Geant4  9.6.p02
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Functions | Variables
macro.C File Reference

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ntuple Print ()
ntuple GetBranch ("xx") -> SetAddress(&xx)
ntuple GetBranch ("yy") -> SetAddress(&yy)
ntuple GetBranch ("zz") -> SetAddress(&zz)
ntuple GetBranch ("edep") -> SetAddress(&edep)
gStyle SetPalette (1)
ntuple Draw ("xx:yy:zz:edep>>h30","","colz")


TDirectory * dir = (TDirectory*)f.Get("ntuple")
TTree * ntuple = (TTree*)dir->Get("EnergyDeposition")
Int_t index
Double_t xx
Double_t yy
Double_t zz
Double_t edep
TH3F * edepDDistribution3D

Function Documentation

ntuple Draw ( "xx:yy:zz:edep>>h30"  ,
""  ,
ntuple GetBranch ( "xx"  ) -> SetAddress(&xx)
ntuple GetBranch ( "yy"  ) -> SetAddress(&yy)
ntuple GetBranch ( "zz"  ) -> SetAddress(&zz)
ntuple GetBranch ( "edep"  ) -> SetAddress(&edep)
ntuple Print ( )
gStyle SetPalette ( )

Variable Documentation

TDirectory* dir = (TDirectory*)f.Get("ntuple")

Definition at line 4 of file macro.C.

Double_t edep

Definition at line 12 of file macro.C.

TH3F* edepDDistribution3D
Initial value:
= new TH3F("h30", "3Dedepxyz",
300, -150, 150,
300, -150, 150,
300, -150, 150)

Definition at line 32 of file macro.C.

Int_t index

Definition at line 8 of file macro.C.

TTree* ntuple = (TTree*)dir->Get("EnergyDeposition")

Definition at line 5 of file macro.C.

Double_t xx

Definition at line 9 of file macro.C.

Double_t yy

Definition at line 10 of file macro.C.

Double_t zz

Definition at line 11 of file macro.C.