64 fMax_loop_count(1000),
65 fUseSafetyForOptimisation(true),
66 fZeroStepThreshold( 0.0 ),
67 fDetectorFieldMgr(detectorFieldMgr),
68 fpTrajectoryFilter( 0 ),
69 fNavigator(theNavigator),
70 fCurrentFieldMgr(detectorFieldMgr),
74 fParticleIsLooping(false),
78 fFirstStepInVolume(true),
79 fLastStepInVolume(true),
97 G4cout <<
" PiF: Zero Step Threshold set to "
100 G4cout <<
" PiF: Value of kCarTolerance = "
172 G4cout <<
"G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep() called" <<
173 G4cout <<
" Starting FT: " << pFieldTrack;
174 G4cout <<
" Requested length = " << CurrentProposedStepLength <<
186 G4double TruePathLength = CurrentProposedStepLength;
190 G4bool first_substep =
215 G4double trialProposedStep = 1.e2 * ( 10.0 *
cm +
217 GetSolid()->DistanceToOut(StartPointA, VelocityUnit) );
218 CurrentProposedStepLength=
std::min( trialProposedStep,
225 if( epsilon < epsilonMin ) epsilon = epsilonMin;
226 if( epsilon > epsilonMax ) epsilon = epsilonMax;
253 decreaseFactor= 0.25;
262 decreaseFactor = 0.35;
266 decreaseFactor= 0.75;
270 stepTrial *= decreaseFactor;
273 G4cerr <<
" G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep(): " <<
274 <<
" Decreasing step - in volume " << pPhysVol;
276 G4cerr <<
" with name " << pPhysVol->GetName();
279 stepTrial, pFieldTrack);
281 if( stepTrial == 0.0 )
283 std::ostringstream message;
284 message <<
"Particle abandoned due to lack of progress in field."
286 <<
" Properties : " << pFieldTrack << G4endl
287 <<
" Attempting a zero step = " << stepTrial << G4endl
288 <<
" while attempting to progress after " <<
289 <<
" trial steps. Will abandon step.";
290 G4Exception(
295 if( stepTrial < CurrentProposedStepLength )
296 CurrentProposedStepLength = stepTrial;
300 G4int do_loop_count = 0;
310 G4cout <<
" PiF: Calling Nav/Locate Global Point within-Volume "
318 h_TrialStepSize = CurrentProposedStepLength - StepTaken;
339 NewSafety, LinearStepLength,
340 InterSectionPointE );
346 currentSafety = NewSafety;
355 G4bool recalculatedEndPt=
358 EstimateIntersectionPoint( SubStepStartState, CurrentState,
359 InterSectionPointE, IntersectPointVelct_G,
362 intersects = found_intersection;
363 if( found_intersection )
366 StepTaken = TruePathLength = IntersectPointVelct_G.
374 if( recalculatedEndPt )
380 G4bool shortEnd = endAchieved
389 CurrentState= IntersectPointVelct_G;
390 s_length_taken = stepAchieved;
400 StepTaken += s_length_taken;
406 first_substep =
412 CurrentState, CurrentProposedStepLength,
413 NewSafety, do_loop_count, pPhysVol );
419 G4cout <<
" G4PropagatorInField::ComputeStep(): " <<
420 <<
" Difficult track - taking many sub steps." <<
422 printStatus( SubStepStartState, CurrentState, CurrentProposedStepLength,
423 NewSafety, do_loop_count, pPhysVol );
429 }
while( (!intersects )
449 TruePathLength = StepTaken;
466 std::ostringstream message;
467 message <<
"Curve length mis-match between original state "
468 <<
"and proposed endpoint of propagation." <<
469 <<
" The curve length of the endpoint should be: "
471 <<
" and it is instead: "
473 <<
" A difference of: "
476 <<
" Original state = " << OriginalState <<
483 if( TruePathLength+
kCarTolerance >= CurrentProposedStepLength )
508 return TruePathLength;
533 if( ((stepNo == 0) && (verboseLevel <3)) || (verboseLevel >= 3) )
535 oldprec =
536 G4cout << std::setw( 6) <<
" "
537 << std::setw( 25) <<
" Current Position and Direction" <<
" "
539 G4cout << std::setw( 5) <<
540 << std::setw(10) <<
" s " <<
" "
541 << std::setw(10) <<
"X(mm)" <<
" "
542 << std::setw(10) <<
"Y(mm)" <<
" "
543 << std::setw(10) <<
"Z(mm)" <<
" "
544 << std::setw( 7) <<
" N_x " <<
" "
545 << std::setw( 7) <<
" N_y " <<
" "
546 << std::setw( 7) <<
" N_z " <<
" " ;
547 G4cout << std::setw( 7) <<
" Delta|N|" <<
" "
548 << std::setw( 9) <<
"StepLen" <<
" "
549 << std::setw(12) <<
"StartSafety" <<
" "
550 << std::setw( 9) <<
"PhsStep" <<
" ";
552 {
G4cout << std::setw(18) <<
"NextVolume" <<
" "; }
553 G4cout.precision(oldprec);
556 if((stepNo == 0) && (verboseLevel <=3))
560 printStatus( StartFT, StartFT, -1.0, safety, -1, startVolume);
562 if( verboseLevel <= 3 )
565 {
G4cout << std::setw( 4) << stepNo <<
" "; }
567 {
G4cout << std::setw( 5) <<
"Start" ; }
568 oldprec =
571 G4cout << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.x() <<
" "
572 << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.y() <<
" "
573 << std::setw(10) << CurrentPosition.z() <<
" ";
575 G4cout << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.x() <<
" "
576 << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.y() <<
" "
577 << std::setw( 7) << CurrentUnitVelocity.z() <<
" ";
581 G4cout << std::setw( 9) << step_len <<
" ";
582 G4cout << std::setw(12) << safety <<
" ";
583 if( requestStep != -1.0 )
584 {
G4cout << std::setw( 9) << requestStep <<
" "; }
586 {
G4cout << std::setw( 9) <<
"Init/NotKnown" <<
" "; }
587 if( startVolume != 0)
588 {
G4cout << std::setw(12) << startVolume->
GetName() <<
" "; }
589 G4cout.precision(oldprec);
596 G4cout <<
"Step taken was " << step_len
597 <<
" out of PhysicalStep = " << requestStep <<
599 G4cout <<
"Chord length = " << (CurrentPosition-StartPosition).mag()
617 G4cout <<
" " << std::setw(12) <<
" PiF: NoZeroStep "
618 <<
" " << std::setw(20) <<
" CurrentProposed len "
619 <<
" " << std::setw(18) <<
" Full_curvelen_last"
620 <<
" " << std::setw(18) <<
" last proposed len "
621 <<
" " << std::setw(18) <<
" decrease factor "
622 <<
" " << std::setw(15) <<
" step trial "
626 <<
" " << std::setw(20) << CurrentProposedStepLength
629 <<
" " << std::setw(18) << decreaseFactor
630 <<
" " << std::setw(15) << stepTrial
632 G4cout.precision( iprec );
645 std::vector<G4ThreeVector>*
678 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
692 if( pCurrentPhysicalVolume)
702 if( pRegionFieldMgr )
703 currentFieldMgr= pRegionFieldMgr;
709 currentFieldMgr = localFieldMgr;
718 return currentFieldMgr;
740 std::ostringstream message;
741 message <<
" Killing looping particle "
742 <<
" after " << count <<
" field substeps "
743 <<
" totaling " << StepTaken /
mm <<
" mm " ;
746 message <<
" in *volume* " << pPhysVol->
GetName() ;
750 message <<
" in unknown or null volume. " ;
752 G4Exception(
761 std::ostringstream message;
762 message <<
"Particle is stuck; it will be killed." <<
763 <<
" Zero progress for " << noZeroSteps <<
" attempted steps."
765 <<
" Proposed Step is " << proposedStep
766 <<
" but Step Taken is "<< lastTriedStep <<
768 message <<
" in volume " << physVol->
GetName() ;
770 message <<
" in unknown or null volume. " ;
static constexpr double perMillion
G4FieldManager * fCurrentFieldMgr
void SetEpsilonStep(G4double newEps)
static constexpr double mm
G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter * fpTrajectoryFilter
static const G4double kInfinity
G4double GetCurveLength() const
std::vector< G4ThreeVector > * GimmeTrajectoryVectorAndForgetIt() const
CLHEP::Hep3Vector G4ThreeVector
void SetVerboseLevel(G4int newLevel)
virtual void TakeIntermediatePoint(G4ThreeVector newPoint)=0
void PrintStepLengthDiagnostic(G4double currentProposedStepLength, G4double decreaseFactor, G4double stepTrial, const G4FieldTrack &aFieldTrack)
G4double fLast_ProposedStepLength
void RefreshIntersectionLocator()
G4double GetSurfaceTolerance() const
const G4ThreeVector & GetMomentumDir() const
G4double GetDeltaOneStep() const
std::vector< G4ThreeVector > * GimmeThePointsAndForgetThem()
G4PropagatorInField(G4Navigator *theNavigator, G4FieldManager *detectorFieldMgr, G4VIntersectionLocator *vLocator=0)
void SetChordFinderFor(G4ChordFinder *fCFinder)
G4Region * GetRegion() const
G4ThreeVector fPreviousSftOrigin
static constexpr double meter
G4double fFull_CurveLen_of_LastAttempt
G4bool fUseSafetyForOptimisation
G4int SetVerboseLevel(G4int verbose)
G4ThreeVector GetPosition() const
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
const G4String & GetName() const
void ReportLoopingParticle(G4int count, double StepTaken, G4VPhysicalVolume *pPhysVol)
G4double GetMaximumEpsilonStep() const
G4double fZeroStepThreshold
static constexpr double cm
G4double fLargestAcceptableStep
void CreateNewTrajectorySegment()
G4FieldManager * FindAndSetFieldManager(G4VPhysicalVolume *pCurrentPhysVol)
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
G4FieldManager * GetFieldManager() const
G4double AdvanceChordLimited(G4FieldTrack &yCurrent, G4double stepInitial, G4double epsStep_Relative, const G4ThreeVector latestSafetyOrigin, G4double lasestSafetyRadius)
G4double ComputeStep(G4FieldTrack &pFieldTrack, G4double pCurrentProposedStepLength, G4double &pNewSafety, G4VPhysicalVolume *pPhysVol=0)
G4int fSevereActionThreshold_NoZeroSteps
G4double GetDeltaIntersection() const
G4LogicalVolume * GetLogicalVolume() const
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
void ReportStuckParticle(G4int noZeroSteps, G4double proposedStep, G4double lastTriedStep, G4VPhysicalVolume *physVol)
G4ChordFinder * GetChordFinder()
G4bool fFirstStepInVolume
T min(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the smallest of the two arguments
static constexpr double millimeter
G4FieldManager * fDetectorFieldMgr
G4bool IntersectChord(const G4ThreeVector &StartPointA, const G4ThreeVector &EndPointB, G4double &NewSafety, G4double &LinearStepLength, G4ThreeVector &IntersectionPoint)
void SetTrajectoryFilter(G4VCurvedTrajectoryFilter *filter)
void ClearPropagatorState()
G4bool fParticleIsLooping
void SetSafetyParametersFor(G4bool UseSafety)
G4int fAbandonThreshold_NoZeroSteps
G4FieldManager * GetFieldManager() const
G4FieldTrack End_PointAndTangent
G4ThreeVector GetMomentum() const
G4MagInt_Driver * GetIntegrationDriver()
G4int fActionThreshold_NoZeroSteps
static constexpr double micrometer
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetWorldVolume() const
void SetEpsilonStepFor(G4double EpsilonStep)
double epsilon(double density, double temperature)
static G4GeometryTolerance * GetInstance()
virtual void LocateGlobalPointWithinVolume(const G4ThreeVector &position)
G4VIntersectionLocator * fIntersectionLocator
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cerr
void SetDeltaIntersectionFor(G4double deltaIntersection)
void printStatus(const G4FieldTrack &startFT, const G4FieldTrack ¤tFT, G4double requestStep, G4double safety, G4int step, G4VPhysicalVolume *startVolume)
G4double GetMinimumEpsilonStep() const