146 G4cout <<
"ExExChIonPhysics::ConstructProcess done! "
virtual ~ExExChIonPhysics()
static G4ThreadLocal G4FTFBuilder * theBuilder
G4int AddDiscreteProcess(G4VProcess *aProcess, G4int ord=ordDefault)
const char * name(G4int ptype)
G4HadronicInteraction * GetModel()
static void ConstructParticle()
void RegisterMe(G4HadronicInteraction *a)
static constexpr double TeV
void SetMinEnergy(G4double anEnergy)
void AddDataSet(G4VCrossSectionDataSet *aDataSet)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
void AddProcess(const G4String &, G4ParticleDefinition *, G4bool isIon)
static G4Triton * Triton()
static G4Deuteron * Deuteron()
static const G4double emax
static G4ThreadLocal G4bool wasActivated
ExExChIonPhysics(G4int ver=0)
static G4GenericIon * GenericIon()
Definition of the XWrapperDiscreteProcess class.
Definition of the ExExChIonPhysics class.
G4ProcessManager * GetProcessManager() const
static constexpr double GeV
static G4ThreadLocal G4HadronicInteraction * theFTFP
void SetMaxEnergy(const G4double anEnergy)
static G4ThreadLocal G4VComponentCrossSection * theGGNuclNuclXS
void RegisterProcess(G4VDiscreteProcess *)
static G4ThreadLocal G4VCrossSectionDataSet * theNuclNuclData
static G4ThreadLocal G4BinaryLightIonReaction * theIonBC
void SetPhysicsType(G4int)