Geant4  10.02.p01
G4ViewParameters Class Reference

#include <G4ViewParameters.hh>

+ Collaboration diagram for G4ViewParameters:

Public Types

enum  DrawingStyle { wireframe, hlr, hsr, hlhsr }
enum  CutawayMode { cutawayUnion, cutawayIntersection }
enum  RotationStyle { constrainUpDirection, freeRotation }

Public Member Functions

 G4ViewParameters ()
 ~G4ViewParameters ()
G4bool operator!= (const G4ViewParameters &) const
DrawingStyle GetDrawingStyle () const
G4bool IsAuxEdgeVisible () const
G4bool IsCulling () const
G4bool IsCullingInvisible () const
G4bool IsDensityCulling () const
G4double GetVisibleDensity () const
G4bool IsCullingCovered () const
G4bool IsSection () const
const G4Plane3DGetSectionPlane () const
G4bool IsCutaway () const
CutawayMode GetCutawayMode () const
const G4PlanesGetCutawayPlanes () const
G4bool IsExplode () const
G4double GetExplodeFactor () const
const G4Point3DGetExplodeCentre () const
G4int GetNoOfSides () const
const G4Vector3DGetViewpointDirection () const
const G4Vector3DGetUpVector () const
G4double GetFieldHalfAngle () const
G4double GetZoomFactor () const
const G4Vector3DGetScaleFactor () const
const G4Point3DGetCurrentTargetPoint () const
G4double GetDolly () const
G4bool GetLightsMoveWithCamera () const
const G4Vector3DGetLightpointDirection () const
G4Vector3DGetActualLightpointDirection ()
const G4VisAttributesGetDefaultVisAttributes () const
const G4VisAttributesGetDefaultTextVisAttributes () const
const G4VMarkerGetDefaultMarker () const
G4double GetGlobalMarkerScale () const
G4double GetGlobalLineWidthScale () const
G4bool IsMarkerNotHidden () const
unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintX () const
unsigned int GetWindowSizeHintY () const
G4int GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX (G4int) const
G4int GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY (G4int) const
G4int GetWindowLocationHintX () const
G4int GetWindowLocationHintY () const
const G4StringGetXGeometryString () const
bool IsWindowSizeHintX () const
bool IsWindowSizeHintY () const
bool IsWindowLocationHintX () const
bool IsWindowLocationHintY () const
G4bool IsAutoRefresh () const
const G4ColourGetBackgroundColour () const
G4bool IsPicking () const
RotationStyle GetRotationStyle () const
const std::vector
< G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier > & 
GetVisAttributesModifiers () const
G4double GetCameraDistance (G4double radius) const
G4double GetNearDistance (G4double cameraDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetFarDistance (G4double cameraDistance, G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
G4double GetFrontHalfHeight (G4double nearDistance, G4double radius) const
void SetDrawingStyle (G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle style)
void SetAuxEdgeVisible (G4bool)
void SetCulling (G4bool)
void SetCullingInvisible (G4bool)
void SetDensityCulling (G4bool)
void SetVisibleDensity (G4double visibleDensity)
void SetCullingCovered (G4bool)
void SetSectionPlane (const G4Plane3D &sectionPlane)
void UnsetSectionPlane ()
void SetCutawayMode (CutawayMode)
void AddCutawayPlane (const G4Plane3D &cutawayPlane)
void ChangeCutawayPlane (size_t index, const G4Plane3D &cutawayPlane)
void ClearCutawayPlanes ()
void SetExplodeFactor (G4double explodeFactor)
void UnsetExplodeFactor ()
void SetExplodeCentre (const G4Point3D &explodeCentre)
G4int SetNoOfSides (G4int nSides)
void SetViewpointDirection (const G4Vector3D &viewpointDirection)
void SetViewAndLights (const G4Vector3D &viewpointDirection)
void SetUpVector (const G4Vector3D &upVector)
void SetFieldHalfAngle (G4double fieldHalfAngle)
void SetOrthogonalProjection ()
void SetPerspectiveProjection (G4double fieldHalfAngle=30.*CLHEP::deg)
void SetZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactor)
void MultiplyZoomFactor (G4double zoomFactorMultiplier)
void SetScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D &scaleFactor)
void MultiplyScaleFactor (const G4Vector3D &scaleFactorMultiplier)
void SetCurrentTargetPoint (const G4Point3D &currentTargetPoint)
void SetDolly (G4double dolly)
void IncrementDolly (G4double dollyIncrement)
void SetLightpointDirection (const G4Vector3D &lightpointDirection)
void SetLightsMoveWithCamera (G4bool moves)
void SetPan (G4double right, G4double up)
void IncrementPan (G4double right, G4double up)
void IncrementPan (G4double right, G4double up, G4double forward)
void SetDefaultVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes &)
void SetDefaultColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetDefaultTextVisAttributes (const G4VisAttributes &)
void SetDefaultTextColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetDefaultMarker (const G4VMarker &defaultMarker)
void SetGlobalMarkerScale (G4double globalMarkerScale)
void SetGlobalLineWidthScale (G4double globalLineWidthScale)
void SetMarkerHidden ()
void SetMarkerNotHidden ()
void SetWindowSizeHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint)
void SetWindowLocationHint (G4int xHint, G4int yHint)
void SetXGeometryString (const G4String &)
void SetAutoRefresh (G4bool)
void SetBackgroundColour (const G4Colour &)
void SetPicking (G4bool)
void SetRotationStyle (RotationStyle)
void AddVisAttributesModifier (const G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier &)
G4String CameraAndLightingCommands (const G4Point3D standardTargetPoint) const
G4String DrawingStyleCommands () const
G4String SceneModifyingCommands () const
G4String TouchableCommands () const
void PrintDifferences (const G4ViewParameters &v) const

Private Types

enum  {
  fNoValue = 0, fXValue = 0x0001, fYValue = 0x0002, fWidthValue = 0x0004,
  fHeightValue = 0x0008, fAllValues = 0x000F, fXNegative = 0x0010, fYNegative = 0x0020

Private Member Functions

G4int ParseGeometry (const char *string, G4int *x, G4int *y, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height)
G4int ReadInteger (char *string, char **NextString)

Private Attributes

DrawingStyle fDrawingStyle
G4bool fAuxEdgeVisible
G4bool fCulling
G4bool fCullInvisible
G4bool fDensityCulling
G4double fVisibleDensity
G4bool fCullCovered
G4bool fSection
G4Plane3D fSectionPlane
CutawayMode fCutawayMode
G4Planes fCutawayPlanes
G4double fExplodeFactor
G4Point3D fExplodeCentre
G4int fNoOfSides
G4Vector3D fViewpointDirection
G4Vector3D fUpVector
G4double fFieldHalfAngle
G4double fZoomFactor
G4Vector3D fScaleFactor
G4Point3D fCurrentTargetPoint
G4double fDolly
G4bool fLightsMoveWithCamera
G4Vector3D fRelativeLightpointDirection
G4Vector3D fActualLightpointDirection
G4VisAttributes fDefaultVisAttributes
G4VisAttributes fDefaultTextVisAttributes
G4VMarker fDefaultMarker
G4double fGlobalMarkerScale
G4double fGlobalLineWidthScale
G4bool fMarkerNotHidden
G4int fWindowSizeHintX
G4int fWindowSizeHintY
G4int fWindowLocationHintX
G4int fWindowLocationHintY
G4bool fWindowLocationHintXNegative
G4bool fWindowLocationHintYNegative
G4String fXGeometryString
G4int fGeometryMask
G4bool fAutoRefresh
G4Colour fBackgroundColour
G4bool fPicking
RotationStyle fRotationStyle
< G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const DrawingStyle &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const G4ViewParameters &)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 90 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 321 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.


Definition at line 101 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.


Definition at line 94 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.


Definition at line 106 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4ViewParameters::G4ViewParameters ( )

Definition at line 42 of file

References fDefaultMarker, and G4VMarker::SetScreenSize().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G4ViewParameters::~G4ViewParameters ( )

Definition at line 88 of file

Member Function Documentation

void G4ViewParameters::AddCutawayPlane ( const G4Plane3D cutawayPlane)

Definition at line 150 of file

References fCutawayPlanes, G4cerr, and G4endl.

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerAddCutawayPlane::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::AddVisAttributesModifier ( const G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsTouchableSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerSave::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4String G4ViewParameters::CameraAndLightingCommands ( const G4Point3D  standardTargetPoint) const

Definition at line 252 of file

References deg, G4BestUnit, G4Colour::GetAlpha(), G4Colour::GetBlue(), G4Colour::GetColour(), G4Colour::GetGreen(), and G4Colour::GetRed().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::ChangeCutawayPlane ( size_t  index,
const G4Plane3D cutawayPlane 

Definition at line 162 of file

References G4cerr, and G4endl.

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerChangeCutawayPlane::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::ClearCutawayPlanes ( )

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerClearCutawayPlanes::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4String G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyleCommands ( ) const
G4Vector3D & G4ViewParameters::GetActualLightpointDirection ( )

Definition at line 97 of file

References fActualLightpointDirection, fViewpointDirection, and SetViewAndLights().

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Colour& G4ViewParameters::GetBackgroundColour ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetCameraDistance ( G4double  radius) const

Definition at line 110 of file

References fDolly, and fFieldHalfAngle.

Referenced by operator<<(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Point3D& G4ViewParameters::GetCurrentTargetPoint ( ) const

Referenced by G4VRML2FileViewer::SendViewParameters(), G4DAWNFILEViewer::SendViewParameters(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandViewerPan::SetNewValue(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

CutawayMode G4ViewParameters::GetCutawayMode ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Planes& G4ViewParameters::GetCutawayPlanes ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerAddCutawayPlane::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerChangeCutawayPlane::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4VMarker& G4ViewParameters::GetDefaultMarker ( ) const
const G4VisAttributes* G4ViewParameters::GetDefaultTextVisAttributes ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4VisAttributes* G4ViewParameters::GetDefaultVisAttributes ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetDolly ( ) const

Referenced by G4DAWNFILEViewer::SendViewParameters(), G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerDolly::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

DrawingStyle G4ViewParameters::GetDrawingStyle ( ) const
const G4Point3D& G4ViewParameters::GetExplodeCentre ( ) const

Referenced by G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetExplodeFactor ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFarDistance ( G4double  cameraDistance,
G4double  nearDistance,
G4double  radius 
) const

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by operator<<().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFieldHalfAngle ( ) const

Referenced by G4RayTracerViewer::DrawView(), G4DAWNFILEViewer::SendViewParameters(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetFrontHalfHeight ( G4double  nearDistance,
G4double  radius 
) const

Definition at line 137 of file

References fFieldHalfAngle, and fZoomFactor.

Referenced by operator<<(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetGlobalLineWidthScale ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetGlobalMarkerScale ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Vector3D& G4ViewParameters::GetLightpointDirection ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::GetLightsMoveWithCamera ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetNearDistance ( G4double  cameraDistance,
G4double  radius 
) const

Definition at line 121 of file

Referenced by operator<<(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetNoOfSides ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VSceneHandler::GetNoOfSides().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

RotationStyle G4ViewParameters::GetRotationStyle ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Vector3D& G4ViewParameters::GetScaleFactor ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerScale::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Plane3D& G4ViewParameters::GetSectionPlane ( ) const

Referenced by G4VSceneHandler::CreateSectionSolid(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Vector3D& G4ViewParameters::GetUpVector ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandSceneAddScale::SetNewValue(), and G4RayTracerViewer::SetView().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const G4Vector3D& G4ViewParameters::GetViewpointDirection ( ) const
const std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier>& G4ViewParameters::GetVisAttributesModifiers ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), and G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetVisibleDensity ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX ( G4int  sizeX) const
G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY ( G4int  sizeY) const
G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowLocationHintX ( ) const
G4int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowLocationHintY ( ) const
unsigned int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowSizeHintX ( ) const
unsigned int G4ViewParameters::GetWindowSizeHintY ( ) const
const G4String& G4ViewParameters::GetXGeometryString ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerClone::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4ViewParameters::GetZoomFactor ( ) const

Referenced by G4HepRepSceneHandler::addTopLevelAttributes(), G4DAWNFILEViewer::SendViewParameters(), G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerZoom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementDolly ( G4double  dollyIncrement)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerDolly::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementPan ( G4double  right,
G4double  up 

Definition at line 241 of file

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerPan::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::IncrementPan ( G4double  right,
G4double  up,
G4double  forward 

Definition at line 245 of file

References fCurrentTargetPoint, fUpVector, and fViewpointDirection.

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsAutoRefresh ( ) const

Referenced by G4VVisCommandViewer::RefreshIfRequired(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandDrawView::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandSceneNotifyHandlers::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCreate::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsAuxEdgeVisible ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::GetAuxEdgeVisible(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsCulling ( ) const
G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsCullingCovered ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), and G4VisManager::CreateViewer().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsCullingInvisible ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), G4VisManager::CreateViewer(), G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibility::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandGeometrySetVisibility::SetNewValueOnLV().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsCutaway ( ) const

Referenced by G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsDensityCulling ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), and G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsExplode ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), operator!=(), and PrintDifferences().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsMarkerNotHidden ( ) const

Referenced by G4XXXSGViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), G4XXXStoredViewer::CompareForKernelVisit(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsPicking ( ) const

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4ViewParameters::IsSection ( ) const

Referenced by G4VSceneHandler::CreateModelingParameters(), G4VSceneHandler::CreateSectionSolid(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintX ( ) const
bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowLocationHintY ( ) const
bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowSizeHintX ( ) const
bool G4ViewParameters::IsWindowSizeHintY ( ) const
void G4ViewParameters::MultiplyScaleFactor ( const G4Vector3D scaleFactorMultiplier)

Definition at line 91 of file

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerScale::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::MultiplyZoomFactor ( G4double  zoomFactorMultiplier)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerZoom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G4ViewParameters::ParseGeometry ( const char *  string,
G4int x,
G4int y,
unsigned int *  width,
unsigned int *  height 

Definition at line 995 of file

References fHeightValue, fNoValue, fWidthValue, fXNegative, fXValue, fYNegative, fYValue, mask, and ReadInteger().

Referenced by SetXGeometryString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4ViewParameters::ReadInteger ( char *  string,
char **  NextString 

Definition at line 1088 of file

Referenced by ParseGeometry().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetAutoRefresh ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandDrawView::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetAuxEdgeVisible ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetBackgroundColour ( const G4Colour )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetCulling ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4HepRepViewer::G4HepRepViewer(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetCullingCovered ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetCullingInvisible ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetCurrentTargetPoint ( const G4Point3D currentTargetPoint)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetCutawayMode ( CutawayMode  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultColour ( const G4Colour )
void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultMarker ( const G4VMarker defaultMarker)
void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultTextColour ( const G4Colour )
void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultTextVisAttributes ( const G4VisAttributes )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetDefaultVisAttributes ( const G4VisAttributes )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetDensityCulling ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetDolly ( G4double  dolly)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerDolly::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetDrawingStyle ( G4ViewParameters::DrawingStyle  style)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerDefaultHiddenEdge::SetNewValue(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerDefaultStyle::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetExplodeCentre ( const G4Point3D explodeCentre)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetExplodeFactor ( G4double  explodeFactor)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetFieldHalfAngle ( G4double  fieldHalfAngle)

Referenced by G4RayTracerViewer::DrawView(), G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetGlobalLineWidthScale ( G4double  globalLineWidthScale)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetGlobalMarkerScale ( G4double  globalMarkerScale)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetLightpointDirection ( const G4Vector3D lightpointDirection)

Definition at line 230 of file

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetLightsMoveWithCamera ( G4bool  moves)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetMarkerHidden ( )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetMarkerNotHidden ( )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4int G4ViewParameters::SetNoOfSides ( G4int  nSides)

Definition at line 189 of file

References fDefaultVisAttributes, fNoOfSides, G4cout, G4endl, and G4VisAttributes::GetMinLineSegmentsPerCircle().

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetOrthogonalProjection ( )
void G4ViewParameters::SetPan ( G4double  right,
G4double  up 

Definition at line 235 of file

References fCurrentTargetPoint, fUpVector, and fViewpointDirection.

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerPan::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetPerspectiveProjection ( G4double  fieldHalfAngle = 30.*CLHEP::deg)
void G4ViewParameters::SetPicking ( G4bool  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetRotationStyle ( RotationStyle  )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetScaleFactor ( const G4Vector3D scaleFactor)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerScale::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetSectionPlane ( const G4Plane3D sectionPlane)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetUpVector ( const G4Vector3D upVector)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetViewAndLights ( const G4Vector3D viewpointDirection)

Definition at line 202 of file

References G4cout, and G4endl.

Referenced by GetActualLightpointDirection(), and G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetViewpointDirection ( const G4Vector3D viewpointDirection)

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetVisibleDensity ( G4double  visibleDensity)

Definition at line 172 of file

References cm3, fVisibleDensity, g, G4BestUnit, G4cout, and G4endl.

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetWindowLocationHint ( G4int  xHint,
G4int  yHint 
void G4ViewParameters::SetWindowSizeHint ( G4int  xHint,
G4int  yHint 
void G4ViewParameters::SetXGeometryString ( const G4String geomStringArg)

Definition at line 884 of file

References fGeometryMask, fHeightValue, fWidthValue, fWindowLocationHintX, fWindowLocationHintXNegative, fWindowLocationHintY, fWindowLocationHintYNegative, fWindowSizeHintX, fWindowSizeHintY, fXGeometryString, fXNegative, fXValue, fYNegative, fYValue, G4cout, G4endl, ParseGeometry(), w, and x.

Referenced by G4VisManager::CreateViewer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::SetZoomFactor ( G4double  zoomFactor)

Referenced by G4VisCommandViewerCopyViewFrom::SetNewValue(), and G4VisCommandViewerZoom::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4ViewParameters::UnsetExplodeFactor ( )
void G4ViewParameters::UnsetSectionPlane ( )

Referenced by G4VisCommandsViewerSet::SetNewValue().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DrawingStyle style 

Definition at line 646 of file

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const G4ViewParameters v 

Definition at line 662 of file

Member Data Documentation

G4Vector3D G4ViewParameters::fActualLightpointDirection

Definition at line 295 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetActualLightpointDirection(), and operator<<().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fAutoRefresh

Definition at line 314 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fAuxEdgeVisible
G4Colour G4ViewParameters::fBackgroundColour

Definition at line 315 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fCullCovered
G4bool G4ViewParameters::fCulling
G4bool G4ViewParameters::fCullInvisible
G4Point3D G4ViewParameters::fCurrentTargetPoint

Definition at line 290 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by IncrementPan(), operator!=(), operator<<(), PrintDifferences(), and SetPan().

CutawayMode G4ViewParameters::fCutawayMode

Definition at line 279 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by SceneModifyingCommands().

G4Planes G4ViewParameters::fCutawayPlanes
G4VMarker G4ViewParameters::fDefaultMarker

Definition at line 298 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by G4ViewParameters(), operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4VisAttributes G4ViewParameters::fDefaultTextVisAttributes

Definition at line 297 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4VisAttributes G4ViewParameters::fDefaultVisAttributes

Definition at line 296 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), PrintDifferences(), and SetNoOfSides().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fDensityCulling
G4double G4ViewParameters::fDolly

Definition at line 291 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetCameraDistance(), operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

DrawingStyle G4ViewParameters::fDrawingStyle
G4Point3D G4ViewParameters::fExplodeCentre
G4double G4ViewParameters::fExplodeFactor
G4double G4ViewParameters::fFieldHalfAngle
G4int G4ViewParameters::fGeometryMask

Definition at line 313 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), PrintDifferences(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4double G4ViewParameters::fGlobalLineWidthScale
G4double G4ViewParameters::fGlobalMarkerScale
G4bool G4ViewParameters::fLightsMoveWithCamera

Definition at line 292 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fMarkerNotHidden
G4int G4ViewParameters::fNoOfSides
G4bool G4ViewParameters::fPicking

Definition at line 316 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4Vector3D G4ViewParameters::fRelativeLightpointDirection

Definition at line 293 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

RotationStyle G4ViewParameters::fRotationStyle

Definition at line 317 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4Vector3D G4ViewParameters::fScaleFactor

Definition at line 289 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fSection
G4Plane3D G4ViewParameters::fSectionPlane
G4Vector3D G4ViewParameters::fUpVector

Definition at line 285 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by IncrementPan(), operator!=(), operator<<(), PrintDifferences(), and SetPan().

G4Vector3D G4ViewParameters::fViewpointDirection
std::vector<G4ModelingParameters::VisAttributesModifier> G4ViewParameters::fVisAttributesModifiers

Definition at line 319 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), and TouchableCommands().

G4double G4ViewParameters::fVisibleDensity
G4int G4ViewParameters::fWindowLocationHintX

Definition at line 308 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fWindowLocationHintXNegative

Definition at line 310 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintX(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4int G4ViewParameters::fWindowLocationHintY

Definition at line 309 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4bool G4ViewParameters::fWindowLocationHintYNegative

Definition at line 311 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetWindowAbsoluteLocationHintY(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4int G4ViewParameters::fWindowSizeHintX
G4int G4ViewParameters::fWindowSizeHintY
G4String G4ViewParameters::fXGeometryString

Definition at line 312 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by operator!=(), operator<<(), PrintDifferences(), and SetXGeometryString().

G4double G4ViewParameters::fZoomFactor

Definition at line 288 of file G4ViewParameters.hh.

Referenced by GetFrontHalfHeight(), operator!=(), operator<<(), and PrintDifferences().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: