Geant4  10.02.p01
G4VAnalysisManager Class Referenceabstract

#include <G4VAnalysisManager.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for G4VAnalysisManager:
+ Collaboration diagram for G4VAnalysisManager:

Public Member Functions

 G4VAnalysisManager (const G4String &type, G4bool isMaster)
virtual ~G4VAnalysisManager ()
G4bool OpenFile (const G4String &fileName="")
G4bool Write ()
G4bool CloseFile ()
G4bool Merge (tools::histo::hmpi *hmpi)
G4bool Plot ()
G4bool IsOpenFile () const
G4bool SetFileName (const G4String &fileName)
G4bool SetHistoDirectoryName (const G4String &dirName)
G4bool SetNtupleDirectoryName (const G4String &dirName)
void SetCompressionLevel (G4int level)
G4String GetFileName () const
G4String GetHistoDirectoryName () const
G4String GetNtupleDirectoryName () const
G4int GetCompressionLevel () const
G4int CreateH1 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none", const G4String &binSchemeName="linear")
G4int CreateH1 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, const std::vector< G4double > &edges, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none")
G4int CreateH2 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear")
G4int CreateH2 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none")
G4int CreateH3 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, G4int nzbins, G4double zmin, G4double zmax, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &zbinSchemeName="linear")
G4int CreateH3 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, const std::vector< G4double > &zedges, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none")
G4bool SetH1 (G4int id, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none", const G4String &binSchemeName="linear")
G4bool SetH1 (G4int id, const std::vector< G4double > &edges, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none")
G4bool SetH2 (G4int id, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear")
G4bool SetH2 (G4int id, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none")
G4bool SetH3 (G4int id, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nzbins, G4double zmin, G4double zmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &zbinSchemeName="linear")
G4bool SetH3 (G4int id, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, const std::vector< G4double > &zedges, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none")
G4bool ScaleH1 (G4int id, G4double factor)
G4bool ScaleH2 (G4int id, G4double factor)
G4bool ScaleH3 (G4int id, G4double factor)
G4int CreateP1 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4double ymin=0, G4double ymax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear")
G4int CreateP1 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, const std::vector< G4double > &edges, G4double ymin=0, G4double ymax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none")
G4int CreateP2 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, G4double zmin=0, G4double zmax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear")
G4int CreateP2 (const G4String &name, const G4String &title, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, G4double zmin=0, G4double zmax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none")
G4bool SetP1 (G4int id, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4double ymin=0, G4double ymax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear")
G4bool SetP1 (G4int id, const std::vector< G4double > &edges, G4double ymin=0, G4double ymax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none")
G4bool SetP2 (G4int id, G4int nxbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, G4int nybins, G4double ymin, G4double ymax, G4double zmin=0, G4double zmax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none", const G4String &xbinSchemeName="linear", const G4String &ybinSchemeName="linear")
G4bool SetP2 (G4int id, const std::vector< G4double > &xedges, const std::vector< G4double > &yedges, G4double zmin=0, G4double zmax=0, const G4String &xunitName="none", const G4String &yunitName="none", const G4String &zunitName="none", const G4String &xfcnName="none", const G4String &yfcnName="none", const G4String &zfcnName="none")
G4bool ScaleP1 (G4int id, G4double factor)
G4bool ScaleP2 (G4int id, G4double factor)
G4int CreateNtuple (const G4String &name, const G4String &title)
G4int CreateNtupleIColumn (const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleFColumn (const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleDColumn (const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleSColumn (const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleIColumn (const G4String &name, std::vector< int > &vector)
G4int CreateNtupleFColumn (const G4String &name, std::vector< float > &vector)
G4int CreateNtupleDColumn (const G4String &name, std::vector< double > &vector)
void FinishNtuple ()
G4int CreateNtupleIColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleFColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleDColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleSColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name)
G4int CreateNtupleIColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name, std::vector< int > &vector)
G4int CreateNtupleFColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name, std::vector< float > &vector)
G4int CreateNtupleDColumn (G4int ntupleId, const G4String &name, std::vector< double > &vector)
void FinishNtuple (G4int ntupleId)
G4bool SetFirstHistoId (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstH1Id (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstH2Id (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstH3Id (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstProfileId (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstP1Id (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstP2Id (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstNtupleId (G4int firstId)
G4bool SetFirstNtupleColumnId (G4int firstId)
G4bool FillH1 (G4int id, G4double value, G4double weight=1.0)
G4bool FillH2 (G4int id, G4double xvalue, G4double yvalue, G4double weight=1.0)
G4bool FillH3 (G4int id, G4double xvalue, G4double yvalue, G4double zvalue, G4double weight=1.0)
G4bool FillP1 (G4int id, G4double xvalue, G4double yvalue, G4double weight=1.0)
G4bool FillP2 (G4int id, G4double xvalue, G4double yvalue, G4double zvalue, G4double weight=1.0)
G4bool FillNtupleIColumn (G4int id, G4int value)
G4bool FillNtupleFColumn (G4int id, G4float value)
G4bool FillNtupleDColumn (G4int id, G4double value)
G4bool FillNtupleSColumn (G4int id, const G4String &value)
G4bool AddNtupleRow ()
G4bool FillNtupleIColumn (G4int ntupleId, G4int columnId, G4int value)
G4bool FillNtupleFColumn (G4int ntupleId, G4int columnId, G4float value)
G4bool FillNtupleDColumn (G4int ntupleId, G4int columnId, G4double value)
G4bool FillNtupleSColumn (G4int ntupleId, G4int id, const G4String &value)
G4bool AddNtupleRow (G4int ntupleId)
void SetActivation (G4bool activation)
G4bool GetActivation () const
G4bool IsActive () const
G4bool IsAscii () const
G4bool IsPlotting () const
G4int GetFirstH1Id () const
G4int GetFirstH2Id () const
G4int GetFirstH3Id () const
G4int GetFirstP1Id () const
G4int GetFirstP2Id () const
G4int GetFirstNtupleId () const
G4int GetFirstNtupleColumnId () const
G4int GetNofH1s () const
G4int GetNofH2s () const
G4int GetNofH3s () const
G4int GetNofP1s () const
G4int GetNofP2s () const
G4int GetNofNtuples () const
G4int GetH1Id (const G4String &name, G4bool warn=true) const
G4int GetH2Id (const G4String &name, G4bool warn=true) const
G4int GetH3Id (const G4String &name, G4bool warn=true) const
void SetH1Activation (G4bool activation)
void SetH1Activation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
void SetH1Ascii (G4int id, G4bool ascii)
void SetH1Plotting (G4int id, G4bool plotting)
void SetH2Activation (G4bool activation)
void SetH2Activation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
void SetH2Ascii (G4int id, G4bool ascii)
void SetH2Plotting (G4int id, G4bool plotting)
void SetH3Activation (G4bool activation)
void SetH3Activation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
void SetH3Ascii (G4int id, G4bool ascii)
void SetH3Plotting (G4int id, G4bool plotting)
void SetP1Activation (G4bool activation)
void SetP1Activation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
void SetP1Ascii (G4int id, G4bool ascii)
void SetP1Plotting (G4int id, G4bool plotting)
void SetP2Activation (G4bool activation)
void SetP2Activation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
void SetP2Ascii (G4int id, G4bool ascii)
void SetP2Plotting (G4int id, G4bool plotting)
void SetNtupleActivation (G4bool activation)
void SetNtupleActivation (G4int id, G4bool activation)
G4int GetH1Nbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH1Xmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH1Xmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH1Width (G4int id) const
G4int GetH2Nxbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2Xmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2Xmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2XWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetH2Nybins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2Ymin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2Ymax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2YWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetH3Nxbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Xmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Xmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3XWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetH3Nybins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Ymin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Ymax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3YWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetH3Nzbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Zmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3Zmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3ZWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetP1Nbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1Xmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1Xmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1XWidth (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1Ymin (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1Ymax (G4int id) const
G4int GetP2Nxbins (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Xmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Xmax (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2XWidth (G4int id) const
G4int GetP2Nybins (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Ymin (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Ymax (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2YWidth (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Zmin (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2Zmax (G4int id) const
G4String GetH1Name (G4int id) const
G4double GetH1Unit (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH1Activation (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH1Ascii (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH1Plotting (G4int id) const
G4String GetH2Name (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2XUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetH2YUnit (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH2Activation (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH2Ascii (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH2Plotting (G4int id) const
G4String GetH3Name (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3XUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3YUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetH3ZUnit (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH3Activation (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH3Ascii (G4int id) const
G4bool GetH3Plotting (G4int id) const
G4String GetP1Name (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1XUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetP1YUnit (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP1Activation (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP1Ascii (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP1Plotting (G4int id) const
G4String GetP2Name (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2XUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2YUnit (G4int id) const
G4double GetP2ZUnit (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP2Activation (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP2Ascii (G4int id) const
G4bool GetP2Plotting (G4int id) const
G4bool GetNtupleActivation (G4int id) const
G4bool SetH1Title (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH1XAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH1YAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH2Title (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH2XAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH2YAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH2ZAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH3Title (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH3XAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH3YAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetH3ZAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP1Title (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP1XAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP1YAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP2Title (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP2XAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP2YAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4bool SetP2ZAxisTitle (G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4String GetH1Title (G4int id) const
G4String GetH1XAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH1YAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH2Title (G4int id) const
G4String GetH2XAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH2YAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH2ZAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH3Title (G4int id) const
G4String GetH3XAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH3YAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetH3ZAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP1Title (G4int id) const
G4String GetP1XAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP1YAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP1ZAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP2Title (G4int id) const
G4String GetP2XAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP2YAxisTitle (G4int id) const
G4String GetP2ZAxisTitle (G4int id) const
void SetVerboseLevel (G4int verboseLevel)
G4int GetVerboseLevel () const
G4String GetType () const
G4String GetFileType () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual G4bool OpenFileImpl (const G4String &fileName)=0
virtual G4bool WriteImpl ()=0
virtual G4bool CloseFileImpl ()=0
virtual G4bool PlotImpl ()=0
virtual G4bool MergeImpl (tools::histo::hmpi *hmpi)=0
virtual G4bool IsOpenFileImpl () const =0
void SetH1Manager (G4VH1Manager *h1Manager)
void SetH2Manager (G4VH2Manager *h2Manager)
void SetH3Manager (G4VH3Manager *h3Manager)
void SetP1Manager (G4VP1Manager *p1Manager)
void SetP2Manager (G4VP2Manager *p2Manager)
void SetNtupleManager (G4VNtupleManager *ntupleManager)
void SetFileManager (std::shared_ptr< G4VFileManager > fileManager)
G4bool WriteAscii (const G4String &fileName)

Protected Attributes

G4AnalysisManagerState fState
std::shared_ptr< G4VFileManagerfVFileManager

Private Attributes

< G4AnalysisMessenger
std::shared_ptr< G4HnManagerfH1HnManager
std::shared_ptr< G4HnManagerfH2HnManager
std::shared_ptr< G4HnManagerfH3HnManager
std::shared_ptr< G4HnManagerfP1HnManager
std::shared_ptr< G4HnManagerfP2HnManager
std::unique_ptr< G4VH1ManagerfVH1Manager
std::unique_ptr< G4VH2ManagerfVH2Manager
std::unique_ptr< G4VH3ManagerfVH3Manager
std::unique_ptr< G4VP1ManagerfVP1Manager
std::unique_ptr< G4VP2ManagerfVP2Manager
std::unique_ptr< G4VNtupleManagerfVNtupleManager

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4VAnalysisManager::G4VAnalysisManager ( const G4String type,
G4bool  isMaster 

Definition at line 47 of file

G4VAnalysisManager::~G4VAnalysisManager ( )

Definition at line 67 of file

Member Function Documentation

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::AddNtupleRow ( G4int  ntupleId)
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::CloseFile ( )

Definition at line 217 of file

References CloseFileImpl().

Referenced by Analysis::Close(), Par02Output::EndAnalysis(), Histo::EndOfHisto(), CCalAnalysis::EndOfRun(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::EndOfRun(), ExExChRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), B5RunAction::EndOfRunAction(), FCALRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), UltraRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::finish(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::finish(), XrayTelAnalysis::finish(), IORTAnalysisManager::flush(), main(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::save(), Histo::Save(), and RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::CloseFileImpl ( )
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4RootAnalysisManager, G4CsvAnalysisManager, and G4XmlAnalysisManager.

Referenced by CloseFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH1 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
G4int  nbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
const G4String unitName = "none",
const G4String fcnName = "none",
const G4String binSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 289 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), UltraRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), Analysis::Book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), Histo::Book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), RMC01AnalysisManager::book(), Histo::BookHisto(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), Par02Output::CreateHistograms(), FCALRunAction::FCALRunAction(), and G4H1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH1 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
const std::vector< G4double > &  edges,
const G4String unitName = "none",
const G4String fcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 303 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVH1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH2 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 314 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), Analysis::Book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), and G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH2 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 338 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVH2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH3 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
G4int  nzbins,
G4double  zmin,
G4double  zmax,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String zbinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 356 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH3Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by Analysis::Book(), and G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateH3 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  zedges,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 389 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVH3Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtuple ( const G4String name,
const G4String title 

Definition at line 697 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), Histo::Book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), and ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleDColumn ( const G4String name)

Definition at line 722 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), Histo::Book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), and ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleDColumn ( const G4String name,
std::vector< double > &  vector 

Definition at line 756 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleDColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name 

Definition at line 790 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleDColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name,
std::vector< double > &  vector 

Definition at line 828 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleFColumn ( const G4String name)

Definition at line 714 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by Histo::Book(), and CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleFColumn ( const G4String name,
std::vector< float > &  vector 

Definition at line 747 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleFColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name 

Definition at line 780 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleFColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name,
std::vector< float > &  vector 

Definition at line 818 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleIColumn ( const G4String name)

Definition at line 706 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), Histo::Book(), and IORTAnalysisManager::book().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleIColumn ( const G4String name,
std::vector< int > &  vector 

Definition at line 738 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleIColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name 

Definition at line 771 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleIColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name,
std::vector< int > &  vector 

Definition at line 808 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleSColumn ( const G4String name)

Definition at line 730 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateNtupleSColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
const G4String name 

Definition at line 799 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVNtupleManager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateP1 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
G4int  nbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4double  ymin = 0,
G4double  ymax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 535 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVP1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by Analysis::Book(), and G4P1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateP1 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
const std::vector< G4double > &  edges,
G4double  ymin = 0,
G4double  ymax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 553 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVP1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateP2 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
G4double  zmin = 0,
G4double  zmax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 567 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVP2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by Analysis::Book(), and G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::CreateP2 ( const G4String name,
const G4String title,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
G4double  zmin = 0,
G4double  zmax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 593 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), G4Analysis::CheckName(), fVP2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillH2 ( G4int  id,
G4double  xvalue,
G4double  yvalue,
G4double  weight = 1.0 

Referenced by XrayTelAnalysis::analyseStepping(), B5EventAction::EndOfEventAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::InsertPositionXZ(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::InsertPositionYZ(), and DMXEventAction::writePmtHitsToFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillH3 ( G4int  id,
G4double  xvalue,
G4double  yvalue,
G4double  zvalue,
G4double  weight = 1.0 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleDColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
G4int  columnId,
G4double  value 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleFColumn ( G4int  id,
G4float  value 

Referenced by Histo::FillTupleF(), and CCalAnalysis::setNtuple().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleFColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
G4int  columnId,
G4float  value 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleIColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
G4int  columnId,
G4int  value 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleSColumn ( G4int  id,
const G4String value 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillNtupleSColumn ( G4int  ntupleId,
G4int  id,
const G4String value 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillP1 ( G4int  id,
G4double  xvalue,
G4double  yvalue,
G4double  weight = 1.0 
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::FillP2 ( G4int  id,
G4double  xvalue,
G4double  yvalue,
G4double  zvalue,
G4double  weight = 1.0 
void G4VAnalysisManager::FinishNtuple ( )

Definition at line 765 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), and ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::FinishNtuple ( G4int  ntupleId)

Definition at line 838 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetActivation ( ) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetCompressionLevel ( ) const

Definition at line 283 of file

References fState, and G4AnalysisManagerState::GetCompressionLevel().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetFileName ( ) const

Definition at line 265 of file

References fVFileManager.

Referenced by FCALRunAction::FCALRunAction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetFileType ( ) const

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::book().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstH1Id ( ) const

Definition at line 965 of file

References fH1HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstH2Id ( ) const

Definition at line 973 of file

References fH2HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstH3Id ( ) const

Definition at line 981 of file

References fH3HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstNtupleColumnId ( ) const

Definition at line 1013 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstNtupleId ( ) const

Definition at line 1005 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstP1Id ( ) const

Definition at line 989 of file

References fP1HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetFirstP2Id ( ) const

Definition at line 997 of file

References fP2HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Activation ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Ascii ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Id ( const G4String name,
G4bool  warn = true 
) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Name ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Nbins ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Plotting ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Title ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Unit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Width ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1XAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Xmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1Xmin ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH1YAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Activation ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Ascii ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Id ( const G4String name,
G4bool  warn = true 
) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Name ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Nxbins ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Nybins ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Plotting ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Title ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2XAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Xmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Xmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2XUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2XWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2YAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Ymax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2Ymin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2YUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2YWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH2ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Activation ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Ascii ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Id ( const G4String name,
G4bool  warn = true 
) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Name ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Nxbins ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Nybins ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Nzbins ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Plotting ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Title ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3XAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Xmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Xmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3XUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3XWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3YAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Ymax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Ymin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3YUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3YWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Zmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3Zmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3ZUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetH3ZWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetHistoDirectoryName ( ) const

Definition at line 271 of file

References fVFileManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofH1s ( ) const

Definition at line 1021 of file

References fH1HnManager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofH2s ( ) const

Definition at line 1027 of file

References fH2HnManager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofH3s ( ) const

Definition at line 1033 of file

References fH3HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofNtuples ( ) const

Definition at line 1051 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofP1s ( ) const

Definition at line 1039 of file

References fP1HnManager.

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetNofP2s ( ) const

Definition at line 1045 of file

References fP2HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetNtupleActivation ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetNtupleDirectoryName ( ) const

Definition at line 277 of file

References fVFileManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Activation ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Ascii ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Name ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Nbins ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Plotting ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Title ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1XAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Xmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Xmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1XUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1XWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1YAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Ymax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1Ymin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1YUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP1ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Activation ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Ascii ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Name ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Nxbins ( G4int  id) const
G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Nybins ( G4int  id) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Plotting ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Title ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2XAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Xmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Xmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2XUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2XWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2YAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Ymax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Ymin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2YUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2YWidth ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Zmax ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2Zmin ( G4int  id) const
G4double G4VAnalysisManager::GetP2ZUnit ( G4int  id) const
G4String G4VAnalysisManager::GetType ( ) const

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), and ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4VAnalysisManager::GetVerboseLevel ( ) const
G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::IsActive ( ) const

Definition at line 927 of file

References fH1HnManager, fH2HnManager, fH3HnManager, fP1HnManager, fP2HnManager, fState, and G4AnalysisManagerState::GetIsActivation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::IsAscii ( ) const

Definition at line 941 of file

References fH1HnManager, fH2HnManager, fH3HnManager, fP1HnManager, and fP2HnManager.

Referenced by G4XmlAnalysisManager::WriteImpl(), and G4RootAnalysisManager::WriteImpl().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::IsOpenFile ( ) const

Definition at line 235 of file

References IsOpenFileImpl().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::IsOpenFileImpl ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4RootAnalysisManager, G4CsvAnalysisManager, and G4XmlAnalysisManager.

Referenced by IsOpenFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::IsPlotting ( ) const

Definition at line 953 of file

References fH1HnManager, fH2HnManager, fH3HnManager, fP1HnManager, and fP2HnManager.

Referenced by Write().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::Merge ( tools::histo::hmpi *  hmpi)

Definition at line 223 of file

References MergeImpl().

Referenced by G4MPIhistoMerger::Merge().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::MergeImpl ( tools::histo::hmpi *  hmpi)
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4ToolsAnalysisManager.

Referenced by Merge().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::OpenFile ( const G4String fileName = "")

Definition at line 182 of file

References fVFileManager, G4Exception(), JustWarning, and OpenFileImpl().

Referenced by GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), ExExChRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), B5RunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), FCALRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), UltraRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), Histo::Book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), RMC01AnalysisManager::book(), Histo::BookHisto(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), and Par02Output::StartAnalysis().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::OpenFileImpl ( const G4String fileName)
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4RootAnalysisManager, G4CsvAnalysisManager, and G4XmlAnalysisManager.

Referenced by OpenFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::Plot ( )

Definition at line 229 of file

References PlotImpl().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::PlotImpl ( )
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4ToolsAnalysisManager.

Referenced by Plot(), and Write().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::ScaleH1 ( G4int  id,
G4double  factor 

Definition at line 517 of file

References fVH1Manager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::ScaleH2 ( G4int  id,
G4double  factor 

Definition at line 523 of file

References fVH2Manager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::ScaleH3 ( G4int  id,
G4double  factor 

Definition at line 529 of file

References fVH3Manager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::ScaleP1 ( G4int  id,
G4double  factor 

Definition at line 685 of file

References fVP1Manager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::ScaleP2 ( G4int  id,
G4double  factor 

Definition at line 691 of file

References fVP2Manager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetActivation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 919 of file

References fState, and G4AnalysisManagerState::SetIsActivation().

Referenced by G4AnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetCompressionLevel ( G4int  level)

Definition at line 259 of file

References fState, and G4AnalysisManagerState::SetCompressionLevel().

Referenced by G4AnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetFileManager ( std::shared_ptr< G4VFileManager fileManager)

Definition at line 121 of file

References fVFileManager.

Referenced by G4CsvAnalysisManager::G4CsvAnalysisManager(), G4RootAnalysisManager::G4RootAnalysisManager(), and G4XmlAnalysisManager::G4XmlAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFileName ( const G4String fileName)

Definition at line 241 of file

References fVFileManager.

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), FCALRunAction::FCALRunAction(), G4FileMessenger::SetNewValue(), and Par02Output::StartAnalysis().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstH1Id ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 861 of file

References fH1HnManager.

Referenced by SetFirstHistoId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstH2Id ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 867 of file

References fH2HnManager.

Referenced by SetFirstHistoId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstH3Id ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 873 of file

References fH3HnManager.

Referenced by SetFirstHistoId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstHistoId ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 844 of file

References SetFirstH1Id(), SetFirstH2Id(), and SetFirstH3Id().

Referenced by GammaRayTelAnalysis::BeginOfRun(), UltraRunAction::BeginOfRunAction(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), XrayTelAnalysis::book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), RMC01AnalysisManager::book(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction(), and FCALRunAction::FCALRunAction().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstNtupleColumnId ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 911 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstNtupleId ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 905 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

Referenced by G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), DMXRunAction::Book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), and CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstP1Id ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 893 of file

References fP1HnManager.

Referenced by SetFirstProfileId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstP2Id ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 899 of file

References fP2HnManager.

Referenced by SetFirstProfileId().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetFirstProfileId ( G4int  firstId)

Definition at line 879 of file

References SetFirstP1Id(), and SetFirstP2Id().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1 ( G4int  id,
G4int  nbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
const G4String unitName = "none",
const G4String fcnName = "none",
const G4String binSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 412 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by G4H1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1 ( G4int  id,
const std::vector< G4double > &  edges,
const G4String unitName = "none",
const G4String fcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 424 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), fVH1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Activation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1067 of file

References fH1HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Activation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1059 of file

References fH1HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Ascii ( G4int  id,
G4bool  ascii 

Definition at line 1075 of file

References fH1HnManager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Manager ( G4VH1Manager h1Manager)

Definition at line 75 of file

References fH1HnManager, fMessenger, fVH1Manager, and G4VH1Manager::GetHnManager().

Referenced by G4ToolsAnalysisManager::G4ToolsAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Plotting ( G4int  id,
G4bool  plotting 

Definition at line 1081 of file

References fH1HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1Title ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1XAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by Par02Output::CreateHistograms(), and G4H1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH1YAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by Par02Output::CreateHistograms(), and G4H1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2 ( G4int  id,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 434 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2 ( G4int  id,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 454 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), fVH2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Activation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1095 of file

References fH2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Activation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1087 of file

References fH2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Ascii ( G4int  id,
G4bool  ascii 

Definition at line 1103 of file

References fH2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Manager ( G4VH2Manager h2Manager)

Definition at line 83 of file

References fH2HnManager, fMessenger, fVH2Manager, and G4VH2Manager::GetHnManager().

Referenced by G4ToolsAnalysisManager::G4ToolsAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Plotting ( G4int  id,
G4bool  plotting 

Definition at line 1109 of file

References fH2HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2Title ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2XAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2YAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH2ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3 ( G4int  id,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nzbins,
G4double  zmin,
G4double  zmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String zbinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 468 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVH3Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3 ( G4int  id,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  zedges,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 498 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), fVH3Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Activation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1123 of file

References fH3HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Activation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1115 of file

References fH3HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Ascii ( G4int  id,
G4bool  ascii 

Definition at line 1131 of file

References fH3HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Manager ( G4VH3Manager h3Manager)

Definition at line 91 of file

References fH3HnManager, fMessenger, fVH3Manager, and G4VH3Manager::GetHnManager().

Referenced by G4ToolsAnalysisManager::G4ToolsAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Plotting ( G4int  id,
G4bool  plotting 

Definition at line 1137 of file

References fH3HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3Title ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3XAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3YAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetH3ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4H3Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetHistoDirectoryName ( const G4String dirName)

Definition at line 247 of file

References fVFileManager.

Referenced by RMC01AnalysisManager::book(), and G4FileMessenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetNtupleActivation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1207 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

Referenced by G4NtupleMessenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetNtupleActivation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1199 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetNtupleDirectoryName ( const G4String dirName)

Definition at line 253 of file

References fVFileManager.

Referenced by G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), and G4FileMessenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetNtupleManager ( G4VNtupleManager ntupleManager)

Definition at line 115 of file

References fVNtupleManager.

Referenced by G4CsvAnalysisManager::G4CsvAnalysisManager(), G4RootAnalysisManager::G4RootAnalysisManager(), and G4XmlAnalysisManager::G4XmlAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1 ( G4int  id,
G4int  nbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4double  ymin = 0,
G4double  ymax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 612 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVP1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by G4P1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1 ( G4int  id,
const std::vector< G4double > &  edges,
G4double  ymin = 0,
G4double  ymax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 628 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), fVP1Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Activation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1151 of file

References fP1HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Activation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1143 of file

References fP1HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Ascii ( G4int  id,
G4bool  ascii 

Definition at line 1159 of file

References fP1HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Manager ( G4VP1Manager p1Manager)

Definition at line 99 of file

References fMessenger, fP1HnManager, fVP1Manager, and G4VP1Manager::GetHnManager().

Referenced by G4ToolsAnalysisManager::G4ToolsAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Plotting ( G4int  id,
G4bool  plotting 

Definition at line 1165 of file

References fP1HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1Title ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1XAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP1YAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P1Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2 ( G4int  id,
G4int  nxbins,
G4double  xmin,
G4double  xmax,
G4int  nybins,
G4double  ymin,
G4double  ymax,
G4double  zmin = 0,
G4double  zmax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none",
const G4String xbinSchemeName = "linear",
const G4String ybinSchemeName = "linear" 

Definition at line 641 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckMinMax(), G4Analysis::CheckNbins(), fVP2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

Referenced by G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2 ( G4int  id,
const std::vector< G4double > &  xedges,
const std::vector< G4double > &  yedges,
G4double  zmin = 0,
G4double  zmax = 0,
const G4String xunitName = "none",
const G4String yunitName = "none",
const G4String zunitName = "none",
const G4String xfcnName = "none",
const G4String yfcnName = "none",
const G4String zfcnName = "none" 

Definition at line 665 of file

References G4Analysis::CheckEdges(), fVP2Manager, and G4Analysis::kInvalidId.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Activation ( G4bool  activation)

Definition at line 1179 of file

References fP2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Activation ( G4int  id,
G4bool  activation 

Definition at line 1171 of file

References fP2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Ascii ( G4int  id,
G4bool  ascii 

Definition at line 1187 of file

References fP2HnManager.

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Manager ( G4VP2Manager p2Manager)

Definition at line 107 of file

References fMessenger, fP2HnManager, fVP2Manager, and G4VP2Manager::GetHnManager().

Referenced by G4ToolsAnalysisManager::G4ToolsAnalysisManager().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Plotting ( G4int  id,
G4bool  plotting 

Definition at line 1193 of file

References fP2HnManager.

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2Title ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2XAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2YAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::SetP2ZAxisTitle ( G4int  id,
const G4String title 

Referenced by G4P2Messenger::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4VAnalysisManager::SetVerboseLevel ( G4int  verboseLevel)

Definition at line 1217 of file

References fState, and G4AnalysisManagerState::SetVerboseLevel().

Referenced by B5RunAction::B5RunAction(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::book(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::book(), IORTAnalysisManager::book(), CCalAnalysis::CCalAnalysis(), ExExChRunAction::ExExChRunAction(), G4AnalysisMessenger::SetNewValue(), and Par02Output::StartAnalysis().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::Write ( )

Definition at line 201 of file

References IsPlotting(), PlotImpl(), and WriteImpl().

Referenced by Par02Output::EndAnalysis(), Histo::EndOfHisto(), CCalAnalysis::EndOfRun(), GammaRayTelAnalysis::EndOfRun(), ExExChRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), B5RunAction::EndOfRunAction(), FCALRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), UltraRunAction::EndOfRunAction(), PurgMagAnalysisManager::finish(), XrayFluoAnalysisManager::finish(), XrayTelAnalysis::finish(), IORTAnalysisManager::flush(), main(), G4HumanPhantomAnalysisManager::save(), Histo::Save(), and RMC01AnalysisManager::save().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::WriteAscii ( const G4String fileName)

Definition at line 127 of file

References G4String::append(), fState, fVH1Manager, fVH2Manager, fVH3Manager, G4Exception(), G4AnalysisManagerState::GetVerboseL1(), G4AnalysisManagerState::GetVerboseL3(), JustWarning, G4AnalysisVerbose::Message(), and name.

Referenced by G4XmlAnalysisManager::WriteImpl(), and G4RootAnalysisManager::WriteImpl().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

virtual G4bool G4VAnalysisManager::WriteImpl ( )
protectedpure virtual

Implemented in G4RootAnalysisManager, G4CsvAnalysisManager, and G4XmlAnalysisManager.

Referenced by Write().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

std::shared_ptr<G4HnManager> G4VAnalysisManager::fH1HnManager
std::shared_ptr<G4HnManager> G4VAnalysisManager::fH2HnManager
std::shared_ptr<G4HnManager> G4VAnalysisManager::fH3HnManager
std::unique_ptr<G4AnalysisMessenger> G4VAnalysisManager::fMessenger
std::shared_ptr<G4HnManager> G4VAnalysisManager::fP1HnManager
std::shared_ptr<G4HnManager> G4VAnalysisManager::fP2HnManager
std::unique_ptr<G4VH1Manager> G4VAnalysisManager::fVH1Manager

Definition at line 619 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Referenced by CreateH1(), ScaleH1(), SetH1(), SetH1Manager(), and WriteAscii().

std::unique_ptr<G4VH2Manager> G4VAnalysisManager::fVH2Manager

Definition at line 620 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Referenced by CreateH2(), ScaleH2(), SetH2(), SetH2Manager(), and WriteAscii().

std::unique_ptr<G4VH3Manager> G4VAnalysisManager::fVH3Manager

Definition at line 621 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Referenced by CreateH3(), ScaleH3(), SetH3(), SetH3Manager(), and WriteAscii().

std::unique_ptr<G4VP1Manager> G4VAnalysisManager::fVP1Manager

Definition at line 622 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Referenced by CreateP1(), ScaleP1(), SetP1(), and SetP1Manager().

std::unique_ptr<G4VP2Manager> G4VAnalysisManager::fVP2Manager

Definition at line 623 of file G4VAnalysisManager.hh.

Referenced by CreateP2(), ScaleP2(), SetP2(), and SetP2Manager().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: