Geant4  10.03.p03
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1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 // $Id:$
3 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 //
5 // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
6 //
7 // Hep geometrical 3D Transformation library
8 //
9 // Author: Evgeni Chernyaev <>
10 //
11 // History:
12 // 24.09.96 E.Chernyaev - initial version
14 #include <iostream>
15 #include <cmath> // double std::abs()
18 namespace HepGeom {
20  const Transform3D Transform3D::Identity = Transform3D ();
22  // T R A N S F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------------
24  double Transform3D::operator () (int i, int j) const {
25  if (i == 0) {
26  if (j == 0) { return xx_; }
27  if (j == 1) { return xy_; }
28  if (j == 2) { return xz_; }
29  if (j == 3) { return dx_; }
30  } else if (i == 1) {
31  if (j == 0) { return yx_; }
32  if (j == 1) { return yy_; }
33  if (j == 2) { return yz_; }
34  if (j == 3) { return dy_; }
35  } else if (i == 2) {
36  if (j == 0) { return zx_; }
37  if (j == 1) { return zy_; }
38  if (j == 2) { return zz_; }
39  if (j == 3) { return dz_; }
40  } else if (i == 3) {
41  if (j == 0) { return 0.0; }
42  if (j == 1) { return 0.0; }
43  if (j == 2) { return 0.0; }
44  if (j == 3) { return 1.0; }
45  }
46  std::cerr << "Transform3D subscripting: bad indeces "
47  << "(" << i << "," << j << ")" << std::endl;
48  return 0.0;
49  }
51  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
53  return Transform3D
54  (xx_*b.xx_+xy_*b.yx_+xz_*b.zx_, xx_*b.xy_+xy_*b.yy_+xz_*b.zy_,
55  xx_*b.xz_+xy_*b.yz_+xz_*b.zz_, xx_*b.dx_+xy_*b.dy_+xz_*b.dz_+dx_,
56  yx_*b.xx_+yy_*b.yx_+yz_*b.zx_, yx_*b.xy_+yy_*b.yy_+yz_*b.zy_,
57  yx_*b.xz_+yy_*b.yz_+yz_*b.zz_, yx_*b.dx_+yy_*b.dy_+yz_*b.dz_+dy_,
58  zx_*b.xx_+zy_*b.yx_+zz_*b.zx_, zx_*b.xy_+zy_*b.yy_+zz_*b.zy_,
59  zx_*b.xz_+zy_*b.yz_+zz_*b.zz_, zx_*b.dx_+zy_*b.dy_+zz_*b.dz_+dz_);
60  }
62  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
64  const Point3D<double> & fr1,
65  const Point3D<double> & fr2,
66  const Point3D<double> & to0,
67  const Point3D<double> & to1,
68  const Point3D<double> & to2)
69  /***********************************************************************
70  * *
71  * Name: Transform3D::Transform3D Date: 24.09.96 *
72  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
73  * *
74  * Function: Create 3D Transformation from one coordinate system *
75  * defined by its origin "fr0" and two axes "fr0->fr1", *
76  * "fr0->fr2" to another coordinate system "to0", "to0->to1" *
77  * and "to0->to2" *
78  * *
79  ***********************************************************************/
80  {
81  Vector3D<double> x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2;
82  x1 = (fr1 - fr0).unit();
83  y1 = (fr2 - fr0).unit();
84  x2 = (to1 - to0).unit();
85  y2 = (to2 - to0).unit();
87  // C H E C K A N G L E S
89  double cos1, cos2;
90  cos1 = x1*y1;
91  cos2 = x2*y2;
93  if (std::abs(1.0-cos1) <= 0.000001 || std::abs(1.0-cos2) <= 0.000001) {
94  std::cerr << "Transform3D: zero angle between axes" << std::endl;
95  setIdentity();
96  }else{
97  if (std::abs(cos1-cos2) > 0.000001) {
98  std::cerr << "Transform3D: angles between axes are not equal"
99  << std::endl;
100  }
102  // F I N D R O T A T I O N M A T R I X
104  z1 = (x1.cross(y1)).unit();
105  y1 = z1.cross(x1);
107  z2 = (x2.cross(y2)).unit();
108  y2 = z2.cross(x2);
110  double detxx = (y1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*y1.z());
111  double detxy = -(y1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*y1.z());
112  double detxz = (y1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*y1.y());
113  double detyx = -(x1.y()*z1.z() - z1.y()*x1.z());
114  double detyy = (x1.x()*z1.z() - z1.x()*x1.z());
115  double detyz = -(x1.x()*z1.y() - z1.x()*x1.y());
116  double detzx = (x1.y()*y1.z() - y1.y()*x1.z());
117  double detzy = -(x1.x()*y1.z() - y1.x()*x1.z());
118  double detzz = (x1.x()*y1.y() - y1.x()*x1.y());
120  double txx = x2.x()*detxx + y2.x()*detyx + z2.x()*detzx;
121  double txy = x2.x()*detxy + y2.x()*detyy + z2.x()*detzy;
122  double txz = x2.x()*detxz + y2.x()*detyz + z2.x()*detzz;
123  double tyx = x2.y()*detxx + y2.y()*detyx + z2.y()*detzx;
124  double tyy = x2.y()*detxy + y2.y()*detyy + z2.y()*detzy;
125  double tyz = x2.y()*detxz + y2.y()*detyz + z2.y()*detzz;
126  double tzx = x2.z()*detxx + y2.z()*detyx + z2.z()*detzx;
127  double tzy = x2.z()*detxy + y2.z()*detyy + z2.z()*detzy;
128  double tzz = x2.z()*detxz + y2.z()*detyz + z2.z()*detzz;
130  // S E T T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
132  double dx1 = fr0.x(), dy1 = fr0.y(), dz1 = fr0.z();
133  double dx2 = to0.x(), dy2 = to0.y(), dz2 = to0.z();
135  setTransform(txx, txy, txz, dx2-txx*dx1-txy*dy1-txz*dz1,
136  tyx, tyy, tyz, dy2-tyx*dx1-tyy*dy1-tyz*dz1,
137  tzx, tzy, tzz, dz2-tzx*dx1-tzy*dy1-tzz*dz1);
138  }
139  }
141  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
143  /***********************************************************************
144  * *
145  * Name: Transform3D::inverse Date: 24.09.96 *
146  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
147  * *
148  * Function: Find inverse affine transformation *
149  * *
150  ***********************************************************************/
151  {
152  double detxx = yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_;
153  double detxy = yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_;
154  double detxz = yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_;
155  double det = xx_*detxx - xy_*detxy + xz_*detxz;
156  if (det == 0) {
157  std::cerr << "Transform3D::inverse error: zero determinant" << std::endl;
158  return Transform3D();
159  }
160  det = 1./det; detxx *= det; detxy *= det; detxz *= det;
161  double detyx = (xy_*zz_ - xz_*zy_)*det;
162  double detyy = (xx_*zz_ - xz_*zx_)*det;
163  double detyz = (xx_*zy_ - xy_*zx_)*det;
164  double detzx = (xy_*yz_ - xz_*yy_)*det;
165  double detzy = (xx_*yz_ - xz_*yx_)*det;
166  double detzz = (xx_*yy_ - xy_*yx_)*det;
167  return Transform3D
168  (detxx, -detyx, detzx, -detxx*dx_+detyx*dy_-detzx*dz_,
169  -detxy, detyy, -detzy, detxy*dx_-detyy*dy_+detzy*dz_,
170  detxz, -detyz, detzz, -detxz*dx_+detyz*dy_-detzz*dz_);
171  }
173  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
175  Rotate3D & rotation,
176  Translate3D & translation) const
177  /***********************************************************************
178  * CLHEP-1.7 *
179  * Name: Transform3D::getDecomposition Date: 09.06.01 *
180  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
181  * *
182  * Function: Gets decomposition of general transformation on *
183  * three consequentive specific transformations: *
184  * Scale, then Rotation, then Translation. *
185  * If there was a reflection, then ScaleZ will be negative. *
186  * *
187  ***********************************************************************/
188  {
189  double sx = std::sqrt(xx_*xx_ + yx_*yx_ + zx_*zx_);
190  double sy = std::sqrt(xy_*xy_ + yy_*yy_ + zy_*zy_);
191  double sz = std::sqrt(xz_*xz_ + yz_*yz_ + zz_*zz_);
193  if (xx_*(yy_*zz_-yz_*zy_) -
194  xy_*(yx_*zz_-yz_*zx_) +
195  xz_*(yx_*zy_-yy_*zx_) < 0) sz = -sz;
196  scale.setTransform(sx,0,0,0, 0,sy,0,0, 0,0,sz,0);
197  rotation.setTransform(xx_/sx,xy_/sy,xz_/sz,0,
198  yx_/sx,yy_/sy,yz_/sz,0,
199  zx_/sx,zy_/sy,zz_/sz,0);
200  translation.setTransform(1,0,0,dx_, 0,1,0,dy_, 0,0,1,dz_);
201  }
203  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
204  bool Transform3D::isNear(const Transform3D & t, double tolerance) const
205  {
206  return ( (std::abs(xx_ - t.xx_) <= tolerance) &&
207  (std::abs(xy_ - t.xy_) <= tolerance) &&
208  (std::abs(xz_ - t.xz_) <= tolerance) &&
209  (std::abs(dx_ - t.dx_) <= tolerance) &&
210  (std::abs(yx_ - t.yx_) <= tolerance) &&
211  (std::abs(yy_ - t.yy_) <= tolerance) &&
212  (std::abs(yz_ - t.yz_) <= tolerance) &&
213  (std::abs(dy_ - t.dy_) <= tolerance) &&
214  (std::abs(zx_ - t.zx_) <= tolerance) &&
215  (std::abs(zy_ - t.zy_) <= tolerance) &&
216  (std::abs(zz_ - t.zz_) <= tolerance) &&
217  (std::abs(dz_ - t.dz_) <= tolerance) );
218  }
220  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
221  bool Transform3D::operator==(const Transform3D & t) const
222  {
223  return (this == &t) ? true :
224  (xx_==t.xx_ && xy_==t.xy_ && xz_==t.xz_ && dx_==t.dx_ &&
225  yx_==t.yx_ && yy_==t.yy_ && yz_==t.yz_ && dy_==t.dy_ &&
226  zx_==t.zx_ && zy_==t.zy_ && zz_==t.zz_ && dz_==t.dz_ );
227  }
229  // 3 D R O T A T I O N -------------------------------------------------
232  const Point3D<double> & p1,
233  const Point3D<double> & p2) : Transform3D()
234  /***********************************************************************
235  * *
236  * Name: Rotate3D::Rotate3D Date: 24.09.96 *
237  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
238  * *
239  * Function: Create 3D Rotation through angle "a" (counterclockwise) *
240  * around the axis p1->p2 *
241  * *
242  ***********************************************************************/
243  {
244  if (a == 0) return;
246  double cx = p2.x()-p1.x(), cy = p2.y()-p1.y(), cz = p2.z()-p1.z();
247  double ll = std::sqrt(cx*cx + cy*cy + cz*cz);
248  if (ll == 0) {
249  std::cerr << "Rotate3D: zero axis" << std::endl;
250  }else{
251  double cosa = std::cos(a), sina = std::sin(a);
252  cx /= ll; cy /= ll; cz /= ll;
254  double txx = cosa + (1-cosa)*cx*cx;
255  double txy = (1-cosa)*cx*cy - sina*cz;
256  double txz = (1-cosa)*cx*cz + sina*cy;
258  double tyx = (1-cosa)*cy*cx + sina*cz;
259  double tyy = cosa + (1-cosa)*cy*cy;
260  double tyz = (1-cosa)*cy*cz - sina*cx;
262  double tzx = (1-cosa)*cz*cx - sina*cy;
263  double tzy = (1-cosa)*cz*cy + sina*cx;
264  double tzz = cosa + (1-cosa)*cz*cz;
266  double tdx = p1.x(), tdy = p1.y(), tdz = p1.z();
268  setTransform(txx, txy, txz, tdx-txx*tdx-txy*tdy-txz*tdz,
269  tyx, tyy, tyz, tdy-tyx*tdx-tyy*tdy-tyz*tdz,
270  tzx, tzy, tzz, tdz-tzx*tdx-tzy*tdy-tzz*tdz);
271  }
272  }
274  // 3 D R E F L E C T I O N ---------------------------------------------
276  Reflect3D::Reflect3D(double a, double b, double c, double d)
277  /***********************************************************************
278  * *
279  * Name: Reflect3D::Reflect3D Date: 24.09.96 *
280  * Author: E.Chernyaev (IHEP/Protvino) Revised: *
281  * *
282  * Function: Create 3D Reflection in a plane a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0 *
283  * *
284  ***********************************************************************/
285  {
286  double ll = a*a+b*b+c*c;
287  if (ll == 0) {
288  std::cerr << "Reflect3D: zero normal" << std::endl;
289  setIdentity();
290  }else{
291  ll = 1/ll;
292  double aa = a*a*ll, ab = a*b*ll, ac = a*c*ll, ad = a*d*ll,
293  bb = b*b*ll, bc = b*c*ll, bd = b*d*ll,
294  cc = c*c*ll, cd = c*d*ll;
295  setTransform(-aa+bb+cc, -ab-ab, -ac-ac, -ad-ad,
296  -ab-ab, aa-bb+cc, -bc-bc, -bd-bd,
297  -ac-ac, -bc-bc, aa+bb-cc, -cd-cd);
298  }
299  }
300 } /* namespace HepGeom */
std::vector< ExP01TrackerHit * > a
Definition: ExP01Classes.hh:33
void getDecomposition(Scale3D &scale, Rotate3D &rotation, Translate3D &translation) const
Transform3D inverse() const
static const G4double cd
void setTransform(double XX, double XY, double XZ, double DX, double YX, double YY, double YZ, double DY, double ZX, double ZY, double ZZ, double DZ)
Definition: Transform3D.h:186
const G4ThreeVector const G4double const
bool isNear(const Transform3D &t, double tolerance=2.2E-14) const
static ulg bb
tuple b
Transform3D operator*(const Transform3D &b) const
bool operator==(const Transform3D &transform) const
static const G4double ab
double operator()(int, int) const
tuple c
BasicVector3D< T > cross(const BasicVector3D< T > &v) const
static const Transform3D Identity
Definition: Transform3D.h:197