Definition of detector resolution and efficiency.
virtual G4bool IsApplicable(const G4ParticleDefinition &aParticle)
Checks if this model should be applied to this particle type.
Definition of the Par02DetectorParameterisation class.
virtual G4bool ModelTrigger(const G4FastTrack &aFastTrack)
Checks if the model should be applied taking into account the kinematics of a track.
Par02FastSimModelTracker(G4String aModelName, G4Region *aEnvelope, Par02DetectorParametrisation::Parametrisation aParamType)
A constructor.
A parametrisation type (CMS, ATLAS, ALEPH).
Shortcut to the ordinary tracking for tracking detectors.
Par02DetectorParametrisation::Parametrisation fParametrisation
A parametrisation type.
virtual void DoIt(const G4FastTrack &aFastTrack, G4FastStep &aFastStep)
Calculates the final position (at the outer boundary of the tracking detector) of a particle with the...
Par02DetectorParametrisation * fCalculateParametrisation
A pointer to Par02DetectorParametrisation used to get the efficiency and resolution of the tracking d...