Geant4  10.02.p01
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27 // P. Arce, June-2014 Conversion neutron_hp to particle_hp
28 //
29 #ifndef G4ParticleHPManager_h
30 #define G4ParticleHPManager_h 1
32 // Class Description
33 // Manager of NeutronHP
34 // Class Description - End
36 // 121031 First implementation done by T. Koi (SLAC/PPA)
37 //
38 #include <map>
39 #include <vector>
40 #include "globals.hh"
48 class G4ParticleHPVector;
49 class G4PhysicsTable;
50 struct E_isoAng;
51 struct E_P_E_isoAng;
54 {
55  public:
57  if ( instance == NULL) instance = new G4ParticleHPManager();
58  return instance;
59  };
61  private:
65  //static G4ThreadLocal G4ParticleHPManager* instance;
68  public:
71  //void CloseReactionWhiteBoard(){delete RWB; RWB=NULL;};
74  void GetDataStream( G4String , std::istringstream& iss );
75  void GetDataStream2( G4String , std::istringstream& iss );
76  void SetVerboseLevel( G4int i );
79  void DumpDataSource();
89  void SetNeglectDoppler( G4bool val ) { NEGLECT_DOPPLER = val; };
102  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* GetElasticFinalStates() { return theElasticFSs; };
103  void RegisterElasticFinalStates( std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* val ) { theElasticFSs = val; };
104  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannelList*>* GetInelasticFinalStates( const G4ParticleDefinition* );
105  void RegisterInelasticFinalStates( const G4ParticleDefinition* , std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannelList*>* );
106  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* GetCaptureFinalStates() { return theCaptureFSs; };
107  void RegisterCaptureFinalStates( std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* val ) { theCaptureFSs = val; };
108  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* GetFissionFinalStates() { return theFissionFSs; };
109  void RegisterFissionFinalStates( std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* val ) { theFissionFSs = val; };
111  std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* GetThermalScatteringCoherentCrossSections() { return theTSCoherentCrossSections; };
112  void RegisterThermalScatteringCoherentCrossSections( std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* val ) { theTSCoherentCrossSections = val; };
113  std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* GetThermalScatteringIncoherentCrossSections() { return theTSIncoherentCrossSections; };
114  void RegisterThermalScatteringIncoherentCrossSections( std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* val ) { theTSIncoherentCrossSections = val; };
115  std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* GetThermalScatteringInelasticCrossSections() { return theTSInelasticCrossSections; };
116  void RegisterThermalScatteringInelasticCrossSections( std::map<G4int,std::map<G4double,G4ParticleHPVector*>*>* val ) { theTSInelasticCrossSections = val; };
118  std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < std::pair< G4double , G4double >* >* >* >* GetThermalScatteringCoherentFinalStates(){ return theTSCoherentFinalStates; };
119  void RegisterThermalScatteringCoherentFinalStates( std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < std::pair< G4double , G4double >* >* >* >* val ) { theTSCoherentFinalStates = val; };
120  std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_isoAng* >* >* >* GetThermalScatteringIncoherentFinalStates(){ return theTSIncoherentFinalStates; };
121  void RegisterThermalScatteringIncoherentFinalStates( std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_isoAng* >* >* >* val ) { theTSIncoherentFinalStates = val; };
122  std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_P_E_isoAng* >* >* >* GetThermalScatteringInelasticFinalStates(){ return theTSInelasticFinalStates; };
123  void RegisterThermalScatteringInelasticFinalStates( std::map < G4int , std::map < G4double , std::vector < E_P_E_isoAng* >* >* >* val ) { theTSInelasticFinalStates = val; };
126  private:
128  std::map<G4String,G4String> mDataEvaluation;
129  /*G4ParticleHPReactionWhiteBoard* RWB;*/
142  std::map< const G4ParticleDefinition* , G4PhysicsTable* > theInelasticCrossSections;
145  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* theElasticFSs;
146  std::map< const G4ParticleDefinition* , std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannelList*>* > theInelasticFSs;
147  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* theCaptureFSs;
148  std::vector<G4ParticleHPChannel*>* theFissionFSs;
150  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , G4ParticleHPVector* >* >* theTSCoherentCrossSections;
151  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , G4ParticleHPVector* >* >* theTSIncoherentCrossSections;
152  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , G4ParticleHPVector* >* >* theTSInelasticCrossSections;
154  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , std::vector< std::pair< G4double , G4double >* >* >* >* theTSCoherentFinalStates;
155  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , std::vector< E_isoAng* >* >* >* theTSIncoherentFinalStates;
156  std::map< G4int , std::map< G4double , std::vector< E_P_E_isoAng* >* >* >* theTSInelasticFinalStates;
158 };
159 #endif
static G4ParticleHPManager * GetInstance()
void RegisterInelasticCrossSections(const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4PhysicsTable *)
G4ParticleHPMessenger * messenger
void RegisterElasticFinalStates(std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > *val)
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * GetCaptureFinalStates()
void RegisterThermalScatteringIncoherentCrossSections(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > *val)
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * theElasticFSs
void RegisterFissionCrossSections(G4PhysicsTable *val)
void RegisterCaptureCrossSections(G4PhysicsTable *val)
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_isoAng * > * > * > * theTSIncoherentFinalStates
void GetDataStream(G4String, std::istringstream &iss)
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * theFissionFSs
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< std::pair< G4double, G4double > * > * > * > * theTSCoherentFinalStates
void RegisterFissionFinalStates(std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > *val)
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_P_E_isoAng * > * > * > * GetThermalScatteringInelasticFinalStates()
void RegisterThermalScatteringInelasticCrossSections(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > *val)
G4PhysicsTable * theElasticCrossSections
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * theTSInelasticCrossSections
void SetDoNotAdjustFinalState(G4bool val)
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
G4PhysicsTable * GetFissionCrossSections()
G4PhysicsTable * theCaptureCrossSections
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_isoAng * > * > * > * GetThermalScatteringIncoherentFinalStates()
G4PhysicsTable * theFissionCrossSections
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< std::pair< G4double, G4double > * > * > * > * GetThermalScatteringCoherentFinalStates()
void RegisterElasticCrossSections(G4PhysicsTable *val)
static G4ParticleHPManager * instance
void SetProduceFissionFragments(G4bool val)
void SetUseOnlyPhotoEvaporation(G4bool val)
G4PhysicsTable * GetElasticCrossSections()
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * GetThermalScatteringIncoherentCrossSections()
G4PhysicsTable * GetCaptureCrossSections()
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
void GetDataStream2(G4String, std::istringstream &iss)
void RegisterCaptureFinalStates(std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > *val)
G4ParticleHPManager(const G4ParticleHPManager &)
std::map< const G4ParticleDefinition *, std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannelList * > * > theInelasticFSs
void register_data_file(G4String, G4String)
void SetNeglectDoppler(G4bool val)
std::map< const G4ParticleDefinition *, G4PhysicsTable * > theInelasticCrossSections
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * GetFissionFinalStates()
void RegisterThermalScatteringInelasticFinalStates(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_P_E_isoAng * > * > * > *val)
G4PhysicsTable * GetInelasticCrossSections(const G4ParticleDefinition *)
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * GetElasticFinalStates()
void RegisterThermalScatteringIncoherentFinalStates(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_isoAng * > * > * > *val)
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannel * > * theCaptureFSs
std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannelList * > * GetInelasticFinalStates(const G4ParticleDefinition *)
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * theTSCoherentCrossSections
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * theTSIncoherentCrossSections
std::map< G4String, G4String > mDataEvaluation
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
void RegisterThermalScatteringCoherentCrossSections(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > *val)
G4ParticleHPReactionWhiteBoard * GetReactionWhiteBoard()
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< E_P_E_isoAng * > * > * > * theTSInelasticFinalStates
void SetSkipMissingIsotopes(G4bool val)
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * GetThermalScatteringInelasticCrossSections()
void RegisterInelasticFinalStates(const G4ParticleDefinition *, std::vector< G4ParticleHPChannelList * > *)
std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, G4ParticleHPVector * > * > * GetThermalScatteringCoherentCrossSections()
void RegisterThermalScatteringCoherentFinalStates(std::map< G4int, std::map< G4double, std::vector< std::pair< G4double, G4double > * > * > * > *val)