Geant4  10.03
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1 //
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4 // * *
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25 //
26 // $Id: 100691 2016-10-31 11:26:25Z gcosmo $
27 //
28 // J. M. Quesada (August 2008).
29 // Based on previous work by V. Lara
30 //
31 // Modified:
32 // 06.09.2008 JMQ Also external choice has been added for:
33 // - superimposed Coulomb barrier (if useSICB=true)
34 // 20.08.2010 V.Ivanchenko cleanup
35 //
37 #include "G4PreCompoundFragment.hh"
38 #include "G4KalbachCrossSection.hh"
40 #include "Randomize.hh"
43  G4VCoulombBarrier* aCoulBarrier)
44  : G4VPreCompoundFragment(p, aCoulBarrier)
45 {
46  muu = probmax = 0.0;
47  if(0 == theZ) { index = 0; }
48  else if(1 == theZ) { index = theA; }
49  else { index = theA + 1; }
50 }
53 {}
57 {
58  //G4cout << theCoulombBarrier << " " << GetMaximalKineticEnergy() << G4endl;
59  // If theCoulombBarrier effect is included in the emission probabilities
60  // Coulomb barrier is the lower limit of integration over kinetic energy
64  if (theMaxKinEnergy <= theMinKinEnergy) { return 0.0; }
66  // compute power once
67  if(OPTxs <= 2) {
69  } else {
71  }
75  /*
76  G4cout << "## G4PreCompoundFragment::CalcEmisProb "
77  << "Z= " << aFragment.GetZ_asInt()
78  << " A= " << aFragment.GetA_asInt()
79  << " Elow= " << LowerLimit/MeV
80  << " Eup= " << UpperLimit/MeV
81  << " prob= " << theEmissionProbability
82  << G4endl;
83  */
85 }
89  const G4Fragment & aFragment)
90 {
91  static const G4double den = 1.0/CLHEP::MeV;
92  G4double del = (up - low);
93  G4int nbins = std::max(3,(G4int)(del*den));
94  del /= (G4double)nbins;
95  G4double e = low;
96  G4double y0 = ProbabilityDistributionFunction(e, aFragment);
97  probmax = y0;
98  //G4cout << " 0. e= " << low << " y= " << y0 << G4endl;
100  G4double sum(0.0), ds(0.0), y;
101  for (G4int i=0; i<nbins; ++i) {
102  e += del;
103  y = ProbabilityDistributionFunction(e, aFragment);
104  probmax = std::max(probmax, y);
105  ds = y0 + y;
106  sum += ds;
107  if(ds < sum*0.01) { break; }
108  //G4cout << " " << i << ". e= " << e << " y= " << y << " sum= " << sum << G4endl;
109  y0 = y;
110  }
111  sum *= del*0.5;
112  //G4cout << "Evap prob: " << sum << " probmax= " << probmax << G4endl;
113  return sum;
114 }
117 {
118  G4double res;
119  if(OPTxs == 0) {
120  res = GetOpt0(ekin);
122  } else if(OPTxs <= 2) {
124  theResA13, muu,
125  index, theZ, theResA);
127  } else {
129  theResA13, muu,
130  index, theZ, theA, theResA);
131  }
132  return res;
133 }
135 // *********************** OPT=0 : Dostrovski's cross section ***************
137 {
139  // cross section is now given in mb (r0 is in mm) for the sake of consistency
140  //with the rest of the options
141  return 1.e+25*CLHEP::pi*r0*r0*theResA13*GetAlpha()*(1.+GetBeta()/ekin);
142 }
145 {
147  static const G4double toler = 1.25;
148  probmax *= toler;
149  G4double prob, T(0.0);
150  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* rndm = G4Random::getTheEngine();
151  G4int i;
152  for(i=0; i<100; ++i) {
153  T = theMinKinEnergy + delta*rndm->flat();
154  prob = ProbabilityDistributionFunction(T, fragment);
155  /*
156  if(prob > probmax) {
157  G4cout << "G4PreCompoundFragment WARNING: prob= " << prob
158  << " probmax= " << probmax << G4endl;
159  G4cout << "i= " << i << " Z= " << theZ << " A= " << theA
160  << " resZ= " << theResZ << " resA= " << theResA << "\n"
161  << " T= " << T << " Tmax= " << theMaxKinEnergy
162  << " Tmin= " << limit
163  << G4endl;
164  for(G4int i=0; i<N; ++i) { G4cout << " " << probability[i]; }
165  G4cout << G4endl;
166  }
167  */
168  // Loop checking, 05-Aug-2015, Vladimir Ivanchenko
169  if(probmax*rndm->flat() <= prob) { break; }
170  }
171  /*
172  G4cout << "G4PreCompoundFragment: i= " << i << " Z= " << theZ << " A= " << theA
173  <<" T(MeV)= " << T << " Emin(MeV)= " << theMinKinEnergy << " Emax= "
174  << theMaxKinEnergy << G4endl;
175  */
176  return T;
177 }
G4double GetOpt0(G4double ekin) const
G4double SampleKineticEnergy(const G4Fragment &aFragment)
static G4double ComputePowerParameter(G4int resA, G4int idx)
static G4double ComputePowerParameter(G4int resA, G4int idx)
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
virtual G4double GetAlpha() const =0
G4DeexPrecoParameters * theParameters
static G4double ComputeCrossSection(G4double K, G4double cb, G4double resA13, G4double amu1, G4int idx, G4int Z, G4int resA)
virtual G4double GetBeta() const =0
static G4double ComputeCrossSection(G4double K, G4double cb, G4double resA13, G4double amu1, G4int idx, G4int Z, G4int A, G4int resA)
G4double CrossSection(G4double ekin) const
G4PreCompoundFragment(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4VCoulombBarrier *aCoulombBarrier)
G4double CalcEmissionProbability(const G4Fragment &aFragment)
T max(const T t1, const T t2)
brief Return the largest of the two arguments
virtual G4double ProbabilityDistributionFunction(G4double K, const G4Fragment &aFragment)=0
static constexpr double MeV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:214
static constexpr double pi
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:75
G4double IntegrateEmissionProbability(G4double Low, G4double Up, const G4Fragment &aFragment)
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76