Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
G4FastStep Class Reference

#include <G4FastStep.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4FastStep:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for G4FastStep:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

void KillPrimaryTrack ()
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPosition (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalPosition (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalTime (G4double)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalTime (G4double)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalProperTime (G4double)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalProperTime (G4double)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalMomentumDirection (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalMomentum (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (G4double)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy (G4double)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection (G4double, const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection (G4double, const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPolarization (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalPolarization (const G4ThreeVector &, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
void ProposePrimaryTrackPathLength (G4double)
void SetPrimaryTrackPathLength (G4double)
void ProposePrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight (G4double)
void SetPrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight (G4double)
void SetNumberOfSecondaryTracks (G4int)
G4int GetNumberOfSecondaryTracks ()
G4TrackCreateSecondaryTrack (const G4DynamicParticle &, G4ThreeVector, G4ThreeVector, G4double, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
G4TrackCreateSecondaryTrack (const G4DynamicParticle &, G4ThreeVector, G4double, G4bool localCoordinates=true)
G4TrackGetSecondaryTrack (G4int)
void ProposeTotalEnergyDeposited (G4double anEnergyPart)
void SetTotalEnergyDeposited (G4double anEnergyPart)
G4double GetTotalEnergyDeposited () const
void ForceSteppingHitInvocation ()
 G4FastStep ()
virtual ~G4FastStep ()
G4bool operator== (const G4FastStep &right) const
G4bool operator!= (const G4FastStep &right) const
G4StepUpdateStepForAtRest (G4Step *Step)
G4StepUpdateStepForPostStep (G4Step *Step)
void Initialize (const G4FastTrack &)
void DumpInfo () const
G4bool CheckIt (const G4Track &)
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4VParticleChange
 G4VParticleChange ()
virtual ~G4VParticleChange ()
G4bool operator== (const G4VParticleChange &right) const
G4bool operator!= (const G4VParticleChange &right) const
virtual G4StepUpdateStepForAlongStep (G4Step *Step)
G4double GetTrueStepLength () const
void ProposeTrueStepLength (G4double truePathLength)
G4double GetLocalEnergyDeposit () const
void ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit (G4double anEnergyPart)
G4double GetNonIonizingEnergyDeposit () const
void ProposeNonIonizingEnergyDeposit (G4double anEnergyPart)
G4TrackStatus GetTrackStatus () const
void ProposeTrackStatus (G4TrackStatus status)
G4SteppingControl GetSteppingControl () const
void ProposeSteppingControl (G4SteppingControl StepControlFlag)
G4bool GetFirstStepInVolume () const
G4bool GetLastStepInVolume () const
void ProposeFirstStepInVolume (G4bool flag)
void ProposeLastStepInVolume (G4bool flag)
void Clear ()
void SetNumberOfSecondaries (G4int totSecondaries)
G4int GetNumberOfSecondaries () const
G4TrackGetSecondary (G4int anIndex) const
void AddSecondary (G4Track *aSecondary)
G4double GetWeight () const
G4double GetParentWeight () const
void ProposeWeight (G4double finalWeight)
void ProposeParentWeight (G4double finalWeight)
void SetSecondaryWeightByProcess (G4bool)
G4bool IsSecondaryWeightSetByProcess () const
void SetParentWeightByProcess (G4bool)
G4bool IsParentWeightSetByProcess () const
void SetVerboseLevel (G4int vLevel)
G4int GetVerboseLevel () const
void ClearDebugFlag ()
void SetDebugFlag ()
G4bool GetDebugFlag () const

Protected Member Functions

 G4FastStep (const G4FastStep &right)
G4FastStepoperator= (const G4FastStep &right)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4VParticleChange
 G4VParticleChange (const G4VParticleChange &right)
G4VParticleChangeoperator= (const G4VParticleChange &right)
G4StepUpdateStepInfo (G4Step *Step)
void InitializeTrueStepLength (const G4Track &)
void InitializeLocalEnergyDeposit (const G4Track &)
void InitializeSteppingControl (const G4Track &)
void InitializeParentWeight (const G4Track &)
void InitializeParentGlobalTime (const G4Track &)
void InitializeStatusChange (const G4Track &)
void InitializeSecondaries (const G4Track &)
void InitializeStepInVolumeFlags (const G4Track &)
G4bool CheckSecondary (G4Track &)
G4double GetAccuracyForWarning () const
G4double GetAccuracyForException () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from G4VParticleChange
G4int theNumberOfSecondaries
G4int theSizeOftheListOfSecondaries
G4TrackStatus theStatusChange
G4SteppingControl theSteppingControlFlag
G4double theLocalEnergyDeposit
G4double theNonIonizingEnergyDeposit
G4double theTrueStepLength
G4bool theFirstStepInVolume
G4bool theLastStepInVolume
G4double theParentWeight
G4bool isParentWeightProposed
G4bool fSetSecondaryWeightByProcess
G4double theParentGlobalTime
G4int verboseLevel
G4bool debugFlag
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from G4VParticleChange
static const G4double accuracyForWarning = 1.0e-9
static const G4double accuracyForException = 0.001

Detailed Description

Definition at line 91 of file G4FastStep.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4FastStep::G4FastStep ( )

Definition at line 297 of file

G4FastStep::~G4FastStep ( )

Definition at line 306 of file

G4FastStep::G4FastStep ( const G4FastStep right)

Definition at line 315 of file

Member Function Documentation

G4bool G4FastStep::CheckIt ( const G4Track aTrack)

Reimplemented from G4VParticleChange.

Definition at line 479 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4Track * G4FastStep::CreateSecondaryTrack ( const G4DynamicParticle dynamics,
G4ThreeVector  polarization,
G4ThreeVector  position,
G4double  time,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 202 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4Track * G4FastStep::CreateSecondaryTrack ( const G4DynamicParticle dynamics,
G4ThreeVector  position,
G4double  time,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 224 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::DumpInfo ( ) const

Reimplemented from G4VParticleChange.

Definition at line 435 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ForceSteppingHitInvocation ( )
G4int G4FastStep::GetNumberOfSecondaryTracks ( )
G4Track* G4FastStep::GetSecondaryTrack ( G4int  )
G4double G4FastStep::GetTotalEnergyDeposited ( ) const
void G4FastStep::Initialize ( const G4FastTrack fastTrack)

Definition at line 53 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::KillPrimaryTrack ( )

Definition at line 87 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4FastStep::operator!= ( const G4FastStep right) const

Definition at line 353 of file

G4FastStep & G4FastStep::operator= ( const G4FastStep right)

Definition at line 322 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4bool G4FastStep::operator== ( const G4FastStep right) const

Definition at line 348 of file

void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection ( G4double  kineticEnergy,
const G4ThreeVector direction,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 150 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalMomentumDirection ( const G4ThreeVector momentum,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 124 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPolarization ( const G4ThreeVector polarization,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 178 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalPosition ( const G4ThreeVector position,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 98 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalProperTime ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackFinalTime ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::ProposePrimaryTrackPathLength ( G4double  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::ProposeTotalEnergyDeposited ( G4double  anEnergyPart)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetNumberOfSecondaryTracks ( G4int  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalEventBiasingWeight ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergy ( G4double  )

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalKineticEnergyAndDirection ( G4double  kineticEnergy,
const G4ThreeVector direction,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 166 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalMomentum ( const G4ThreeVector momentum,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 139 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalPolarization ( const G4ThreeVector polarization,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 192 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalPosition ( const G4ThreeVector position,
G4bool  localCoordinates = true 

Definition at line 113 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalProperTime ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackFinalTime ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::SetPrimaryTrackPathLength ( G4double  )
void G4FastStep::SetTotalEnergyDeposited ( G4double  anEnergyPart)
G4Step * G4FastStep::UpdateStepForAtRest ( G4Step Step)

Reimplemented from G4VParticleChange.

Definition at line 399 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4Step * G4FastStep::UpdateStepForPostStep ( G4Step Step)

Reimplemented from G4VParticleChange.

Definition at line 362 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: