| G03ColorWriter () |
| ~G03ColorWriter () |
void | AddExtension (xercesc::DOMElement *volumeElement, const G4LogicalVolume *const vol) |
void | ExtensionWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element) |
void | ColorWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *volumeElement, const G4VisAttributes *const att) |
G4bool | BookAttribute (const G4VisAttributes *const att) |
| G4GDMLWriteStructure () |
virtual | ~G4GDMLWriteStructure () |
virtual void | StructureWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *) |
virtual void | ParamvolWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *, const G4VPhysicalVolume *const) |
virtual void | ParamvolAlgorithmWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *paramvolElement, const G4VPhysicalVolume *const paramvol) |
virtual void | SetupWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *, const G4LogicalVolume *const) |
virtual void | AddSolid (const G4VSolid *const) |
virtual void | SolidsWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *) |
void | AddIsotope (const G4Isotope *const) |
void | AddElement (const G4Element *const) |
void | AddMaterial (const G4Material *const) |
virtual void | MaterialsWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *) |
G4ThreeVector | GetAngles (const G4RotationMatrix &) |
void | ScaleWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element, const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &scl) |
void | RotationWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element, const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &rot) |
void | PositionWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element, const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &pos) |
void | FirstrotationWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element, const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &rot) |
void | FirstpositionWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *element, const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &pos) |
void | AddPosition (const G4String &name, const G4ThreeVector &pos) |
virtual void | DefineWrite (xercesc::DOMElement *) |
G4Transform3D | Write (const G4String &filename, const G4LogicalVolume *const topLog, const G4String &schemaPath, const G4int depth, G4bool storeReferences=true) |
void | AddModule (const G4VPhysicalVolume *const topVol) |
void | AddModule (const G4int depth) |
GDML writer for the color attributes.
Definition at line 49 of file G03ColorWriter.hh.