53 primaryGeneratorAction( primaryGeneratorAction ),
54 fwhmPosX( NULL ), fwhmPosY( NULL ), fwhmDirX( NULL ), fwhmDirY( NULL ),
55 fwhmMomentumAmp( NULL )
59 fwhmPosX->
"Set positional fwhm of the beam along X axis" );
68 fwhmPosY->
"Set positional fwhm of the beam along Y axis" );
77 fwhmDirX->
"Set directional fwhm of the beam along X axis" );
86 fwhmDirY->
"Set directional fwhm of the beam along Y axis" );
95 fwhmMomentumAmp->
"Set fwhm of the beam momentum as fraction "
109 delete fwhmMomentumAmp;
118 if ( cmd == fwhmPosX )
124 if ( cmd == fwhmPosY )
130 if ( cmd == fwhmDirX )
136 if ( cmd == fwhmDirY )
142 if ( cmd == fwhmMomentumAmp )
void SetDefaultValue(G4double defVal)
static G4double GetNewDoubleValue(const char *paramString)
CexmcPrimaryGeneratorActionMessenger(CexmcPrimaryGeneratorAction *primaryGeneratorAction)
void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *cmd, G4String value)
static G4double GetNewDoubleValue(const char *paramString)
void SetGuidance(const char *aGuidance)
void SetFwhmDirY(G4double value, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1)
void SetFwhmPosX(G4double value, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetDefaultUnit(const char *defUnit)
static G4String gunDirName
void SetDefaultValue(G4double defVal)
void SetFwhmDirX(G4double value, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void SetFwhmMomentumAmp(G4double value, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
void SetFwhmPosY(G4double value, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetUnitCandidates(const char *candidateList)