Geant4  9.6.p02
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3 *
4 *
5 #include "geant321/"
6 #include "geant321/"
7 #include ""
8 #include ""
9 *
10  dimension dum(5)
11 *
12 * *** fetch Geant3 tables
13  call gftmat(imat,ikine,'LOSS',nekbin,elow,g3value,dum,idum)
14 *
15 * *** histograms to plot the difference
16  elow(nek1) = ekmax
17  call hbookb(1,'(g4-g3)/g3 in percent',nekbin,elow,0.)
18  call hbookb(2,'abs((g4-g3)/g3) in percent',nekbin,elow,0.)
19 *
20 * *** compute difference
21  print 750
22  do i=1,nekbin
23  dif = 100*(g4value(i)-g3value(i))/g3value(i)
24  call hfill(1, elow(i), 0., dif)
25  call hfill(2, elow(i), 0., abs(dif))
26  print 751,i,elow(i),g4value(i),g3value(i),dif
27  enddo
28 *
29  750 format(/,6x,'Tkin (GeV)',3x,'G4 (MeV/cm)',3x,'G3 (MeV/cm)',
30  + 4x,'G4-G3 (%)',/)
31  751 format(1x,i3, e12.4, 2x, e12.4, 2x, e12.4, 2x, e12.4)
32 *
33  END