Geant4  10.03
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
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9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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26 /*
27  * ============================================================================
28  *
29  * Filename:
30  *
31  * Description: original position and momentum of the incident beam particle
32  *
33  * Version: 1.0
34  * Created: 15.12.2009 14:02:01
35  * Revision: none
36  * Compiler: gcc
37  *
38  * Author: Alexey Radkov (),
39  * Company: PNPI
40  *
41  * ============================================================================
42  */
44 #include <G4UIcmdWithAString.hh>
46 #include <G4UIcmdWith3Vector.hh>
48 #include <G4ParticleDefinition.hh>
49 #include <G4ParticleTable.hh>
50 #include "CexmcParticleGun.hh"
52 #include "CexmcRunManager.hh"
53 #include "CexmcException.hh"
54 #include "CexmcMessenger.hh"
58  CexmcParticleGun * particleGun ) :
59  particleGun( particleGun ), setParticle( NULL ), setOrigPosition( NULL ),
60  setOrigDirection( NULL ), setOrigMomentumAmp( NULL )
61 {
63  ( CexmcMessenger::gunDirName + "particle" ).c_str(), this );
64  setParticle->SetGuidance( "Incident beam particle" );
65  setParticle->SetParameterName( "BeamParticle", false );
66  setParticle->SetCandidates( "pi-" );
67  setParticle->SetDefaultValue( "pi-" );
71  ( CexmcMessenger::gunDirName + "position" ).c_str(), this );
72  setOrigPosition->SetGuidance( "Original position of the beam" );
73  setOrigPosition->SetParameterName( "PositionX", "PositionY", "PositionZ",
74  false );
75  setOrigPosition->SetUnitCandidates( "mm cm m" );
80  ( CexmcMessenger::gunDirName + "direction" ).c_str(), this );
81  setOrigDirection->SetGuidance( "Original direction of the beam" );
82  setOrigDirection->SetParameterName( "DirectionX", "DirectionY",
83  "DirectionZ", false );
85  "DirectionX >= -1.0 && DirectionX <= 1.0 && "
86  "DirectionY >= -1.0 && DirectionY <= 1.0 && "
87  "DirectionZ >= -1.0 && DirectionZ <= 1.0" );
91  ( CexmcMessenger::gunDirName + "momentumAmp" ).c_str(), this );
92  setOrigMomentumAmp->SetGuidance( "Original momentum of the beam" );
93  setOrigMomentumAmp->SetParameterName( "MomentumAmp", false );
94  setOrigMomentumAmp->SetRange( "MomentumAmp > 0" );
95  setOrigMomentumAmp->SetUnitCandidates( "eV keV MeV GeV" );
98 }
102 {
103  delete setParticle;
104  delete setOrigPosition;
105  delete setOrigDirection;
106  delete setOrigMomentumAmp;
107 }
111  G4String value )
112 {
113  do
114  {
115  if ( cmd == setParticle )
116  {
117  G4ParticleDefinition * particleDefinition(
118  G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->FindParticle( value ) );
120  if ( ! particleDefinition )
123  particleGun->SetBeamParticle( particleDefinition );
125  CexmcRunManager * runManager( static_cast< CexmcRunManager * >(
127  runManager->BeamParticleChangeHook();
128  break;
129  }
130  if ( cmd == setOrigPosition )
131  {
134  break;
135  }
136  if ( cmd == setOrigDirection )
137  {
140  break;
141  }
142  if ( cmd == setOrigMomentumAmp )
143  {
146  break;
147  }
148  } while ( false );
149 }
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit * setOrigMomentumAmp
void SetDefaultUnit(const char *defUnit)
void SetParameterName(const char *theNameX, const char *theNameY, const char *theNameZ, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
static G4ThreeVector GetNew3VectorValue(const char *paramString)
void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *cmd, G4String value)
static G4double GetNewDoubleValue(const char *paramString)
void SetParameterName(const char *theNameX, const char *theNameY, const char *theNameZ, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetOrigMomentumAmp(G4double momentumAmp, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
static G4ThreeVector GetNew3VectorValue(const char *paramString)
void SetRange(const char *rs)
Definition: G4UIcommand.hh:125
void SetGuidance(const char *aGuidance)
Definition: G4UIcommand.hh:161
void BeamParticleChangeHook(void)
void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1)
static G4RunManager * GetRunManager()
void SetOrigPosition(const G4ThreeVector &position, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
static G4ParticleTable * GetParticleTable()
void SetDefaultValue(const char *defVal)
void SetDefaultUnit(const char *defUnit)
static G4String gunDirName
CexmcParticleGunMessenger(CexmcParticleGun *particleGun)
G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit * setOrigPosition
void SetBeamParticle(G4ParticleDefinition *particleDefinition, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void SetCandidates(const char *candidateList)
void SetUnitCandidates(const char *candidateList)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetOrigDirection(const G4ThreeVector &direction, G4bool fromMessenger=true)
void SetUnitCandidates(const char *candidateList)