61 G4double G4WentzelVIRelXSection::ScreenRSquare[] = {0.0};
62 G4double G4WentzelVIRelXSection::FormFactor[] = {0.0};
77 lowEnergyLimit = 1.0*
85 if(0.0 == ScreenRSquare[0]) {
89 ScreenRSquare[0] = alpha2*a0*a0;
90 for(
G4int j=1; j<100; ++j) {
93 ScreenRSquare[j] = 0.5*alpha2*x*
94 x = fNistManager->
95 FormFactor[j] = constn*x*
99 elecXSRatio = factB = factD = formfactA = screenZ = 0.0;
100 cosTetMaxElec = cosTetMaxNuc = invbeta2 = kinFactor = gam0pcmp = pcmp2 = 1.0;
119 tkin = mom2 = momCM2 = 0.0;
122 cosThetaMax = CosThetaLim;
136 if(0.0 != spin) { spin = 0.5; }
139 charge3 = chargeSquare*q;
150 G4double cosTetMaxNuc2 = cosTetMaxNuc;
151 if(Z != targetZ || tkin != etag) {
154 if(targetZ > 99) { targetZ = 99; }
163 kinFactor = coeff*targetZ*chargeSquare*invbeta2/mom2;
165 screenZ = ScreenRSquare[targetZ]/mom2;
167 screenZ *=
std::min(Z*1.13,1.13 +3.76*Z*Z*invbeta2*alpha2*chargeSquare);
179 if(targetZ == 1 && cosTetMaxNuc2 < 0.0 && particle == theProton) {
182 formfactA = FormFactor[targetZ]*mom2;
185 ComputeMaxElectronScattering(cut);
187 return cosTetMaxNuc2;
196 if(cosTMax >= 1.0) {
return xsec; }
210 x = (1.0 - costm)/screenZ;
213 y = x2*(1.0 - 1.3333333*x + 3*
214 if(0.0 < factB) { y -= fb*x2*x*(0.6666667 -
x); }
217 xlog =
G4Log(1.0 + x);
219 if(0.0 < factB) { y -= fb*(x + x1 - 2*xlog); }
224 if(nwarnings < nwarnlimit) {
225 G4cout <<
"G4WentzelVIRelXSection::ComputeTransportCrossSectionPerAtom scattering on e- <0"
228 <<
" e(MeV)= " << tkin <<
" p(MeV/c)= " << sqrt(mom2)
229 <<
" Z= " << targetZ <<
" "
231 G4cout <<
" 1-costm= " << 1.0-costm <<
" screenZ= " << screenZ
248 x = (1.0 - cosTMax)/screenZ;
251 y = x2*(1.0 - 1.3333333*x + 3*
252 if(0.0 < factB) { y -= fb*x2*x*(0.6666667 -
x); }
255 xlog =
G4Log(1.0 + x);
257 if(0.0 < factB) { y -= fb*(x + x1 - 2*xlog); }
262 if(nwarnings < nwarnlimit) {
263 G4cout <<
"G4WentzelVIRelXSection::ComputeTransportCrossSectionPerAtom scattering on e- <0"
266 <<
" e(MeV)= " << tkin <<
" Z= " << targetZ <<
" "
268 G4cout <<
" formfactA= " << formfactA <<
" screenZ= " << screenZ
269 <<
" x= " <<
" x1= " << x1 <<
273 xSection += y*targetZ;
275 xSection *= kinFactor;
299 if(elecRatio > 0.0) {
302 cost1 =
303 cost2 =
306 if(cost1 < cost2) {
return v; }
315 G4double grej = (1. - z1*factB + factB1*targetZ*sqrt(z1*factB)*(2 - z1))/( (1.0 + z1*factD)*fm*fm );
321 if(cost > 1.0) { cost = 1.0; }
322 else if(cost < -1.0) { cost =-1.0; }
323 G4double sint = sqrt((1.0 - cost)*(1.0 + cost));
337 G4WentzelVIRelXSection::ComputeMaxElectronScattering(
G4double cutEnergy)
343 (1.0 + 2.0*ratio*(tau + 1.0) + ratio*ratio);
349 if(particle == theElectron) { tmax *= 0.5; }
357 G4double mom22 = t1*(t1 + 2.0*mass);
358 G4double ctm = (mom2 + mom22 - mom21)*0.5/sqrt(mom2*mom22);
359 if(ctm < 1.0) { cosTetMaxElec = ctm; }
360 if(particle == theElectron && cosTetMaxElec < 0.0) { cosTetMaxElec = 0.0; }
void set(double x, double y, double z)
static G4Pow * GetInstance()
G4ThreeVector SampleSingleScattering(G4double CosThetaMin, G4double CosThetaMax, G4double elecRatio=0.0)
static G4LossTableManager * Instance()
G4double FactorForAngleLimit() const
G4double ComputeTransportCrossSectionPerAtom(G4double CosThetaMax)
static G4NistManager * Instance()
const G4String & GetParticleName() const
G4double SetupTarget(G4int Z, G4double cut=DBL_MAX)
void SetupParticle(const G4ParticleDefinition *)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
G4double Z13(G4int Z) const
static G4Proton * Proton()
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
static G4Positron * Positron()
G4double GetPDGMass() const
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
G4double GetAtomicMassAmu(const G4String &symb) const
T min(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the smallest of the two arguments
G4double GetPDGSpin() const
static G4Electron * Electron()
void Initialise(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4double CosThetaLim)
G4double GetPDGCharge() const
void SetTargetMass(G4double value)
virtual ~G4WentzelVIRelXSection()