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CLHEP Namespace Reference




class  DoubConvException
class  DoubConv
class  DualRand
class  EngineFactory
class  HepJamesRandom
struct  rng_state_st
class  MixMaxRng
class  MTwistEngine
class  NonRandomEngine
class  RandBinomial
class  RandBit
class  RandBreitWigner
class  RandChiSquare
class  RandExponential
class  RandExpZiggurat
class  RandFlat
class  RandGamma
class  RandGauss
class  RandGaussQ
class  RandGaussZiggurat
class  RandGeneral
class  RandLandau
class  HepRandom
class  HepRandomEngine
class  RandPoisson
class  RandPoissonQ
class  RandStudentT
class  RanecuEngine
class  Ranlux64Engine
class  RanluxEngine
class  RanshiEngine
class  HepStat
class  StaticRandomStates
struct  do_nothing_deleter
class  noncopyable
class  HepAxisAngle
class  HepBoost
class  HepBoostX
class  HepBoostY
class  HepBoostZ
class  HepEulerAngles
class  HepLorentzRotation
class  HepLorentzVector
class  Tcomponent
class  HepRotation
class  Hep4RotationInterface
class  Hep3RotationInterface
struct  HepRep3x3
struct  HepRep4x4
struct  HepRep4x4Symmetric
class  HepRotationX
class  HepRotationY
class  HepRotationZ
class  Hep3Vector
class  Hep2Vector


typedef uint64_t myuint
typedef struct rng_state_st rng_state_t
typedef uint32_t myID_t
template<typename T >
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< T >
template<typename T >
using weak_ptr = std::weak_ptr< T >
typedef HepLorentzVector HepLorentzVectorD
typedef HepLorentzVector HepLorentzVectorF
typedef Hep3Vector HepThreeVectorD
typedef Hep3Vector HepThreeVectorF


enum  ZMpvMetric_t { TimePositive, TimeNegative }


unsigned long crc32ul (const std::string &s)
template<class E >
unsigned long engineIDulong ()
int rng_get_N (void)
rng_state_trng_alloc ()
int rng_free (rng_state_t *X)
rng_state_trng_copy (myuint *Y)
void read_state (rng_state_t *X, const char filename[])
void print_state (rng_state_t *X)
int iterate (rng_state_t *X)
myuint iterate_raw_vec (myuint *Y, myuint sumtotOld)
void seed_uniquestream (rng_state_t *X, myID_t clusterID, myID_t machineID, myID_t runID, myID_t streamID)
void seed_spbox (rng_state_t *X, myuint seed)
void seed_vielbein (rng_state_t *X, unsigned int i)
void fill_array (rng_state_t *X, unsigned int n, double *array)
void iterate_and_fill_array (rng_state_t *X, double *array)
myuint precalc (rng_state_t *X)
myuint apply_bigskip (myuint *Vout, myuint *Vin, myID_t clusterID, myID_t machineID, myID_t runID, myID_t streamID)
void branch_inplace (rng_state_t *Xin, myID_t *ID)
myuint modadd (myuint foo, myuint bar)
myuint modmulM61 (myuint s, myuint a)
myuint fmodmulM61 (myuint cum, myuint s, myuint a)
myuint GET_BY_MACRO (rng_state_t *X)
double get_next_float_BY_MACRO (rng_state_t *X)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRandom &dist)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, HepRandom &dist)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRandomEngine &e)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, HepRandomEngine &e)
template<class IS , class T >
bool possibleKeywordInput (IS &is, const std::string &key, T &t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepAxisAngle &aa)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, HepAxisAngle &aa)
HepBoost inverseOf (const HepBoost &lt)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepBoost &b)
HepBoostX inverseOf (const HepBoostX &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepBoostX &b)
HepBoostY inverseOf (const HepBoostY &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepBoostY &b)
HepBoostZ inverseOf (const HepBoostZ &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepBoostZ &b)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepEulerAngles &aa)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, HepEulerAngles &aa)
HepLorentzRotation inverseOf (const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
HepLorentzRotation operator* (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
HepLorentzRotation operator* (const HepRotationX &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
HepLorentzRotation operator* (const HepRotationY &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
HepLorentzRotation operator* (const HepRotationZ &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator== (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator!= (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator<= (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator>= (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator< (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator> (const HepRotation &r, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator== (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator!= (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator<= (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator>= (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator< (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
bool operator> (const HepBoost &b, const HepLorentzRotation &lt)
HepLorentzVector rotationXOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double delta)
HepLorentzVector rotationYOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double delta)
HepLorentzVector rotationZOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double delta)
HepLorentzVector rotationOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, const Hep3Vector &axis, double delta)
HepLorentzVector rotationOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, const HepAxisAngle &ax)
HepLorentzVector rotationOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, const HepEulerAngles &e)
HepLorentzVector rotationOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double phi, double theta, double psi)
HepLorentzVector boostXOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double beta)
HepLorentzVector boostYOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double beta)
HepLorentzVector boostZOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, double beta)
HepLorentzVector boostOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, const Hep3Vector &betaVector)
HepLorentzVector boostOf (const HepLorentzVector &vec, const Hep3Vector &axis, double beta)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const HepLorentzVector &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, HepLorentzVector &)
HepLorentzVector operator* (const HepLorentzVector &, double a)
HepLorentzVector operator* (double a, const HepLorentzVector &)
HepLorentzVector operator/ (const HepLorentzVector &, double a)
HepRotation inverseOf (const HepRotation &r)
HepRotation operator* (const HepRotationX &rx, const HepRotation &r)
HepRotation operator* (const HepRotationY &ry, const HepRotation &r)
HepRotation operator* (const HepRotationZ &rz, const HepRotation &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRotation &r)
HepRotationX inverseOf (const HepRotationX &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRotationX &r)
HepRotationY inverseOf (const HepRotationY &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRotationY &r)
HepRotationZ inverseOf (const HepRotationZ &r)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const HepRotationZ &r)
Hep3Vector rotationXOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, double delta)
Hep3Vector rotationYOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, double delta)
Hep3Vector rotationZOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, double delta)
Hep3Vector rotationOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, const Hep3Vector &axis, double delta)
Hep3Vector rotationOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, const HepAxisAngle &ax)
Hep3Vector rotationOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, double phi, double theta, double psi)
Hep3Vector rotationOf (const Hep3Vector &vec, const HepEulerAngles &e)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Hep3Vector &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Hep3Vector &)
Hep3Vector operator/ (const Hep3Vector &, double a)
Hep3Vector operator+ (const Hep3Vector &, const Hep3Vector &)
Hep3Vector operator- (const Hep3Vector &, const Hep3Vector &)
double operator* (const Hep3Vector &, const Hep3Vector &)
Hep3Vector operator* (const Hep3Vector &, double a)
Hep3Vector operator* (double a, const Hep3Vector &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const Hep2Vector &)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &, Hep2Vector &)
double operator* (const Hep2Vector &a, const Hep2Vector &b)
Hep2Vector operator* (const Hep2Vector &p, double a)
Hep2Vector operator* (double a, const Hep2Vector &p)
Hep2Vector operator/ (const Hep2Vector &p, double a)
Hep2Vector operator+ (const Hep2Vector &a, const Hep2Vector &b)
Hep2Vector operator- (const Hep2Vector &a, const Hep2Vector &b)
static const Hep2Vector X_HAT2 (1.0, 0.0)
static const Hep2Vector Y_HAT2 (0.0, 1.0)
static void ZMpvAxisAngleRep (const HepAxisAngle &aa, double array[])
void ZMinputAxisAngle (std::istream &is, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &delta)
template<class E >
static HepRandomEnginemakeAnEngine (const std::string &tag, std::istream &is)
template<class E >
static HepRandomEnginemakeAnEngine (const std::vector< unsigned long > &v)
static std::vector< unsigned long > gen_crc_table ()
static void ZMpvEulerAnglesRep (const HepEulerAngles &ex, double array[])
void ZMinput3doubles (std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y, double &z)
double transformSmall (double r)
uint64_t MULWU (uint64_t)
myuint get_next (rng_state_t *X)
double get_next_float (rng_state_t *X)
static double StirlingCorrection (long int k)
double gammln (double xx)
static double normal (HepRandomEngine *eptr)
static double safe_acos (double x)
static double safe_acos (double x)
static void correctByPi (double &psi1, double &phi1)
static void correctPsiPhi (double rxz, double rzx, double ryz, double rzy, double &psi1, double &phi1)
static double safe_acos (double x)
static double safe_acos (double x)
static double safe_acos (double x)
const Hep3Vector HepXHat (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
const Hep3Vector HepYHat (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
const Hep3Vector HepZHat (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
void ZMinput2doubles (std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y)


const int N = 17
static const int HepRandomGenActive = HepRandom::createInstance()
static constexpr double Avogadro = 6.02214179e+23/mole
static constexpr double c_light = 2.99792458e+8 * m/s
static constexpr double c_squared = c_light * c_light
static constexpr double h_Planck = 6.62606896e-34 * joule*s
static constexpr double hbar_Planck = h_Planck/twopi
static constexpr double hbarc = hbar_Planck * c_light
static constexpr double hbarc_squared = hbarc * hbarc
static constexpr double electron_charge = - eplus
static constexpr double e_squared = eplus * eplus
static constexpr double electron_mass_c2 = 0.510998910 * MeV
static constexpr double proton_mass_c2 = 938.272013 * MeV
static constexpr double neutron_mass_c2 = 939.56536 * MeV
static constexpr double amu_c2 = 931.494028 * MeV
static constexpr double amu = amu_c2/c_squared
static constexpr double mu0 = 4*pi*1.e-7 * henry/m
static constexpr double epsilon0 = 1./(c_squared*mu0)
static constexpr double elm_coupling = e_squared/(4*pi*epsilon0)
static constexpr double fine_structure_const = elm_coupling/hbarc
static constexpr double classic_electr_radius = elm_coupling/electron_mass_c2
static constexpr double electron_Compton_length = hbarc/electron_mass_c2
static constexpr double Bohr_radius = electron_Compton_length/fine_structure_const
static constexpr double alpha_rcl2
static constexpr double twopi_mc2_rcl2
static constexpr double k_Boltzmann = 8.617343e-11 * MeV/kelvin
static constexpr double STP_Temperature = 273.15*kelvin
static constexpr double STP_Pressure = 1.*atmosphere
static constexpr double kGasThreshold = 10.*mg/cm3
static constexpr double universe_mean_density = 1.e-25*g/cm3
static constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846
static constexpr double twopi = 2*pi
static constexpr double halfpi = pi/2
static constexpr double pi2 = pi*pi
static constexpr double millimeter = 1.
static constexpr double millimeter2 = millimeter*millimeter
static constexpr double millimeter3 = millimeter*millimeter*millimeter
static constexpr double centimeter = 10.*millimeter
static constexpr double centimeter2 = centimeter*centimeter
static constexpr double centimeter3 = centimeter*centimeter*centimeter
static constexpr double meter = 1000.*millimeter
static constexpr double meter2 = meter*meter
static constexpr double meter3 = meter*meter*meter
static constexpr double kilometer = 1000.*meter
static constexpr double kilometer2 = kilometer*kilometer
static constexpr double kilometer3 = kilometer*kilometer*kilometer
static constexpr double parsec = 3.0856775807e+16*meter
static constexpr double micrometer = 1.e-6 *meter
static constexpr double nanometer = 1.e-9 *meter
static constexpr double angstrom = 1.e-10*meter
static constexpr double fermi = 1.e-15*meter
static constexpr double barn = 1.e-28*meter2
static constexpr double millibarn = 1.e-3 *barn
static constexpr double microbarn = 1.e-6 *barn
static constexpr double nanobarn = 1.e-9 *barn
static constexpr double picobarn = 1.e-12*barn
static constexpr double nm = nanometer
static constexpr double um = micrometer
static constexpr double mm = millimeter
static constexpr double mm2 = millimeter2
static constexpr double mm3 = millimeter3
static constexpr double cm = centimeter
static constexpr double cm2 = centimeter2
static constexpr double cm3 = centimeter3
static constexpr double liter = 1.e+3*cm3
static constexpr double L = liter
static constexpr double dL = 1.e-1*liter
static constexpr double cL = 1.e-2*liter
static constexpr double mL = 1.e-3*liter
static constexpr double m = meter
static constexpr double m2 = meter2
static constexpr double m3 = meter3
static constexpr double km = kilometer
static constexpr double km2 = kilometer2
static constexpr double km3 = kilometer3
static constexpr double pc = parsec
static constexpr double radian = 1.
static constexpr double milliradian = 1.e-3*radian
static constexpr double degree = (pi/180.0)*radian
static constexpr double steradian = 1.
static constexpr double rad = radian
static constexpr double mrad = milliradian
static constexpr double sr = steradian
static constexpr double deg = degree
static constexpr double nanosecond = 1.
static constexpr double second = 1.e+9 *nanosecond
static constexpr double millisecond = 1.e-3 *second
static constexpr double microsecond = 1.e-6 *second
static constexpr double picosecond = 1.e-12*second
static constexpr double hertz = 1./second
static constexpr double kilohertz = 1.e+3*hertz
static constexpr double megahertz = 1.e+6*hertz
static constexpr double ns = nanosecond
static constexpr double s = second
static constexpr double ms = millisecond
static constexpr double us = microsecond
static constexpr double ps = picosecond
static constexpr double eplus = 1.
static constexpr double e_SI = 1.602176487e-19
static constexpr double coulomb = eplus/e_SI
static constexpr double megaelectronvolt = 1.
static constexpr double electronvolt = 1.e-6*megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double kiloelectronvolt = 1.e-3*megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+3*megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double teraelectronvolt = 1.e+6*megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double petaelectronvolt = 1.e+9*megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double joule = electronvolt/e_SI
static constexpr double MeV = megaelectronvolt
static constexpr double eV = electronvolt
static constexpr double keV = kiloelectronvolt
static constexpr double GeV = gigaelectronvolt
static constexpr double TeV = teraelectronvolt
static constexpr double PeV = petaelectronvolt
static constexpr double kilogram = joule*second*second/(meter*meter)
static constexpr double gram = 1.e-3*kilogram
static constexpr double milligram = 1.e-3*gram
static constexpr double kg = kilogram
static constexpr double g = gram
static constexpr double mg = milligram
static constexpr double watt = joule/second
static constexpr double newton = joule/meter
static constexpr double hep_pascal = newton/m2
static constexpr double bar = 100000*pascal
static constexpr double atmosphere = 101325*pascal
static constexpr double ampere = coulomb/second
static constexpr double milliampere = 1.e-3*ampere
static constexpr double microampere = 1.e-6*ampere
static constexpr double nanoampere = 1.e-9*ampere
static constexpr double megavolt = megaelectronvolt/eplus
static constexpr double kilovolt = 1.e-3*megavolt
static constexpr double volt = 1.e-6*megavolt
static constexpr double ohm = volt/ampere
static constexpr double farad = coulomb/volt
static constexpr double millifarad = 1.e-3*farad
static constexpr double microfarad = 1.e-6*farad
static constexpr double nanofarad = 1.e-9*farad
static constexpr double picofarad = 1.e-12*farad
static constexpr double weber = volt*second
static constexpr double tesla = volt*second/meter2
static constexpr double gauss = 1.e-4*tesla
static constexpr double kilogauss = 1.e-1*tesla
static constexpr double henry = weber/ampere
static constexpr double kelvin = 1.
static constexpr double mole = 1.
static constexpr double becquerel = 1./second
static constexpr double curie = 3.7e+10 * becquerel
static constexpr double kilobecquerel = 1.e+3*becquerel
static constexpr double megabecquerel = 1.e+6*becquerel
static constexpr double gigabecquerel = 1.e+9*becquerel
static constexpr double millicurie = 1.e-3*curie
static constexpr double microcurie = 1.e-6*curie
static constexpr double Bq = becquerel
static constexpr double kBq = kilobecquerel
static constexpr double MBq = megabecquerel
static constexpr double GBq = gigabecquerel
static constexpr double Ci = curie
static constexpr double mCi = millicurie
static constexpr double uCi = microcurie
static constexpr double gray = joule/kilogram
static constexpr double kilogray = 1.e+3*gray
static constexpr double milligray = 1.e-3*gray
static constexpr double microgray = 1.e-6*gray
static constexpr double candela = 1.
static constexpr double lumen = candela*steradian
static constexpr double lux = lumen/meter2
static constexpr double perCent = 0.01
static constexpr double perThousand = 0.001
static constexpr double perMillion = 0.000001
static const HepLorentzVector X_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 1, 0, 0, 0 )
static const HepLorentzVector Y_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 1, 0, 0 )
static const HepLorentzVector Z_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 0, 1, 0 )
static const HepLorentzVector T_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
DLL_API const Hep3Vector HepXHat
DLL_API const Hep3Vector HepYHat
DLL_API const Hep3Vector HepZHat
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const int Tsizes [5]
static const double Tsteps [5]
static const int Toffsets [5]
static const double gaussTables [2 *TableSize]
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const float gaussTables [TableSize]
static const float TABLE_INTERVAL = .001f
static const int TABLE_END = 982
static const float TABLE_MULTIPLIER = 1.0f/TABLE_INTERVAL
static const float inverseLandau [TABLE_END+1]
static const double poissonTables [51 *((95-10)/5+1)]
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const double prec = 4.6566128E-10
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const int MarkerLen = 64
static const int MarkerLen = 64

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 550 of file LorentzVector.h.

Definition at line 551 of file LorentzVector.h.

Definition at line 426 of file ThreeVector.h.

Definition at line 427 of file ThreeVector.h.

typedef uint32_t CLHEP::myID_t

Definition at line 81 of file mixmax.h.

typedef uint64_t CLHEP::myuint

Definition at line 50 of file mixmax.h.

Definition at line 65 of file mixmax.h.

template<typename T >
using CLHEP::shared_ptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<T>

Definition at line 15 of file memory.h.

template<typename T >
using CLHEP::weak_ptr = typedef std::weak_ptr<T>

Definition at line 17 of file memory.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 64 of file LorentzVector.h.

Function Documentation

myuint CLHEP::apply_bigskip ( myuint *  Vout,
myuint *  Vin,
myID_t  clusterID,
myID_t  machineID,
myID_t  runID,
myID_t  streamID 
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::boostOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
const Hep3Vector &  betaVector 

Here is the caller graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::boostOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
const Hep3Vector &  axis,
double  beta 
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::boostXOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  beta 
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::boostYOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  beta 
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::boostZOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  beta 
void CLHEP::branch_inplace ( rng_state_t *  Xin,
myID_t *  ID 
static void CLHEP::correctByPi ( double &  psi1,
double &  phi1 

Definition at line 148 of file

148  {
149  if (psi1 > 0) {
150  psi1 -= CLHEP::pi;
151  } else {
152  psi1 += CLHEP::pi;
153  }
154  if (phi1 > 0) {
155  phi1 -= CLHEP::pi;
156  } else {
157  phi1 += CLHEP::pi;
158  }
159 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void CLHEP::correctPsiPhi ( double  rxz,
double  rzx,
double  ryz,
double  rzy,
double &  psi1,
double &  phi1 

Definition at line 162 of file

163  {
165  // set up quatities which would be positive if sin and cosine of
166  // psi1 and phi1 were positive:
167  double w[4];
168  w[0] = rxz; w[1] = rzx; w[2] = ryz; w[3] = -rzy;
170  // find biggest relevant term, which is the best one to use in correcting.
171  double maxw = std::abs(w[0]);
172  int imax = 0;
173  for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) {
174  if (std::abs(w[i]) > maxw) {
175  maxw = std::abs(w[i]);
176  imax = i;
177  }
178  }
179  // Determine if the correction needs to be applied: The criteria are
180  // different depending on whether a sine or cosine was the determinor:
181  switch (imax) {
182  case 0:
183  if (w[0] > 0 && psi1 < 0) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
184  if (w[0] < 0 && psi1 > 0) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
185  break;
186  case 1:
187  if (w[1] > 0 && phi1 < 0) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
188  if (w[1] < 0 && phi1 > 0) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
189  break;
190  case 2:
191  if (w[2] > 0 && std::abs(psi1) > CLHEP::halfpi) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
192  if (w[2] < 0 && std::abs(psi1) < CLHEP::halfpi) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
193  break;
194  case 3:
195  if (w[3] > 0 && std::abs(phi1) > CLHEP::halfpi) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
196  if (w[3] < 0 && std::abs(phi1) < CLHEP::halfpi) correctByPi ( psi1, phi1 );
197  break;
198  }
199 }
static void correctByPi(double &psi1, double &phi1)
static constexpr double halfpi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:56
static const G4int imax

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

unsigned long CLHEP::crc32ul ( const std::string &  s)

Definition at line 37 of file

37  {
38  static const std::vector<unsigned long> crc_table = gen_crc_table();
39  unsigned long crc = 0;
40  int end = s.length();
41  for (int j = 0; j != end; ++j) {
42  int i = ( (int) ( crc >> 24) ^ s[j] ) & 0xff;
43  crc = ( ( crc << 8 ) ^ crc_table[i] ) & 0xffffffffUL;
44  }
45  return crc;
46 }
local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256]
Definition: crc32.h:5
static std::vector< unsigned long > gen_crc_table()
const XML_Char * s
Definition: expat.h:262
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class E >
unsigned long CLHEP::engineIDulong ( )

Definition at line 24 of file engineIDulong.h.

24  {
25  static const unsigned long id = crc32ul(E::engineName());
26  return id;
27 }
unsigned long crc32ul(const std::string &s)

Here is the call graph for this function:

void CLHEP::fill_array ( rng_state_t *  X,
unsigned int  n,
double *  array 

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
92  // Return an array of n random numbers uniformly distributed in (0,1]
93  unsigned int i,j;
94  const int M=N-1;
95  for (i=0; i<(n/M); i++){
96  iterate_and_fill_array(X, array+i*M);
97  }
98  unsigned int rem=(n % M);
99  if (rem) {
100  iterate(X);
101  for (j=0; j< (rem); j++){
102  array[M*i+j] = (int64_t)X->V[j] * (double)(INV_MERSBASE);
103  }
104  X->counter = j; // needed to continue with single fetches from the exact spot, but if you only use fill_array to get numbers then it is not necessary
105  }else{
106  X->counter = N;
107  }
108 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
int iterate(rng_state_t *X)
void iterate_and_fill_array(rng_state_t *X, double *array)
Definition: mixmax.h:130

Here is the call graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::fmodmulM61 ( myuint  cum,
myuint  s,
myuint  a 

Definition at line 255 of file

256 {
257  myuint o,ph,pl,ah,al;
258  o=(s)*a;
259  ph = ((s)>>32);
260  pl = (s) & MASK32;
261  ah = a>>32;
262  al = a & MASK32;
263  o = (o & M61) + ((ph*ah)<<3) + ((ah*pl+al*ph + ((al*pl)>>32))>>29) ;
264  o += cum;
265  o = (o & M61) + ((o>>61));
266  return o;
267 }
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
const XML_Char * s
Definition: expat.h:262
#define M61
Definition: mixmax.h:119
#define MASK32
double CLHEP::gammln ( double  xx)

Definition at line 54 of file

54  {
56 // Returns the value ln(Gamma(xx) for xx > 0. Full accuracy is obtained for
57 // xx > 1. For 0 < xx < 1. the reflection formula (6.1.4) can be used first.
58 // (Adapted from Numerical Recipes in C)
60  static const double cof[6] = {76.18009172947146,-86.50532032941677,
61  24.01409824083091, -1.231739572450155,
62  0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5};
63  int j;
64  double x = xx - 1.0;
65  double tmp = x + 5.5;
66  tmp -= (x + 0.5) * std::log(tmp);
67  double ser = 1.000000000190015;
69  for ( j = 0; j <= 5; j++ ) {
70  x += 1.0;
71  ser += cof[j]/x;
72  }
73  return -tmp + std::log(2.5066282746310005*ser);
74 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static std::vector<unsigned long> CLHEP::gen_crc_table ( )

Definition at line 19 of file

19  {
20  /* generate the table of CRC remainders for all possible bytes */
21  static const unsigned long POLYNOMIAL = 0x04c11db7UL;
22  std::vector<unsigned long> crc_table;
23  for ( unsigned long i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) {
24  unsigned long crc = i << 24;
25  for ( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ ) {
26  if ( crc & 0x80000000UL ) {
27  crc = ( ( crc << 1 ) ^ POLYNOMIAL ) & 0xffffffffUL;
28  } else {
29  crc = ( crc << 1 ) & 0xffffffffUL;
30  }
31  }
32  crc_table.push_back(crc);
33  }
34  return crc_table;
35 }
local const z_crc_t FAR crc_table[TBLS][256]
Definition: crc32.h:5

Here is the caller graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::GET_BY_MACRO ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 174 of file mixmax.h.

174  {
175  int i;
176  i=X->counter;
178  if (i<=(N-1) ){
179  X->counter++;
180  return X->V[i];
181  }else{
182  X->sumtot = iterate_raw_vec(X->V, X->sumtot);
183  X->counter=2;
184  return X->V[1];
185  }
186 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
myuint iterate_raw_vec(myuint *Y, myuint sumtotOld)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::get_next ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 82 of file

82  {
83  return GET_BY_MACRO(X);
84 }
myuint GET_BY_MACRO(rng_state_t *X)
Definition: mixmax.h:174

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double CLHEP::get_next_float ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 86 of file

86  {
87  return get_next_float_BY_MACRO(X);
88 }
double get_next_float_BY_MACRO(rng_state_t *X)
Definition: mixmax.h:189

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double CLHEP::get_next_float_BY_MACRO ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 189 of file mixmax.h.

189  {
190  int64_t Z=(int64_t)get_next(X);
191 #if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__SSE__) && defined(__AVX__) && defined(USE_INLINE_ASM)
192  double F;
193  __asm__ __volatile__( "pxor %0, %0;"
194  //"cvtsi2sdq %1, %0;"
195  :"=x"(F)
196  //:"r"(Z)
197  );
198  F=Z;
199  return F*INV_MERSBASE;
200 #else
201  return Z*INV_MERSBASE;
202 #endif
203  }
Definition: mixmax.h:130
#define get_next(X)
Definition: mixmax.h:169

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepXHat ( 1.  0,
0.  0,
0.  0 
const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepYHat ( 0.  0,
1.  0,
0.  0 
const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepZHat ( 0.  0,
0.  0,
1.  0 
HepBoostX CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepBoostX &  b)
HepBoostY CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepBoostY &  b)
HepBoostZ CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepBoostZ &  b)
HepRotationY CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepRotationY &  r)
HepRotationZ CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepRotationZ &  r)
HepRotationX CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepRotationX &  r)
HepBoost CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepBoost &  lt)
HepRotation CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepRotation &  r)
HepLorentzRotation CLHEP::inverseOf ( const HepLorentzRotation &  lt)
int CLHEP::iterate ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 39 of file

39  {
40  X->sumtot = iterate_raw_vec(X->V, X->sumtot);
41  return 0;
42 }
myuint iterate_raw_vec(myuint *Y, myuint sumtotOld)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::iterate_and_fill_array ( rng_state_t *  X,
double *  array 

Definition at line 110 of file

110  {
111  myuint* Y=X->V;
112  int i;
113  myuint tempP, tempV;
114 #if (SPECIAL != 0)
115  myuint temp2 = Y[1];
116 #endif
117  Y[0] = (tempV = modadd(Y[0] , X->sumtot));
118  //array[0] = (double)tempV * (double)(INV_MERSBASE);
119  myuint sumtot = 0, ovflow = 0; // will keep a running sum of all new elements (except Y[0])
120  tempP = 0; // will keep a partial sum of all old elements (except Y[0])
121  for (i=1; i<N; i++){
122  tempP = modadd(tempP,Y[i]);
123  Y[i] = ( tempV = modadd(tempV,tempP) );
124  sumtot += tempV; if (sumtot < tempV) {ovflow++;}
125  array[i-1] = (int64_t)tempV * (double)(INV_MERSBASE);
126  }
127 #if (SPECIAL != 0)
128  temp2 = MOD_MULSPEC(temp2);
129  Y[2] = modadd( Y[2] , temp2 );
130  sumtot += temp2; if (sumtot < temp2) {ovflow++;}
131 #endif
132  X->sumtot = MOD_MERSENNE(MOD_MERSENNE(sumtot) + (ovflow <<3 ));
133 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
double Y(double density)
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128
myuint modadd(myuint foo, myuint bar)
Definition: mixmax.h:130

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::iterate_raw_vec ( myuint *  Y,
myuint  sumtotOld 

Definition at line 52 of file

52  {
53  // operates with a raw vector, uses known sum of elements of Y
54  int i;
55 #ifdef SPECIAL
56  myuint temp2 = Y[1];
57 #endif
58  myuint tempP, tempV;
59  Y[0] = ( tempV = sumtotOld);
60  myuint sumtot = Y[0], ovflow = 0; // will keep a running sum of all new elements (except Y[0])
61  tempP = 0; // will keep a partial sum of all old elements (except Y[0])
62  for (i=1; i<N; i++){
63 #if (SPECIALMUL!=0)
64  myuint tempPO = MULWU(tempP);
65  tempP = modadd(tempP,Y[i]);
66  tempV = MOD_MERSENNE(tempV + tempP + tempPO); // edge cases ?
67 #else
68  tempP = modadd(tempP , Y[i]);
69  tempV = modadd(tempV , tempP);
70 #endif
71  Y[i] = tempV;
72  sumtot += tempV; if (sumtot < tempV) {ovflow++;}
73  }
74 #ifdef SPECIAL
75  temp2 = MOD_MULSPEC(temp2);
76  Y[2] = modadd( Y[2] , temp2 );
77  sumtot += temp2; if (sumtot < temp2) {ovflow++;}
78 #endif
79  return MOD_MERSENNE(MOD_MERSENNE(sumtot) + (ovflow <<3 ));
80 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
double Y(double density)
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128
uint64_t MULWU(uint64_t)
myuint modadd(myuint foo, myuint bar)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

template<class E >
static HepRandomEngine* CLHEP::makeAnEngine ( const std::string &  tag,
std::istream &  is 

Definition at line 32 of file

33  {
34  if ( tag != E::beginTag() ) return 0;
35  HepRandomEngine* eptr = new E;
36  eptr->getState(is);
37  if (!is) return 0;
38  return eptr;
39 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class E >
static HepRandomEngine* CLHEP::makeAnEngine ( const std::vector< unsigned long > &  v)

Definition at line 43 of file

43  {
44  if ( (v[0] & 0xffffffffUL) != engineIDulong<E>() ) return 0;
45  HepRandomEngine* eptr = new E;
46  bool success = eptr->getState(v);
47  if (!success) return 0;
48  // std::cerr << "makeAnEngine made " << E::engineName() << "\n";
49  return eptr;
50 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::modadd ( myuint  foo,
myuint  bar 

Definition at line 135 of file

135  {
136 #if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(USE_INLINE_ASM)
137  myuint out;
138  /* Assembler trick suggested by Andrzej Görlich */
139  __asm__ ("addq %2, %0; "
140  "btrq $61, %0; "
141  "adcq $0, %0; "
142  :"=r"(out)
143  :"0"(foo), "r"(bar)
144  );
145  return out;
146 #else
147  return MOD_MERSENNE(foo+bar);
148 #endif
149 }
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128
static constexpr double bar
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:236

Here is the caller graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::modmulM61 ( myuint  s,
myuint  a 
uint64_t CLHEP::MULWU ( uint64_t  )

Definition at line 47 of file

47 { return 0;}

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static double CLHEP::normal ( HepRandomEngine *  eptr)

Definition at line 77 of file

78 {
79  double r;
80  double v1,v2,fac;
81  do {
82  v1 = 2.0 * eptr->flat() - 1.0;
83  v2 = 2.0 * eptr->flat() - 1.0;
84  r = v1*v1 + v2*v2;
85  } while ( r > 1.0 );
87  fac = std::sqrt(-2.0*std::log(r)/r);
88  return v2*fac;
89 }
static const G4double fac

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool CLHEP::operator!= ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 353 of file LorentzRotation.h.

354  { return lt!=r; }
bool CLHEP::operator!= ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 366 of file LorentzRotation.h.

367  { return lt!=b; }
double CLHEP::operator* ( const Hep2Vector &  a,
const Hep2Vector &  b 
Hep2Vector CLHEP::operator* ( const Hep2Vector &  p,
double  a 
HepRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationX &  rx,
const HepRotation &  r 
Hep2Vector CLHEP::operator* ( double  a,
const Hep2Vector &  p 
HepRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationY &  ry,
const HepRotation &  r 
HepLorentzRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 264 of file

265  {
266  r.rep4x4();
267  lt.rep4x4();
268  return HepLorentzRotation( HepRep4x4(
269  r.xx()*lt.xx() + r.xy()*lt.yx() + r.xz()*lt.zx() + r.xt()*lt.tx(),
270  r.xx()*lt.xy() + r.xy()*lt.yy() + r.xz()*lt.zy() + r.xt()*lt.ty(),
271  r.xx()*lt.xz() + r.xy()*lt.yz() + r.xz()*lt.zz() + r.xt()*,
272  r.xx()*lt.xt() + r.xy()* + r.xz()*lt.zt() + r.xt()*,
274  r.yx()*lt.xx() + r.yy()*lt.yx() + r.yz()*lt.zx() +*lt.tx(),
275  r.yx()*lt.xy() + r.yy()*lt.yy() + r.yz()*lt.zy() +*lt.ty(),
276  r.yx()*lt.xz() + r.yy()*lt.yz() + r.yz()*lt.zz() +*,
277  r.yx()*lt.xt() + r.yy()* + r.yz()*lt.zt() +*,
279  r.zx()*lt.xx() + r.zy()*lt.yx() + r.zz()*lt.zx() + r.zt()*lt.tx(),
280  r.zx()*lt.xy() + r.zy()*lt.yy() + r.zz()*lt.zy() + r.zt()*lt.ty(),
281  r.zx()*lt.xz() + r.zy()*lt.yz() + r.zz()*lt.zz() + r.zt()*,
282  r.zx()*lt.xt() + r.zy()* + r.zz()*lt.zt() + r.zt()*,
284  r.tx()*lt.xx() + r.ty()*lt.yx() +*lt.zx() +*lt.tx(),
285  r.tx()*lt.xy() + r.ty()*lt.yy() +*lt.zy() +*lt.ty(),
286  r.tx()*lt.xz() + r.ty()*lt.yz() +*lt.zz() +*,
287  r.tx()*lt.xt() + r.ty()* +*lt.zt() +* ) );
288 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationZ &  rz,
const HepRotation &  r 
HepLorentzRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationX &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 
HepLorentzRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationY &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 
HepLorentzRotation CLHEP::operator* ( const HepRotationZ &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 
double CLHEP::operator* ( const Hep3Vector &  ,
const Hep3Vector &   
Hep3Vector CLHEP::operator* ( const Hep3Vector &  ,
double  a 
Hep3Vector CLHEP::operator* ( double  a,
const Hep3Vector &   
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::operator* ( const HepLorentzVector &  ,
double  a 
HepLorentzVector CLHEP::operator* ( double  a,
const HepLorentzVector &   
Hep2Vector CLHEP::operator+ ( const Hep2Vector &  a,
const Hep2Vector &  b 
Hep3Vector CLHEP::operator+ ( const Hep3Vector &  ,
const Hep3Vector &   
Hep2Vector CLHEP::operator- ( const Hep2Vector &  a,
const Hep2Vector &  b 
Hep3Vector CLHEP::operator- ( const Hep3Vector &  ,
const Hep3Vector &   
Hep2Vector CLHEP::operator/ ( const Hep2Vector &  p,
double  a 

Definition at line 61 of file

61  {
62 // if (a==0) {
63 // std::cerr << "Hep2Vector operator/ () - "
64 // << "Division of Hep2Vector by zero" << std::endl;
65 // }
66  return Hep2Vector(p.x()/a, p.y()/a);
67 }
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::operator/ ( const Hep3Vector &  v1,
double  a 

Definition at line 301 of file

301  {
302 // if (c == 0) {
303 // std::cerr << "Hep3Vector::operator/ () - "
304 // << "Attempt to divide vector by 0 -- "
305 // << "will produce infinities and/or NANs" << std::endl;
306 // }
307  double oneOverC = 1.0/c;
308  return Hep3Vector ( v1.x() * oneOverC,
309  v1.y() * oneOverC,
310  v1.z() * oneOverC );
311 } /* v / c */

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::operator/ ( const HepLorentzVector &  w,
double  a 

Definition at line 165 of file

165  {
166 // if (c == 0) {
167 // std::cerr << "HepLorentzVector::operator /() - "
168 // << "Attempt to do LorentzVector / 0 -- \n"
169 // << "division by zero would produce infinite or NAN components"
170 // << std::endl;
171 // }
172  double oneOverC = 1.0/c;
173  return HepLorentzVector (w.getV() * oneOverC,
174  w.getT() * oneOverC);
175 } /* LV = w / c */

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CLHEP::operator< ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 359 of file LorentzRotation.h.

360  { return lt<r; }
bool CLHEP::operator< ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 372 of file LorentzRotation.h.

373  { return lt<b; }
std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepAxisAngle &  aa 

Definition at line 85 of file

85  {
86  os << '(' << aa.axis() << ", " << << ')';
87  return os;
88 } // operator<<()

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepEulerAngles &  aa 

Definition at line 100 of file

101 {
102  os << "(" << ea.phi() << ", " << ea.theta() << ", " << ea.psi() << ")";
103  return os;
104 } // operator<<()

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Hep2Vector &  q 

Definition at line 69 of file

69  {
70  os << "(" << q.x() << ", " << q.y() << ")";
71  return os;
72 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRandom &  dist 

Definition at line 216 of file

216  {
217  return dist.put(os);
218 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRandomEngine &  e 

Definition at line 98 of file

98  {
99  return e.put(os);
100 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepBoostX &  b 

Definition at line 215 of file BoostX.h.

215 {return b.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepBoostZ &  b 

Definition at line 215 of file BoostZ.h.

215 {return b.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepBoostY &  b 

Definition at line 216 of file BoostY.h.

216 {return b.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepBoost &  b 

Definition at line 241 of file Boost.h.

241 {return b.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRotationX &  r 

Definition at line 278 of file RotationX.h.

278 {return r.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRotationY &  r 

Definition at line 278 of file RotationY.h.

278 {return r.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRotationZ &  r 

Definition at line 278 of file RotationZ.h.

278 {return r.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 348 of file LorentzRotation.h.

349  {return lt.print(os);}
std::ostream& CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepRotation &  r 

Definition at line 410 of file Rotation.h.

410 {return r.print(os);}
std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Hep3Vector &  v 

Definition at line 66 of file

66  {
67  return os << "(" << v.x() << "," << v.y() << "," << v.z() << ")";
68 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CLHEP::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const HepLorentzVector &  v1 

Definition at line 90 of file

91 {
92  return os << "(" << v1.x() << "," << v1.y() << "," << v1.z()
93  << ";" << v1.t() << ")";
94 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CLHEP::operator<= ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 355 of file LorentzRotation.h.

356  { return lt<=r; }
bool CLHEP::operator<= ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 368 of file LorentzRotation.h.

369  { return lt<=b; }
bool CLHEP::operator== ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 351 of file LorentzRotation.h.

352  { return lt==r; }
bool CLHEP::operator== ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 364 of file LorentzRotation.h.

365  { return lt==b; }
bool CLHEP::operator> ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 361 of file LorentzRotation.h.

362  { return lt>r; }
bool CLHEP::operator> ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 374 of file LorentzRotation.h.

375  { return lt>b; }
bool CLHEP::operator>= ( const HepRotation &  r,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 357 of file LorentzRotation.h.

358  { return lt>=r; }
bool CLHEP::operator>= ( const HepBoost &  b,
const HepLorentzRotation &  lt 

Definition at line 370 of file LorentzRotation.h.

371  { return lt>=b; }
std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
HepAxisAngle &  aa 

Definition at line 95 of file

95  {
96  Hep3Vector axis;
97  double delta;
98  double x,y,z;
99  ZMinputAxisAngle ( is, x, y, z, delta );
100  axis.set(x,y,z);
101  aa.set ( axis, delta );
102  return is;
103 } // operator>>()
void ZMinputAxisAngle(std::istream &is, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &delta)

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
HepEulerAngles &  aa 

Definition at line 109 of file

109  {
110  double thePhi;
111  double theTheta;
112  double thePsi;
113  ZMinput3doubles ( is, "HepEulerAngle", thePhi , theTheta , thePsi );
114  ea.set ( thePhi , theTheta , thePsi );
115  return is;
116 } // operator>>()
void ZMinput3doubles(std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y, double &z)

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Hep2Vector &  p 

Definition at line 77 of file

77  {
78  double x, y;
79  ZMinput2doubles ( is, "Hep2Vector", x, y );
80  p.set(x, y);
81  return is;
82 } // operator>>()
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
void ZMinput2doubles(std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y)

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
HepRandom &  dist 

Definition at line 220 of file

220  {
221  return dist.get(is);
222 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
HepRandomEngine &  e 

Definition at line 102 of file

102  {
103  return e.get(is);
104 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
Hep3Vector &  v 

Definition at line 73 of file

73  {
74  double x, y, z;
75  ZMinput3doubles ( is, "Hep3Vector", x, y, z );
76  v.set(x, y, z);
77  return is;
78 } // operator>>()
void ZMinput3doubles(std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y, double &z)

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::istream & CLHEP::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
HepLorentzVector &  v1 

Definition at line 96 of file

96  {
98 // Required format is ( a, b, c; d ) that is, four numbers, preceded by
99 // (, followed by ), components of the spatial vector separated by commas,
100 // time component separated by semicolon. The four numbers are taken
101 // as x, y, z, t.
103  double x, y, z, t;
104  char c;
106  is >> std::ws >> c;
107  // ws is defined to invoke eatwhite(istream & )
108  // see (Stroustrup gray book) page 333 and 345.
109  if ( || c != '(' ) {
110  std::cerr << "Could not find required opening parenthesis "
111  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
112  return is;
113  }
115  is >> x >> std::ws >> c;
116  if ( || c != ',' ) {
117  std::cerr << "Could not find x value and required trailing comma "
118  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
119  return is;
120  }
122  is >> y >> std::ws >> c;
123  if ( || c != ',' ) {
124  std::cerr << "Could not find y value and required trailing comma "
125  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
126  return is;
127  }
129  is >> z >> std::ws >> c;
130  if ( || c != ';' ) {
131  std::cerr << "Could not find z value and required trailing semicolon "
132  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
133  return is;
134  }
136  is >> t >> std::ws >> c;
137  if ( || c != ')' ) {
138  std::cerr << "Could not find t value and required close parenthesis "
139  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
140  return is;
141  }
143  v1.setX(x);
144  v1.setY(y);
145  v1.setZ(z);
146  v1.setT(t);
147  return is;
148 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

template<class IS , class T >
bool CLHEP::possibleKeywordInput ( IS &  is,
const std::string &  key,
T &  t 

Definition at line 167 of file RandomEngine.h.

167  {
168  std::string firstWord;
169  is >> firstWord;
170  if (firstWord == key) return true;
171  std::istringstream reread(firstWord);
172  reread >> t;
173  return false;
174 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

myuint CLHEP::precalc ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 225 of file

225  {
226  int i;
227  myuint temp;
228  temp = 0;
229  for (i=0; i < N; i++){
230  temp = MOD_MERSENNE(temp + X->V[i]);
231  }
232  X->sumtot = temp;
233  return temp;
234 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::print_state ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 270 of file

270  {
271  int j;
272  fprintf(X->fh, "mixmax state, file version 1.0\n" );
273  fprintf(X->fh, "N=%u; V[N]={", rng_get_N() );
274  for (j=0; (j< (rng_get_N()-1) ); j++) {
275  fprintf(X->fh, "%llu, ", X->V[j] );
276  }
277  fprintf(X->fh, "%llu", X->V[rng_get_N()-1] );
278  fprintf(X->fh, "}; " );
279  fprintf(X->fh, "counter=%u; ", X->counter );
280  fprintf(X->fh, "sumtot=%llu;\n", X->sumtot );
281 }
int rng_get_N(void)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::read_state ( rng_state_t *  X,
const char  filename[] 

Definition at line 283 of file

283  {
284  // a function for reading the state from a file, after J. Apostolakis
285  FILE* fin;
286  if( ( fin = fopen(filename, "r") ) ){
287  char l=0;
288  while ( l != '{' ) { // 0x7B = "{"
289  l=fgetc(fin); // proceed until hitting opening bracket
290  }
291  ungetc(' ', fin);
292  }else{
293  fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: error reading file %s\n", filename);
295  }
297  myuint vecVal;
298  //printf("mixmax -> read_state: starting to read state from file\n");
299  if (!fscanf(fin, "%llu", &X->V[0]) ) {fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: error reading file %s\n", filename); exit(ERROR_READING_STATE_FILE);}
300  //printf("V[%d] = %llu\n",0, X->V[0]);
301  int i;
302  for( i = 1; i < rng_get_N(); i++){
303  if (!fscanf(fin, ", %llu", &vecVal) ) {fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: error reading vector component i=%d from file %s\n", i, filename); exit(ERROR_READING_STATE_FILE);}
304  //printf("V[%d] = %llu\n",i, vecVal);
305  if( vecVal <= MERSBASE ){
306  X->V[i] = vecVal;
307  }else{
308  fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: Invalid state vector value= %llu"
309  " ( must be less than %llu ) "
310  " obtained from reading file %s\n"
311  , vecVal, MERSBASE, filename);
313  }
314  }
316  unsigned int counter;
317  if (!fscanf( fin, "}; counter=%u; ", &counter)){fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: error reading counter from file %s\n", filename); exit(ERROR_READING_STATE_FILE);}
318  if( counter <= N ) {
319  X->counter= counter;
320  }else{
321  fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: Invalid counter = %d"
322  " Must be 0 <= counter < %u\n" , counter, N);
323  print_state(X);
325  }
326  precalc(X);
327  myuint sumtot;
328  if (!fscanf( fin, "sumtot=%llu\n", &sumtot)){fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: error reading checksum from file %s\n", filename); exit(ERROR_READING_STATE_FILE);}
330  if (X->sumtot != sumtot) {
331  fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> checksum error while reading state from file %s - corrupted?\n", filename);
333  }
334 // else{fprintf(stderr, "mixmax -> read_state: checksum ok: %llu == %llu\n",X->sumtot, sumtot);}
335  fclose(fin);
336 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
void print_state(rng_state_t *X)
int rng_get_N(void)
Definition: mixmax.h:210
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MERSBASE
Definition: mixmax.h:125
Definition: mixmax.h:212
myuint precalc(rng_state_t *X)
Definition: mixmax.h:211

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

rng_state_t * CLHEP::rng_alloc ( )

Definition at line 151 of file

152 {
153 /* allocate the state */
154  rng_state_t *p = (rng_state_t*)malloc(sizeof(rng_state_t));
155  p->fh=NULL; // by default, set the output file handle to stdout
156  return p;
157 }
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
struct rng_state_st rng_state_t
Definition: mixmax.h:65

Here is the caller graph for this function:

rng_state_t * CLHEP::rng_copy ( myuint *  Y)

Definition at line 165 of file

166 {
167  /* copy the vector stored at Y, and return pointer to the newly allocated and initialized state.
168  It is the user's responsibility to make sure that Y is properly allocated with rng_alloc,
169  then pass Y->V or it can also be an array -- such as myuint Y[N+1] and Y[1]...Y[N] have been set to legal values [0 .. MERSBASE-1]
170  Partial sums on this new state are recalculated, and counter set to zero, so that when get_next is called,
171  it will output the initial vector before any new numbers are produced, call iterate(X) if you want to advance right away */
172  rng_state_t* X = rng_alloc();
173  myuint sumtot=0,ovflow=0;
174  X->counter = 2;
175  int i;
176  for ( i=0; i < N; i++){
177  X->V[i] = Y[i];
178  sumtot += X->V[(i)]; if (sumtot < X->V[(i)]) {ovflow++;}
180  }
181  X->sumtot = MOD_MERSENNE(MOD_MERSENNE(sumtot) + (ovflow <<3 ));
182  return X;
183 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
double Y(double density)
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128
rng_state_t * rng_alloc()
struct rng_state_st rng_state_t
Definition: mixmax.h:65

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CLHEP::rng_free ( rng_state_t *  X)

Definition at line 159 of file

160 {
161  free(X);
162  return 0;
163 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int CLHEP::rng_get_N ( void  )

Definition at line 237 of file

237 {return N;}
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43

Here is the caller graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
const Hep3Vector &  axis,
double  delta 

Definition at line 47 of file

49  {
50  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
51  return vv.rotate (aaxis, ddelta);
52 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
const HepAxisAngle &  ax 

Definition at line 55 of file

55  {
56  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
57  return vv.rotate (ax);
58 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
const HepEulerAngles &  e 

Definition at line 61 of file

61  {
62  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
63  return vv.rotate (e1);
64 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  phi,
double  theta,
double  psi 

Definition at line 66 of file

69  {
70  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
71  return vv.rotate (phi1, theta1, psi1);
72 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
const Hep3Vector &  axis,
double  delta 

Definition at line 132 of file

133  {
134  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
135  return vv.rotate(axis, ddelta);
136 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
const HepAxisAngle &  ax 

Definition at line 127 of file

127  {
128  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
129  return vv.rotate (ax);
130 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
double  phi,
double  theta,
double  psi 

Definition at line 143 of file

144  {
145  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
146  return vv.rotate(phi, theta, psi);
147 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
const HepEulerAngles &  e 

Definition at line 138 of file

138  {
139  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
140  return vv.rotate (ex);
141 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationXOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 28 of file

28  {
29  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
30  return vv.rotateX (phi);
31 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationXOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 149 of file

149  {
150  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
151  return vv.rotateX (ddelta);
152 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationYOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 34 of file

34  {
35  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
36  return vv.rotateY (phi);
37 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationYOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 154 of file

154  {
155  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
156  return vv.rotateY (ddelta);
157 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

HepLorentzVector CLHEP::rotationZOf ( const HepLorentzVector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 40 of file

40  {
41  HepLorentzVector vv (vec);
42  return vv.rotateZ (phi);
43 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Hep3Vector CLHEP::rotationZOf ( const Hep3Vector &  vec,
double  delta 

Definition at line 159 of file

159  {
160  Hep3Vector vv(vec);
161  return vv.rotateZ (ddelta);
162 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static double CLHEP::safe_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 23 of file

23  {
24  if (std::abs(x) <= 1.0) return std::acos(x);
25  return ( (x>0) ? 0 : CLHEP::pi );
26 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static double CLHEP::safe_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 26 of file

26  {
27  if (std::abs(x) <= 1.0) return std::acos(x);
28  return ( (x>0) ? 0 : CLHEP::pi );
29 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54
static double CLHEP::safe_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 26 of file

26  {
27  if (std::abs(x) <= 1.0) return std::acos(x);
28  return ( (x>0) ? 0 : CLHEP::pi );
29 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54
static double CLHEP::safe_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 26 of file

26  {
27  if (std::abs(x) <= 1.0) return std::acos(x);
28  return ( (x>0) ? 0 : CLHEP::pi );
29 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54
static double CLHEP::safe_acos ( double  x)

Definition at line 26 of file

26  {
27  if (std::abs(x) <= 1.0) return std::acos(x);
28  return ( (x>0) ? 0 : CLHEP::pi );
29 }
static constexpr double pi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:54
void CLHEP::seed_spbox ( rng_state_t *  X,
myuint  seed 

Definition at line 202 of file

203 { // a 64-bit LCG from Knuth line 26, in combination with a bit swap is used to seed
204  const myuint MULT64=6364136223846793005ULL;
205  int i;
206  myuint sumtot=0,ovflow=0;
207  if (seed == 0){
208  fprintf(stderr, " try seeding with nonzero seed next time!\n");
209  exit(SEED_WAS_ZERO);
210  }
212  myuint l = seed;
214  //X->V[0] = l & MERSBASE;
215  if (X->fh==NULL){X->fh=stdout;} // if the filehandle is not yet set, make it stdout
216  for (i=0; i < N; i++){
217  l*=MULT64; l = (l << 32) ^ (l>>32);
218  X->V[i] = l & MERSBASE;
219  sumtot += X->V[(i)]; if (sumtot < X->V[(i)]) {ovflow++;}
220  }
221  X->counter = N; // set the counter to N if iteration should happen right away
222  X->sumtot = MOD_MERSENNE(MOD_MERSENNE(sumtot) + (ovflow <<3 ));
223 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
Definition: mixmax.h:209
#define MOD_MERSENNE(k)
Definition: mixmax.h:128
#define MERSBASE
Definition: mixmax.h:125

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::seed_uniquestream ( rng_state_t *  X,
myID_t  clusterID,
myID_t  machineID,
myID_t  runID,
myID_t  streamID 

Definition at line 435 of file

435  {
436  Xin->V[0] = (myuint)clusterID;
437  Xin->V[1] = (myuint)machineID;
438  Xin->V[2] = (myuint)runID;
439  Xin->V[3] = (myuint)streamID;
440  Xin->V[4] = (myuint)clusterID << 5;
441  Xin->V[5] = (myuint)machineID << 7;
442  Xin->V[6] = (myuint)runID << 11;
443  Xin->V[7] = (myuint)streamID << 13;
444  precalc(Xin);
445  Xin->sumtot = iterate_raw_vec(Xin->V, Xin->sumtot);
446  Xin->sumtot = iterate_raw_vec(Xin->V, Xin->sumtot);
447 }
uint64_t myuint
Definition: mixmax.h:50
myuint iterate_raw_vec(myuint *Y, myuint sumtotOld)
myuint precalc(rng_state_t *X)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::seed_vielbein ( rng_state_t *  X,
unsigned int  i 

Definition at line 185 of file

186 {
187 int i;
188  if (index<N){
189  for (i=0; i < N; i++){
190  X->V[i] = 0;
191  }
192  X->V[index] = 1;
193  }else{
194  fprintf(stderr, "Out of bounds index, is not ( 0 <= index < N )\n"); exit(ARRAY_INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS);
195  }
196  X->counter = N; // set the counter to N if iteration should happen right away
197  //precalc(X);
198  X->sumtot = 1; //(index ? 1:0);
199  if (X->fh==NULL){X->fh=stdout;}
200 }
const int N
Definition: mixmax.h:43
Definition: mixmax.h:208
static double CLHEP::StirlingCorrection ( long int  k)

Definition at line 93 of file

94 {
95  #define C1 8.33333333333333333e-02 // +1/12
96  #define C3 -2.77777777777777778e-03 // -1/360
97  #define C5 7.93650793650793651e-04 // +1/1260
98  #define C7 -5.95238095238095238e-04 // -1/1680
100  static const double c[31] = { 0.0,
101  8.106146679532726e-02, 4.134069595540929e-02,
102  2.767792568499834e-02, 2.079067210376509e-02,
103  1.664469118982119e-02, 1.387612882307075e-02,
104  1.189670994589177e-02, 1.041126526197209e-02,
105  9.255462182712733e-03, 8.330563433362871e-03,
106  7.573675487951841e-03, 6.942840107209530e-03,
107  6.408994188004207e-03, 5.951370112758848e-03,
108  5.554733551962801e-03, 5.207655919609640e-03,
109  4.901395948434738e-03, 4.629153749334029e-03,
110  4.385560249232324e-03, 4.166319691996922e-03,
111  3.967954218640860e-03, 3.787618068444430e-03,
112  3.622960224683090e-03, 3.472021382978770e-03,
113  3.333155636728090e-03, 3.204970228055040e-03,
114  3.086278682608780e-03, 2.976063983550410e-03,
115  2.873449362352470e-03, 2.777674929752690e-03,
116  };
117  double r, rr;
119  if (k > 30L) {
120  r = 1.0 / (double) k; rr = r * r;
121  return(r*(C1 + rr*(C3 + rr*(C5 + rr*C7))));
122  }
123  else return(c[k]);
124 }
#define C3
#define C7
#define C1
static constexpr double L
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:124
#define C5
double CLHEP::transformSmall ( double  r)

Definition at line 219 of file

219  {
221  // Solve for -v in the asymtotic formula
222  //
223  // errInt (-v) = exp(-v*v/2) 1 1*3 1*3*5
224  // ------------ * (1 - ---- + ---- - ----- + ... )
225  // v*sqrt(2*pi) v**2 v**4 v**6
227  // The value of r (=errInt(-v)) supplied is going to less than 2.0E-13,
228  // which is such that v < -7.25. Since the value of r is meaningful only
229  // to an absolute error of 1E-16 (double precision accuracy for a number
230  // which on the high side could be of the form 1-epsilon), computing
231  // v to more than 3-4 digits of accuracy is suspect; however, to ensure
232  // smoothness with the table generator (which uses quite a few terms) we
233  // also use terms up to 1*3*5* ... *13/v**14, and insist on accuracy of
234  // solution at the level of 1.0e-7.
236  // This routine is called less than one time in a trillion firings, so
237  // speed is of no concern. As a matter of technique, we terminate the
238  // iterations in case they would be infinite, but this should not happen.
240  double eps = 1.0e-7;
241  double guess = 7.5;
242  double v;
244  for ( int i = 1; i < 50; i++ ) {
245  double vn2 = 1.0/(guess*guess);
246  double s1 = -13*11*9*7*5*3 * vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2;
247  s1 += 11*9*7*5*3 * vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2;
248  s1 += -9*7*5*3 * vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2;
249  s1 += 7*5*3 * vn2*vn2*vn2*vn2;
250  s1 += -5*3 * vn2*vn2*vn2;
251  s1 += 3 * vn2*vn2 - vn2 + 1.0;
252  v = std::sqrt ( 2.0 * std::log ( s1 / (r*guess*std::sqrt(CLHEP::twopi)) ) );
253  if ( std::abs(v-guess) < eps ) break;
254  guess = v;
255  }
257  return -v;
259 } // transformSmall()
static const G4double eps
static constexpr double twopi
Definition: SystemOfUnits.h:55

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static const Hep2Vector CLHEP::X_HAT2 ( 1.  0,
0.  0 
static const Hep2Vector CLHEP::Y_HAT2 ( 0.  0,
1.  0 
void CLHEP::ZMinput2doubles ( std::istream &  is,
const char *  type,
double &  x,
double &  y 

Definition at line 243 of file

244  {
246 // Accepted formats are
247 // x y
248 // x, y (comma is optional, and whitespace ignored if comma present)
249 // ( x, y ) (comma optional)
251  char c;
252  bool parenthesis = false;
254  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
255  std::cerr << "istream ended before trying to input " << type << "\n";
256  return;
257  }
259  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
260  if ( c == '(' ) {
261  parenthesis = true;
262  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
263  std::cerr << "istream ended after ( trying to input " << type << "\n";
264  return;
265  }
266  } else {
267  is.putback(c);
268  }
270  // At this point, parenthesis or not, the next item read is supposed to
271  // be the number x.
273  if (!(is >> x)) {
274  std::cerr << "Could not read first value in input of " << type << "\n";
275  return;
276  }
278  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
279  std::cerr << "istream ended before second value of " << type << "\n";
280  return;
281  }
283  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
284  if ( c == ',' ) {
285  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
286  std::cerr << "istream ended ater one value and comma in "
287  << type << "\n";
288  return;
289  }
290  } else {
291  is.putback(c);
292  }
294  // At this point, comma or not, the next item read is supposed to
295  // be the number y.
297  if (!(is >> y)) {
298  std::cerr << "Could not read second value in input of " << type << "\n";
299  return;
300  }
302  // Finally, check for the closing parenthesis if there was an open paren.
304  if (parenthesis) {
305  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
306  std::cerr << "No closing parenthesis in input of " << type << "\n";
307  return;
308  }
309  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
310  if ( c != ')' ) {
311  std::cerr << "Missing closing parenthesis in input of "
312  << type << "\n";
313  // Now a trick to do (as nearly as we can) what
314  // is.putback(c); is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
315  // would do (because using ios_base will confuse old CLHEP compilers):
316  if ( isdigit(c) || (c=='-') || (c=='+') ) {
317  is.putback('@');
318  } else {
319  is.putback('c');
320  }
321  int m;
322  is >> m; // This fails, leaving the state bad, and the istream
323  // otherwise unchanged, except if the next char might
324  // have started a valid int, it turns to @
325  return;
326  }
327  }
329  return;
331 }
static constexpr double m
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:129

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::ZMinput3doubles ( std::istream &  is,
const char *  type,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z 

Definition at line 42 of file

43  {
45 // Accepted formats are
46 // x y z
47 // x, y, z (each comma is optional, and whitespace ignored if comma present)
48 // ( x, y, z ) (commas optional)
50  char c;
51  bool parenthesis = false;
53  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
54  std::cerr << "istream ended before trying to input " << type << "\n";
55  return;
56  }
58  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
59  if ( c == '(' ) {
60  parenthesis = true;
61  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
62  std::cerr << "istream ended after ( trying to input " << type << "\n";
63  return;
64  }
65  } else {
66  is.putback(c);
67  }
69  // At this point, parenthesis or not, the next item read is supposed to
70  // be the number x.
72  if (!(is >> x)) {
73  std::cerr << "Could not read first value in input of " << type << "\n";
74  return;
75  }
77  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
78  std::cerr << "istream ended before second value of " << type << "\n";
79  return;
80  }
82  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
83  if ( c == ',' ) {
84  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
85  std::cerr << "istream ended ater one value and comma in "
86  << type << "\n";
87  return;
88  }
89  } else {
90  is.putback(c);
91  }
93  // At this point, comma or not, the next item read is supposed to
94  // be the number y.
96  if (!(is >> y)) {
97  std::cerr << "Could not read second value in input of " << type << "\n";
98  return;
99  }
101  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
102  std::cerr << "istream ended before third value of " << type << "\n";
103  return;
104  }
106  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
107  if ( c == ',' ) {
108  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
109  std::cerr << "istream ended ater two values and comma in "
110  << type << "\n";
111  return;
112  }
113  } else {
114  is.putback(c);
115  }
117  // At this point, comma or not, the next item read is supposed to
118  // be the number z.
120  if (!(is >> z)) {
121  std::cerr << "Could not read third value in input of " << type << "\n";
122  return;
123  }
125  // Finally, check for the closing parenthesis if there was an open paren.
127  if (parenthesis) {
128  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
129  std::cerr << "No closing parenthesis in input of " << type << "\n";
130  return;
131  }
132  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
133  if ( c != ')' ) {
134  std::cerr << "Missing closing parenthesis in input of "
135  << type << "\n";
136  // Now a trick to do (as nearly as we can) what
137  // is.putback(c); is.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
138  // would do (because using ios_base will confuse old CLHEP compilers):
139  if ( isdigit(c) || (c=='-') || (c=='+') ) {
140  is.putback('@');
141  } else {
142  is.putback('c');
143  }
144  int m;
145  is >> m; // This fails, leaving the state bad, and the istream
146  // otherwise unchanged, except if the next char might
147  // have started a valid int, it turns to @
148  return;
149  }
150  }
152  return;
154 }
static constexpr double m
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:129

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void CLHEP::ZMinputAxisAngle ( std::istream &  is,
double &  x,
double &  y,
double &  z,
double &  delta 

Definition at line 156 of file

158  {
159 // Accepted formats are
160 // parenthesis optional, then
161 // any acceptable format for a Hep3Vector, then
162 // optional comma, then
163 // delta, then
164 // close parenthesis if opened at start.
165 //
166 // But if there is an open parenthesis, it must be for the overall
167 // object. That is, if the axis has parentheses, the form must be
168 // ( (x,y,z) , delta )
170  char c;
171  bool parenthesis = false;
173  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
174  std::cerr << "istream ended before trying to input AxisAngle \n";
175  return;
176  }
178  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
179  if ( c == '(' ) {
180  parenthesis = true;
181  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
182  std::cerr << "istream ended after ( trying to input AxisAngle \n";
183  return;
184  }
185  } else {
186  is.putback(c);
187  }
189  // At this point, parenthesis or not, the next item read is supposed to
190  // be a valid Hep3Vector axis.
192  ZMinput3doubles ( is, "axis of AxisAngle", x, y, z );
193  if (!is) return;
195  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
196  std::cerr << "istream ended before delta of AxisAngle \n";
197  return;
198  }
200  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
201  if ( c == ',' ) {
202  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
203  std::cerr << "istream ended ater axis and comma in AxisAngle \n";
204  return;
205  }
206  } else {
207  is.putback(c);
208  }
210  // At this point, comma or not, the next item read is supposed to
211  // be the number delta.
213  if (!(is >> delta)) {
214  std::cerr << "Could not delta value in input of AxisAngle \n";
215  return;
216  }
218  // Finally, check for the closing parenthesis if there was an open paren.
220  if (parenthesis) {
221  if ( !eatwhitespace(is) ) {
222  std::cerr << "No closing parenthesis in input of AxisAngle \n";
223  return;
224  }
225  if ( !is.get(c) ) { fouledup(); return; }
226  if ( c != ')' ) {
227  std::cerr << "Missing closing parenthesis in input of AxisAngle \n";
228  if ( isdigit(c) || (c=='-') || (c=='+') ) {
229  is.putback('@');
230  } else {
231  is.putback('c');
232  }
233  int m;
234  is >> m; // This fails, leaving the state bad.
235  return;
236  }
237  }
239  return;
241 }
static constexpr double m
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:129
void ZMinput3doubles(std::istream &is, const char *type, double &x, double &y, double &z)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void CLHEP::ZMpvAxisAngleRep ( const HepAxisAngle &  aa,
double  array[] 

Definition at line 20 of file

20  {
22  double sinDelta = std::sin( );
23  double cosDelta = std::cos( );
24  double oneMinusCosDelta = 1.0 - cosDelta;
26  double uX = aa.getAxis().getX();
27  double uY = aa.getAxis().getY();
28  double uZ = aa.getAxis().getZ();
30  array[0] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uX + cosDelta;
31  array[1] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uY - sinDelta * uZ;
32  array[2] = oneMinusCosDelta * uX * uZ + sinDelta * uY;
34  array[3] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uX + sinDelta * uZ;
35  array[4] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uY + cosDelta;
36  array[5] = oneMinusCosDelta * uY * uZ - sinDelta * uX;
38  array[6] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uX - sinDelta * uY;
39  array[7] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uY + sinDelta * uX;
40  array[8] = oneMinusCosDelta * uZ * uZ + cosDelta;
42 } // ZMpvAxisAngleRep

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void CLHEP::ZMpvEulerAnglesRep ( const HepEulerAngles &  ex,
double  array[] 

Definition at line 43 of file

43  {
45  double sinPhi = std::sin( ex.phi() ) , cosPhi = std::cos( ex.phi() );
46  double sinTheta = std::sin( ex.theta() ), cosTheta = std::cos( ex.theta() );
47  double sinPsi = std::sin( ex.psi() ) , cosPsi = std::cos( ex.psi() );
49  array[0] = cosPsi * cosPhi - sinPsi * cosTheta * sinPhi;
50  array[1] = cosPsi * sinPhi + sinPsi * cosTheta * cosPhi;
51  array[2] = sinPsi * sinTheta;
53  array[3] = - sinPsi * cosPhi - cosPsi * cosTheta * sinPhi;
54  array[4] = - sinPsi * sinPhi + cosPsi * cosTheta * cosPhi;
55  array[5] = cosPsi * sinTheta;
57  array[6] = sinTheta * sinPhi;
58  array[7] = - sinTheta * cosPhi;
59  array[8] = cosTheta;
61 } // ZMpvEulerAnglesRep

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

constexpr double CLHEP::alpha_rcl2
Initial value:
static constexpr double classic_electr_radius
static constexpr double fine_structure_const

Definition at line 101 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::ampere = coulomb/second

Definition at line 214 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::amu = amu_c2/c_squared

Definition at line 83 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::amu_c2 = 931.494028 * MeV

Definition at line 82 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::angstrom = 1.e-10*meter

Definition at line 82 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::atmosphere = 101325*pascal

Definition at line 209 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::Avogadro = 6.02214179e+23/mole

Definition at line 49 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::bar = 100000*pascal

Definition at line 208 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::barn = 1.e-28*meter2

Definition at line 85 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::becquerel = 1./second

Definition at line 271 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::Bohr_radius = electron_Compton_length/fine_structure_const

Definition at line 99 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::Bq = becquerel

Definition at line 278 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::c_light = 2.99792458e+8 * m/s

Definition at line 55 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::c_squared = c_light * c_light

Definition at line 56 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::candela = 1.

Definition at line 297 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::centimeter = 10.*millimeter

Definition at line 66 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::centimeter2 = centimeter*centimeter

Definition at line 67 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::centimeter3 = centimeter*centimeter*centimeter

Definition at line 68 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::Ci = curie

Definition at line 282 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::cL = 1.e-2*liter

Definition at line 106 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::classic_electr_radius = elm_coupling/electron_mass_c2

Definition at line 97 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::cm = centimeter

Definition at line 99 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::cm2 = centimeter2

Definition at line 100 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::cm3 = centimeter3

Definition at line 101 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::coulomb = eplus/e_SI

Definition at line 159 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::curie = 3.7e+10 * becquerel

Definition at line 272 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::deg = degree

Definition at line 132 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::degree = (pi/180.0)*radian

Definition at line 124 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::dL = 1.e-1*liter

Definition at line 105 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::e_SI = 1.602176487e-19

Definition at line 158 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::e_squared = eplus * eplus

Definition at line 72 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::electron_charge = - eplus

Definition at line 71 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::electron_Compton_length = hbarc/electron_mass_c2

Definition at line 98 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::electron_mass_c2 = 0.510998910 * MeV

Definition at line 79 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::electronvolt = 1.e-6*megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 165 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::elm_coupling = e_squared/(4*pi*epsilon0)

Definition at line 95 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::eplus = 1.

Definition at line 157 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::epsilon0 = 1./(c_squared*mu0)

Definition at line 90 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::eV = electronvolt

Definition at line 175 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::farad = coulomb/volt

Definition at line 234 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::fermi = 1.e-15*meter

Definition at line 83 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::fine_structure_const = elm_coupling/hbarc

Definition at line 96 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::g = gram

Definition at line 190 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::gauss = 1.e-4*tesla

Definition at line 250 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const double CLHEP::gaussTables[2 *TableSize]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 85 of file

const float CLHEP::gaussTables[TableSize]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 88 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::GBq = gigabecquerel

Definition at line 281 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::GeV = gigaelectronvolt

Definition at line 177 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::gigabecquerel = 1.e+9*becquerel

Definition at line 275 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::gigaelectronvolt = 1.e+3*megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 167 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::gram = 1.e-3*kilogram

Definition at line 185 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::gray = joule/kilogram

Definition at line 289 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::h_Planck = 6.62606896e-34 * joule*s

Definition at line 63 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::halfpi = pi/2

Definition at line 56 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::hbar_Planck = h_Planck/twopi

Definition at line 64 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::hbarc = hbar_Planck * c_light

Definition at line 65 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::hbarc_squared = hbarc * hbarc

Definition at line 66 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::henry = weber/ampere

Definition at line 256 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::hep_pascal = newton/m2

Definition at line 207 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const int CLHEP::HepRandomGenActive = HepRandom::createInstance()

Definition at line 65 of file Randomize.h.

const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepXHat(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepYHat(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
const Hep3Vector CLHEP::HepZHat(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
constexpr double CLHEP::hertz = 1./second

Definition at line 143 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const float CLHEP::inverseLandau[TABLE_END+1]

Definition at line 74 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::joule = electronvolt/e_SI

Definition at line 171 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::k_Boltzmann = 8.617343e-11 * MeV/kelvin

Definition at line 111 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kBq = kilobecquerel

Definition at line 279 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kelvin = 1.

Definition at line 261 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::keV = kiloelectronvolt

Definition at line 176 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kg = kilogram

Definition at line 189 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kGasThreshold = 10.*mg/cm3

Definition at line 118 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilobecquerel = 1.e+3*becquerel

Definition at line 273 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kiloelectronvolt = 1.e-3*megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 166 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilogauss = 1.e-1*tesla

Definition at line 251 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilogram = joule*second*second/(meter*meter)

Definition at line 184 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilogray = 1.e+3*gray

Definition at line 290 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilohertz = 1.e+3*hertz

Definition at line 144 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilometer = 1000.*meter

Definition at line 74 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilometer2 = kilometer*kilometer

Definition at line 75 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilometer3 = kilometer*kilometer*kilometer

Definition at line 76 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::kilovolt = 1.e-3*megavolt

Definition at line 223 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::km = kilometer

Definition at line 113 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::km2 = kilometer2

Definition at line 114 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::km3 = kilometer3

Definition at line 115 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::L = liter

Definition at line 104 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::liter = 1.e+3*cm3

Definition at line 103 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::lumen = candela*steradian

Definition at line 302 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::lux = lumen/meter2

Definition at line 307 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::m = meter

Definition at line 109 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::m2 = meter2

Definition at line 110 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::m3 = meter3

Definition at line 111 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 49 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 56 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 58 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 59 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 59 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 60 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 67 of file

const int CLHEP::MarkerLen = 64

Definition at line 76 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::MBq = megabecquerel

Definition at line 280 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mCi = millicurie

Definition at line 283 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::megabecquerel = 1.e+6*becquerel

Definition at line 274 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::megaelectronvolt = 1.

Definition at line 164 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::megahertz = 1.e+6*hertz

Definition at line 145 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::megavolt = megaelectronvolt/eplus

Definition at line 222 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::meter = 1000.*millimeter

Definition at line 70 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::meter2 = meter*meter

Definition at line 71 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::meter3 = meter*meter*meter

Definition at line 72 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::MeV = megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 174 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mg = milligram

Definition at line 191 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microampere = 1.e-6*ampere

Definition at line 216 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microbarn = 1.e-6 *barn

Definition at line 87 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microcurie = 1.e-6*curie

Definition at line 277 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microfarad = 1.e-6*farad

Definition at line 236 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microgray = 1.e-6*gray

Definition at line 292 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::micrometer = 1.e-6 *meter

Definition at line 80 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::microsecond = 1.e-6 *second

Definition at line 140 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::milliampere = 1.e-3*ampere

Definition at line 215 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millibarn = 1.e-3 *barn

Definition at line 86 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millicurie = 1.e-3*curie

Definition at line 276 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millifarad = 1.e-3*farad

Definition at line 235 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::milligram = 1.e-3*gram

Definition at line 186 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::milligray = 1.e-3*gray

Definition at line 291 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millimeter = 1.

Definition at line 62 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millimeter2 = millimeter*millimeter

Definition at line 63 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millimeter3 = millimeter*millimeter*millimeter

Definition at line 64 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::milliradian = 1.e-3*radian

Definition at line 123 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::millisecond = 1.e-3 *second

Definition at line 139 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mL = 1.e-3*liter

Definition at line 107 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mm = millimeter

Definition at line 95 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mm2 = millimeter2

Definition at line 96 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mm3 = millimeter3

Definition at line 97 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mole = 1.

Definition at line 266 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mrad = milliradian

Definition at line 130 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::ms = millisecond

Definition at line 150 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::mu0 = 4*pi*1.e-7 * henry/m

Definition at line 89 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

const int CLHEP::N = 17

Definition at line 43 of file mixmax.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nanoampere = 1.e-9*ampere

Definition at line 217 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nanobarn = 1.e-9 *barn

Definition at line 88 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nanofarad = 1.e-9*farad

Definition at line 237 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nanometer = 1.e-9 *meter

Definition at line 81 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nanosecond = 1.

Definition at line 137 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::neutron_mass_c2 = 939.56536 * MeV

Definition at line 81 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::newton = joule/meter

Definition at line 201 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::nm = nanometer

Definition at line 92 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::ns = nanosecond

Definition at line 148 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::ohm = volt/ampere

Definition at line 229 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::parsec = 3.0856775807e+16*meter

Definition at line 78 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::pc = parsec

Definition at line 117 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::perCent = 0.01

Definition at line 312 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::perMillion = 0.000001

Definition at line 314 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::perThousand = 0.001

Definition at line 313 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::petaelectronvolt = 1.e+9*megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 169 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::PeV = petaelectronvolt

Definition at line 179 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::pi = 3.14159265358979323846

Definition at line 54 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::pi2 = pi*pi

Definition at line 57 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::picobarn = 1.e-12*barn

Definition at line 89 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::picofarad = 1.e-12*farad

Definition at line 238 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::picosecond = 1.e-12*second

Definition at line 141 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const double CLHEP::poissonTables[51 *((95-10)/5+1)]
Initial value:
= {

Definition at line 72 of file

const double CLHEP::prec = 4.6566128E-10

Definition at line 58 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::proton_mass_c2 = 938.272013 * MeV

Definition at line 80 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::ps = picosecond

Definition at line 152 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::rad = radian

Definition at line 129 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::radian = 1.

Definition at line 122 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::s = second

Definition at line 149 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::second = 1.e+9 *nanosecond

Definition at line 138 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::sr = steradian

Definition at line 131 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::steradian = 1.

Definition at line 126 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::STP_Pressure = 1.*atmosphere

Definition at line 117 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::STP_Temperature = 273.15*kelvin

Definition at line 116 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

const HepLorentzVector CLHEP::T_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 0, 0, 1 )

Definition at line 540 of file LorentzVector.h.

const int CLHEP::TABLE_END = 982

Definition at line 61 of file

const float CLHEP::TABLE_INTERVAL = .001f

Definition at line 60 of file


Definition at line 62 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::teraelectronvolt = 1.e+6*megaelectronvolt

Definition at line 168 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::tesla = volt*second/meter2

Definition at line 248 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::TeV = teraelectronvolt

Definition at line 178 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const int CLHEP::Toffsets[5]
Initial value:
#define Table2offset
#define Table0offset
#define Table1offset
#define Table3offset
#define Table4offset

Definition at line 77 of file

const int CLHEP::Tsizes[5]
Initial value:
#define Table2size
#define Table1size
#define Table3size
#define Table0size
#define Table4size

Definition at line 53 of file

const double CLHEP::Tsteps[5]
Initial value:
#define Table2step
#define Table0step
#define Table1step
#define Table3step
#define Table4step

Definition at line 65 of file

constexpr double CLHEP::twopi = 2*pi

Definition at line 55 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::twopi_mc2_rcl2
Initial value:
static constexpr double twopi
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:76
static constexpr double electron_mass_c2
static constexpr double classic_electr_radius

Definition at line 105 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::uCi = microcurie

Definition at line 284 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::um = micrometer

Definition at line 93 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::universe_mean_density = 1.e-25*g/cm3

Definition at line 123 of file PhysicalConstants.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::us = microsecond

Definition at line 151 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::volt = 1.e-6*megavolt

Definition at line 224 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::watt = joule/second

Definition at line 196 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

constexpr double CLHEP::weber = volt*second

Definition at line 243 of file SystemOfUnits.h.

const HepLorentzVector CLHEP::X_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 1, 0, 0, 0 )

Definition at line 537 of file LorentzVector.h.

const HepLorentzVector CLHEP::Y_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 1, 0, 0 )

Definition at line 538 of file LorentzVector.h.

const HepLorentzVector CLHEP::Z_HAT4 = HepLorentzVector( 0, 0, 1, 0 )

Definition at line 539 of file LorentzVector.h.