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xData.h File Reference
#include <expat.h>
#include "statusMessageReporting.h"
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struct  xData_2d_xindex_y_s
struct  xData_matrix_rowStartEnd_s
struct  xData_matrix_s
struct  xData_docInfo_s
struct  xData_attribute_s
struct  xData_attributionList_s
struct  xData_text_s
struct  xData_elementListItem_s
struct  xData_elementList_s
struct  xDataType_s
struct  xData_rootElement_s
struct  xData_element_s
struct  xData_smr_s
struct  xData_document_s
struct  xData_item_s


#define XMLCALL
#define XML_Char   char
#define XML_Size   long
#define xData_malloc2(smr, size, zero, forItem)   xData_malloc( smr, size, zero, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define xData_realloc2(smr, old, size, forItem)   xData_realloc( smr, old, size, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define xDataMisc_allocateCopyString2(smr, s, forItem)   xDataMisc_allocateCopyString( smr, s, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )


typedef int xData_Int
typedef struct xData_docInfo_s xData_docInfo
typedef struct xData_attribute_s xData_attribute
typedef struct
typedef struct xData_rootElement_s xData_rootElement
typedef struct xData_element_s xData_element
typedef struct xData_text_s xData_text
typedef struct xDataType_s xDataType
typedef struct xData_smr_s xData_smr
typedef struct xData_document_s xData_document
typedef struct xData_item_s xData_item
typedef struct xData_2d_xindex_y_s xData_2d_xindex_y
typedef struct xData_matrix_s xData_matrix
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct xData_elementList_s xData_elementList
typedef int(* xData_sortElementFunc )(const void *, const void *)
typedef int(* xData_xDataTypeOk )(char const *name, xData_document *doc, void *userData)
typedef int(* xDT_toDataFunction )(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *, xData_attributionList *, const char *)
typedef char *(* xDT_toStringFunction )(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *)
typedef int(* xDT_releaseFunction )(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *)


enum  xData_status { xData_statusParsing = 1, xData_statusCompleted, xData_statusError }
enum  xData_errorCodes { xData_errNone, xData_errXML_ParserCreate, xData_errFileError, xData_errXMLParser }
enum  xData_itemMode { xData_itemModeEnd = 0, xData_itemModeElement, xData_itemModeText }
enum  xData_xDataType { xData_xDataType_Ok, xData_xDataType_ConvertingToData, xData_xDataType_ConvertingToString }


xData_documentxData_parseReadFile (statusMessageReporting *smr, const char *fileName, xData_xDataTypeOk func, void *userData)
xData_documentxData_parseString (statusMessageReporting *smr, const char *str, xData_xDataTypeOk func, void *userData)
xData_documentxData_parseMalloc (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_xDataTypeOk func, void *userData)
int xData_parseInitialize (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_document *xData_doc, xData_xDataTypeOk func, void *userData)
int xData_parseEndOfXML (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_document *xData_doc)
voidxData_parseFree (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_document *xData_doc)
int xData_parse (xData_document *xData_doc, const char *s)
int xData_parseIsError (xData_document *xData_doc)
xData_elementxData_getDocumentsElement (xData_document *xData_doc)
xData_elementxData_getFirstElement (xData_element *element)
xData_elementxData_getNextElement (xData_element *element)
enum xData_itemMode xData_getFirstItem (xData_element *element, xData_item *item)
enum xData_itemMode xData_getNextItem (xData_item *item)
char * xData_getAttributesValue (xData_attributionList *attributes, const char *name)
const char * xData_getAttributesValueInElement (xData_element *element, const char *name)
int xData_initializeAttributionList (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_attributionList *attributes)
int xData_copyAttributionList (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_attributionList *dest, xData_attributionList *src)
int xData_releaseAttributionList (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_attributionList *attributes)
int xData_attributeListLength (xData_attributionList *attributes)
xData_attributexData_attributeByIndex (xData_attributionList *attributes, int index)
xData_elementxData_getElements_xDataElement (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_getCommonData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, xData_Int *index, xData_Int *start, xData_Int *end, xData_Int *length)
int xData_xDataTypeConvertAttributes (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
xData_Int xData_convertAttributeTo_xData_Int (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, const char *name, xData_Int *n)
int xData_convertAttributeToDouble (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, const char *name, double *d)
int xData_numberOfElementsByTagName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, const char *tagName)
xData_elementListxData_getElementsByTagName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, const char *tagName)
xData_elementListxData_getElementsByTagNameAndSort (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, const char *tagName, const char *sortAttributeName, xData_sortElementFunc sortFunction)
xData_elementxData_getOneElementByTagName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, char *name, int required)
void xData_freeElementList (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_elementList *list)
int xData_addToAccessed (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int increment)
int xData_getAccessed (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_init_1d_x (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_is_1d_x (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, int setMsg)
int xData_isElement_1d_x (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int setMsg)
int xData_1d_x_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, xData_Int nAllocatedBytes, double *d)
double * xData_1d_x_allocateCopyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_1d_x_free_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
int xData_init_2d_xindex_y (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_is_2d_xindex_y (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, int setMsg)
int xData_isElement_2d_xindex_y (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int setMsg)
xData_IntxData_2d_xindex_y_rawIndices (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_2d_xindex_y_free_rawIndices (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
double * xData_2d_xindex_y_toXYs (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, double *Xs)
double * xData_2d_xindex_y_toFilledYs (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, double *Xs)
int xData_2d_xindex_y_free_toFilledYs (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
double * xData_2d_xindex_y_toFilledXYs (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, double *Xs)
int xData_init_2d_xy (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_is_2d_xy (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, int setMsg)
int xData_isElement_2d_xy (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int setMsg)
double * xData_2d_xy_allocateCopyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, xData_Int *length)
int xData_2d_xy_free_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
int xData_init_2d_xShared_yHistogram (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_is_2d_xShared_yHistogram (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, int setMsg)
int xData_isElement_2d_xShared_yHistogram (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int setMsg)
double * xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, xData_Int *n)
int xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_free_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
double * xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_toFilledXYs (xDataType *xDT, xData_Int nXs, double *Xs)
int xData_init_matrix (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_is_matrix (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, int setMsg)
int xData_isElement_matrix (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element, int setMsg)
xData_matrixxData_matrix_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_element *element)
int xData_matrix_free_copyData (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *data)
int getRowStartEndAtIndex (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, xData_Int index, xData_Int *row, xData_Int *start, xData_Int *end)
int xData_is_xDataType (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *xDT, char const *const type, int setMsg)
char constxData_getFileName (xData_document *doc)
int xData_setFileName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xData_document *doc, char const *fileName)
xData_documentxData_getElementsDocument (xData_element *element)
voidxData_get_smrUserInterfaceFromDocument (xData_document *doc)
voidxData_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement (xData_element *element)
int xData_stringTo_xData_Int (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *smrUserInterface, char const *c, xData_Int *value, char const *endings, char **e)
int xData_stringTo_double (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *smrUserInterface, char const *c, double *value, char const *endings, char **e)
voidxData_malloc (statusMessageReporting *smr, size_t size, int zero, const char *forItem, const char *file, int line)
voidxData_realloc (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *pOld, size_t size, const char *forItem, const char *routine, int line)
voidxData_free (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *p)
char * xDataMisc_allocateCopyString (statusMessageReporting *smr, const char *s, const char *forItem, const char *routine, int line)
char * xDataMisc_getAbsPath (statusMessageReporting *smr, const char *fileName)
int xData_setMessageError_ReturnInt (int value, statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userData, const char *file, int line, int code, const char *fmt,...)


char const *const xData_oned_x_ID = "1d.x"
char const *const xData_twod_xy_ID = "2d.xy"
char const *const xData_twod_xindex_y_ID = "2d.xindex_y"
char const *const xData_twod_xShared_yHistogram_ID = "2d_xShared_yHistogram"
char const *const xData_matrix_ID = "matrix"

Macro Definition Documentation

#define xData_malloc2 (   smr,
)    xData_malloc( smr, size, zero, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 313 of file xData.h.

#define xData_realloc2 (   smr,
)    xData_realloc( smr, old, size, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 314 of file xData.h.

#define xDataMisc_allocateCopyString2 (   smr,
)    xDataMisc_allocateCopyString( smr, s, forItem, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 315 of file xData.h.

#define XML_Char   char

Definition at line 57 of file xData.h.

#define XML_Size   long

Definition at line 61 of file xData.h.

#define XMLCALL

Definition at line 53 of file xData.h.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 93 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 84 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 85 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 83 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 91 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 87 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 97 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 96 of file xData.h.

typedef int xData_Int

Definition at line 50 of file xData.h.

typedef struct xData_item_s xData_item

Definition at line 92 of file xData.h.

typedef struct xData_matrix_s xData_matrix

Definition at line 94 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 95 of file xData.h.

Definition at line 86 of file xData.h.

typedef struct xData_smr_s xData_smr

Definition at line 90 of file xData.h.

typedef int(* xData_sortElementFunc)(const void *, const void *)

Definition at line 99 of file xData.h.

typedef struct xData_text_s xData_text

Definition at line 88 of file xData.h.

typedef int(* xData_xDataTypeOk)(char const *name, xData_document *doc, void *userData)

Definition at line 139 of file xData.h.

typedef struct xDataType_s xDataType

Definition at line 89 of file xData.h.

typedef int(* xDT_releaseFunction)(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *)

Definition at line 142 of file xData.h.

typedef int(* xDT_toDataFunction)(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *, xData_attributionList *, const char *)

Definition at line 140 of file xData.h.

typedef char*(* xDT_toStringFunction)(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataType *)

Definition at line 141 of file xData.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 78 of file xData.h.


Definition at line 80 of file xData.h.


Definition at line 77 of file xData.h.


Definition at line 81 of file xData.h.

Function Documentation

int getRowStartEndAtIndex ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
xData_Int  index,
xData_Int row,
xData_Int start,
xData_Int end 

Definition at line 231 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

double* xData_1d_x_allocateCopyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 105 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_1d_x_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
xData_Int  nAllocatedBytes,
double *  d 

Definition at line 84 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_1d_x_free_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 122 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_2d_xindex_y_free_rawIndices ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 170 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_2d_xindex_y_free_toFilledYs ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 209 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

xData_Int* xData_2d_xindex_y_rawIndices ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 150 of file

double* xData_2d_xindex_y_toFilledXYs ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
double *  Xs 

Definition at line 217 of file

double* xData_2d_xindex_y_toFilledYs ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
double *  Xs 

Definition at line 202 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double* xData_2d_xindex_y_toXYs ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
double *  Xs 

Definition at line 178 of file

double* xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
xData_Int n 

Definition at line 85 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_free_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 104 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

double* xData_2d_xShared_yHistogram_toFilledXYs ( xDataType xDT,
xData_Int  nXs,
double *  Xs 

Definition at line 164 of file

double* xData_2d_xy_allocateCopyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
xData_Int length 

Definition at line 84 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_2d_xy_free_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 101 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_addToAccessed ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  increment 

Definition at line 1078 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_attribute* xData_attributeByIndex ( xData_attributionList attributes,
int  index 

Definition at line 603 of file

int xData_attributeListLength ( xData_attributionList attributes)

Definition at line 596 of file

xData_Int xData_convertAttributeTo_xData_Int ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
const char *  name,
xData_Int n 

Definition at line 710 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_convertAttributeToDouble ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
const char *  name,
double *  d 

Definition at line 730 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_copyAttributionList ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_attributionList dest,
xData_attributionList src 

Definition at line 564 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xData_free ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void p 

Definition at line 89 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void xData_freeElementList ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_elementList list 

Definition at line 832 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xData_get_smrUserInterfaceFromDocument ( xData_document doc)

Definition at line 944 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xData_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement ( xData_element element)

Definition at line 952 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_getAccessed ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 1087 of file

char* xData_getAttributesValue ( xData_attributionList attributes,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 530 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const char* xData_getAttributesValueInElement ( xData_element element,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 546 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_getCommonData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
xData_Int index,
xData_Int start,
xData_Int end,
xData_Int length 

Definition at line 652 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

xData_element* xData_getDocumentsElement ( xData_document xData_doc)

Definition at line 476 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_element* xData_getElements_xDataElement ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 622 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_elementList* xData_getElementsByTagName ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
const char *  tagName 

Definition at line 761 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_elementList* xData_getElementsByTagNameAndSort ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
const char *  tagName,
const char *  sortAttributeName,
xData_sortElementFunc  sortFunction 

Definition at line 788 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_document* xData_getElementsDocument ( xData_element element)

Definition at line 934 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* xData_getFileName ( xData_document doc)

Definition at line 914 of file

xData_element* xData_getFirstElement ( xData_element element)

Definition at line 477 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

enum xData_itemMode xData_getFirstItem ( xData_element element,
xData_item item 

Definition at line 482 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

xData_element* xData_getNextElement ( xData_element element)

Definition at line 478 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

enum xData_itemMode xData_getNextItem ( xData_item item)

Definition at line 502 of file

xData_element* xData_getOneElementByTagName ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
char *  name,
int  required 

Definition at line 810 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_init_1d_x ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 54 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_init_2d_xindex_y ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 55 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_init_2d_xShared_yHistogram ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 54 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_init_2d_xy ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 54 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_init_matrix ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 55 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_initializeAttributionList ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_attributionList attributes 

Definition at line 554 of file

int xData_is_1d_x ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 70 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_is_2d_xindex_y ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 71 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_is_2d_xShared_yHistogram ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 70 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_is_2d_xy ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 70 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_is_matrix ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 71 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_is_xDataType ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataType xDT,
char const *const  type,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 900 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_isElement_1d_x ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 77 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_isElement_2d_xindex_y ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 78 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_isElement_2d_xShared_yHistogram ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 77 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_isElement_2d_xy ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 77 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_isElement_matrix ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 78 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xData_malloc ( statusMessageReporting smr,
size_t  size,
int  zero,
const char *  forItem,
const char *  file,
int  line 

Definition at line 56 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_matrix* xData_matrix_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 85 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_matrix_free_copyData ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void data 

Definition at line 107 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_numberOfElementsByTagName ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element,
const char *  tagName 

Definition at line 750 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_parse ( xData_document xData_doc,
const char *  s 

Definition at line 251 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_parseEndOfXML ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_document xData_doc 

Definition at line 187 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xData_parseFree ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_document xData_doc 

Definition at line 208 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_parseInitialize ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_document xData_doc,
xData_xDataTypeOk  func,
void userData 

Definition at line 157 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_parseIsError ( xData_document xData_doc)

Definition at line 469 of file

xData_document* xData_parseMalloc ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_xDataTypeOk  func,
void userData 

Definition at line 141 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_document* xData_parseReadFile ( statusMessageReporting smr,
const char *  fileName,
xData_xDataTypeOk  func,
void userData 

Definition at line 84 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

xData_document* xData_parseString ( statusMessageReporting smr,
const char *  str,
xData_xDataTypeOk  func,
void userData 

Definition at line 123 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void* xData_realloc ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void pOld,
size_t  size,
const char *  forItem,
const char *  routine,
int  line 

Definition at line 75 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_releaseAttributionList ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_attributionList attributes 

Definition at line 611 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_setFileName ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_document doc,
char const fileName 

Definition at line 921 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xData_setMessageError_ReturnInt ( int  value,
statusMessageReporting smr,
void userData,
const char *  file,
int  line,
int  code,
const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 160 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_stringTo_double ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void smrUserInterface,
char const c,
double *  value,
char const endings,
char **  e 

Definition at line 1044 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_stringTo_xData_Int ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void smrUserInterface,
char const c,
xData_Int value,
char const endings,
char **  e 

Definition at line 1010 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

int xData_xDataTypeConvertAttributes ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xData_element element 

Definition at line 668 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* xDataMisc_allocateCopyString ( statusMessageReporting smr,
const char *  s,
const char *  forItem,
const char *  routine,
int  line 

Definition at line 97 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* xDataMisc_getAbsPath ( statusMessageReporting smr,
const char *  fileName 

Definition at line 112 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

char const* const xData_matrix_ID = "matrix"

Definition at line 75 of file xData.h.

char const* const xData_oned_x_ID = "1d.x"

Definition at line 71 of file xData.h.

char const* const xData_twod_xindex_y_ID = "2d.xindex_y"

Definition at line 73 of file xData.h.

char const* const xData_twod_xShared_yHistogram_ID = "2d_xShared_yHistogram"

Definition at line 74 of file xData.h.

char const* const xData_twod_xy_ID = "2d.xy"

Definition at line 72 of file xData.h.