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ptwXY.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <nf_utilities.h>
#include <ptwX.h>
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struct  ptwXYPoint_s
struct  ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo
struct  ptwXYOverflowPoint_s
struct  ptwXYPoints_s


#define ptwXY_minimumSize   10 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */
#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize   4 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax   20
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy   1e-14
#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax   1 << 16
#define ClosestAllowXFactor   10
#define ptwXY_union_fill   1 /* If filling, union is filled with y value of first ptw. */
#define ptwXY_union_trim   2 /* If trimming, union in only over common domain of ptw1 and ptw2. */
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints   4 /* If true, union calls ptwXY_mergeClosePoints with eps = 4 * DBL_EPSILON. */


typedef enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
typedef enum ptwXY_group_normType_e ptwXY_group_normType
typedef enum ptwXY_sigma_e ptwXY_sigma
typedef enum ptwXY_interpolation_e ptwXY_interpolation
typedef enum
typedef struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback )(double x, double *y, void *argList)
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_applyFunction_callback )(ptwXYPoint *point, void *argList)
typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_getValue_callback )(void *argList, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
typedef struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s ptwXYOverflowPoint
typedef struct ptwXYPoints_s ptwXYPoints


enum  ptwXY_dataFrom_e { ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown, ptwXY_dataFrom_Points, ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow }
enum  ptwXY_group_normType_e { ptwXY_group_normType_none, ptwXY_group_normType_dx, ptwXY_group_normType_norm }
enum  ptwXY_sigma_e { ptwXY_sigma_none, ptwXY_sigma_plusMinus, ptwXY_sigma_Minus, ptwXY_sigma_plus }
enum  ptwXY_interpolation_e {
  ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, ptwXY_interpolationLinLog, ptwXY_interpolationLogLin, ptwXY_interpolationLogLog,
  ptwXY_interpolationFlat, ptwXY_interpolationOther
enum  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e {
  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_empty, ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan, ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal, ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between,


ptwXYPointsptwXY_new (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_setup (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int userFlag)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_create (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *xy, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *Xs, double const *Ys, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_copy (ptwXYPoints *dest, ptwXYPoints *src)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_clone (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_cloneToInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolationTo, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_slice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xMinSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_xMaxSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
char const * ptwXY_getInterpolationString (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int ptwXY_getUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_setUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int userFlag)
double ptwXY_getAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double accuracy)
double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double biSectionMax)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size)
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_clear (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_release (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_free (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_length (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength (ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *xy)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *x, double const *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t i1, int64_t i2)
ptwXYPointptwXY_getPointAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
ptwXYPointptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double *x, double *y)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xys)
nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, const char side, double *slope)
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_clip (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double yMin, double yMax)
nfu_status ptwXY_thicken (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, int sectionSubdivideMax, double dxMax, double fxMax)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_thin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_trim (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_union (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
nfu_status ptwXY_scaleOffsetXAndY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xScale, double xOffset, double yScale, double yOffset)
nfu_status ptwXY_abs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_neg (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)
nfu_status ptwXY_add_double (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_sub_fromDouble (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_mul_double (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_div_doubleFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_div_fromDouble (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double value)
nfu_status ptwXY_mod (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double m, int pythonMod)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_binary_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_add_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_sub_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_mul_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_mul2_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_div_ptwXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int safeDivide)
nfu_status ptwXY_pow (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double p)
nfu_status ptwXY_exp (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double a)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_convolution (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int mode)
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_toOtherInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate (double w, double w1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double w2, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_toUnitbase (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_fromUnitbase (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_getXArray (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, int positiveXOnly)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double epsilon)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, int epsilonFactor, double epsilon)
nfu_status ptwXY_mutualifyDomains (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double lowerEps1, double upperEps1, int positiveXOnly1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double lowerEps2, double upperEps2, int positiveXOnly2)
nfu_status ptwXY_copyToC_XY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t allocatedSize, int64_t *numberOfPoints, double *xy)
nfu_status ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double **xs, double **ys)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY (double x1, double x2, double y, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1 (double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createGaussian (double accuracy, double xCenter, double sigma, double amplitude, double xMin, double xMax, double dullEps, nfu_status *status)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFromFunction (int n, double *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_createFromFunction2 (ptwXPoints *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXY_applyFunction_callback func, void *argList, int checkForRoots)
ptwXYPointsptwXY_fromString (char const *str, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, char **endCharacter, nfu_status *status)
void ptwXY_showInteralStructure (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, int printPointersAsNull)
void ptwXY_simpleWrite (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, char *format)
void ptwXY_simplePrint (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, char *format)
nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *value)
double ptwXY_integrate (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateDomain (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_normalize (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1)
double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupOneFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupTwoFunctions (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_groupThreeFunctions (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY3, ptwXPoints *groupBoundaries, ptwXY_group_normType normType, ptwXPoints *ptwX_norm, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPointsptwXY_runningIntegral (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_integrateWithFunction (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double xMin, double xMax, int degree, int recursionLimit, double tolerance, nfu_status *status)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ClosestAllowXFactor   10

Definition at line 25 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax   20

Definition at line 22 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_minAccuracy   1e-14

Definition at line 23 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize   4 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */

Definition at line 21 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_minimumSize   10 /* This must be > 0 otherwise some logic will fail. */

Definition at line 20 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax   1 << 16

Definition at line 24 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_union_fill   1 /* If filling, union is filled with y value of first ptw. */

Definition at line 31 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints   4 /* If true, union calls ptwXY_mergeClosePoints with eps = 4 * DBL_EPSILON. */

Definition at line 33 of file ptwXY.h.

#define ptwXY_union_trim   2 /* If trimming, union in only over common domain of ptw1 and ptw2. */

Definition at line 32 of file ptwXY.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_applyFunction_callback)(ptwXYPoint *point, void *argList)

Definition at line 66 of file ptwXY.h.

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback)(double x, double *y, void *argList)

Definition at line 65 of file ptwXY.h.

typedef nfu_status(* ptwXY_getValue_callback)(void *argList, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)

Definition at line 67 of file ptwXY.h.

typedef enum ptwXY_sigma_e ptwXY_sigma
typedef struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint
typedef struct ptwXYPoints_s ptwXYPoints

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 27 of file ptwXY.h.


Definition at line 28 of file ptwXY.h.


Definition at line 35 of file ptwXY.h.


Definition at line 57 of file ptwXY.h.


Definition at line 34 of file ptwXY.h.

Function Documentation

nfu_status ptwXY_abs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 19 of file

19  {
21  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
22  ptwXYPoint *p;
23  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
25  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
27  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = std::fabs( p->y );
28  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = std::fabs( o->point.y );
29  return( ptwXY->status );
30 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_add_double ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 40 of file

40 { return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1., value ) ); }
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_add_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 138 of file

138  {
140  ptwXYPoints *sum;
142  if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
143  sum = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ); }
144  else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
145  sum = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
146  else {
147  sum = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 1., 1., 0., status );
148  }
149  return( sum );
150 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1062 of file

1062  {
1064  int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1065  ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom;
1067  if( ptwXY->length != 0 ) {
1068  double xMax = ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom( ptwXY, &dataFrom );
1069  if( xMax >= x ) return( nfu_XNotAscending );
1070  }
1072  if( nonOverflowLength < ptwXY->allocatedSize ) { /* Room at end of points. Also handles the case when length = 0. */
1073  ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength].x = x;
1074  ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength].y = y; }
1075  else {
1076  if( ptwXY->overflowLength == ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize ) {
1077  ptwXYPoint newPoint = { x, y };
1078  return( ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, &newPoint, 0 ) ); }
1079  else { /* Add to end of overflow. */
1080  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = &(ptwXY->overflowPoints[ptwXY->overflowLength]);
1082  overflowPoint->prior = ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior;
1083  overflowPoint->next = overflowPoint->prior->next;
1084  overflowPoint->index = ptwXY->length;
1085  overflowPoint->prior->next = overflowPoint;
1086  overflowPoint->next->prior = overflowPoint;
1087  overflowPoint->point.x = x;
1088  overflowPoint->point.y = y;
1089  ptwXY->overflowLength++;
1090  }
1091  }
1092  ptwXY->length++;
1093  return( nfu_Okay );
1094 }
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXY_applyFunction_callback  func,
void argList,
int  checkForRoots 

Definition at line 143 of file

143  {
145  int64_t i, originalLength = ptwXY1->length, notFirstPass = 0;
146  double y1, y2 = 0;
147  nfu_status status;
148  ptwXYPoint p1, p2;
150  checkForRoots = checkForRoots && ptwXY1->biSectionMax;
151  if( ptwXY1->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY1->status );
154  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
155  for( i = originalLength - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
156  y1 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
157  if( ( status = func( &(ptwXY1->points[i]), argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
158  p1 = ptwXY1->points[i];
159  if( notFirstPass ) {
160  if( ( status = ptwXY_applyFunction2( ptwXY1, y1, y2, &p1, &p2, func, argList, 0, checkForRoots ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
161  }
162  notFirstPass = 1;
163  p2 = p1;
164  y2 = y1;
165  }
166  ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( ptwXY1, (double) originalLength );
167  return( status );
168 }
static nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction2(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double y1, double y2, ptwXYPoint *p1, ptwXYPoint *p2, ptwXY_applyFunction_callback func, void *argList, int level, int checkForRoots)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2 

Definition at line 257 of file

257  {
259  nfu_status status;
260  int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
261  ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
263  if( ( status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
264  if( ( status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
265  if( n1 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
266  if( n2 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
267  if( n1 < 2 ) {
268  status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
269  else if( n2 < 2 ) {
270  status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
271  else {
272  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
273  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
274  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
275  if( xy2->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
276  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
277  if( xy1->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual;
278  }
280  if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
281  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
282  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
283  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
284  if( xy1->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
285  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
286  if( xy2->y != 0. ) status = nfu_domainsNotMutual;
287  }
288  }
289  }
290  return( status );
291 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_binary_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
double  v1,
double  v2,
double  v1v2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 108 of file

108  {
110  int64_t i;
111  int unionOptions = ptwXY_union_fill | ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints;
112  double y;
113  ptwXYPoints *n;
114  ptwXYPoint *p;
116  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
117  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
118  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
119  if( ( *status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
120  if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) || ( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) {
121  *status = nfu_invalidInterpolation;
122  if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY2->interpolation ) ) return( NULL );
123  }
124  if( ( n = ptwXY_union( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, unionOptions ) ) != NULL ) {
125  for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
126  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, p->x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
127  p->y = v1 * p->y + v2 * y + v1v2 * y * p->y;
128  }
129  }
130  return( n );
131 Err:
132  if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
133  return( NULL );
134 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
static nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double x, double *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:33
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_clear ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 536 of file

536  {
538  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
540  ptwXY->length = 0;
541  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
542  ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
543  ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
544  return( nfu_Okay );
545 }
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_clip ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  yMin,
double  yMax 

Definition at line 25 of file

25  {
26 /*
27  This function acts oddly for xy = [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 3, -2 ], [ 4, 1 ] ] and yMin = 0.2, why???????
28  This function probably only works for linear, linear interpolation (mainly because of ptwXY_clip2).
29 */
30  int64_t i, j, n;
31  double x2, y2;
32  nfu_status status;
33  ptwXYPoints *clipped;
34  ptwXYPoint *points;
36  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
38  n = ptwXY1->length;
39  if( n > 0 ) {
40  i = 0;
41  if( ptwXY_getYMax( ptwXY1 ) < yMin ) i = 1;
42  if( ptwXY_getYMin( ptwXY1 ) > yMax ) i = 1;
43  if( i == 1 ) return( ptwXY_clear( ptwXY1 ) );
44  }
45  if( n == 1 ) {
46  y2 = ptwXY1->points[0].y;
47  if( y2 < yMin ) {
48  ptwXY1->points[0].y = yMin; }
49  else if( y2 > yMax ) {
50  ptwXY1->points[0].y = yMax;
51  } }
52  else if( n > 1 ) {
53  if( ( clipped = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, &(ptwXY1->interpolationOtherInfo),
54  ptwXY1->biSectionMax, ptwXY1->accuracy, n, 10, &status, ptwXY1->userFlag ) ) == NULL )
55  return( ptwXY1->status = status );
56  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
57  x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
58  y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
59  if( y2 < yMin ) {
60  if( i > 0 ) {
61  points = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( clipped, clipped->length - 1 );
62  if( points->y > yMin ) {
63  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, points->x, points->y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
64  }
65  }
66  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
67  j = i;
68  for( i++; i < n; i++ ) if( !( ptwXY1->points[i].y < yMin ) ) break;
69  if( i < n ) {
70  x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
71  y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
72  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
73  if( y2 > yMax ) {
74  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
75  } }
76  else if( j != n - 1 ) {
77  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, ptwXY1->points[n - 1].x, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
78  }
79  i--; }
80  else if( y2 > yMax ) {
81  if( i > 0 ) {
82  points = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( clipped, clipped->length - 1 );
83  if( points->y < yMax ) {
84  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, points->x, points->y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
85  }
86  }
87  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, yMax ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
88  j = i;
89  for( i++; i < n; i++ ) if( !( ptwXY1->points[i].y > yMax ) ) break;
90  if( i < n ) {
91  x2 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
92  y2 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
93  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMax, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
94  if( y2 < yMin ) {
95  if( ( status = ptwXY_clip2( clipped, yMin, ptwXY1->points[i-1].x, ptwXY1->points[i-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
96  } }
97  else if( j != n - 1 ) {
98  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, ptwXY1->points[n - 1].x, yMax ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
99  }
100  i--; }
101  else {
102  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( clipped, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
103  }
104  }
105  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( clipped ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
106  ptwXY1->length = clipped->length; /* The squeamish may want to skip the next few lines. */
107  clipped->length = n;
108  n = ptwXY1->allocatedSize;
109  ptwXY1->allocatedSize = clipped->allocatedSize;
110  clipped->allocatedSize = n;
111  points = clipped->points;
112  clipped->points = ptwXY1->points;
113  ptwXY1->points = points;
114  ptwXY_free( clipped );
115  }
117  return( ptwXY1->status );
119 Err:
120  ptwXY_free( clipped );
121  return( ptwXY1->status = status );
122 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
double ptwXY_getYMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getYMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
static nfu_status ptwXY_clip2(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
nfu_status ptwXY_clear(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_clone ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 208 of file

208  {
210  return( ptwXY_slice( ptwXY, 0, ptwXY->length, ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, status ) );
211 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_slice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolationTo,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 215 of file

215  {
217  ptwXYPoints *n1;
219  if( interpolationTo == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) {
220  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
221  return( NULL );
222  }
223  if( ( n1 = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) != NULL ) {
225  n1->interpolation = interpolationTo;
226  switch( interpolationTo ) {
237  case ptwXY_interpolationOther : /* Does not happen, but needed to stop compilers from complaining. */
238  break;
239  }
241  n1->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
242  }
243  return( n1 );
244 }
static char const logLinInterpolationString[]
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
static char const logLogInterpolationString[]
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
static char const linLinInterpolationString[]
void * nfu_free(void *p)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
static char const flatInterpolationString[]
static char const linLogInterpolationString[]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
ptwXYPoint newPoint,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 469 of file

469  {
471  int addNewPoint;
472  int64_t length = ptwXY->length + ( ( newPoint != NULL ) ? 1 : 0 );
473  ptwXYOverflowPoint *last = ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior;
474  ptwXYPoint *pointsFrom, *pointsTo;
476  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
477  if( ptwXY->overflowLength == 0 ) return( nfu_Okay );
479  if( size < length ) size = length;
480  if( size > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
481  if( ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, size, forceSmallerResize ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
482  }
483  pointsFrom = &(ptwXY->points[ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY ) - 1]);
484  pointsTo = &(ptwXY->points[length - 1]);
485  while( last != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) {
486  addNewPoint = 0;
487  if( newPoint != NULL ) {
488  if( ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) && ( pointsFrom->x > last->point.x ) ) {
489  if( newPoint->x > pointsFrom->x ) addNewPoint = 1; }
490  else {
491  if( newPoint->x > last->point.x ) addNewPoint = 1;
492  }
493  if( addNewPoint == 1 ) {
494  *pointsTo = *newPoint;
495  newPoint = NULL;
496  }
497  }
498  if( addNewPoint == 0 ) {
499  if( ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) && ( pointsFrom->x > last->point.x ) ) {
500  *pointsTo = *pointsFrom;
501  pointsFrom--; }
502  else {
503  *pointsTo = last->point;
504  last = last->prior;
505  }
506  }
507  pointsTo--;
508  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
509  while( ( newPoint != NULL ) && ( pointsFrom >= ptwXY->points ) ) {
510  if( newPoint->x > pointsFrom->x ) {
511  *pointsTo = *newPoint;
512  newPoint = NULL; }
513  else {
514  *pointsTo = *pointsFrom;
515  pointsFrom--;
516  }
517  pointsTo--;
518  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
519  if( newPoint != NULL ) *pointsTo = *newPoint;
520  ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
521  ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
522  ptwXY->length = length;
523  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
524  return( nfu_Okay );
525 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_convolution ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  mode 

Definition at line 96 of file

96  {
97 /*
98 * Currently, only supports linear-linear interpolation.
99 *
100 * This function calculates c(y) = integral dx f1(x) * f2(y-x)
101 *
102 */
103  int64_t i1, i2, n1, n2, n;
104  ptwXYPoints *f1 = ptwXY1, *f2 = ptwXY2, *convolute;
105  double accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy, yMin, yMax, c, y, dy;
107  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
108  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
111  if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) || ( ptwXY2->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) ) return( NULL );
112  *status = nfu_Okay;
114  n1 = f1->length;
115  n2 = f2->length;
117  if( ( n1 == 0 ) || ( n2 == 0 ) ) {
118  convolute = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 0, 0, status, 0 );
119  return( convolute );
120  }
122  if( ( n1 == 1 ) || ( n2 == 1 ) ) {
123  *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
124  return( NULL );
125  }
127  if( accuracy < ptwXY2->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY2->accuracy;
128  n = n1 * n2;
129  if( mode == 0 ) {
130  mode = 1;
131  if( n > 1000 ) mode = -1;
132  }
133  if( n > 100000 ) mode = -1;
134  if( ( convolute = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 400, 40, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
136  yMin = f1->points[0].x + f2->points[0].x;
137  yMax = f1->points[n1 - 1].x + f2->points[n2 - 1].x;
139  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, yMin, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
141  if( mode < 0 ) {
142  dy = ( yMax - yMin ) / 400;
143  for( y = yMin + dy; y < yMax; y += dy ) {
144  if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution2( f1, f2, y, yMin, &c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
145  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, y, c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
146  } }
147  else {
148  for( i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++ ) {
149  for( i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++ ) {
150  y = yMin + ( f1->points[i1].x - f1->points[0].x ) + ( f2->points[i2].x - f2->points[0].x );
151  if( y <= yMin ) continue;
152  if( y >= yMax ) continue;
153  if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution2( f1, f2, y, yMin, &c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
154  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, y, c ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
155  }
156  }
157  }
158  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( convolute, yMax, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
159  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( convolute ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
160  for( i1 = convolute->length - 1; i1 > 0; i1-- ) {
161  if( ( *status = ptwXY_convolution3( convolute, f1, f2, convolute->points[i1 - 1].x, convolute->points[i1 - 1].y,
162  convolute->points[i1].x, convolute->points[i1].y, yMin ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
163  }
165  return( convolute );
167 Err:
168  ptwXY_free( convolute );
169  return( NULL );
170 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
static nfu_status ptwXY_convolution3(ptwXYPoints *convolute, ptwXYPoints *f1, ptwXYPoints *f2, double y1, double c1, double y2, double c2, double yMin)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
static nfu_status ptwXY_convolution2(ptwXYPoints *f1, ptwXYPoints *f2, double y, double yMin, double *c)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_copy ( ptwXYPoints dest,
ptwXYPoints src 

Definition at line 148 of file

148  {
150  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( src );
151  ptwXYPoint *pointFrom, *pointTo;
152  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(src->overflowHeader);
154  if( dest->status != nfu_Okay ) return( dest->status );
155  if( src->status != nfu_Okay ) return( src->status );
157  ptwXY_clear( dest );
158  if( dest->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) {
159  if( dest->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString != NULL ) {
161  }
162  }
163  dest->interpolation = ptwXY_interpolationLinLin; /* This and prior lines are in case interpolation is 'other' and ptwXY_reallocatePoints fails. */
164  if( dest->allocatedSize < src->length ) ptwXY_reallocatePoints( dest, src->length, 0 );
165  if( dest->status != nfu_Okay ) return( dest->status );
166  dest->interpolation = src->interpolation;
167  if( dest->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) {
168  if( src->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString != NULL ) {
170  return( dest->status = nfu_mallocError );
171  } }
172  else {
174  }
177  dest->userFlag = src->userFlag;
178  dest->biSectionMax = src->biSectionMax;
179  dest->accuracy = src->accuracy;
180  dest->minFractional_dx = src->minFractional_dx;
181  pointFrom = src->points;
182  o = src->;
183  pointTo = dest->points;
184  i = 0;
185  while( o != overflowHeader ) {
186  if( i < nonOverflowLength ) {
187  if( pointFrom->x < o->point.x ) {
188  *pointTo = *pointFrom;
189  i++;
190  pointFrom++; }
191  else {
192  *pointTo = o->point;
193  o = o->next;
194  } }
195  else {
196  *pointTo = o->point;
197  o = o->next;
198  }
199  pointTo++;
200  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
201  for( ; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, pointFrom++, pointTo++ ) *pointTo = *pointFrom;
202  dest->length = src->length;
203  return( dest->status );
204 }
double minFractional_dx
Definition: ptwXY.h:92
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
void * nfu_free(void *p)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
nfu_status ptwXY_clear(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_copyToC_XY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index1,
int64_t  index2,
int64_t  allocatedSize,
int64_t *  numberOfPoints,
double *  xy 

Definition at line 424 of file

424  {
426  int64_t i;
427  double *d = xys;
428  nfu_status status;
429  ptwXYPoint *pointFrom;
431  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
432  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
434  if( index1 < 0 ) index1 = 0;
435  if( index2 > ptwXY->length ) index2 = ptwXY->length;
436  if( index2 < index1 ) index2 = index1;
437  *numberOfPoints = index2 - index1;
438  if( allocatedSize < ( index2 - index1 ) ) return( nfu_insufficientMemory );
440  for( i = index1, pointFrom = ptwXY->points; i < index2; i++, pointFrom++ ) {
441  *(d++) = pointFrom->x;
442  *(d++) = pointFrom->y;
443  }
445  return( nfu_Okay );
446 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_create ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 108 of file

110  {
112  ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
114  if( primarySize < length ) primarySize = length;
115  if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
116  secondarySize, status, userFlag ) ) != NULL ) {
117  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setXYData( ptwXY, length, xy ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
118  ptwXY = ptwXY_free( ptwXY );
119  }
120  }
121  return( ptwXY );
122 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *xy)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  Xs,
double const *  Ys,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 126 of file

128  {
130  int i;
131  ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
133  if( primarySize < length ) primarySize = length;
134  if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
135  secondarySize, status, userFlag ) ) != NULL ) {
136  for( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
137  ptwXY->points[i].x = Xs[i];
138  ptwXY->points[i].y = Ys[i];
139  }
140  ptwXY->length = length;
141  }
143  return( ptwXY );
144 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createFromFunction ( int  n,
double *  xs,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void argList,
double  accuracy,
int  checkForRoots,
int  biSectionMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 40 of file

41  {
43  int64_t i;
44  double x1, y1, x2, y2, eps = ClosestAllowXFactor * DBL_EPSILON;
45  ptwXYPoints *ptwXY;
46  ptwXYPoint *p1, *p2;
48  *status = nfu_Okay;
49  if( n < 2 ) { *status = nfu_tooFewPoints; return( NULL ); }
50  for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
51  if( xs[i-1] >= xs[i] ) *status = nfu_XNotAscending;
52  }
53  if( *status == nfu_XNotAscending ) return( NULL );
55  x1 = xs[0];
56  if( ( *status = func( x1, &y1, argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
57  if( ( ptwXY = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, biSectionMax, accuracy, 500, 50, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
58  for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
59  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose( ptwXY, x1, y1, eps, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
60  x2 = xs[i];
61  if( ( *status = func( x2, &y2, argList ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
62  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createFromFunctionBisect( ptwXY, x1, y1, x2, y2, func, argList, 0, checkForRoots, eps ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
63  x1 = x2;
64  y1 = y2;
65  }
66  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose( ptwXY, x2, y2, eps, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
68  if( checkForRoots ) {
69  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
70  for( i = ptwXY->length - 1, p2 = NULL; i >= 0; i--, p2 = p1 ) { /* Work backward so lower points are still valid if a new point is added. */
71  p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i]);
72  if( p2 != NULL ) {
73  if( ( p1->y * p2->y ) < 0. ) {
74  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createFromFunctionZeroCrossing( ptwXY, p1->x, p1->y, p2->x, p2->y, func, argList, eps ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
75  }
76  }
77  }
78  }
80  return( ptwXY );
82 err:
83  ptwXY_free( ptwXY );
84  return( NULL );
85 }
#define ClosestAllowXFactor
Definition: ptwXY.h:25
static nfu_status ptwXY_createFromFunctionZeroCrossing(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double eps)
static nfu_status ptwXY_createFromFunctionBisect(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, int level, int checkForRoots, double eps)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
static const G4double eps
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)
Definition: templates.hh:87
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createFromFunction2 ( ptwXPoints xs,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void argList,
double  accuracy,
int  checkForRoots,
int  biSectionMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 89 of file

90  {
92  return( ptwXY_createFromFunction( (int) xs->length, xs->points, func, argList, accuracy, checkForRoots, biSectionMax, status ) );
93 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFromFunction(int n, double *xs, ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func, void *argList, double accuracy, int checkForRoots, int biSectionMax, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createGaussian ( double  accuracy,
double  xCenter,
double  sigma,
double  amplitude,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
double  dullEps,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 566 of file

567  {
569  int64_t i;
570  ptwXYPoints *gaussian, *sliced;
571  ptwXYPoint *point;
573  if( ( gaussian = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1( accuracy, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
574  for( i = 0, point = gaussian->points; i < gaussian->length; i++, point++ ) {
575  point->x = point->x * sigma + xCenter;
576  point->y *= amplitude;
577  }
578  if( ( gaussian->points[0].x < xMin ) || ( gaussian->points[gaussian->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
579  if( ( sliced = ptwXY_xSlice( gaussian, xMin, xMax, 10, 1, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
580  ptwXY_free( gaussian );
581  gaussian = sliced;
582  }
584  return( gaussian );
586 Err:
587  ptwXY_free( gaussian );
588  return( NULL );
589 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(double accuracy, nfu_status *status)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1 ( double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 492 of file

492  {
494  int64_t i, n;
495  ptwXYPoint *pm, *pp;
496  double x1, y1, x2, y2, accuracy2, yMin = 1e-10;
497  ptwXYPoints *gaussian;
499  if( accuracy < 1e-5 ) accuracy = 1e-5;
500  if( accuracy > 1e-1 ) accuracy = 1e-1;
501  if( ( gaussian = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, 1., accuracy, 200, 100, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
502  accuracy2 = accuracy = gaussian->accuracy;
503  if( accuracy2 > 5e-3 ) accuracy2 = 5e-3;
505  x1 = -std::sqrt( -2. * G4Log( yMin ) );
506  y1 = yMin;
507  x2 = -5.2;
508  y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
509  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( gaussian, x1, y1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
510  gaussian->accuracy = 20 * accuracy2;
511  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
512  x1 = x2;
513  y1 = y2;
514  x2 = -4.;
515  y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
516  gaussian->accuracy = 5 * accuracy2;
517  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
518  x1 = x2;
519  y1 = y2;
520  x2 = -1;
521  y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
522  gaussian->accuracy = accuracy;
523  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
524  x1 = x2;
525  y1 = y2;
526  x2 = 0;
527  y2 = G4Exp( -0.5 * x2 * x2 );
528  if( ( *status = ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2( gaussian, x1, y1, x2, y2, 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
530  n = gaussian->length;
531  if( ( *status = ptwXY_coalescePoints( gaussian, 2 * n + 1, NULL, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
532  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( gaussian, 0., 1. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
533  pp = &(gaussian->points[gaussian->length]);
534  for( i = 0, pm = pp - 2; i < n; i++, pp++, pm-- ) {
535  *pp = *pm;
536  pp->x *= -1;
537  }
538  gaussian->length = 2 * n + 1;
540  return( gaussian );
542 Err:
543  ptwXY_free( gaussian );
544  return( NULL );
545 }
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:230
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
Definition: G4Exp.hh:183
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
static nfu_status ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1_2(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int addX1Point)
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  i1,
int64_t  i2 

Definition at line 660 of file

660  {
662  int64_t n = ptwXY->length - ( i2 - i1 );
664  if( ( ptwXY->status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
665  if( ( i1 < 0 ) || ( i1 > i2 ) || ( i2 > ptwXY->length ) ) return( nfu_badIndex );
666  if( i1 != i2 ) {
667  for( ; i2 < ptwXY->length; i1++, i2++ ) ptwXY->points[i1] = ptwXY->points[i2];
668  ptwXY->length = n;
669  }
670  return( ptwXY->status );
671 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_div_doubleFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 44 of file

44  {
46  if( value == 0. ) {
47  ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero; }
48  else {
49  ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1. / value, 0. );
50  }
51  return( ptwXY->status );
52 }
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_div_fromDouble ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 53 of file

53  {
54 /*
55 * This does not do any infilling and it should?????????
56 */
58  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
59  ptwXYPoint *p;
60  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
62  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
65  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) if( p->y == 0. ) ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero;
66  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) if( o->point.y == 0. ) ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero;
67  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_divByZero ) {
68  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = value / p->y;
69  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = value / o->point.y;
70  }
71  return( ptwXY->status );
72 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_div_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  safeDivide 

Definition at line 288 of file

288  {
290  int isNAN1, isNAN2;
291  int64_t i, j, k, zeros = 0, length, iYs;
292  double x1, x2, y1, y2, u1, u2, v1, v2, y, xz, nan = nfu_getNAN( ), s1, s2;
293  ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
294  ptwXYPoint *p;
296  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
297  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
298  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
299  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
300  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
301  if( ( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) || ( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) )
302  return( ptwXY_div_ptwXY_forFlats( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, safeDivide ) );
304  if( ( *status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
305  if( ( n = ptwXY_union( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status, ptwXY_union_fill | ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints ) ) != NULL ) {
306  for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
307  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, p->x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
308  if( y == 0. ) {
309  if( p->y == 0. ) {
310  iYs = 0;
311  y1 = 0.;
312  y2 = 0.;
313  if( i > 0 ) {
314  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY1, p->x, '-', &s1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
315  if( *status != nfu_XOutsideDomain ) goto Err;
316  s1 = 0.;
317  }
318  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY2, p->x, '-', &s2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
319  if( s2 == 0. ) {
320  y1 = nan; }
321  else {
322  y1 = s1 / s2;
323  }
324  iYs++;
325  }
326  if( i < ( n->length - 1 ) ) {
327  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY1, p->x, '+', &s1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
328  if( *status != nfu_XOutsideDomain ) goto Err;
329  s1 = 0.;
330  }
331  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getSlopeAtX( ptwXY2, p->x, '+', &s2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
332  if( s2 == 0. ) {
333  y2 = nan; }
334  else {
335  y2 = s1 / s2;
336  }
337  iYs++;
338  }
339  p->y = ( y1 + y2 ) / iYs;
340  if( nfu_isNAN( p->y ) ) zeros++; }
341  else {
342  if( !safeDivide ) {
343  *status = nfu_divByZero;
344  goto Err;
345  }
346  zeros++;
347  p->y = nan;
348  } }
349  else {
350  p->y /= y;
351  }
352  }
353  length = n->length - 1;
354  if( length > 0 ) {
355  x2 = n->points[length].x;
356  for( i = length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Find and add y zeros and NAN not currently in n's. */
357  x1 = n->points[i].x;
358  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x1, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
359  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x2, &u2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
360  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY2, x1, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
361  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY2, x2, &v2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
362  if( u1 * u2 < 0 ) {
363  xz = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) / ( u1 - u2 );
364  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
365  }
366  if( v1 * v2 < 0 ) {
367  if( !safeDivide ) {
368  *status = nfu_divByZero;
369  goto Err;
370  }
371  zeros++;
372  xz = ( v1 * x2 - v2 * x1 ) / ( v1 - v2 );
373  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz, nan ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
374  }
375  x2 = x1;
376  }
377  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
378  length = n->length;
379  x2 = n->points[n->length-1].x;
380  y2 = n->points[n->length-1].y;
381  isNAN2 = nfu_isNAN( y2 );
382  for( i = n->length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Make interpolation fit accuracy. Work backwards so new points will not mess up loop. */
383  x1 = n->points[i].x;
384  y1 = n->points[i].y;
385  isNAN1 = nfu_isNAN( y1 );
386  if( !isNAN1 || !isNAN2 ) {
387  if( ( *status = ptwXY_div_s_ptwXY( n, ptwXY1, ptwXY2, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, isNAN1, isNAN2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
388  }
389  x2 = x1;
390  y2 = y1;
391  isNAN2 = isNAN1;
392  }
393  ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( n, (double) length );
394  if( zeros ) {
395  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
396  for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) if( !nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
397  if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[0].y ) ) { /* Special case for first point. */
398  if( i == n->length ) { /* They are all nan's, what now? */
399  zeros = 0;
400  for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) n->points[i].y = 0.; }
401  else {
402  n->points[0].y = 2. * n->points[i].y;
403  zeros--;
404  }
405  }
406  for( i = n->length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) if( !nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
407  if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[n->length - 1].y ) ) { /* Special case for last point. */
408  n->points[n->length - 1].y = 2. * n->points[i].y;
409  zeros--;
410  }
411  if( zeros ) {
412  for( i = 0; i < n->length; i++ ) if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[i].y ) ) break;
413  for( k = i + 1, j = i; k < n->length; k++ ) {
414  if( nfu_isNAN( n->points[k].y ) ) continue;
415  n->points[j] = n->points[k];
416  j++;
417  }
418  n->length = j;
419  }
420  }
421  }
422  }
423  return( n );
425 Err:
426  if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
427  return( NULL );
428 }
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int nfu_isNAN(double d)
static ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_div_ptwXY_forFlats(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int safeDivide)
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
double nfu_getNAN(void)
static nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double x, double *y)
static nfu_status ptwXY_div_s_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *n, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int level, int isNAN1, int isNAN2)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:33
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, const char side, double *slope)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  lowerEps,
double  upperEps,
int  positiveXOnly 

Definition at line 42 of file

42  {
44 #define minEps 5e-16
46  nfu_status status;
47  double xm, xp, dx, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, sign;
48  ptwXYPoint *p;
50 /* This routine can only be used for linear interpolation for the y-axes since for log interpolation, y cannot be 0.
51 This needs to be fixed and documented. */
52  if( ( status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
56  if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( nfu_Okay );
58  if( lowerEps != 0. ) {
59  if( std::fabs( lowerEps ) < minEps ) {
60  sign = 1;
61  if( lowerEps < 0. ) sign = -1;
62  lowerEps = sign * minEps;
63  }
65  p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, 0 );
66  x1 = p->x;
67  y1 = p->y;
68  p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, 1 );
69  x2 = p->x;
70  y2 = p->y;
72  if( y1 != 0. ) {
73  dx = std::fabs( x1 * lowerEps );
74  if( x1 == 0 ) dx = std::fabs( lowerEps );
75  xm = x1 - dx;
76  xp = x1 + dx;
77  if( ( xp + dx ) < x2 ) {
78  if( ( status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
79  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
80  else {
81  xp = x2;
82  y = y2;
83  }
84  if( lowerEps > 0 ) {
85  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
86  else {
87  if( ( xm < 0. ) && ( x1 >= 0. ) && positiveXOnly ) {
88  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
89  else {
90  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
91  if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, &y, xm, 0., xp, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
92  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x1, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
93  }
94  }
95  }
96  }
98  if( upperEps != 0. ) {
99  if( std::fabs( upperEps ) < minEps ) {
100  sign = 1;
101  if( upperEps < 0. ) sign = -1;
102  upperEps = sign * minEps;
103  }
105  p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, ptwXY->length - 2 );
106  x1 = p->x;
107  y1 = p->y;
108  p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, ptwXY->length - 1 );
109  x2 = p->x;
110  y2 = p->y;
112  if( y2 != 0. ) {
113  dx = std::fabs( x2 * upperEps );
114  if( x2 == 0 ) dx = std::fabs( upperEps );
115  xm = x2 - dx;
116  xp = x2 + dx;
117  if( ( xm - dx ) > x1 ) {
118  if( ( status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
119  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xm, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
120  else {
121  xm = x1;
122  y = y1;
123  }
124  if( upperEps < 0 ) {
125  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x2, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status ); }
126  else {
127  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, xp, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
128  if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x2, &y, xm, y, xp, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
129  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY, x2, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
130  }
131  }
132  }
134  return( ptwXY->status );
136 #undef minEps
137 }
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define minEps
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
G4int sign(const T t)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_exp ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  a 

Definition at line 43 of file

43  {
45  int64_t i, length;
46  nfu_status status;
47  double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
49  length = ptwXY->length;
50  if( length < 1 ) return( ptwXY->status );
54  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
55  x2 = ptwXY->points[length-1].x;
56  y2 = a * ptwXY->points[length-1].y;
57  z2 = ptwXY->points[length-1].y = G4Exp( y2 );
58  for( i = length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
59  x1 = ptwXY->points[i].x;
60  y1 = a * ptwXY->points[i].y;
61  z1 = ptwXY->points[i].y = G4Exp( y1 );
62  if( ( status = ptwXY_exp_s( ptwXY, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
63  x2 = x1;
64  y2 = y1;
65  }
66  return( status );
67 }
static nfu_status ptwXY_exp_s(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, int level)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
Definition: G4Exp.hh:183
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2,
double *  value 

Definition at line 34 of file

34  {
36  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
37  double r;
39  *value = 0.;
40  switch( interpolation ) {
41  case ptwXY_interpolationLinLin : /* x linear, y linear */
42  *value = 0.5 * ( y1 + y2 ) * ( x2 - x1 );
43  break;
44  case ptwXY_interpolationLinLog : /* x linear, y log */
45  if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) {
46  status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
47  else {
48  r = y2 / y1;
49  if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
50  r = r - 1.;
51  *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 ) / ( 1. + r * ( -0.5 + r * ( 1. / 3. + r * ( -0.25 + .2 * r ) ) ) ); }
52  else {
53  *value = ( y2 - y1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / G4Log( r );
54  }
55  }
56  break;
57  case ptwXY_interpolationLogLin : /* x log, y linear */
58  if( ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) {
59  status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
60  else {
61  r = x2 / x1;
62  if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
63  r = r - 1.;
64  r = r * ( -0.5 + r * ( 1. / 3. + r * ( -0.25 + .2 * r ) ) );
65  *value = x1 * ( y2 - y1 ) * r / ( 1. + r ) + y2 * ( x2 - x1 ); }
66  else {
67  *value = ( y1 - y2 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) / G4Log( r ) + x2 * y2 - x1 * y1;
68  }
69  }
70  break;
71  case ptwXY_interpolationLogLog : /* x log, y log */
72  if( ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) || ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) {
73  status = nfu_badIntegrationInput; }
74  else {
75  int i, n;
76  double a, z, lx, ly, s, f;
78  r = y2 / y1;
79  if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
80  ly = ( y2 - y1 ) / y1;
81  ly = ly * ( 1. + ly * ( -0.5 + ly * ( 1. / 3. - 0.25 * ly ) ) ); }
82  else {
83  ly = G4Log( r );
84  }
85  r = x2 / x1;
86  if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-4 ) {
87  lx = ( x2 - x1 ) / x1;
88  lx = lx * ( 1 + lx * ( -0.5 + lx * ( 1. / 3. - 0.25 * lx ) ) ); }
89  else {
90  lx = G4Log( r );
91  }
92  a = ly / lx;
93  if( std::fabs( r - 1. ) < 1e-3 ) {
94  z = ( x2 - x1 ) / x1;
95  n = (int) a;
96  if( n > 10 ) n = 12;
97  if( n < 4 ) n = 6;
98  a = a - n + 1;
99  f = n + 1.;
100  for( i = 0, s = 0.; i < n; i++, a++, f-- ) s = ( 1. + s ) * a * z / f;
101  *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 ) * ( 1. + s ); }
102  else {
103  *value = y1 * x1 * ( G4Pow::GetInstance()->powA( r, a + 1. ) - 1. ) / ( a + 1. );
104  }
105  }
106  break;
107  case ptwXY_interpolationFlat : /* x ?, y flat */
108  *value = y1 * ( x2 - x1 );
109  break;
111  status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
112  }
113  return( status );
114 }
static G4Pow * GetInstance()
G4double powA(G4double A, G4double y) const
Definition: G4Pow.hh:259
const XML_Char * s
Definition: expat.h:262
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:230

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  lowerEps,
double  upperEps,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 74 of file

74  {
76  int64_t i, length;
77  double x;
78  ptwXYPoints *n;
79  ptwXYPoint *p1 = NULL, *p2 = NULL, *p3;
81 #define minEps 5e-16
83  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
84  *status = nfu_invalidInterpolation;
85  if( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( NULL );
86  *status = nfu_badInput;
87  if( ( lowerEps < 0 ) || ( upperEps < 0 ) || ( ( lowerEps == 0 ) && ( upperEps == 0 ) ) ) return( NULL );
88  if( ( lowerEps != 0 ) && ( lowerEps < minEps ) ) lowerEps = minEps;
89  if( ( upperEps != 0 ) && ( upperEps < minEps ) ) upperEps = minEps;
91  length = ptwXY->length * ( 1 + ( lowerEps == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) + ( lowerEps == 0 ? 0 : 1 ) );
92  if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, ptwXY->biSectionMax, ptwXY->accuracy, length, ptwXY->overflowLength, status, ptwXY->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
94  p3 = ptwXY->points;
95  if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p3->x, p3->y );
96  for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++, p3++ ) {
97  if( i > 1 ) {
98  if( lowerEps > 0 ) {
99  x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, -lowerEps );
100  if( x > p1->x ) {
101  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
102  }
103  }
104  if( lowerEps == 0 ) if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
105  if( upperEps == 0 ) if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
106  if( upperEps > 0 ) {
107  x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, upperEps );
108  if( x < p3->x ) {
109  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
110  }
111  }
112  }
113  p1 = p2;
114  p2 = p3;
115  }
116  if( ptwXY->length > 1 ) {
117  if( ( lowerEps != 0 ) && ( p1->y != p2->y ) ) {
118  x = ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps( p2->x, -lowerEps );
119  if( x > p1->x ) {
120  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, p1->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
121  }
122  }
123  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, p2->x, p2->y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
124  }
126  return( n );
128 Err:
129  ptwXY_free( n );
130  return( NULL );
132 #undef minEps
133 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
static double ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear_eps(double px, double eps)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define minEps
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_free ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 574 of file

574  {
576  if( ptwXY != NULL ) ptwXY_release( ptwXY );
577  nfu_free( ptwXY );
578  return( (ptwXYPoints *) NULL );
579 }
nfu_status ptwXY_release(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void * nfu_free(void *p)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_fromString ( char const *  str,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
char **  endCharacter,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 230 of file

231  {
233  int64_t numberConverted;
234  double *doublePtr;
235  ptwXYPoints *ptwXY = NULL;
237  if( ( *status = nfu_stringToListOfDoubles( str, &numberConverted, &doublePtr, endCharacter ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
238  *status = nfu_oddNumberOfValues;
239  if( ( numberConverted % 2 ) == 0 )
240  ptwXY = ptwXY_create( interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, numberConverted, 10, numberConverted / 2, doublePtr, status, 0 );
241  nfu_free( doublePtr );
242  return( ptwXY );
243 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_create(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *xy, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
void * nfu_free(void *p)
nfu_status nfu_stringToListOfDoubles(char const *str, int64_t *numberConverted, double **doublePtr, char **endCharacter)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_fromUnitbase ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 331 of file

331  {
333  int64_t i, length;
334  ptwXYPoints *n;
335  ptwXYPoint *p, *p2;
336  double dx, inverseDx, xLast = 0.;
338  *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
339  if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( NULL );
340  if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
342  dx = xMax - xMin;
343  inverseDx = 1. / dx;
344  length = n->length;
345  for( i = 0, p2 = p = n->points; i < length; ++i, ++p ) {
346  p2->x = p->x * dx + xMin;
347  if( i > 0 ) {
348  if( std::fabs( p2->x - xLast ) <= 10. * DBL_EPSILON * ( std::fabs( p2->x ) + std::fabs( xLast ) ) ) {
349  --(n->length);
350  continue;
351  }
352  }
353  p2->y = p->y * inverseDx;
354  xLast = p2->x;
355  ++p2;
356  }
357  n->points[n->length-1].x = xMax; /* Make sure last point is realy xMax. */
358  return( n );
359 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
Definition: templates.hh:87
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 372 of file

372  {
374  return( ptwXY->accuracy );
375 }
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 390 of file

390  {
392  return( ptwXY->biSectionMax );
393 }
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 337 of file

337  {
339  return( ptwXY->interpolation );
340 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* ptwXY_getInterpolationString ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 344 of file

344  {
347 }
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength ( ptwXYPoints const *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 590 of file

590  {
592  return( ptwXY->length - ptwXY->overflowLength );
593 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoint* ptwXY_getPointAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 675 of file

675  {
677  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
678  if( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= ptwXY->length ) ) return( NULL );
679  return( ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, index ) );
680 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoint* ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 684 of file

684  {
686  int64_t i;
687  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint;
689  for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->, i = 0; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, i++ ) {
690  if( overflowPoint->index == index ) return( &(overflowPoint->point) );
691  if( overflowPoint->index > index ) break;
692  }
693  return( &(ptwXY->points[index - i]) );
694 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint greaterThanXPoint 

Definition at line 710 of file

710  {
712  int closeIsEqual;
713  ptwXYPoint *closePoint;
715  return( ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual( ptwXY, x, lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint, 0, &closeIsEqual, &closePoint ) );
716 }
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint greaterThanXPoint,
double  eps,
int closeIsEqual,
ptwXYPoint **  closePoint 

Definition at line 720 of file

721  {
723  int64_t overflowIndex, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
724  int64_t indexMin, indexMid, indexMax;
725  ptwXY_dataFrom xMinFrom, xMaxFrom;
726  double xMin = ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom( ptwXY, &xMinFrom ), xMax = ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom( ptwXY, &xMaxFrom );
727  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
729  ptwXYPoint *lowerPoint = NULL, *upperPoint = NULL;
731  ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint( lessThanEqualXPoint, overflowHeader, NULL );
732  ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint( greaterThanXPoint, overflowHeader, NULL );
733  if( ptwXY->length != 0 ) {
734  if( x < xMin ) {
736  if( xMinFrom == ptwXY_dataFrom_Points ) {
737  greaterThanXPoint->prior = overflowHeader;
738  greaterThanXPoint->index = 0;
739  greaterThanXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[0];
740  *closePoint = &(ptwXY->points[0]); }
741  else {
742  *greaterThanXPoint = *(overflowHeader->next);
743  *closePoint = &(overflowHeader->next->point);
744  } }
745  else if( x > xMax ) {
747  if( xMaxFrom == ptwXY_dataFrom_Points ) {
748  lessThanEqualXPoint->prior = overflowHeader->prior;
749  lessThanEqualXPoint->index = nonOverflowLength - 1;
750  lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint->index];
751  *closePoint = &(ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint->index]); }
752  else {
753  *lessThanEqualXPoint = *(overflowHeader->prior);
754  *closePoint = &(overflowHeader->prior->point);
755  } }
756  else { /* xMin <= x <= xMax */
757  status = ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between; /* Default for this condition, can only be between or equal. */
758  for( overflowPoint = overflowHeader->next, overflowIndex = 0; overflowPoint != overflowHeader;
759  overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, overflowIndex++ ) if( overflowPoint->point.x > x ) break;
760  overflowPoint = overflowPoint->prior;
761  if( ( overflowPoint != overflowHeader ) && ( overflowPoint->point.x == x ) ) {
763  *lessThanEqualXPoint = *overflowPoint; }
764  else if( ptwXY->length == 1 ) { /* If here and length = 1, then ptwXY->points[0].x == x. */
766  lessThanEqualXPoint->index = 0;
767  lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[0]; }
768  else { /* ptwXY->length > 1 */
769  indexMin = 0;
770  indexMax = nonOverflowLength - 1;
771  indexMid = ( indexMin + indexMax ) >> 1;
772  while( ( indexMin != indexMid ) && ( indexMid != indexMax ) ) {
773  if( ptwXY->points[indexMid].x > x ) {
774  indexMax = indexMid; }
775  else {
776  indexMin = indexMid;
777  }
778  indexMid = ( indexMin + indexMax ) >> 1;
779  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
780  if( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x == x ) {
782  lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMin;
783  lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMin]; }
784  else if( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x == x ) {
786  lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMax;
787  lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMax]; }
788  else {
789  if( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x > x ) indexMax = 0;
790  if( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x < x ) indexMin = indexMax;
791  if( ( overflowPoint == overflowHeader ) || /* x < xMin of overflow points. */
792  ( ( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x > overflowPoint->point.x ) && ( ptwXY->points[indexMin].x < x ) ) ) {
793  if( overflowPoint != overflowHeader ) lessThanEqualXPoint->prior = overflowPoint;
794  lowerPoint = &(ptwXY->points[indexMin]);
795  lessThanEqualXPoint->index = indexMin;
796  lessThanEqualXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMin]; }
797  else {
798  lowerPoint = &(overflowPoint->point);
799  *lessThanEqualXPoint = *overflowPoint;
800  }
801  if( ( overflowPoint->next == overflowHeader ) || /* x > xMax of overflow points. */
802  ( ( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x < overflowPoint->next->point.x ) && ( ptwXY->points[indexMax].x > x ) ) ) {
803  upperPoint = &(ptwXY->points[indexMax]);
804  greaterThanXPoint->index = indexMax;
805  greaterThanXPoint->point = ptwXY->points[indexMax]; }
806  else {
807  upperPoint = &(overflowPoint->next->point);
808  *greaterThanXPoint = *(overflowPoint->next);
809  }
810  }
811  }
812  }
813  }
815  *closeIsEqual = 0;
816  if( eps > 0 ) {
817  double absX = std::fabs( x );
819  if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan ) {
820  if( absX < std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x );
821  if( ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = 1; }
822  else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) {
823  if( absX < std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x );
824  if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = -1; }
825  else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_between ) {
826  if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) ) { /* x is closer to lower point. */
827  *closePoint = lowerPoint;
828  if( absX < std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x );
829  if( ( x - lessThanEqualXPoint->point.x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = -1; }
830  else { /* x is closer to upper point. */
831  *closePoint = upperPoint;
832  if( absX < std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x ) ) absX = std::fabs( greaterThanXPoint->point.x );
833  if( ( greaterThanXPoint->point.x - x ) < eps * absX ) *closeIsEqual = 1;
834  } }
835  else if( status == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal ) {
836  *closeIsEqual = 1;
837  }
838  }
839  return( status );
840 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
static const G4double eps
enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
static void ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint(ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *prior, ptwXYOverflowPoint *next)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
const char  side,
double *  slope 

Definition at line 1139 of file

1139  {
1141  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
1142  ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
1143  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint );
1144  ptwXYPoint *point;
1146  *slope = 0.;
1147  if( ( side != '-' ) && ( side != '+' ) ) return( nfu_badInput );
1149  switch( legx ) {
1153  status = nfu_XOutsideDomain;
1154  break;
1156  *slope = ( greaterThanXPoint.point.y - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y ) /
1157  ( greaterThanXPoint.point.x - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x );
1158  break;
1160  if( side == '-' ) {
1161  if( lessThanEqualXPoint.index == 0 ) {
1162  status = nfu_XOutsideDomain; }
1163  else {
1164  point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, lessThanEqualXPoint.index - 1 );
1165  *slope = ( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y - point->y ) / ( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x - point->x );
1166  } }
1167  else {
1168  if( lessThanEqualXPoint.index == ( ptwXY->length - 1 ) ) {
1169  status = nfu_XOutsideDomain; }
1170  else {
1171  point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY, lessThanEqualXPoint.index + 1 );
1172  *slope = ( point->y - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y ) / ( point->x - lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x );
1173  }
1174  }
1175  }
1177  return( status );
1178 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 351 of file

351  {
353  return( ptwXY->status );
354 }
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ptwXY_getUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 358 of file

358  {
360  return( ptwXY->userFlag );
361 }
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 844 of file

844  {
847  ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
848  ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint );
850  *y = 0.;
851  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
852  switch( legx ) {
856  break;
858  status = nfu_Okay;
859  *y = lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y;
860  break;
862  if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc != NULL ) {
863  status = ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList, x, y,
864  lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y, greaterThanXPoint.point.x, greaterThanXPoint.point.y ); }
865  else {
866  status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, x, y, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x, lessThanEqualXPoint.point.y,
867  greaterThanXPoint.point.x, greaterThanXPoint.point.y );
868  }
869  break;
870  }
871  return( status );
872 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXPoints* ptwXY_getXArray ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 24 of file

24  {
26  int64_t i, n;
27  ptwXPoints *xArray;
29  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
30  n = ptwXY->length;
32  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
33  if( ( xArray = ptwX_new( n, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
34  for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) xArray->points[i] = ptwXY->points[i].x;
35  xArray->length = n;
37  return( xArray );
38 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1239 of file

1239  {
1241  ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom;
1243  return( ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom( ptwXY, &dataFrom ) );
1244 }
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom 

Definition at line 1215 of file

1215  {
1217  int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1218  double xMax = nfu_getNAN( );
1220  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown;
1221  if( ptwXY->overflowLength > 0 ) {
1222  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow;
1223  xMax = ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior->point.x;
1224  if( ( nonOverflowLength > 0 ) ) {
1225  if( xMax < ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x ) {
1226  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1227  xMax = ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x;
1228  }
1229  } }
1230  else if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) {
1231  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1232  xMax = ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength-1].x;
1233  }
1234  return( xMax );
1235 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double nfu_getNAN(void)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMin ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1206 of file

1206  {
1208  ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom;
1210  return( ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom( ptwXY, &dataFrom ) );
1211 }
enum ptwXY_dataFrom_e ptwXY_dataFrom
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom dataFrom 

Definition at line 1182 of file

1182  {
1184  int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1185  double xMin = nfu_getNAN( );
1187  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Unknown;
1188  if( ptwXY->overflowLength > 0 ) {
1189  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Overflow;
1190  xMin = ptwXY->>point.x;
1191  if( nonOverflowLength >= 0 ) {
1192  if( xMin > ptwXY->points[0].x ) {
1193  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1194  xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
1195  }
1196  } }
1197  else if( nonOverflowLength > 0 ) {
1198  *dataFrom = ptwXY_dataFrom_Points;
1199  xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
1200  }
1201  return( xMin );
1202 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double nfu_getNAN(void)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 698 of file

698  {
700  ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, index );
702  if( p == NULL ) return( nfu_badIndex );
703  *x = p->x;
704  *y = p->y;
705  return( nfu_Okay );
706 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getYMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1269 of file

1269  {
1271  int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1272  ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY->points;
1273  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = ptwXY->;
1274  double yMax;
1276  if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( 0. );
1277  if( n > 0 ) {
1278  yMax = p->y;
1279  for( i = 1, p++; i < n; i++, p++ ) yMax = ( ( yMax > p->y ) ? yMax : p->y ); }
1280  else {
1281  yMax = overflowPoint->point.y;
1282  }
1283  for( ; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next )
1284  yMax = ( ( yMax > overflowPoint->point.y ) ? yMax : overflowPoint->point.y );
1285  return( yMax );
1286 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getYMin ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 1248 of file

1248  {
1250  int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
1251  ptwXYPoint *p = ptwXY->points;
1252  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint = ptwXY->;
1253  double yMin;
1255  if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( 0. );
1256  if( n > 0 ) {
1257  yMin = p->y;
1258  for( i = 1, p++; i < n; i++, p++ ) yMin = ( ( yMin < p->y ) ? yMin : p->y ); }
1259  else {
1260  yMin = overflowPoint->point.y;
1261  }
1262  for( ; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next )
1263  yMin = ( ( yMin < overflowPoint->point.y ) ? yMin : overflowPoint->point.y );
1264  return( yMin );
1265 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXPoints* ptwXY_groupOneFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 363 of file

363  {
365  int64_t i, igs, ngs;
366  double x1, y1, x2, y2, y2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
367  ptwXYPoints *f;
368  ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
370  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
371  if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
372  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
373  if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
375  ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
376  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
377  if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
378  *status = nfu_badNorm;
379  return( NULL );
380  }
381  *status = ptwX_norm->status;
382  if( ptwX_norm->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
383  if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
384  *status = nfu_badNorm;
385  return( NULL );
386  }
387  }
389  if( ( f = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
390  if( f->length == 0 ) return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
392  if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
393  xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
394  x1 = f->points[0].x;
395  y1 = f->points[0].y;
396  for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
397  xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
398  sum = 0;
399  if( xg2 > x1 ) {
400  for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, y1 = y2 ) {
401  x2 = f->points[i].x;
402  if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
403  y2p = y2 = f->points[i].y;
404  if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) y2p = y1;
405  sum += ( y1 + y2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
406  }
407  }
408  if( sum != 0. ) {
409  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
410  sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
411  else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
412  if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
413  *status = nfu_divByZero;
414  goto err;
415  }
416  sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
417  }
418  }
419  groupedData->points[igs] = 0.5 * sum;
420  groupedData->length++;
421  xg1 = xg2;
422  }
424  ptwXY_free( f );
425  return( groupedData );
427 err:
428  ptwXY_free( f );
429  if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
430  return( NULL );
431 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXPoints * ptwX_createLine(int64_t size, int64_t length, double slope, double offset, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_free(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t ptwX_length(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwX.h:25
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXPoints* ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY3,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 527 of file

528  {
530  int64_t i, igs, ngs;
531  double x1, fy1, gy1, hy1, x2, fy2, gy2, hy2, fy2p, gy2p, hy2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
532  ptwXYPoints *f = NULL, *ff, *fff = NULL, *g = NULL, *gg = NULL, *h = NULL, *hh = NULL;
533  ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
535  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
536  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
537  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY3 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
538  if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
539  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
540  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
541  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
542  if( ptwXY3->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
544  ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
545  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
546  if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
547  *status = nfu_badNorm;
548  return( NULL );
549  }
550  if( ( *status = ptwX_norm->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
551  if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
552  *status = nfu_badNorm;
553  return( NULL );
554  }
555  }
557  if( ( ff = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY1, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
558  if( ( gg = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY2, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
559  if( ( hh = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY3, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
560  if( ( ff->length == 0 ) || ( gg->length == 0 ) || ( hh->length == 0 ) ) return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
562  if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, gg, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
563  if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, hh, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
564  if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( gg, hh, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
565  if( ( fff = ptwXY_union( ff, gg, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
566  if( ( h = ptwXY_union( hh, fff, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
567  if( ( f = ptwXY_union( fff, h, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
568  if( ( g = ptwXY_union( gg, h, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
570  if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
571  xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
572  x1 = f->points[0].x;
573  fy1 = f->points[0].y;
574  gy1 = g->points[0].y;
575  hy1 = h->points[0].y;
576  for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
577  xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
578  sum = 0;
579  if( xg2 > x1 ) {
580  for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, fy1 = fy2, gy1 = gy2, hy1 = hy2 ) {
581  x2 = f->points[i].x;
582  if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
583  fy2p = fy2 = f->points[i].y;
584  if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) fy2p = fy1;
585  gy2p = gy2 = g->points[i].y;
586  if( g->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) gy2p = gy1;
587  hy2p = hy2 = h->points[i].y;
588  if( h->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) hy2p = hy1;
589  sum += ( ( fy1 + fy2p ) * ( gy1 + gy2p ) * ( hy1 + hy2p ) + 2 * fy1 * gy1 * hy1 + 2 * fy2p * gy2p * hy2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
590  }
591  }
592  if( sum != 0. ) {
593  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
594  sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
595  else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
596  if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
597  *status = nfu_divByZero;
598  goto err;
599  }
600  sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
601  }
602  }
603  groupedData->points[igs] = sum / 12.;
604  groupedData->length++;
605  xg1 = xg2;
606  }
608  ptwXY_free( f );
609  ptwXY_free( g );
610  ptwXY_free( h );
611  ptwXY_free( ff );
612  ptwXY_free( gg );
613  ptwXY_free( hh );
614  ptwXY_free( fff );
615  return( groupedData );
617 err:
618  ptwXY_free( ff );
619  if( fff != NULL ) ptwXY_free( fff );
620  if( gg != NULL ) ptwXY_free( gg );
621  if( hh != NULL ) ptwXY_free( hh );
622  if( f != NULL ) ptwXY_free( f );
623  if( g != NULL ) ptwXY_free( g );
624  if( h != NULL ) ptwXY_free( h );
625  if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
626  return( NULL );
627 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXPoints * ptwX_createLine(int64_t size, int64_t length, double slope, double offset, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
static constexpr double g
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:183
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_free(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t ptwX_length(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, int epsilonFactor, double epsilon)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwX.h:25
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXPoints* ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
ptwXPoints groupBoundaries,
ptwXY_group_normType  normType,
ptwXPoints ptwX_norm,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 435 of file

436  {
438  int64_t i, igs, ngs;
439  double x1, fy1, gy1, x2, fy2, gy2, fy2p, gy2p, xg1, xg2, sum;
440  ptwXYPoints *f = NULL, *ff, *g = NULL, *gg = NULL;
441  ptwXPoints *groupedData = NULL;
443  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
444  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
445  if( ( *status = groupBoundaries->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
446  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
447  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
448  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
450  ngs = ptwX_length( groupBoundaries ) - 1;
451  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
452  if( ptwX_norm == NULL ) {
453  *status = nfu_badNorm;
454  return( NULL );
455  }
456  if( ( *status = ptwX_norm->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
457  if( ptwX_length( ptwX_norm ) != ngs ) {
458  *status = nfu_badNorm;
459  return( NULL );
460  }
461  }
463  if( ( ff = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY1, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
464  if( ( gg = ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX( ptwXY2, groupBoundaries, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
465  if( ( ff->length == 0 ) || ( gg->length == 0 ) ) {
466  ptwXY_free( ff );
467  ptwXY_free( gg );
468  return( ptwX_createLine( ngs, ngs, 0, 0, status ) );
469  }
471  if( ( *status = ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify( ff, gg, 4, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
472  if( ( f = ptwXY_union( ff, gg, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
473  if( ( g = ptwXY_union( gg, f, status, ptwXY_union_fill ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
475  if( ( groupedData = ptwX_new( ngs, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
476  xg1 = groupBoundaries->points[0];
477  x1 = f->points[0].x;
478  fy1 = f->points[0].y;
479  gy1 = g->points[0].y;
480  for( igs = 0, i = 1; igs < ngs; igs++ ) {
481  xg2 = groupBoundaries->points[igs+1];
482  sum = 0;
483  if( xg2 > x1 ) {
484  for( ; i < f->length; i++, x1 = x2, fy1 = fy2, gy1 = gy2 ) {
485  x2 = f->points[i].x;
486  if( x2 > xg2 ) break;
487  fy2p = fy2 = f->points[i].y;
488  if( f->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) fy2p = fy1;
489  gy2p = gy2 = g->points[i].y;
490  if( g->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) gy2p = gy1;
491  sum += ( ( fy1 + fy2p ) * ( gy1 + gy2p ) + fy1 * gy1 + fy2p * gy2p ) * ( x2 - x1 );
492  }
493  }
494  if( sum != 0. ) {
495  if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_dx ) {
496  sum /= ( xg2 - xg1 ); }
497  else if( normType == ptwXY_group_normType_norm ) {
498  if( ptwX_norm->points[igs] == 0. ) {
499  *status = nfu_divByZero;
500  goto err;
501  }
502  sum /= ptwX_norm->points[igs];
503  }
504  }
505  groupedData->points[igs] = sum / 6.;
506  groupedData->length++;
507  xg1 = xg2;
508  }
510  ptwXY_free( f );
511  ptwXY_free( g );
512  ptwXY_free( ff );
513  ptwXY_free( gg );
514  return( groupedData );
516 err:
517  ptwXY_free( ff );
518  if( gg != NULL ) ptwXY_free( gg );
519  if( f != NULL ) ptwXY_free( ff );
520  if( g != NULL ) ptwXY_free( g );
521  if( groupedData != NULL ) ptwX_free( groupedData );
522  return( NULL );
523 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXPoints *ptwX, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXPoints * ptwX_createLine(int64_t size, int64_t length, double slope, double offset, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
static constexpr double g
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:183
int64_t length
Definition: ptwX.h:26
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_union(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status, int unionOptions)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_free(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t ptwX_length(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, int epsilonFactor, double epsilon)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwX.h:25
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrate ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 118 of file

118  {
120  int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
121  double sum = 0., dSum, x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1.;
122  ptwXYPoint *point;
124  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
125  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
126  if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( 0. );
128  if( xMax < xMin ) {
129  x = xMin;
130  xMin = xMax;
131  xMax = x;
132  _sign = -1.;
133  }
134  if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
136  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
137  for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; i++, point++ ) {
138  if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
139  }
140  if( i == n ) return( 0. );
141  x2 = point->x;
142  y2 = point->y;
143  if( i > 0 ) {
144  if( x2 > xMin ) {
145  x1 = point[-1].x;
146  y1 = point[-1].y;
147  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
148  if( x2 > xMax ) {
149  double yMax;
151  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &yMax, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
152  if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, y, xMax, yMax, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
153  return( sum ); }
154  else {
155  if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, y, x2, y2, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
156  }
157  }
158  }
159  i++;
160  point++;
161  for( ; i < n; i++, point++ ) {
162  x1 = x2;
163  y1 = y2;
164  x2 = point->x;
165  y2 = point->y;
166  if( x2 > xMax ) {
167  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
168  if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, y1, xMax, y, &dSum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
169  sum += dSum;
170  break;
171  }
172  if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dSum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
173  sum += dSum;
174  }
176  return( _sign * sum );
177 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *value)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateDomain ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 181 of file

181  {
183  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
184  if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) return( ptwXY_integrate( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
185  return( 0. );
186 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_integrate(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 284 of file

284  {
286  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
287  if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( 0. );
288  return( ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
289 }
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 210 of file

210  {
212  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
213  if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( 0. );
214  return( ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x( ptwXY, ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ), ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ), status ) );
215 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateWithFunction ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback  func,
void argList,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
int  degree,
int  recursionLimit,
double  tolerance,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 656 of file

657  {
659  int64_t i1, i2, n1 = ptwXY->length;
660  long evaluations;
661  double integral = 0., integral_, sign = -1., xa, xb;
662  ptwXY_integrateWithFunctionInfo integrateWithFunctionInfo;
663  ptwXYPoint *point;
665  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
667  if( xMin == xMax ) return( 0. );
668  if( n1 < 2 ) return( 0. );
672  if( xMin > xMax ) {
673  sign = xMin;
674  xMin = xMax;
675  xMax = sign;
676  sign = -1.;
677  }
678  if( xMin >= ptwXY->points[n1-1].x ) return( 0. );
679  if( xMax <= ptwXY->points[0].x ) return( 0. );
681  for( i1 = 0; i1 < ( n1 - 1 ); i1++ ) {
682  if( ptwXY->points[i1+1].x > xMin ) break;
683  }
684  for( i2 = n1 - 1; i2 > i1; i2-- ) {
685  if( ptwXY->points[i2-1].x < xMax ) break;
686  }
687  point = &(ptwXY->points[i1]);
689 = degree;
690  integrateWithFunctionInfo.func = func;
691  integrateWithFunctionInfo.argList = argList;
692  integrateWithFunctionInfo.interpolation = ptwXY->interpolation;
693  integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2 = point->x;
694  integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2 = point->y;
696  xa = xMin;
697  for( ; i1 < i2; i1++ ) {
698  integrateWithFunctionInfo.x1 = integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2;
699  integrateWithFunctionInfo.y1 = integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2;
700  ++point;
701  integrateWithFunctionInfo.x2 = point->x;
702  integrateWithFunctionInfo.y2 = point->y;
703  xb = point->x;
704  if( xb > xMax ) xb = xMax;
706  xa, xb, recursionLimit, tolerance, &integral_, &evaluations );
707  if( *status != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
708  integral += integral_;
709  xa = xb;
710  }
712  return( integral );
713 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
static constexpr double degree
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:144
static nfu_status ptwXY_integrateWithFunction3(double x, double *y, void *argList)
static nfu_status ptwXY_integrateWithFunction2(nf_Legendre_GaussianQuadrature_callback integrandFunction, void *argList, double x1, double x2, double *integral)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXY_createFromFunction_callback func
G4int sign(const T t)
nfu_status nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature(nf_GnG_adaptiveQuadrature_callback quadratureFunction, nf_Legendre_GaussianQuadrature_callback integrandFunction, void *argList, double x1, double x2, int maxDepth, double tolerance, double *integral, long *evaluations)

Here is the call graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_sqrt_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 293 of file

293  {
295  int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
296  double sum = 0., x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1., sqrt_x1, sqrt_x2, inv_apb, c;
297  ptwXYPoint *point;
299  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
301  if( ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) &&
302  ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) return( 0. );
304  if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
305  if( xMax < xMin ) {
306  x = xMin;
307  xMin = xMax;
308  xMax = x;
309  _sign = -1.;
310  }
312  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
313  for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
314  if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
315  }
316  if( i == n ) return( 0. );
317  x2 = point->x;
318  y2 = point->y;
319  if( i > 0 ) {
320  if( x2 > xMin ) {
321  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, point[-1].x, point[-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
322  x2 = xMin;
323  y2 = y;
324  --i;
325  --point;
326  }
327  }
328  ++i;
329  ++point;
330  sqrt_x2 = std::sqrt( x2 );
331  for( ; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
332  x1 = x2;
333  y1 = y2;
334  sqrt_x1 = sqrt_x2;
335  x2 = point->x;
336  y2 = point->y;
337  if( x2 > xMax ) {
338  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
339  x2 = xMax;
340  y2 = y;
341  }
342  sqrt_x2 = std::sqrt( x2 );
343  inv_apb = sqrt_x1 + sqrt_x2;
344  c = 2. * ( sqrt_x1 * sqrt_x2 + x1 + x2 );
345  switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
347  sum += ( sqrt_x2 - sqrt_x1 ) * y1 * 2.5 * c;
348  break;
350  sum += ( sqrt_x2 - sqrt_x1 ) * ( y1 * ( c + x1 * ( 1. + sqrt_x2 / inv_apb ) ) + y2 * ( c + x2 * ( 1. + sqrt_x1 / inv_apb ) ) );
351  break;
352  default : /* Only to stop compilers from complaining. */
353  break;
354  }
355  if( x2 == xMax ) break;
356  }
358  return( 2. / 15. * _sign * sum );
359 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_integrateWithWeight_x ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 219 of file

219  {
221  int64_t i, n = ptwXY->length;
222  double sum = 0., x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, _sign = 1.;
223  ptwXYPoint *point;
225  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
227  if( ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) &&
228  ( ptwXY->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) ) return( 0. );
230  if( n < 2 ) return( 0. );
231  if( xMax < xMin ) {
232  x = xMin;
233  xMin = xMax;
234  xMax = x;
235  _sign = -1.;
236  }
238  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
239  for( i = 0, point = ptwXY->points; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
240  if( point->x >= xMin ) break;
241  }
242  if( i == n ) return( 0. );
243  x2 = point->x;
244  y2 = point->y;
245  if( i > 0 ) {
246  if( x2 > xMin ) {
247  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMin, &y, point[-1].x, point[-1].y, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
248  x2 = xMin;
249  y2 = y;
250  --i;
251  --point;
252  }
253  }
254  ++i;
255  ++point;
256  for( ; i < n; ++i, ++point ) {
257  x1 = x2;
258  y1 = y2;
259  x2 = point->x;
260  y2 = point->y;
261  if( x2 > xMax ) {
262  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY->interpolation, xMax, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( 0. );
263  x2 = xMax;
264  y2 = y;
265  }
266  switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
268  sum += ( x2 - x1 ) * y1 * 3 * ( x1 + x2 );
269  break;
271  sum += ( x2 - x1 ) * ( y1 * ( 2 * x1 + x2 ) + y2 * ( x1 + 2 * x2 ) );
272  break;
273  default : /* Only to stop compilers from complaining. */
274  break;
275  }
276  if( x2 == xMax ) break;
277  }
279  return( _sign * sum / 6 );
280 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  x,
double *  y,
double  x1,
double  y1,
double  x2,
double  y2 

Definition at line 30 of file

30  {
32  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
34  if( interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( nfu_otherInterpolation );
35  if( ( x1 > x2 ) || ( x < x1 ) || ( x > x2 ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
36  if( y1 == y2 ) {
37  *y = y1; }
38  else if( x1 == x2 ) {
39  *y = 0.5 * ( y1 + y2 ); }
40  else if( x == x1 ) {
41  *y = y1; }
42  else if( x == x2 ) {
43  *y = y2; }
44  else {
45  switch( interpolation ) {
47  *y = ( y1 * ( x2 - x ) + y2 * ( x - x1 ) ) / ( x2 - x1 );
48  break;
50  if( ( x <= 0. ) || ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
51  *y = ( y1 * G4Log( x2 / x ) + y2 * G4Log( x / x1 ) ) / G4Log( x2 / x1 );
52  break;
54  if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
55  *y = G4Exp( ( G4Log( y1 ) * ( x2 - x ) + G4Log( y2 ) * ( x - x1 ) ) / ( x2 - x1 ) );
56  break;
58  if( ( x <= 0. ) || ( x1 <= 0. ) || ( x2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
59  if( ( y1 <= 0. ) || ( y2 <= 0. ) ) return( nfu_invalidInterpolation );
60  *y = G4Exp( ( G4Log( y1 ) * G4Log( x2 / x ) + G4Log( y2 ) * G4Log( x / x1 ) ) / G4Log( x2 / x1 ) );
61  break;
63  *y = y1;
64  break;
65  default :
66  status = nfu_invalidInterpolation;
67  }
68  }
69  return( status );
70 }
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:230
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
Definition: G4Exp.hh:183

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXPoints ptwX,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 194 of file

194  {
196  int64_t i, i1, i2, lengthX = ptwX_length( ptwX );
197  double x, y, xMin, xMax;
198  ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
200  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
201  if( ( *status = ptwX->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
202  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
203  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
204  if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
205  if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
206  if( ptwXY->length == 0 ) return( n );
207  xMin = ptwXY->points[0].x;
208  xMax = ptwXY->points[ptwXY->length - 1].x;
210  if( ( xMin >= ptwX->points[lengthX-1] ) || ( xMax <= ptwX->points[0] ) ) { /* No overlap. */
211  n->length = 0;
212  return( n );
213  }
215  for( i = 0; i < lengthX; i++ ) { /* Fill in ptwXY at x-points in ptwX. */
216  x = ptwX->points[i];
217  if( x <= xMin ) continue;
218  if( x >= xMax ) break;
219  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( ptwXY, x, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
220  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
221  }
222  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
224  i1 = 0;
225  i2 = n->length - 1;
226  if( lengthX > 0 ) {
227  x = ptwX->points[0];
228  if( x > n->points[i1].x ) {
229  for( ; i1 < n->length; i1++ ) {
230  if( n->points[i1].x == x ) break;
231  }
232  }
234  x = ptwX->points[lengthX - 1];
235  if( x < n->points[i2].x ) {
236  for( ; i2 > i1; i2-- ) {
237  if( n->points[i2].x == x ) break;
238  }
239  }
240  }
241  i2++;
243  if( i1 != 0 ) {
244  for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) n->points[i - i1] = n->points[i];
245  }
246  n->length = i2 - i1;
248  return( n );
250 Err:
251  ptwXY_free( n );
252  return( NULL );
253 }
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwX_length(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwX.h:25
double * points
Definition: ptwX.h:29

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int64_t ptwXY_length ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 583 of file

583  {
585  return( ptwXY->length );
586 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 141 of file

141  {
143  int64_t i, i1, j, k, n = ptwXY->length;
144  double x, y;
145  ptwXYPoint *p1, *p2;
147  if( n < 2 ) return( ptwXY->status );
148  if( epsilon < 4 * DBL_EPSILON ) epsilon = 4 * DBL_EPSILON;
149  if( ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
151  p2 = ptwXY->points;
152  x = p2->x;
153  for( i1 = 1, p2++; i1 < ( n - 1 ); i1++, p2++ ) { /* The first point shall remain the first point and all points close to it are deleted. */
154  if( ( p2->x - x ) > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( x ) + std::fabs( p2->x ) ) ) break;
155  }
156  if( i1 != 1 ) {
157  for( i = i1, p1 = &(ptwXY->points[1]); i < n; i++, p1++, p2++ ) *p1 = *p2;
158  n = ptwXY->length = ptwXY->length - i1 + 1;
159  }
161  p1 = &(ptwXY->points[n-1]);
162  x = p1->x;
163  for( i1 = n - 2, p1--; i1 > 0; i1--, p1-- ) { /* The last point shall remain the last point and all points close to it are deleted. */
164  if( x - p1->x > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( x ) + std::fabs( p1->x ) ) ) break;
165  }
166  if( i1 != ( n - 2 ) ) {
167  ptwXY->points[i1 + 1] = ptwXY->points[n - 1];
168  n = ptwXY->length = i1 + 2;
169  }
171  for( i = 1; i < n - 1; i++ ) {
172  p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i]);
173  x = p1->x;
174  y = p1->y;
175  for( j = i + 1, p2 = &(ptwXY->points[i+1]); j < n - 1; j++, p2++ ) {
176  if( ( p2->x - p1->x ) > 0.5 * epsilon * ( std::fabs( p2->x ) + std::fabs( p1->x ) ) ) break;
177  x += p2->x;
178  y += p2->y;
179  }
180  if( ( k = ( j - i ) ) > 1 ) {
181  p1->x = x / k;
182  p1->y = y / k;
183  for( p1 = &(ptwXY->points[i+1]); j < n; j++, p1++, p2++ ) *p1 = *p2;
184  n -= ( k - 1 );
185  }
186  }
187  ptwXY->length = n;
189  return( ptwXY->status );
190 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
Definition: templates.hh:87
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double epsilon(double density, double temperature)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xs,
double *  ys 

Definition at line 966 of file

966  {
968  return( ptwXY_mergeFrom( ptwXY, 1, length, xs, ys ) );
969 }
static nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int incY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xys 

Definition at line 973 of file

973  {
975  int i;
976  double *xs, *p1, *p2;
977  nfu_status status;
979  if( length < 0 ) return( nfu_badInput );
980  if( length == 0 ) return( nfu_Okay );
981  if( ( xs = (double *) nfu_malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) return( nfu_mallocError );
982  for( i = 0, p1 = xs, p2 = xys; i < length; i++, p1++, p2 += 2 ) *p1 = *p2;
983  status = ptwXY_mergeFrom( ptwXY, 2, length, xs, xys );
984  nfu_free( xs );
986  return( status );
987 }
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
void * nfu_free(void *p)
static nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFrom(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int incY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)
void * nfu_malloc(size_t size)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mod ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  m,
int  pythonMod 

Definition at line 76 of file

76  {
78  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
79  ptwXYPoint *p;
80  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
82  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
83  if( m == 0 ) return( ptwXY->status = nfu_divByZero );
85  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = ptwXY_mod2( p->y, m, pythonMod );
86  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = ptwXY_mod2( o->point.y, m, pythonMod );
87  return( ptwXY->status );
88 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
static double ptwXY_mod2(double v, double m, int pythonMod)
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
static constexpr double m
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:129
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 187 of file

187  {
189  int64_t i, length;
190  ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
191  int found;
192  double x1, y1, x2, y2, u1, u2, v1, v2, xz1 = 0, xz2 = 0, x;
194  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
195  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
196  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
197  if( ( n = ptwXY_mul_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, status ) ) == NULL ) return( n );
198  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( n );
199  if( ptwXY2->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) return( n );
200  length = n->length - 1;
201  if( length > 0 ) {
202  x2 = n->points[length].x;
203  for( i = length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Find and add y zeros not currently in n's. */
204  x1 = n->points[i].x;
205  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x1, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
206  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x2, &u2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
207  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x1, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
208  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x2, &v2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
209  found = 0;
210  if( u1 * u2 < 0 ) {
211  xz1 = ( u1 * x2 - u2 * x1 ) / ( u1 - u2 );
212  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz1, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
213  found = 1;
214  }
215  if( v1 * v2 < 0 ) {
216  xz2 = ( v1 * x2 - v2 * x1 ) / ( v1 - v2 );
217  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xz2, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
218  found += 1;
219  }
220  if( found > 1 ) {
221  x = 0.5 * ( xz1 + xz2 );
222  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY1, x, &u1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
223  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError( ptwXY2, x, &v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
224  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x, u1 * v1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
225  }
226  x2 = x1;
227  }
229  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( n ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
230  length = n->length;
231  x2 = n->points[n->length-1].x;
232  y2 = n->points[n->length-1].y;
233  for( i = n->length - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) { /* Make interpolation fit accuracy. Work backwards so new points will not mess up loop. */
234  x1 = n->points[i].x;
235  y1 = n->points[i].y;
236  if( ( *status = ptwXY_mul2_s_ptwXY( n, ptwXY1, ptwXY2, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
237  x2 = x1;
238  y2 = y1;
239  }
240  ptwXY_update_biSectionMax( n, (double) length );
241  }
242  return( n );
244 Err:
245  if( n ) ptwXY_free( n );
246  return( NULL );
247 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
static nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double x, double *y)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, double oldLength)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_mul_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)
static nfu_status ptwXY_mul2_s_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *n, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int level)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mul_double ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 43 of file

43 { return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, value, 0. ) ); }
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_mul_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 171 of file

171  {
173  ptwXYPoints *mul;
175  if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
176  mul = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
177  else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
178  mul = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ); }
179  else {
180  mul = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 0., 0., 1., status );
181  }
182  return( mul );
183 }
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mutualifyDomains ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  lowerEps1,
double  upperEps1,
int  positiveXOnly1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
double  lowerEps2,
double  upperEps2,
int  positiveXOnly2 

Definition at line 368 of file

369  {
371  nfu_status status;
372  int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
373  ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
375  switch( status = ptwXY_areDomainsMutual( ptwXY1, ptwXY2 ) ) {
376  case nfu_Okay :
377  case nfu_empty :
378  return( nfu_Okay );
379  case nfu_domainsNotMutual :
380  break;
381  default :
382  return( status );
383  }
390  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
391  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
392  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
393  lowerEps1 = 0.;
394  if( xy2->y == 0. ) lowerEps2 = 0.; }
395  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
396  lowerEps2 = 0.;
397  if( xy1->y == 0. ) lowerEps1 = 0.; }
398  else {
399  lowerEps1 = lowerEps2 = 0.;
400  }
402  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
403  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
404  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
405  upperEps2 = 0.;
406  if( xy1->y == 0. ) upperEps1 = 0.; }
407  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
408  upperEps1 = 0.;
409  if( xy2->y == 0. ) upperEps2 = 0.; }
410  else {
411  upperEps1 = upperEps2 = 0.;
412  }
414  if( ( lowerEps1 != 0. ) || ( upperEps1 != 0. ) )
415  if( ( status = ptwXY_dullEdges( ptwXY1, lowerEps1, upperEps1, positiveXOnly1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
416  if( ( lowerEps2 != 0. ) || ( upperEps2 != 0. ) )
417  if( ( status = ptwXY_dullEdges( ptwXY2, lowerEps2, upperEps2, positiveXOnly2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
419  return( status );
420 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
nfu_status ptwXY_dullEdges(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double lowerEps, double upperEps, int positiveXOnly)
nfu_status ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_neg ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 34 of file

34  {
36  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
37  ptwXYPoint *p;
38  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
40  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
42  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = -p->y;
43  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = -o->point.y;
44  return( ptwXY->status );
45 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_new ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 29 of file

30  {
32  ptwXYPoints *ptwXY = (ptwXYPoints *) nfu_calloc( sizeof( ptwXYPoints ), 1 );
34  *status = nfu_mallocError;
35  if( ptwXY == NULL ) return( NULL );
36  ptwXY_setup( ptwXY, interpolation, interpolationOtherInfo, biSectionMax, accuracy, primarySize,
37  secondarySize, userFlag );
38  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) {
39  ptwXY = (ptwXYPoints *) nfu_free( ptwXY );
40  }
41  return( ptwXY );
42 }
void * nfu_calloc(size_t size, size_t n)
nfu_status ptwXY_setup(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int userFlag)
void * nfu_free(void *p)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_normalize ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1)

Definition at line 190 of file

190  {
191 /*
192 * This function assumes ptwXY_integrateDomain checks status and coalesces the points.
193 */
195  int64_t i;
196  nfu_status status;
197  double sum = ptwXY_integrateDomain( ptwXY, &status );
199  if( status != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
200  if( sum == 0. ) {
201  status = nfu_badNorm; }
202  else {
203  for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) ptwXY->points[i].y /= sum;
204  }
205  return( status );
206 }
double ptwXY_integrateDomain(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_pow ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  p 

Definition at line 24 of file

24  {
26  return( ptwXY_applyFunction( ptwXY, ptwXY_pow_callback, (void *) &v, 0 ) );
27 }
nfu_status ptwXY_applyFunction(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXY_applyFunction_callback func, void *argList, int checkForRoots)
static nfu_status ptwXY_pow_callback(ptwXYPoint *point, void *argList)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size 

Definition at line 439 of file

439  {
440 /*
441 * This is for allocating/reallocating the secondary data memory.
442 */
443  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
445  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
447  if( size < ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize ) size = ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize; /* ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize must be > 0. */
448  if( size < ptwXY->overflowLength ) status = ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, NULL, 0 );
449  if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
450  if( size != ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize ) {
451  ptwXY->overflowPoints = (ptwXYOverflowPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYOverflowPoint ), ptwXY->overflowPoints );
452  if( ptwXY->overflowPoints == NULL ) {
453  ptwXY->length = 0;
454  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
455  ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = size;
456  size = 0;
457  ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
458  }
459  }
460  ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = size; }
461  else {
462  ptwXY->status = status;
463  }
464  return( ptwXY->status );
465 }
#define ptwXY_minimumOverflowSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:21
int64_t mallocFailedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:97
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
void * nfu_realloc(size_t size, void *old)
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s ptwXYOverflowPoint
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 410 of file

410  {
411 /*
412 * This is for allocating/reallocating the primary data memory.
413 */
414  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
416  if( size < ptwXY_minimumSize ) size = ptwXY_minimumSize; /* ptwXY_minimumSize must be > 0. */
417  if( size < ptwXY->length ) size = ptwXY->length;
418  if( size != ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
419  if( size > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) { /* Increase size of allocated points. */
420  ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYPoint ), ptwXY->points ); }
421  else if( ( ptwXY->allocatedSize > 2 * size ) || forceSmallerResize ) { /* Decrease size, if at least 1/2 size reduction or if forced to. */
422  ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_realloc( (size_t) size * sizeof( ptwXYPoint ), ptwXY->points ); }
423  else {
424  size = ptwXY->allocatedSize; /* Size is < ptwXY->allocatedSize, but realloc not called. */
425  }
426  if( ptwXY->points == NULL ) {
427  ptwXY->length = 0;
428  ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = size;
429  size = 0;
430  ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
431  }
432  ptwXY->allocatedSize = size;
433  }
434  return( ptwXY->status );
435 }
int64_t mallocFailedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:97
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
void * nfu_realloc(size_t size, void *old)
#define ptwXY_minimumSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:20
struct ptwXYPoint_s ptwXYPoint

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_release ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 549 of file

549  {
550 /*
551 * Note, this routine does not free ptwXY (i.e., it does not undo all of ptwXY_new).
552 */
554  if( ptwXY->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) {
555  if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString != NULL )
557  }
559  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc = NULL;
560  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
561  ptwXY->length = 0;
562  ptwXY->allocatedSize = 0;
563  ptwXY->points = (ptwXYPoint *) nfu_free( ptwXY->points );
565  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
566  ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = 0;
569  return( nfu_Okay );
570 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
void * nfu_free(void *p)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXPoints* ptwXY_runningIntegral ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 631 of file

631  {
633  int i;
634  ptwXPoints *runningIntegral = NULL;
635  double integral = 0., sum;
637  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
638  if( ( runningIntegral = ptwX_new( ptwXY->length, status ) ) == NULL ) goto err;
640  if( ( *status = ptwX_setPointAtIndex( runningIntegral, 0, 0. ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
641  for( i = 1; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
642  if( ( *status = ptwXY_f_integrate( ptwXY->interpolation, ptwXY->points[i-1].x, ptwXY->points[i-1].y,
643  ptwXY->points[i].x, ptwXY->points[i].y, &sum ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
644  integral += sum;
645  if( ( *status = ptwX_setPointAtIndex( runningIntegral, i, integral ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto err;
646  }
647  return( runningIntegral );
649 err:
650  if( runningIntegral != NULL ) ptwX_free( runningIntegral );
651  return( NULL );
652 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXPoints * ptwX_new(int64_t size, nfu_status *status)
nfu_status ptwXY_f_integrate(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double *value)
ptwXPoints * ptwX_free(ptwXPoints *ptwX)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwX_setPointAtIndex(ptwXPoints *ptwX, int64_t index, double x)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_scaleOffsetXAndY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xScale,
double  xOffset,
double  yScale,
double  yOffset 

Definition at line 481 of file

481  {
483  int64_t i1, length = ptwXY->length;
484  ptwXYPoint *p1;
485  nfu_status status;
487  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
488  if( xScale == 0 ) return( nfu_XNotAscending );
490  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
492  for( i1 = 0, p1 = ptwXY->points; i1 < length; i1++, p1++ ) {
493  p1->x = xScale * p1->x + xOffset;
494  p1->y = yScale * p1->y + yOffset;
495  }
497  if( xScale < 0 ) {
498  int64_t length_2 = length / 2;
499  ptwXYPoint tmp, *p2;
501  for( i1 = 0, p1 = ptwXY->points, p2 = &(ptwXY->points[length-1]); i1 < length_2; i1++ ) {
502  tmp = *p1;
503  *p1 = *p2;
504  *p2 = tmp;
505  }
506  }
508  return( ptwXY->status );
509 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_setAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  accuracy 

Definition at line 379 of file

379  {
381  if( accuracy < ptwXY_minAccuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY_minAccuracy;
382  if( accuracy < ptwXY->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY->accuracy;
383  if( accuracy > 1 ) accuracy = 1.;
384  ptwXY->accuracy = accuracy;
385  return( ptwXY->accuracy );
386 }
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:23

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  biSectionMax 

Definition at line 397 of file

397  {
399  if( biSectionMax < 0 ) {
400  biSectionMax = 0; }
401  else if( biSectionMax > ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax ) {
402  biSectionMax = ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax;
403  }
404  ptwXY->biSectionMax = biSectionMax;
405  return( ptwXY->biSectionMax );
406 }
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:22

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setup ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 46 of file

47  {
49  ptwXY->status = nfu_Okay;
50  ptwXY->typeX = ptwXY_sigma_none;
51  ptwXY->typeY = ptwXY_sigma_none;
52  ptwXY->interpolation = interpolation;
55  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
56  switch( interpolation ) {
67  case ptwXY_interpolationOther : /* For ptwXY_interpolationOther, interpolationOtherInfo and interpolationString must be defined. */
68  if( interpolationOtherInfo == NULL ) {
69  ptwXY->status = nfu_otherInterpolation; }
70  else {
71  if( interpolationOtherInfo->interpolationString == NULL ) {
72  ptwXY->status = nfu_otherInterpolation; }
73  else {
74  if( ( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString = strdup( interpolationOtherInfo->interpolationString ) ) == NULL ) {
75  ptwXY->status = nfu_mallocError;
76  }
77  }
78  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc = interpolationOtherInfo->getValueFunc;
79  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = interpolationOtherInfo->argList;
80  }
81  }
82  ptwXY->userFlag = 0;
83  ptwXY_setUserFlag( ptwXY, userFlag );
85  ptwXY_setBiSectionMax( ptwXY, biSectionMax );
86  ptwXY->accuracy = ptwXY_minAccuracy;
87  ptwXY_setAccuracy( ptwXY, accuracy );
89  ptwXY->length = 0;
90  ptwXY->allocatedSize = 0;
91  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
92  ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize = 0;
93  ptwXY->mallocFailedSize = 0;
97  ptwXY->points = NULL;
98  ptwXY->overflowPoints = NULL;
100  ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, primarySize, 0 );
101  ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints( ptwXY, secondarySize );
102  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) ptwXY_release( ptwXY );
103  return( ptwXY->status );
104 }
static char const logLinInterpolationString[]
int64_t mallocFailedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:97
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
double ptwXY_setAccuracy(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double accuracy)
static char const logLogInterpolationString[]
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size)
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
static void ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint(ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *prior, ptwXYOverflowPoint *next)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
void ptwXY_setUserFlag(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_release(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double biSectionMax)
static char const linLinInterpolationString[]
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
ptwXY_sigma typeY
Definition: ptwXY.h:86
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:22
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
static char const flatInterpolationString[]
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:23
ptwXY_sigma typeX
Definition: ptwXY.h:86
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100
static char const linLogInterpolationString[]

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ptwXY_setUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 365 of file

365  {
367  ptwXY->userFlag = userFlag;
368 }
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 876 of file

876  {
878  return( ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose( ptwXY, x, y, 0., 0 ) );
879 }
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y,
double  eps,
int  override 

Definition at line 883 of file

883  {
885  int closeIsEqual;
886  int64_t nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY ), i;
887  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
889  ptwXYPoint *point = NULL, newPoint = { x, y };
890  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *p, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
891  ptwXYOverflowPoint lessThanEqualXPoint, greaterThanXPoint;
892  ptwXYPoint *closePoint = NULL;
894  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
896  legx = ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual( ptwXY, x, &lessThanEqualXPoint, &greaterThanXPoint, eps, &closeIsEqual, &closePoint );
897  switch( legx ) {
901  if( closeIsEqual ) {
902  if( !override ) return( status );
903  point = closePoint;
905  x = point->x; }
906  else {
907  if( ( legx == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) && ( nonOverflowLength < ptwXY->allocatedSize ) ) {
908  point = &(ptwXY->points[nonOverflowLength]); }
909  else {
910  if( ptwXY->overflowLength == ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize )
911  return( ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length + ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, &newPoint, 0 ) );
912  overflowPoint = &(ptwXY->overflowPoints[ptwXY->overflowLength]);
913  if( legx == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_lessThan ) {
914  overflowPoint->prior = greaterThanXPoint.prior;
915  overflowPoint->index = 0; }
916  else { /* Between or greater and must go in overflow area. */
917  if( legx == ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_greater ) {
918  overflowPoint->prior = overflowHeader->prior;
919  overflowPoint->index = ptwXY->length; }
920  else {
921  overflowPoint->prior = lessThanEqualXPoint.prior;
922  if( != NULL ) {
923  if( lessThanEqualXPoint.point.x < x )
924  overflowPoint->prior = lessThanEqualXPoint.prior->next;
925  i = 1; }
926  else {
927  for( p = overflowHeader->next, i = 1; p != overflowHeader; p = p->next, i++ )
928  if( p->point.x > x ) break;
929  }
930  overflowPoint->index = lessThanEqualXPoint.index + i;
931  }
932  }
933  overflowPoint->next = overflowPoint->prior->next;
934  overflowPoint->prior->next = overflowPoint;
935  overflowPoint->next->prior = overflowPoint;
936  point = &(overflowPoint->point);
937  for( overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next; overflowPoint != overflowHeader; overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next ) {
938  overflowPoint->index++;
939  }
940  ptwXY->overflowLength++;
941  }
942  }
943  break;
945  point = ptwXY->points; /* ptwXY_minimumSize must be > 0 so there is always space here. */
946  break;
948  if( closeIsEqual && !override ) return( status );
949  if( == NULL ) {
950  point = &(ptwXY->points[lessThanEqualXPoint.index]); }
951  else {
952  point = &(lessThanEqualXPoint.prior->next->point);
953  }
954  break;
955  }
956  if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
957  point->x = x;
958  point->y = y;
959  if( legx != ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_equal ) ptwXY->length++;
960  }
961  return( status );
962 }
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
static const G4double eps
enum ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX_e ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
ptwXYOverflowPoint * overflowPoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:100

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy 

Definition at line 597 of file

597  {
599  nfu_status status = nfu_Okay;
600  int64_t i;
601  ptwXYPoint *p;
602  double const *d = xy;
603  double xOld = 0.;
605  if( length > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
606  status = ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, length, 0 );
607  if( status != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
608  }
609  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < length; i++, p++ ) {
610  if( i != 0 ) {
611  if( *d <= xOld ) {
612  status = nfu_XNotAscending;
613  ptwXY->status = nfu_XNotAscending;
614  length = 0;
615  break;
616  }
617  }
618  xOld = *d;
619  p->x = *(d++);
620  p->y = *(d++);
621  }
622  ptwXY-> = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
623  ptwXY->overflowHeader.prior = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
624  ptwXY->overflowLength = 0;
625  ptwXY->length = length;
626  return( ptwXY->status = status );
627 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  x,
double const *  y 

Definition at line 631 of file

631  {
633  nfu_status status;
634  int64_t i;
635  ptwXYPoint *p;
636  double xOld = 0.;
638  if( ( status = ptwXY_clear( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
639  if( length > ptwXY->allocatedSize ) {
640  if( ( status = ptwXY_reallocatePoints( ptwXY, length, 0 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
641  }
642  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < length; i++, p++, x++, y++ ) {
643  if( i != 0 ) {
644  if( *x <= xOld ) {
645  status = ptwXY->status = nfu_XNotAscending;
646  length = 0;
647  break;
648  }
649  }
650  xOld = *x;
651  p->x = *x;
652  p->y = *y;
653  }
654  ptwXY->length = length;
655  return( status );
656 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
nfu_status ptwXY_clear(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1098 of file

1098  {
1100  int64_t i, ip1;
1101  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, *pm1, *pp1;
1103  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
1105  if( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= ptwXY->length ) ) return( nfu_badIndex );
1106  for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->, i = 0; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next, i++ ) {
1107  if( overflowPoint->index >= index ) break;
1108  }
1109  ip1 = i;
1110  pm1 = pp1 = overflowPoint;
1111  if( overflowPoint->index == index ) { /* Note, if overflowPoint is header, then its index = -1. */
1112  pp1 = overflowPoint->next;
1113  ip1++;
1114  }
1115  if( ( pp1 != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( pp1->index == ( index + 1 ) ) ) { /* This if and else check that x < element[index+1]'s x values. */
1116  if( pp1->point.x <= x ) return( nfu_badIndexForX ); }
1117  else {
1118  if( ( ( index + 1 ) < ptwXY->length ) && ( ptwXY->points[index + 1 - ip1].x <= x ) ) return( nfu_badIndexForX );
1119  }
1120  if( overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) pm1 = overflowPoint->prior;
1121  if( ( pm1 != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( pm1->index == ( index - 1 ) ) ) { /* This if and else check that x > element[index-1]'s x values. */
1122  if( pm1->point.x >= x ) return( nfu_badIndexForX ); }
1123  else {
1124  if( ( ( index - 1 ) >= 0 ) && ( ptwXY->points[index - 1 - i].x >= x ) ) return( nfu_badIndexForX );
1125  }
1126  if( ( overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) && ( overflowPoint->index == index ) ) {
1127  overflowPoint->point.x = x;
1128  overflowPoint->point.y = y; }
1129  else {
1130  index -= i;
1131  ptwXY->points[index].x = x;
1132  ptwXY->points[index].y = y;
1133  }
1134  return( nfu_Okay );
1135 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * prior
Definition: ptwXY.h:77
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
void ptwXY_showInteralStructure ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
FILE *  f,
int  printPointersAsNull 

Definition at line 247 of file

247  {
249  int64_t i, n = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
250  ptwXYPoint *point = ptwXY->points;
251  ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint;
253  fprintf( f, "status = %d interpolation = %d length = %d allocatedSize = %d\n",
254  (int) ptwXY->status, (int) ptwXY->interpolation, (int) ptwXY->length, (int) ptwXY->allocatedSize );
255  fprintf( f, "userFlag = %d biSectionMax = %.8e accuracy = %.2e minFractional_dx = %.6e\n",
256  ptwXY->userFlag, ptwXY->biSectionMax, ptwXY->accuracy, ptwXY->minFractional_dx );
257  fprintf( f, "interpolationString = %s\n", ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.interpolationString );
258  fprintf( f, "getValueFunc is NULL = %d. argList is NULL = %d.\n",
259  ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc == NULL, ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.argList == NULL );
260  fprintf( f, " overflowLength = %d overflowAllocatedSize = %d mallocFailedSize = %d\n",
261  (int) ptwXY->overflowLength, (int) ptwXY->overflowAllocatedSize, (int) ptwXY->mallocFailedSize );
262  fprintf( f, " Points data, points = %20p\n", ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : (void*)ptwXY->points ) );
263  for( i = 0; i < n; i++, point++ ) fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e\n", point->x, point->y );
264  fprintf( f, " Overflow points data; %20p\n", ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : (void*)&(ptwXY->overflowHeader) ) );
265  for( overflowPoint = ptwXY->; overflowPoint != &(ptwXY->overflowHeader); overflowPoint = overflowPoint->next ) {
266  fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e %8d %20p %20p %20p\n", overflowPoint->point.x, overflowPoint->point.y, (int) overflowPoint->index,
267  (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint ), (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint->prior ),
268  (void*) ( printPointersAsNull ? NULL : overflowPoint->next ) );
269  }
270  fprintf( f, " Points in order\n" );
271  for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
272  point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, i );
273  fprintf( f, " %14.7e %14.7e\n", point->x, point->y );
274  }
275 }
double minFractional_dx
Definition: ptwXY.h:92
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t mallocFailedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:97
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
int64_t allocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:94
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
char const * interpolationString
Definition: ptwXY.h:70
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98
int64_t index
Definition: ptwXY.h:79
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 529 of file

529  {
531  return( ptwXY_coalescePoints( ptwXY, ptwXY->length, NULL, 0 ) );
532 }
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ptwXY_simplePrint ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
char *  format 

Definition at line 292 of file

292  {
294  ptwXY_simpleWrite( ptwXY, stdout, format );
295 }
void ptwXY_simpleWrite(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, FILE *f, char *format)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ptwXY_simpleWrite ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
FILE *  f,
char *  format 

Definition at line 279 of file

279  {
281  int64_t i;
282  ptwXYPoint *point;
284  for( i = 0; i < ptwXY->length; i++ ) {
285  point = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex( ptwXY, i );
286  fprintf( f, format, point->x, point->y );
287  }
288 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_slice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
int64_t  index1,
int64_t  index2,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 248 of file

248  {
250  int64_t i, length;
251  ptwXYPoints *n;
253  *status = nfu_badSelf;
254  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
256  *status = nfu_badIndex;
257  if( index2 < index1 ) return( NULL );
258  if( index1 < 0 ) index1 = 0;
259  if( index2 > ptwXY->length ) index2 = ptwXY->length;
261  length = index2 - index1;
262  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
263  if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY->interpolation, &(ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo), ptwXY->biSectionMax,
264  ptwXY->accuracy, length, secondarySize, status, ptwXY->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
266  *status = n->status = ptwXY->status;
267  for( i = index1; i < index2; i++ ) n->points[i - index1] = ptwXY->points[i];
268  n->length = length;
269  return( n );
270 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  slope,
double  offset 

Definition at line 25 of file

25  {
27  int64_t i, nonOverflowLength = ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength( ptwXY );
28  ptwXYPoint *p;
29  ptwXYOverflowPoint *o, *overflowHeader = &(ptwXY->overflowHeader);
31  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
33  for( i = 0, p = ptwXY->points; i < nonOverflowLength; i++, p++ ) p->y = slope * p->y + offset;
34  for( o = overflowHeader->next; o != overflowHeader; o = o->next ) o->point.y = slope * o->point.y + offset;
35  return( ptwXY->status );
36 }
ptwXYPoint point
Definition: ptwXY.h:80
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
struct ptwXYOverflowPoint_s * next
Definition: ptwXY.h:78
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
ptwXYOverflowPoint overflowHeader
Definition: ptwXY.h:98

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_sub_doubleFrom ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 41 of file

41 { return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, 1., -value ) ); }
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_sub_fromDouble ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  value 

Definition at line 42 of file

42 { return( ptwXY_slopeOffset( ptwXY, -1., value ) ); }
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
nfu_status ptwXY_slopeOffset(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double slope, double offset)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_sub_ptwXY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 154 of file

154  {
156  ptwXYPoints *diff;
158  if( ptwXY1->length == 0 ) {
159  diff = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status );
160  if( ( *status = ptwXY_neg( diff ) ) != nfu_Okay ) diff = ptwXY_free( diff ); }
161  else if( ptwXY2->length == 0 ) {
162  diff = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ); }
163  else {
164  diff = ptwXY_binary_ptwXY( ptwXY1, ptwXY2, 1., -1., 0., status );
165  }
166  return( diff );
167 }
nfu_status ptwXY_neg(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, double v1, double v2, double v1v2, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_thicken ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
int  sectionSubdivideMax,
double  dxMax,
double  fxMax 

Definition at line 144 of file

144  {
146  double x1, x2 = 0., y1, y2 = 0., fx = 1.1, x, dx, dxp, lfx, y; /* fx initialized so compilers want complain. */
147  int64_t i, notFirstPass = 0;
148  int nfx, nDone, doLinear;
149  nfu_status status;
152  if( ( sectionSubdivideMax < 1 ) || ( dxMax < 0. ) || ( fxMax < 1. ) ) return( nfu_badInput );
153  if( sectionSubdivideMax > ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax ) sectionSubdivideMax = ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax;
154  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
155  for( i = ptwXY1->length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
156  x1 = ptwXY1->points[i].x;
157  y1 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
158  if( notFirstPass ) {
159  dx = ptwXY_thicken_linear_dx( sectionSubdivideMax, dxMax, x1, x2 );
161  if( x1 == 0. ) {
162  doLinear = 1; }
163  else {
164  fx = x2 / x1;
165  if( fx > 0. ) {
166  lfx = G4Log( fx );
167  if( fxMax == 1. ) {
168  nfx = sectionSubdivideMax; }
169  else {
170  nfx = ( (int) ( lfx / G4Log( fxMax ) ) ) + 1;
171  if( nfx > sectionSubdivideMax ) nfx = sectionSubdivideMax;
172  }
173  if( nfx > 0 ) fx = G4Exp( lfx / nfx );
174  doLinear = 0;
175  if( dx < ( fx - 1 ) * x1 ) doLinear = 1; }
176  else {
177  doLinear = 1;
178  }
179  }
180  x = x1;
181  dxp = dx;
182  nDone = 0;
183  while( 1 ) {
184  if( doLinear ) {
185  x += dx; }
186  else {
187  dx = ptwXY_thicken_linear_dx( sectionSubdivideMax - nDone, dxMax, x, x2 );
188  if( dx <= ( fx - 1 ) * x ) {
189  dxp = dx;
190  doLinear = 1;
191  continue;
192  }
193  dxp = ( fx - 1. ) * x;
194  x *= fx;
195  }
196  if( ( x2 - x ) < 0.05 * std::fabs( dxp ) ) break;
197  if( ( status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
198  if( ( status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( ptwXY1, x, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
199  nDone++;
200  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
201  }
202  notFirstPass = 1;
203  x2 = x1;
204  y2 = y1;
205  }
206  return( status );
207 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
static double ptwXY_thicken_linear_dx(int sectionSubdivideMax, double dxMax, double x1, double x2)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:230
G4double G4Exp(G4double initial_x)
Exponential Function double precision.
Definition: G4Exp.hh:183
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
#define ptwXY_sectionSubdivideMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:24

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_thin ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 211 of file

211  {
213  int64_t i, j, length = ptwXY1->length;
214  ptwXYPoints *thinned = NULL;
215  double y1, y2, y3;
216  char *thin = NULL;
218  if( length < 3 ) return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ) ); /* Logic below requires at least 2 points. */
219  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
220  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
221  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
222  if( accuracy < ptwXY1->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy;
223  if( ( thinned = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, &(ptwXY1->interpolationOtherInfo),
224  ptwXY1->biSectionMax, accuracy, length, ptwXY1->overflowLength, status, ptwXY1->userFlag ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
226  thinned->points[0] = ptwXY1->points[0]; /* This sections removes middle point if surrounding points have the same y-value. */
227  y1 = ptwXY1->points[0].y;
228  y2 = ptwXY1->points[1].y;
229  for( i = 2, j = 1; i < length; i++ ) {
230  y3 = ptwXY1->points[i].y;
231  if( ( y1 != y2 ) || ( y2 != y3 ) ) {
232  thinned->points[j++] = ptwXY1->points[i - 1];
233  y1 = y2;
234  y2 = y3;
235  }
236  }
237  thinned->points[j++] = ptwXY1->points[length - 1];
239  if( ptwXY1->interpolation != ptwXY_interpolationFlat ) { /* Now call ptwXY_thin2 for more thinning. */
240  length = thinned->length = j;
241  if( ( thin = (char *) nfu_calloc( 1, (size_t) length ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
242  if( ( *status = ptwXY_thin2( thinned, thin, accuracy, 0, length - 1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
243  for( j = 1; j < length; j++ ) if( thin[j] != 0 ) break;
244  for( i = j + 1; i < length; i++ ) {
245  if( thin[i] == 0 ) {
246  thinned->points[j] = thinned->points[i];
247  j++;
248  }
249  }
250  nfu_free( thin );
251  }
252  thinned->length = j;
254  return( thinned );
256 Err:
257  ptwXY_free( thinned );
258  if( thin != NULL ) nfu_free( thin );
259  return( NULL );
260 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
void * nfu_calloc(size_t size, size_t n)
void * nfu_free(void *p)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t overflowLength
Definition: ptwXY.h:95
static nfu_status ptwXY_thin2(ptwXYPoints *thinned, char *thin, double accuracy, int64_t i1, int64_t i2)
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
double  accuracy,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 153 of file

153  {
154 /*
155 * This function only works when 'ptwXY->interpolation == interpolationTo' or when interpolationTo is ptwXY_interpolationLinLin.
156 */
157  ptwXYPoints *n1;
158  interpolation_func func = NULL;
160  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
161  if( ptwXY->interpolation == interpolationTo ) {
162  *status = nfu_Okay;
163  return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ); }
164  else {
165  if( interpolationTo == ptwXY_interpolationLinLin ) {
166  switch( ptwXY->interpolation ) {
168  func = ptwXY_LogLogToLinLin; break;
170  func = ptwXY_LinLogToLinLin; break;
172  func = ptwXY_LogLinToLinLin; break;
174  if( ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo.getValueFunc != NULL ) func = ptwXY_otherToLinLin;
175  break;
176  case ptwXY_interpolationLinLin : /* Stops compilers from complaining. */
178  break;
179  }
180  }
181  }
183  if( func == NULL ) return( NULL );
185  *status = nfu_Okay;
186  if( ( n1 = ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation( ptwXY, interpolationTo, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
187  if( accuracy < ptwXY->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY->accuracy;
188  n1->accuracy = accuracy;
192  *status = ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation2( n1, ptwXY, func );
194  n1->interpolationOtherInfo.argList = NULL;
195  if( *status != nfu_Okay ) n1 = ptwXY_free( n1 );
196  return( n1 );
197 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolationTo, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_getValue_callback getValueFunc
Definition: ptwXY.h:71
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
static nfu_status ptwXY_LogLinToLinLin(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)
static nfu_status ptwXY_LogLogToLinLin(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)
static nfu_status ptwXY_otherToLinLin(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
static nfu_status ptwXY_LinLogToLinLin(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
nfu_status(* interpolation_func)(ptwXYPoints *desc, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depth)
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
static nfu_status ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation2(ptwXYPoints *desc, ptwXYPoints *src, interpolation_func func)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_toUnitbase ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 306 of file

306  {
308  int64_t i;
309  ptwXYPoints *n;
310  ptwXYPoint *p;
311  double xMin, xMax, dx, inverseDx;
313  *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
314  if( ptwXY->length < 2 ) return( NULL );
315  if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
317  xMin = n->points[0].x;
318  xMax = n->points[n->length-1].x;
319  dx = xMax - xMin;
320  inverseDx = 1. / dx;
321  for( i = 0, p = n->points; i < n->length; i++, p++ ) {
322  p->x = ( p->x - xMin ) * inverseDx;
323  p->y = p->y * dx;
324  }
325  n->points[n->length-1].x = 1.; /* Make sure last point is realy 1. */
326  return( n );
327 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_trim ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY)

Definition at line 315 of file

315  {
316 /*
317 c Remove extra zeros at beginning and end.
318 */
320  int64_t i, i1, i2;
321  nfu_status status;
323  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
324  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
325  for( i1 = 0; i1 < ptwXY->length; i1++ ) {
326  if( ptwXY->points[i1].y != 0 ) break;
327  }
328  if( i1 > 0 ) i1--;
329  for( i2 = ptwXY->length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2-- ) {
330  if( ptwXY->points[i2].y != 0 ) break;
331  }
332  i2++;
333  if( i2 < ptwXY->length ) i2++;
334  if( i2 > i1 ) {
335  if( i1 > 0 ) {
336  for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) ptwXY->points[i - i1] = ptwXY->points[i];
337  }
338  ptwXY->length = i2 - i1; }
339  else if( i2 < i1 ) { /* Remove all zeros between endpoints. */
340  ptwXY->points[1] = ptwXY->points[ptwXY->length - 1];
341  ptwXY->length = 2;
342  }
344  return( nfu_Okay );
345 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
int  epsilonFactor,
double  epsilon 

Definition at line 295 of file

295  {
297  nfu_status status;
298  int64_t n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length;
299  double sum, diff;
300  ptwXYPoint *xy1, *xy2;
302  epsilon = std::fabs( epsilon ) + std::fabs( epsilonFactor * DBL_EPSILON );
304  if( ( status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
305  if( ( status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
306  if( n1 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
307  if( n2 == 0 ) return( nfu_empty );
308  if( n1 < 2 ) {
309  status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
310  else if( n2 < 2 ) {
311  status = nfu_tooFewPoints; }
312  else {
313  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, 0 );
314  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, 0 );
315  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
316  if( xy2->y != 0. ) {
317  sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
318  diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
319  if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
320  status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
321  else {
322  xy1->x = xy2->x;
323  }
324  } }
325  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
326  if( xy1->y != 0. ) {
327  sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
328  diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
329  if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
330  status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
331  else {
332  xy2->x = xy1->x;
333  }
334  }
335  }
337  if( status == nfu_Okay ) {
338  xy1 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY1, n1 - 1 );
339  xy2 = ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely( ptwXY2, n2 - 1 );
340  if( xy1->x < xy2->x ) {
341  if( xy1->y != 0. ) {
342  sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
343  diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
344  if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
345  status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
346  else {
347  xy2->x = xy1->x;
348  }
349  } }
350  else if( xy1->x > xy2->x ) {
351  if( xy2->y != 0. ) {
352  sum = std::fabs( xy1->x ) + std::fabs( xy2->x );
353  diff = std::fabs( xy2->x - xy1->x );
354  if( diff > epsilon * sum ) {
355  status = nfu_domainsNotMutual; }
356  else {
357  xy1->x = xy2->x;
358  }
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  }
363  return( status );
364 }
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
Definition: templates.hh:87
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double epsilon(double density, double temperature)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_union ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status,
int  unionOptions 

Definition at line 349 of file

349  {
351  int64_t overflowSize, i, i1 = 0, i2 = 0, n1 = ptwXY1->length, n2 = ptwXY2->length, length;
352  int fillWithFirst = unionOptions & ptwXY_union_fill, trim = unionOptions & ptwXY_union_trim;
353  ptwXYPoints *n;
354  double x1 = 0., x2 = 0., y1 = 0., y2 = 0., y, biSectionMax, accuracy;
356  if( ( *status = ptwXY1->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
357  if( ( *status = ptwXY2->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
358  *status = nfu_otherInterpolation;
359  if( ptwXY1->interpolation == ptwXY_interpolationOther ) return( NULL );
360 /*
361 * Many other routines use the fact that ptwXY_union calls ptwXY_coalescePoints for ptwXY1 and ptwXY2 so do not change it.
362 */
363  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY1 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
364  if( ( *status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
366  if( ( n1 == 1 ) || ( n2 == 1 ) ) {
367  *status = nfu_tooFewPoints;
368  return( NULL );
369  }
370  if( trim ) {
371  if( n1 > 0 ) {
372  if( n2 > 0 ) {
373  if( ptwXY1->points[0].x < ptwXY2->points[0].x ) {
374  while( i1 < n1 ) { // Loop checking, 11.05.2015, T. Koi
375  if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x >= ptwXY2->points[0].x ) break;
376  if( fillWithFirst ) {
377  if( i1 < ( ptwXY1->length - 1 ) ) {
378  x1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
379  y1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
380  x2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].x;
381  y2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].y;
382  }
383  }
384  i1++;
385  } }
386  else {
387  while( i2 < n2 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
388  if( ptwXY2->points[i2].x >= ptwXY1->points[0].x ) break;
389  i2++;
390  }
391  }
392  if( ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x > ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x ) {
393  while( i1 < n1 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
394  if( ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x <= ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x ) break;
395  n1--;
396  } }
397  else {
398  while( i2 < n2 ) { // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
399  if( ptwXY2->points[n2-1].x <= ptwXY1->points[n1-1].x ) break;
400  n2--;
401  }
402  } }
403  else {
404  n1 = 0;
405  } }
406  else {
407  n2 = 0;
408  }
409  }
410  overflowSize = ptwXY1->overflowAllocatedSize;
411  if( overflowSize < ptwXY2->overflowAllocatedSize ) overflowSize = ptwXY2->overflowAllocatedSize;
412  length = ( n1 - i1 ) + ( n2 - i2 );
413  if( length == 0 ) length = ptwXY_minimumSize;
414  biSectionMax = ptwXY1->biSectionMax;
415  if( biSectionMax < ptwXY2->biSectionMax ) biSectionMax = ptwXY2->biSectionMax;
416  accuracy = ptwXY1->accuracy;
417  if( accuracy < ptwXY2->accuracy ) accuracy = ptwXY2->accuracy;
418  n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY1->interpolation, NULL, biSectionMax, accuracy, length, overflowSize, status, ptwXY1->userFlag );
419  if( n == NULL ) return( NULL );
421  for( i = 0; ( i1 < n1 ) && ( i2 < n2 ); i++ ) {
422  y = 0.;
423  if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x <= ptwXY2->points[i2].x ) {
424  n->points[i].x = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
425  if( fillWithFirst ) {
426  y = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
427  if( i1 < ( ptwXY1->length - 1 ) ) {
428  x1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
429  y1 = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
430  x2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].x;
431  y2 = ptwXY1->points[i1+1].y; }
432  else {
433  y1 = 0.;
434  y2 = 0.;
435  }
436  }
437  if( ptwXY1->points[i1].x == ptwXY2->points[i2].x ) i2++;
438  i1++; }
439  else {
440  n->points[i].x = ptwXY2->points[i2].x;
441  if( fillWithFirst && ( ( y1 != 0. ) || ( y2 != 0. ) ) ) {
442  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, ptwXY2->points[i2].x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
443  ptwXY_free( n );
444  return( NULL );
445  }
446  }
447  i2++;
448  }
449  n->points[i].y = y;
450  }
452  y = 0.;
453  for( ; i1 < n1; i1++, i++ ) {
454  n->points[i].x = ptwXY1->points[i1].x;
455  if( fillWithFirst ) y = ptwXY1->points[i1].y;
456  n->points[i].y = y;
457  }
458  for( ; i2 < n2; i2++, i++ ) {
459  n->points[i].x = ptwXY2->points[i2].x;
460  if( fillWithFirst && trim && ( n->points[i].x <= x2 ) ) {
461  if( ( *status = ptwXY_interpolatePoint( ptwXY1->interpolation, n->points[i].x, &y, x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
462  ptwXY_free( n );
463  return( NULL );
464  }
465  }
466  n->points[i].y = y;
467  }
468  n->length = i;
470  if( unionOptions & ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints ) {
471  if( ( *status = ptwXY_mergeClosePoints( n, 4 * DBL_EPSILON ) ) != nfu_Okay ) {
472  ptwXY_free( n );
473  return( NULL );
474  }
475  }
476  return( n );
477 }
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_interpolatePoint(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, double x, double *y, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
#define ptwXY_union_fill
Definition: ptwXY.h:31
Definition: templates.hh:87
#define ptwXY_union_mergeClosePoints
Definition: ptwXY.h:33
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeClosePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double epsilon)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
#define ptwXY_union_trim
Definition: ptwXY.h:32
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
#define ptwXY_minimumSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:20

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate ( double  w,
double  w1,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  w2,
ptwXYPoints ptwXY2,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 363 of file

363  {
364 /*
365 * Should we not be checking the interpolation members???????
366 */
367  int64_t i;
368  ptwXYPoints *n1 = NULL, *n2 = NULL, *a = NULL, *r = NULL;
369  ptwXYPoint *p;
370  double f, g, xMin, xMax;
372  *status = nfu_XOutsideDomain;
373  if( w <= w1 ) {
374  if( w < w1 ) return( NULL );
375  return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY1, status ) );
376  }
377  if( w >= w2 ) {
378  if( w > w2 ) return( NULL );
379  return( ptwXY_clone( ptwXY2, status ) );
380  }
381  if( ( n1 = ptwXY_toUnitbase( ptwXY1, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
382  if( ( n2 = ptwXY_toUnitbase( ptwXY2, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
383  f = ( w - w1 ) / ( w2 - w1 );
384  g = 1. - f;
385  for( i = 0, p = n1->points; i < n1->length; i++, p++ ) p->y *= g;
386  for( i = 0, p = n2->points; i < n2->length; i++, p++ ) p->y *= f;
387  if( ( a = ptwXY_add_ptwXY( n1, n2, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
389  xMin = g * ptwXY1->points[0].x + f * ptwXY2->points[0].x;
390  xMax = g * ptwXY1->points[ptwXY1->length-1].x + f * ptwXY2->points[ptwXY2->length-1].x;
391  if( ( r = ptwXY_fromUnitbase( a, xMin, xMax, status ) ) == NULL ) goto Err;
392  ptwXY_free( n1 );
393  ptwXY_free( n2 );
394  ptwXY_free( a );
395  return( r );
397 Err:
398  if( n1 != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n1 );
399  if( n2 != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n2 );
400  if( a != NULL ) ptwXY_free( a );
401  return( NULL );
402 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_fromUnitbase(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, nfu_status *status)
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_toUnitbase(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
static constexpr double g
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:183
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_add_ptwXY(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY1, ptwXYPoints *ptwXY2, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ptwXY_update_biSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY1,
double  oldLength 

Definition at line 31 of file

31  {
33  ptwXY1->biSectionMax = ptwXY1->biSectionMax - 1.442695 * G4Log( ptwXY1->length / oldLength ); /* 1.442695 = 1 / std::log( 2. ) */
34  if( ptwXY1->biSectionMax < 0 ) ptwXY1->biSectionMax = 0;
36 }
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
G4double G4Log(G4double x)
Definition: G4Log.hh:230
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:22

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double **  xs,
double **  ys 

Definition at line 450 of file

450  {
452  int64_t i1, length = ptwXY_length( ptwXY );
453  double *xps, *yps;
454  ptwXYPoint *pointFrom;
455  nfu_status status;
457  if( ptwXY->status != nfu_Okay ) return( ptwXY->status );
458  if( ( status = ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints( ptwXY ) ) != nfu_Okay ) return( status );
460  if( ( *xs = (double *) malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) return( nfu_mallocError );
461  if( ( *ys = (double *) malloc( length * sizeof( double ) ) ) == NULL ) {
462  free( *xs );
463  *xs = NULL;
464  return( nfu_mallocError );
465  }
467  for( i1 = 0, pointFrom = ptwXY->points, xps = *xs, yps = *ys; i1 < length; ++i1, ++pointFrom, ++xps, ++yps ) {
468  *xps = pointFrom->x;
469  *yps = pointFrom->y;
470  }
472  return( nfu_Okay );
473 }
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
int64_t ptwXY_length(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
enum nfu_status_e nfu_status
double y
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY ( double  x1,
double  x2,
double  y,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 477 of file

477  {
479  ptwXYPoints *n;
481  *status = nfu_XNotAscending;
482  if( x1 >= x2 ) return( NULL );
483  *status = nfu_Okay;
484  if( ( n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY_interpolationLinLin, NULL, ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax, ptwXY_minAccuracy, 2, 0, status, 0 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
485  ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x1, y );
486  ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, x2, y );
487  return( n );
488 }
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
#define ptwXY_maxBiSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:22
#define ptwXY_minAccuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:23

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xMaxSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 326 of file

326  {
328  double xMin = 0.9 * xMax - 1;
330  if( xMax < 0 ) xMin = 1.1 * xMax - 1;
331  if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) xMin = ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY );
332  return( ptwXY_xSlice( ptwXY, xMin, xMax, secondarySize, fill, status ) );
333 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xMinSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 315 of file

315  {
317  double xMax = 1.1 * xMin + 1;
319  if( xMin < 0 ) xMax = 0.9 * xMin + 1;
320  if( ptwXY->length > 0 ) xMax = ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY );
321  return( ptwXY_xSlice( ptwXY, xMin, xMax, secondarySize, fill, status ) );
322 }
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xSlice ( ptwXYPoints ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status status 

Definition at line 274 of file

274  {
276  int64_t i, i1, i2;
277  double y;
278  ptwXYPoints *n = NULL;
280  if( ( *status = ptwXY->status ) != nfu_Okay ) return( NULL );
282  if( ( ptwXY->length == 0 ) || ( ptwXY_getXMin( ptwXY ) >= xMax ) || ( ptwXY_getXMax( ptwXY ) <= xMin ) ) {
283  n = ptwXY_new( ptwXY->interpolation, &(ptwXY->interpolationOtherInfo), ptwXY->biSectionMax,
284  ptwXY->accuracy, 0, secondarySize, status, ptwXY->userFlag ); }
285  else {
286  if( ( n = ptwXY_clone( ptwXY, status ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
287  if( ( n->points[0].x < xMin ) || ( n->points[n->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
288  if( fill && ( n->points[n->length - 1].x > xMax ) ) {
289  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( n, xMax, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
290  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xMax, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
291  }
292  if( fill && ( n->points[0].x < xMin ) ) {
293  if( ( *status = ptwXY_getValueAtX( n, xMin, &y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
294  if( ( *status = ptwXY_setValueAtX( n, xMin, y ) ) != nfu_Okay ) goto Err;
295  }
296  ptwXY_coalescePoints( n, n->length + n->overflowAllocatedSize, NULL, 0 );
297  for( i1 = 0; i1 < n->length; i1++ ) if( n->points[i1].x >= xMin ) break;
298  for( i2 = n->length - 1; i2 > 0; i2-- ) if( n->points[i2].x <= xMax ) break;
299  i2++;
300  if( i1 > 0 ) {
301  for( i = i1; i < i2; i++ ) n->points[i- i1] = n->points[i];
302  }
303  n->length = i2 - i1;
304  }
305  }
306  return( n );
308 Err:
309  if( n != NULL ) ptwXY_free( n );
310  return( NULL );
311 }
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
ptwXY_interpolation interpolation
Definition: ptwXY.h:87
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
int userFlag
Definition: ptwXY.h:89
ptwXYPoint * points
Definition: ptwXY.h:99
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
double biSectionMax
Definition: ptwXY.h:90
int64_t length
Definition: ptwXY.h:93
double ptwXY_getXMin(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo interpolationOtherInfo
Definition: ptwXY.h:88
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new(ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
double x
Definition: ptwXY.h:62
int64_t overflowAllocatedSize
Definition: ptwXY.h:96
nfu_status status
Definition: ptwXY.h:85
double accuracy
Definition: ptwXY.h:91
double ptwXY_getXMax(ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: