Geant4  10.02.p01
Go to the documentation of this file.
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26 //
27 // $Id: G4EquationOfMotion.hh 71664 2013-06-20 08:36:05Z gcosmo $
28 //
29 //
30 // class G4EquationOfMotion
31 //
32 // Class description:
33 //
34 // Abstract Base Class for the right hand size of the equation of
35 // motion of a particle in a field.
37 // History:
38 // - Created. J.Apostolakis
39 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
41 #ifndef G4_EquationOfMotion_DEF
42 #define G4_EquationOfMotion_DEF
44 #include "G4Types.hh" // "globals.hh"
45 #include "G4Field.hh" // required in inline method implementations
47 #include "G4ChargeState.hh"
50 {
51  public: // with description
53  G4EquationOfMotion( G4Field *Field );
54  virtual ~G4EquationOfMotion();
55  // Constructor and virtual destructor. No operations.
57  virtual void EvaluateRhsGivenB( const G4double y[],
58  const G4double B[3],
59  G4double dydx[] ) const = 0;
60  // Given the value of the field "B", this function
61  // calculates the value of the derivative dydx.
62  // --------------------------------------------------------
63  // This is the _only_ function a subclass must define.
64  // The other two functions use Rhs_givenB.
66  virtual void SetChargeMomentumMass(G4ChargeState particleCharge,
67  G4double MomentumXc,
68  G4double MassXc2) = 0;
69  // Set the charge, momentum and mass of the current particle
70  // --> used to set the equation's coefficients ...
72  inline
73  void RightHandSide( const G4double y[],
74  G4double dydx[] ) const;
75  // This calculates the value of the derivative dydx at y.
76  // It is the usual enquiry function.
77  // ---------------------------
78  // (It is not virtual, but calls the virtual function above.)
80  void EvaluateRhsReturnB( const G4double y[],
81  G4double dydx[],
82  G4double Field[] ) const;
83  // Same as RHS above, but also returns the value of B.
84  // Should be made the new default ? after putting dydx & B in a class.
86  void GetFieldValue( const G4double Point[4],
87  G4double Field[] ) const;
88  // Obtain only the field - the stepper assumes it is pure Magnetic.
89  // Not protected, because G4RKG3_Stepper uses it directly.
91  const G4Field* GetFieldObj() const;
92  void SetFieldObj(G4Field* pField);
94  private:
95  // const int G4maximum_number_of_field_components = 24;
100 };
102 #include "G4EquationOfMotion.icc"
104 #endif /* G4_EquationOfMotion_DEF */
void RightHandSide(const G4double y[], G4double dydx[]) const
virtual void SetChargeMomentumMass(G4ChargeState particleCharge, G4double MomentumXc, G4double MassXc2)=0
double B(double temperature)
virtual void EvaluateRhsGivenB(const G4double y[], const G4double B[3], G4double dydx[]) const =0
G4EquationOfMotion(G4Field *Field)
void GetFieldValue(const G4double Point[4], G4double Field[]) const
void EvaluateRhsReturnB(const G4double y[], G4double dydx[], G4double Field[]) const
void SetFieldObj(G4Field *pField)
const G4Field * GetFieldObj() const
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76