Geant4  10.00.p01
G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant Class Reference

#include <G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh>

+ Inheritance diagram for G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant:
+ Collaboration diagram for G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant:

Public Types

typedef std::vector< G4doubleEnergyLevels
typedef std::map< long, G4doubleEnergyLevelMap

Public Member Functions

 ProjectileRemnant (ParticleSpecies const species, const G4double kineticEnergy)
 ~ProjectileRemnant ()
void reset ()
 Reset the projectile remnant to the state at the beginning of the cascade. More...
void removeParticle (Particle *const p, const G4double theProjectileCorrection)
 Remove a nucleon from the projectile remnant. More...
ParticleList addDynamicalSpectators (ParticleList pL)
 Add back dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant. More...
ParticleList addMostDynamicalSpectators (ParticleList pL)
 Add back dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant. More...
ParticleList addAllDynamicalSpectators (ParticleList pL)
 Add back all dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant. More...
void deleteStoredComponents ()
 Clear the stored projectile components and delete the particles. More...
void clearStoredComponents ()
 Clear the stored projectile components. More...
void clearEnergyLevels ()
 Clear the stored energy levels. More...
G4double computeExcitationEnergyExcept (const long exceptID) const
 Compute the excitation energy when a nucleon is removed. More...
G4double computeExcitationEnergyWith (const ParticleList &pL) const
 Compute the excitation energy if some nucleons are put back. More...
void storeComponents ()
 Store the projectile components. More...
G4int getNumberStoredComponents () const
 Get the number of the stored components. More...
void storeEnergyLevels ()
 Store the energy levels. More...
EnergyLevels const & getGroundStateEnergies () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::Cluster
 Cluster (const G4int Z, const G4int A, const G4bool createParticleSampler=true)
 Standard Cluster constructor. More...
template<class Iterator >
 Cluster (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
 A cluster can be directly built from a list of particles. More...
virtual ~Cluster ()
 Cluster (const Cluster &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
Clusteroperator= (const Cluster &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
void swap (Cluster &rhs)
 Helper method for the assignment operator. More...
ParticleSpecies getSpecies () const
 Get the particle species. More...
void deleteParticles ()
void clearParticles ()
void setZ (const G4int Z)
 Set the charge number of the cluster. More...
void setA (const G4int A)
 Set the mass number of the cluster. More...
G4double getExcitationEnergy () const
 Get the excitation energy of the cluster. More...
void setExcitationEnergy (const G4double e)
 Set the excitation energy of the cluster. More...
virtual G4double getTableMass () const
 Get the real particle mass. More...
ParticleList const & getParticles () const
 Get the list of particles in the cluster. More...
void removeParticle (Particle *const p)
 Remove a particle from the cluster components. More...
void addParticle (Particle *const p)
 Add one particle to the cluster. More...
void addParticles (ParticleList const &pL)
 Add a list of particles to the cluster. More...
ParticleList getParticleList () const
 Returns the list of particles that make up the cluster. More...
std::string print () const
virtual void initializeParticles ()
 Initialise the NuclearDensity pointer and sample the particles. More...
void internalBoostToCM ()
 Boost to the CM of the component particles. More...
void putParticlesOffShell ()
 Put the cluster components off shell. More...
void setPosition (const ThreeVector &position)
 Set the position of the cluster. More...
void boost (const ThreeVector &aBoostVector)
 Boost the cluster with the indicated velocity. More...
void freezeInternalMotion ()
 Freeze the internal motion of the particles. More...
virtual void rotate (const G4double angle, const ThreeVector &axis)
 Rotate position and momentum of all the particles. More...
virtual void makeProjectileSpectator ()
 Make all the components projectile spectators, too. More...
virtual void makeTargetSpectator ()
 Make all the components target spectators, too. More...
virtual void makeParticipant ()
 Make all the components participants, too. More...
ThreeVector const & getSpin () const
 Get the spin of the nucleus. More...
void setSpin (const ThreeVector &j)
 Set the spin of the nucleus. More...
G4INCL::ThreeVector getAngularMomentum () const
 Get the total angular momentum (orbital + spin) More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::Particle
 Particle ()
 Particle (ParticleType t, G4double energy, ThreeVector const &momentum, ThreeVector const &position)
 Particle (ParticleType t, ThreeVector const &momentum, ThreeVector const &position)
virtual ~Particle ()
 Particle (const Particle &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
Particleoperator= (const Particle &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
G4INCL::ParticleType getType () const
 Get the particle type. More...
void setType (ParticleType t)
G4bool isNucleon () const
 Is this a nucleon? More...
ParticipantType getParticipantType () const
void setParticipantType (ParticipantType const p)
G4bool isParticipant () const
G4bool isTargetSpectator () const
G4bool isProjectileSpectator () const
G4bool isPion () const
 Is this a pion? More...
G4bool isResonance () const
 Is it a resonance? More...
G4bool isDelta () const
 Is it a Delta? More...
G4int getA () const
 Returns the baryon number. More...
G4int getZ () const
 Returns the charge number. More...
G4double getBeta () const
ThreeVector boostVector () const
 Returns a three vector we can give to the boost() -method. More...
void boost (const ThreeVector &aBoostVector)
 Boost the particle using a boost vector. More...
void lorentzContract (const ThreeVector &aBoostVector, const ThreeVector &refPos)
 Lorentz-contract the particle position around some center. More...
G4double getMass () const
 Get the cached particle mass. More...
G4double getINCLMass () const
 Get the INCL particle mass. More...
G4double getRealMass () const
 Get the real particle mass. More...
void setRealMass ()
 Set the mass of the Particle to its real mass. More...
void setTableMass ()
 Set the mass of the Particle to its table mass. More...
void setINCLMass ()
 Set the mass of the Particle to its table mass. More...
G4double getEmissionQValueCorrection (const G4int AParent, const G4int ZParent) const
 Computes correction on the emission Q-value. More...
G4double getTransferQValueCorrection (const G4int AFrom, const G4int ZFrom, const G4int ATo, const G4int ZTo) const
 Computes correction on the transfer Q-value. More...
G4double getInvariantMass () const
 Get the the particle invariant mass. More...
G4double getKineticEnergy () const
 Get the particle kinetic energy. More...
G4double getPotentialEnergy () const
 Get the particle potential energy. More...
void setPotentialEnergy (G4double v)
 Set the particle potential energy. More...
G4double getEnergy () const
 Get the energy of the particle in MeV. More...
void setMass (G4double mass)
 Set the mass of the particle in MeV/c^2. More...
void setEnergy (G4double energy)
 Set the energy of the particle in MeV. More...
const G4INCL::ThreeVectorgetMomentum () const
 Get the momentum vector. More...
virtual void setMomentum (const G4INCL::ThreeVector &momentum)
 Set the momentum vector. More...
const G4INCL::ThreeVectorgetPosition () const
 Set the position vector. More...
G4double getHelicity ()
void setHelicity (G4double h)
void propagate (G4double step)
G4int getNumberOfCollisions () const
 Return the number of collisions undergone by the particle. More...
void setNumberOfCollisions (G4int n)
 Set the number of collisions undergone by the particle. More...
void incrementNumberOfCollisions ()
 Increment the number of collisions undergone by the particle. More...
G4int getNumberOfDecays () const
 Return the number of decays undergone by the particle. More...
void setNumberOfDecays (G4int n)
 Set the number of decays undergone by the particle. More...
void incrementNumberOfDecays ()
 Increment the number of decays undergone by the particle. More...
void setOutOfWell ()
 Mark the particle as out of its potential well. More...
G4bool isOutOfWell () const
 Check if the particle is out of its potential well. More...
void setEmissionTime (G4double t)
G4double getEmissionTime ()
ThreeVector getTransversePosition () const
 Transverse component of the position w.r.t. More...
ThreeVector getLongitudinalPosition () const
 Longitudinal component of the position w.r.t. More...
const ThreeVectoradjustMomentumFromEnergy ()
 Rescale the momentum to match the total energy. More...
G4double adjustEnergyFromMomentum ()
 Recompute the energy to match the momentum. More...
G4bool isInList (ParticleList const &l) const
 Check if the particle belongs to a given list. More...
G4bool isCluster () const
void setFrozenMomentum (const ThreeVector &momentum)
 Set the frozen particle momentum. More...
void setFrozenEnergy (const G4double energy)
 Set the frozen particle momentum. More...
ThreeVector getFrozenMomentum () const
 Get the frozen particle momentum. More...
G4double getFrozenEnergy () const
 Get the frozen particle momentum. More...
ThreeVector getPropagationVelocity () const
 Get the propagation velocity of the particle. More...
void freezePropagation ()
 Freeze particle propagation. More...
void thawPropagation ()
 Unfreeze particle propagation. More...
std::string print () const
std::string dump () const
long getID () const
ParticleList const * getParticles () const
 Return a NULL pointer. More...
G4double getReflectionMomentum () const
 Return the reflection momentum. More...
void setUncorrelatedMomentum (const G4double p)
 Set the uncorrelated momentum. More...
void rpCorrelate ()
 Make the particle follow a strict r-p correlation. More...
void rpDecorrelate ()
 Make the particle not follow a strict r-p correlation. More...
G4double getCosRPAngle () const
 Get the cosine of the angle between position and momentum. More...

Private Member Functions

G4double computeExcitationEnergy (const EnergyLevels &levels) const
 Compute the excitation energy for a given configuration. More...
EnergyLevels getPresentEnergyLevelsExcept (const long exceptID) const
EnergyLevels getPresentEnergyLevelsWith (const ParticleList &pL) const
ParticleList shuffleStoredComponents ()
 Shuffle the list of stored projectile components. More...
ParticleList getStoredComponents () const
ThreeVector const & getStoredMomentum (Particle const *const p) const
 Return the stored momentum of a given projectile component. More...
G4bool addDynamicalSpectator (Particle *const p)
 Add back a nucleon to the projectile remnant. More...

Private Attributes

std::map< long, Particle * > storedComponents
 Return the stored energy of a given projectile component. More...
EnergyLevelMap theInitialEnergyLevels
 Initial energy levels of the projectile. More...
EnergyLevels theGroundStateEnergies
 Ground-state energies for any number of nucleons. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4INCL::Particle
void swap (Particle &rhs)
 Helper method for the assignment operator. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::Cluster
ParticleList particles
G4double theExcitationEnergy
ThreeVector theSpin
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4INCL::Particle
G4int theZ
G4int theA
ParticipantType theParticipantType
G4INCL::ParticleType theType
G4double theEnergy
G4double theFrozenEnergy
G4INCL::ThreeVector theMomentum
G4INCL::ThreeVector theFrozenMomentum
G4INCL::ThreeVector thePosition
G4int nCollisions
G4int nDecays
G4double thePotentialEnergy
long ID
G4bool rpCorrelated
G4double uncorrelatedMomentum

Detailed Description

Definition at line 59 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 64 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Definition at line 63 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::ProjectileRemnant ( ParticleSpecies const  species,
const G4double  kineticEnergy 
G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::~ProjectileRemnant ( )

Definition at line 97 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References clearEnergyLevels(), G4INCL::Cluster::deleteParticles(), and deleteStoredComponents().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

ParticleList G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::addAllDynamicalSpectators ( ParticleList  pL)

Add back all dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant.

Return a list of rejected dynamical spectators.

Definition at line 143 of file

References addMostDynamicalSpectators(), computeExcitationEnergyWith(), getStoredMomentum(), G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableMass, INCL_DEBUG, INCL_WARN, G4INCL::ThreeVector::mag2(), G4INCL::Cluster::particles, G4INCL::Particle::theA, G4INCL::Particle::theEnergy, G4INCL::Particle::theMomentum, and G4INCL::Particle::theZ.

Referenced by G4INCL::INCL::makeProjectileRemnant().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4bool G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::addDynamicalSpectator ( Particle *const  p)

Add back a nucleon to the projectile remnant.

Try to add a dynamical spectator back to the projectile remnant. Refuse to do so if this leads to a negative projectile excitation energy. Return true on success, false on failure.

Definition at line 285 of file

References G4INCL::Particle::getA(), G4INCL::Particle::getEnergy(), getStoredMomentum(), G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableMass, G4INCL::Particle::getZ(), G4INCL::ThreeVector::mag2(), G4INCL::Cluster::particles, G4INCL::Particle::theA, G4INCL::Particle::theEnergy, G4INCL::Particle::theMomentum, and G4INCL::Particle::theZ.

Referenced by addDynamicalSpectators().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ParticleList G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::addDynamicalSpectators ( ParticleList  pL)

Add back dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant.

Try to add the dynamical spectators back to the projectile remnant. Refuse to do so if this leads to a negative projectile excitation energy.

Return a list of rejected dynamical spectators.

Definition at line 123 of file

References addDynamicalSpectator(), and G4INCL::UnorderedVector< T >::remove().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ParticleList G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::addMostDynamicalSpectators ( ParticleList  pL)

Add back dynamical spectators to the projectile remnant.

Try as hard as possible to add back all the dynamical spectators. Don't add spectators that lead to negative excitation energies. Start by adding all of them, and repeatedly remove the most troublesome one until the excitation energy becomes non-negative.

Return a list of rejected dynamical spectators.

Definition at line 190 of file

References getStoredMomentum(), G4INCL::ParticleTable::getTableMass, G4INCL::ThreeVector::mag2(), G4INCL::Math::max(), G4INCL::Cluster::particles, G4INCL::Particle::theA, G4INCL::Particle::theEnergy, G4INCL::Particle::theMomentum, and G4INCL::Particle::theZ.

Referenced by addAllDynamicalSpectators().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::clearEnergyLevels ( )

Clear the stored energy levels.

Definition at line 154 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References theGroundStateEnergies, and theInitialEnergyLevels.

Referenced by ~ProjectileRemnant().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::clearStoredComponents ( )

Clear the stored projectile components.

Definition at line 149 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References storedComponents.

Referenced by deleteStoredComponents().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::computeExcitationEnergy ( const EnergyLevels levels) const

Compute the excitation energy for a given configuration.

The function that does the real job of calculating the excitation energy for a given configuration of energy levels.

levelsa configuration of energy levels
the excitation energy

Definition at line 325 of file

References theGroundStateEnergies.

Referenced by computeExcitationEnergyExcept(), and computeExcitationEnergyWith().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::computeExcitationEnergyExcept ( const long  exceptID) const

Compute the excitation energy when a nucleon is removed.

Compute the excitation energy of the projectile-like remnant as the difference between the initial and the present configuration. This follows the algorithm proposed by A. Boudard in INCL4.2-HI, as implemented in Geant4.

the excitation energy

Definition at line 315 of file

References computeExcitationEnergy(), and getPresentEnergyLevelsExcept().

Referenced by G4INCL::ParticleEntryChannel::getFinalState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

G4double G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::computeExcitationEnergyWith ( const ParticleList pL) const

Compute the excitation energy if some nucleons are put back.

the excitation energy

Definition at line 320 of file

References computeExcitationEnergy(), and getPresentEnergyLevelsWith().

Referenced by addAllDynamicalSpectators().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::deleteStoredComponents ( )

Clear the stored projectile components and delete the particles.

Definition at line 142 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References clearStoredComponents(), and storedComponents.

Referenced by ~ProjectileRemnant().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

EnergyLevels const& G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getGroundStateEnergies ( ) const

Definition at line 208 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References theGroundStateEnergies.

G4int G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getNumberStoredComponents ( ) const

Get the number of the stored components.

Definition at line 185 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References storedComponents.

ProjectileRemnant::EnergyLevels G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getPresentEnergyLevelsExcept ( const long  exceptID) const

Definition at line 346 of file

References G4INCL::Cluster::particles, and theInitialEnergyLevels.

Referenced by computeExcitationEnergyExcept().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ProjectileRemnant::EnergyLevels G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getPresentEnergyLevelsWith ( const ParticleList pL) const

Definition at line 359 of file

References G4INCL::Cluster::particles, and theInitialEnergyLevels.

Referenced by computeExcitationEnergyWith().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ParticleList G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getStoredComponents ( ) const

Definition at line 235 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References storedComponents.

Referenced by shuffleStoredComponents().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ThreeVector const& G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::getStoredMomentum ( Particle const *const  p) const

Return the stored momentum of a given projectile component.

Definition at line 243 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References G4INCL::Particle::getID(), G4INCL::Particle::getMomentum(), INCL_ERROR, and storedComponents.

Referenced by addAllDynamicalSpectators(), addDynamicalSpectator(), and addMostDynamicalSpectators().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::removeParticle ( Particle *const  p,
const G4double  theProjectileCorrection 

Remove a nucleon from the projectile remnant.

pparticle to be removed
theProjectileCorrectioncorrection to be given to the projectile total energy

Definition at line 78 of file

References G4INCL::Particle::getA(), G4INCL::Particle::getEnergy(), G4INCL::Particle::getMomentum(), G4INCL::Particle::getZ(), INCL_DEBUG, G4INCL::Cluster::particles, G4INCL::Cluster::print(), G4INCL::Particle::print(), G4INCL::Cluster::removeParticle(), G4INCL::Particle::theA, G4INCL::Particle::theEnergy, G4INCL::Particle::theMomentum, and G4INCL::Particle::theZ.

Referenced by G4INCL::ParticleEntryChannel::getFinalState().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::reset ( )

Reset the projectile remnant to the state at the beginning of the cascade.

Definition at line 54 of file

References G4INCL::Cluster::addParticle(), G4INCL::Cluster::deleteParticles(), G4INCL::Particle::getID(), INCL_DEBUG, G4INCL::Particle::nCollisions, G4INCL::Particle::Particle(), G4INCL::Cluster::print(), G4INCL::Particle::setTableMass(), storedComponents, G4INCL::Particle::theA, G4INCL::Particle::theEnergy, theInitialEnergyLevels, G4INCL::Particle::theMomentum, G4INCL::Particle::thePosition, G4INCL::Particle::thePotentialEnergy, and G4INCL::Particle::theZ.

Referenced by G4INCL::INCL::makeCompoundNucleus().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ParticleList G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::shuffleStoredComponents ( )

Shuffle the list of stored projectile components.

Definition at line 229 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References getStoredComponents(), and G4INCL::shuffleComponentsHelper().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::storeComponents ( )

Store the projectile components.

Definition at line 177 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References G4INCL::Particle::Particle(), G4INCL::Cluster::particles, and storedComponents.

Referenced by G4INCL::StandardPropagationModel::shootComposite().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::storeEnergyLevels ( )

Store the energy levels.

Definition at line 190 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

References G4INCL::Cluster::particles, theGroundStateEnergies, and theInitialEnergyLevels.

Referenced by ProjectileRemnant().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

std::map<long, Particle*> G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::storedComponents

Return the stored energy of a given projectile component.

Stored projectile components

These particles are owned by the ProjectileRemnant.

Definition at line 276 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Referenced by clearStoredComponents(), deleteStoredComponents(), getNumberStoredComponents(), getStoredComponents(), getStoredMomentum(), reset(), and storeComponents().

EnergyLevels G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::theGroundStateEnergies

Ground-state energies for any number of nucleons.

Definition at line 282 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Referenced by clearEnergyLevels(), computeExcitationEnergy(), getGroundStateEnergies(), and storeEnergyLevels().

EnergyLevelMap G4INCL::ProjectileRemnant::theInitialEnergyLevels

Initial energy levels of the projectile.

Definition at line 279 of file G4INCLProjectileRemnant.hh.

Referenced by clearEnergyLevels(), getPresentEnergyLevelsExcept(), getPresentEnergyLevelsWith(), reset(), and storeEnergyLevels().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: