88 if (physName ==
100 if (!phys)
103 for (
G4int i = 0; ; ++i) {
106 if (elem == NULL)
135 muonPlusDecayTable ->
137 muonPlusDecayTable ->
142 muonMinusDecayTable ->
144 muonMinusDecayTable ->
265 G4cout <<
291 fCutForElectron = cut;
299 fCutForPositron = cut;
307 fMaxChargedStep = step ;
315 return fStepMaxProcess;
void SetStepMax(G4double)
static G4GenericIon * GenericIonDefinition()
static G4MuonPlus * MuonPlus()
TQGSP_BERT< G4VModularPhysicsList > QGSP_BERT
void RegisterPhysics(G4VPhysicsConstructor *)
static G4MuonPlus * MuonPlusDefinition()
static G4LossTableManager * Instance()
static constexpr double mm
virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition &)
void SetCutValue(G4double aCut, const G4String &pname)
virtual ~F04PhysicsList()
G4int AddDiscreteProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord=ordDefault)
Definition of the F04PhysicsListMessenger class.
Provide control of the physics list and cut parameters.
#define G4BestUnit(a, b)
void SetCutForGamma(G4double)
void SetCutForElectron(G4double)
void SetParticleCuts(G4double cut, G4ParticleDefinition *particle, G4Region *region=0)
void DumpCutValuesTable(G4int flag=1)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
const G4VPhysicsConstructor * GetPhysics(G4int index) const
void SetCutForPositron(G4double)
ParticleList decay(Cluster *const c)
Carries out a cluster decay.
virtual void ConstructProcess()
void Insert(const PVNodeID *pvPath, size_t pathLength, G4int index, Node *node)
G4int AddProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ordAtRestDoIt=ordInActive, G4int ordAlongSteptDoIt=ordInActive, G4int ordPostStepDoIt=ordInActive)
static G4PionPlus * PionPlus()
Definition of the F04StepMax class.
const G4String & GetPhysicsName() const
void SetProcessOrdering(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4ProcessVectorDoItIndex idDoIt, G4int ordDoIt=ordDefault)
void SetVerboseLevel(G4int value)
void SetStepMax(G4double)
Definition of the F04PhysicsList class.
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
virtual void ConstructParticle()
G4bool IsShortLived() const
static G4Positron * Positron()
TFTFP_BERT< G4VModularPhysicsList > FTFP_BERT
virtual void ConstructProcess()
virtual void ConstructParticle()
G4ProcessManager * GetProcessManager() const
F04StepMax * GetStepMaxProcess()
static G4PionMinus * PionMinus()
static G4MuonMinus * MuonMinusDefinition()
std::vector< G4InuclElementaryParticle >::iterator particleIterator
static G4MuonMinus * MuonMinus()
static G4Electron * Electron()
G4ParticleTable::G4PTblDicIterator * GetParticleIterator() const
G4int AddRestProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord=ordDefault)
G4VProcess * RemoveProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess)
static G4ProcessTable * GetProcessTable()
G4VProcess * FindProcess(const G4String &processName, const G4String &particleName) const