Geant4  10.02.p01
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27 // $Id: G4StatMFParameters.hh 91834 2015-08-07 07:24:22Z gcosmo $
28 //
29 // Hadronic Process: Nuclear De-excitations
30 // by V. Lara
32 #ifndef G4StatMFParameters_h
33 #define G4StatMFParameters_h 1
35 #include "globals.hh"
38 {
39 public:
45  static G4double GetKappa();
47  static G4double GetKappaCoulomb();
49  static G4double GetEpsilon0();
51  static G4double GetE0();
53  static G4double GetBeta0();
55  static G4double GetGamma0();
57  static G4double GetCriticalTemp();
59  static G4double Getr0();
61  static G4double GetCoulomb();
63  static G4double Beta(G4double T);
65  static G4double DBetaDT(G4double T);
69  // +----------------------+
70  // | Constant Parameters: |
71  // +----------------------+
72  // Kappa is used for calculate volume V_f for translational
73  // motion of fragments
74  static const G4double fKappa;
75  // KappaCoulomb is used for calculate Coulomb term energy
76  static const G4double fKappaCoulomb;
77  // Inverse level density
78  static const G4double fEpsilon0;
79  // Bethe-Weizsacker coefficients
80  static const G4double fE0;
81  static const G4double fBeta0;
82  static const G4double fGamma0;
83  // Critical temperature (for liquid-gas phase transitions)
84  static const G4double fCriticalTemp;
85  // Nuclear radius
86  static const G4double fr0;
87  // Coulomb
88  static const G4double fCoulomb;
90 };
92 #endif
static G4double GetGamma0()
static const G4double fr0
static const G4double fGamma0
static const G4double fCriticalTemp
static G4double GetKappaCoulomb()
static const G4double fEpsilon0
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
static const G4double fE0
static G4double GetMaxAverageMultiplicity(G4int A)
static G4double Getr0()
double A(double temperature)
static G4double GetE0()
static G4double DBetaDT(G4double T)
static G4double GetCoulomb()
static const G4double fCoulomb
static const G4double fKappa
static G4double GetEpsilon0()
static G4double GetBeta0()
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
static const G4double fKappaCoulomb
static G4double Beta(G4double T)
static G4double GetKappa()
static G4double GetCriticalTemp()
static const G4double fBeta0