#include <G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS.hh>
| G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS () |
virtual | ~G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS () |
G4bool | IsElementApplicable (const G4DynamicParticle *particle, G4int Z, const G4Material *) |
G4double | GetElementCrossSection (const G4DynamicParticle *particle, G4int Z, const G4Material *) |
void | BuildCrossSectionTable () |
G4double | ComputeDDMicroscopicCrossSection (G4double incidentKE, G4double, G4double AtomicWeight, G4double epsilon) |
| G4VCrossSectionDataSet (const G4String &nam="") |
virtual | ~G4VCrossSectionDataSet () |
virtual G4bool | IsIsoApplicable (const G4DynamicParticle *, G4int Z, G4int A, const G4Element *elm=0, const G4Material *mat=0) |
G4double | GetCrossSection (const G4DynamicParticle *, const G4Element *, const G4Material *mat=0) |
G4double | ComputeCrossSection (const G4DynamicParticle *, const G4Element *, const G4Material *mat=0) |
virtual G4double | GetIsoCrossSection (const G4DynamicParticle *, G4int Z, G4int A, const G4Isotope *iso=0, const G4Element *elm=0, const G4Material *mat=0) |
virtual G4Isotope * | SelectIsotope (const G4Element *, G4double kinEnergy) |
virtual void | BuildPhysicsTable (const G4ParticleDefinition &) |
virtual void | DumpPhysicsTable (const G4ParticleDefinition &) |
virtual void | CrossSectionDescription (std::ostream &) const |
virtual G4int | GetVerboseLevel () const |
virtual void | SetVerboseLevel (G4int value) |
G4double | GetMinKinEnergy () const |
void | SetMinKinEnergy (G4double value) |
G4double | GetMaxKinEnergy () const |
void | SetMaxKinEnergy (G4double value) |
const G4String & | GetName () const |
Definition at line 55 of file G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS.hh.
G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS::G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS |
( |
| ) |
G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS::~G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
void G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS::BuildCrossSectionTable |
( |
| ) |
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