFilter< G4VDigi > >
 CG4VModelFactory< G4VFilter< G4VHit > >
 CG4VModelFactory< G4VFilter< G4VTrajectory > >
 CG4VModelFactory< G4VTrajectoryModel >
 CG4VolantEvaporation and fission output data
 CG4VUPLSplitter< T >
 CGIDI_settings_flux_orderThis class stores the flux for one Legendre order (see class GIDI_settings_flux)
 CGMocrenDataPrimitive< T >
 CGMocrenDataPrimitive< short >
 CHadrontherapyAnalysisManagerA class for connecting the simulation to an analysis package
 CHadrontherapyGeometryControllerController for geometry selection
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< N >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 1 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 2 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 3 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 4 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 5 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 6 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 7 >
 CG4INCL::HornerCoefficients< 8 >
 CG4INCL::HornerEvaluator< M >
 CG4INCL::HornerEvaluator< 1 >
 CG4INCL::IChannelChannel generates a final state of an avatar
 CG4INCL::IClusteringModelAn abstract interface to cluster formation model(s)
 CG4INCL::ICrossSectionsAbstract interface for the cross-section classes
 CG4INCL::IFunction1D1D function interface
 CINT4< T1, I1, I2, I3, I4 >
 CG4INCL::InterpolationNodeInterpolation node
 CG4INCL::IntersectionIntersection-point structure
 CIORTAnalysisManagerA class for connecting the simulation to an analysis package
 CIORTGeometryControllerController for geometry selection
 CG4INCL::IPhaseSpaceGeneratorAbstract interface for the phase-space generators
 CG4INCL::IPropagationModelPropagation model takes care of transporting the particles until something interesting (i.e
 CCompileTimeConstraints::IsA< A, B >
 CG4INCL::IsotopeHolds an isotope and an abundance
 CG4INCL::IsotopicDistributionClass that stores isotopic abundances for a given element
 CG4GeneralNNCollision::MakeNNStarToNN< channelType, Np, Nn >
 CG4GeneralNNCollision::MakeNNToDeltaDelta< dm, d0, dp, dpp, channelType >
 CG4GeneralNNCollision::MakeNNToDeltaNstar< Np, channelType, Nn >
 CG4GeneralNNCollision::MakeNNToNDelta< dm, d0, dp, dpp, channelType >
 CG4GeneralNNCollision::MakeNNToNNStar< Np, Nn, channelType >
 CmatInfoDicom detector construction
 CMoleculeMolecule Class
 CG4INCL::NaturalIsotopicDistributionsClass that stores isotopic abundances for a given element
 CPar02DetectorParametrisationDefinition of detector resolution and efficiency
 CPar02OutputHandling the saving to the file
 CPar02SmearerSmearing of the particle momentum or energy
 CPDBlibPDBlib Class
 CProbabilityBranchProbabilityBranch is a tree hierarchy storage method
 CProbabilityTreeProbabilityTree is the 'root' for each tree hierarchy, and contains pointer to the first ProbabilityBranch, or 'trunk', or each tree
 CPurgMagAnalysisManagerUncomment #include to switch to ROOT or XML output file
 CPydat1_tPYDAT1 common-block
 CPydat3_tPYDAT3 common-block
 CPyjets_tPYJETS common-block
 CPythia6The C++ interface class to Pythia6
 CPythia6ParticleStructure for Pythia6 particle properties
 CG4Allocator< Type >::rebind< U >
 CG4EnhancedVecAllocator< _Tp >::rebind< _Tp1 >
 Cc2_function< float_type >::recur_itemData element for the internal recursion stack for the sampler and integrator
 Cremove_reference< T >
 Cremove_reference< const T & >
 Cremove_reference< T & >
 CResidueResidue Class
 CRootIORoot IO implementation for the persistency example
 CSBPointDefines a point of energy deposition which defines a damage to the DNA
 CG4INCL::ClusteringModelIntercomparison::SortedNucleonConfigurationClass for storing and comparing sorted nucleon configurations
 CsortWatcher< OBJECT >
 CG4INCL::StoreThe purpose of the Store object is to act as a "particle manager" that keeps track ofall the particles in our simulation
 CTheoModelFactory< C, S, F >
 Ctype_wrapper< T >
 CVCall< A >
 CG4FastList< OBJECT >::Watcher
 CG4FastList< OBJECT >::Watcher< G4Track >
 CWattSpectrumConstantsWattSpectrumConstants contains constants and other variables for use in sampling the Watt fission spectrum