Geant4  10.03
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1 //
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25 //
26 // $Id: G4IonStoppingData.hh 96794 2016-05-09 10:09:30Z gcosmo $
27 //
28 // ===========================================================================
29 // GEANT4 class header file
30 //
31 // Class: G4IonStoppingData
32 //
33 // Base class: G4VIonDEDXTable
34 //
35 // Author: Anton Lechner (
36 //
37 // First implementation: 03. 11. 2009
38 //
39 // Modifications:
40 //
41 //
42 // Class description: Class which can read ion stopping power data from
43 // $G4LEDATA/ion_stopping_data
44 //
45 // Comments:
46 //
47 // ===========================================================================
48 //
53 #include "globals.hh"
54 #include "G4VIonDEDXTable.hh"
55 #include <utility>
56 #include <vector>
57 #include <map>
62  public:
63  G4IonStoppingData(const G4String& leDirectory);
64  virtual ~G4IonStoppingData();
66  // Function for checking the availability of stopping power tables
67  // for a given ion-material couple, where the material consists of
68  // a single element only.
70  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
71  G4int atomicNumberElem // Atomic number of elemental material
72  );
74  // Function for checking the availability of stopping power tables
75  // for given ion-material couples.
77  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
78  const G4String& matIdentifier // Name or chemical formula of material
79  );
81  // Function which invokes the read/build process of physics vectors from
82  // files in G4LEDATA
84  const G4String& matName);
86  // Function which invokes the read/build process of physics vectors from
87  // files in G4LEDATA
89  G4int matZ);
91  // Function returning the stopping power vector for given ion-material
92  // couples, where the material consists of a single element only.
94  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
95  G4int atomicNumberElem // Atomic number of elemental material
96  );
98  // Function returning the stopping power vector for given ion-material
99  // couples.
101  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
102  const G4String& matIdenfier // Name or chemical formula of material
103  );
105  // Function returning the stopping power value for given ion-material
106  // couples, where the material consists of a single element only, and
107  // given energy.
109  G4double kinEnergyPerNucleon, // Kinetic energy per nucleon
110  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
111  G4int atomicNumberElem // Atomic number of elemental material
112  );
114  // Function returning the stopping power value for given ion-material
115  // couples and given energy.
117  G4double kinEnergyPerNucleon, // Kinetic energy per nucleon
118  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
119  const G4String& matIdentifier // Name or chemical formula of material
120  );
122  // Function for adding dE/dx vector for an elemental materials. The last
123  // argument only applies to elemental materials.
125  G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, // Physics vector
126  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
127  const G4String& matIdentifier // Name or chemical formula of material
128  );
130  // Function for adding dE/dx vector for an elemental materials. The last
131  // argument only applies to elemental materials.
133  G4PhysicsVector* physicsVector, // Physics vector
134  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
135  G4int atomicNumberElem // Atomic number of elemental material
136  );
138  // Function for removing dE/dx vector for a compound materials
140  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
141  const G4String& matIdentifier // Name or chemical formula of material
142  );
143  // Function for removing dE/dx vector for a compound materials
145  G4int atomicNumberIon, // Atomic number of ion
146  G4int atomicNumberElem // Atomic number of elemental material
147  );
148  // Function deleting all physics vectors and clearing the maps
149  void ClearTable();
151  // Function printing the ion-material pairs of available vectors to stdout
152  void DumpMap();
154  private:
157  const G4IonStoppingData & operator=(const G4IonStoppingData&) = delete;
159  // Subdirectory of G4LEDATA
162  typedef std::pair<G4int, G4int> G4IonDEDXKeyElem;
163  typedef std::pair<G4int, G4String> G4IonDEDXKeyMat;
165  typedef std::map<G4IonDEDXKeyElem, G4PhysicsVector*> G4IonDEDXMapElem;
166  typedef std::map<G4IonDEDXKeyMat, G4PhysicsVector*> G4IonDEDXMapMat;
168  G4IonDEDXMapElem dedxMapElements;
169  G4IonDEDXMapMat dedxMapMaterials;
170 };
G4bool BuildPhysicsVector(G4int ionZ, const G4String &matName)
G4IonDEDXMapMat dedxMapMaterials
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
G4bool AddPhysicsVector(G4PhysicsVector *physicsVector, G4int atomicNumberIon, const G4String &matIdentifier)
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
G4IonStoppingData(const G4String &leDirectory)
const G4IonStoppingData & operator=(const G4IonStoppingData &)=delete
G4IonDEDXMapElem dedxMapElements
std::map< G4IonDEDXKeyMat, G4PhysicsVector * > G4IonDEDXMapMat
G4bool IsApplicable(G4int atomicNumberIon, G4int atomicNumberElem)
std::map< G4IonDEDXKeyElem, G4PhysicsVector * > G4IonDEDXMapElem
G4bool RemovePhysicsVector(G4int atomicNumberIon, const G4String &matIdentifier)
virtual ~G4IonStoppingData()
G4double GetDEDX(G4double kinEnergyPerNucleon, G4int atomicNumberIon, G4int atomicNumberElem)
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
std::pair< G4int, G4int > G4IonDEDXKeyElem
G4PhysicsVector * GetPhysicsVector(G4int atomicNumberIon, G4int atomicNumberElem)
std::pair< G4int, G4String > G4IonDEDXKeyMat