Go to the documentation of this file.
2  SUBROUTINE gutrak
3 *
4 * User routine to control tracking of one track
5 * Called by : GTREVE
6 *
7 #include "geant321/"
8 #include "geant321/"
9 #include "geant321/"
10 *
11 #include ""
12 #include ""
13 #include ""
14 *
15  logical transmit, reflect, charged, neutral
16 *
17 * *** beginning of the track
18 *
19  charged = (
20  neutral = .not.charged
21 *
22  kflag = 0
23  if (charge.eq.pkine(10)) kflag = 1
24  if ((itra.eq.1).and.(istak.eq.0)) kflag = 2
25 *
26 * *** perform tracking
27 *
28  CALL gtrack
29 *
30 * *** end of the track
31 *
32  transmit = (vect(1).ge. 0.49*xworld)
33  reflect = (vect(1).le.-0.49*xworld)
34 *
35  if (transmit) itransmi = max(itransmi,kflag)
36  if (reflect) ireflect = max(ireflect,kflag)
37 *
38 * *** histograms
39 *
40  id = 0
41 *
42 * energy spectrum at exit
43 *
44  if (transmit.and.charged) id = 10
45  if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 20
46  if (reflect .and.charged) id = 30
47  if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 40
48  if ( then
49  call hfill(id,gekin/histunit(id),0.,1.)
50  endif
51 *
52 * space angle distribution at exit
53 *
54  if (transmit.and.charged) id = 12
55  if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 22
56  if (reflect .and.charged) id = 32
57  if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 42
58  if ( then
59  unit = histunit(id)
60  theta = acos(abs(vect(4)))
61  dteta = binwidth(id)*unit
62  domega = twopi*sin(theta)*dteta
63  weight = 0.
64  if ( weight = 1./domega
65  call hfill(id,theta/unit,0.,weight*unit*unit)
66  endif
67 *
68 * projected angle distribution at exit
69 *
70  if (transmit.and.charged) id = 13
71  if (transmit.and.neutral) id = 23
72  if (reflect .and.charged) id = 33
73  if (reflect .and.neutral) id = 43
74  if ( then
75  thety = atan(vect(5)/abs(vect(4)))
76  thetz = atan(vect(6)/abs(vect(4)))
77  call hfill(id,thety/histunit(id),0.,1.)
78  call hfill(id,thetz/histunit(id),0.,1.)
79  endif
80 *
81 * projected position at exit
82 *
83  if (transmit.and.charged) id = 14
84  if ( then
85  call hfill(id,vect(2)/histunit(id),0.,1.)
86  call hfill(id,vect(3)/histunit(id),0.,1.)
87  endif
88 *
89  END
BasicVector3D< T > unit() const
double weight
Definition: plottest35.C:25
Hep3Vector vect() const
static c2_sin_p< float_type > & sin()
make a *new object
Definition: c2_factory.hh:132
subroutine gutrak
Definition: gutrak.F:3