58 if(aDataFile >> repFlag)
61 aDataFile >> targetMass;
65 aDataFile >> nDiscrete;
66 disType =
new G4int[nDiscrete];
68 actualMult =
new G4int[nDiscrete];
70 for (
G4int i=0; i<nDiscrete; i++)
72 aDataFile >> disType[i]>>energy[i];
74 theYield[i].
79 aDataFile >> theInternalConversionFlag;
80 aDataFile >> theBaseEnergy;
82 aDataFile >> theInternalConversionFlag;
84 aDataFile >> nGammaEnergies;
85 theLevelEnergies =
new G4double[nGammaEnergies];
86 theTransitionProbabilities =
new G4double[nGammaEnergies];
87 if(theInternalConversionFlag == 2) thePhotonTransitionFraction =
new G4double[nGammaEnergies];
88 for(
G4int ii=0; ii<nGammaEnergies; ii++)
90 if(theInternalConversionFlag == 1)
92 aDataFile >> theLevelEnergies[ii] >> theTransitionProbabilities[ii];
93 theLevelEnergies[ii]*=
95 else if(theInternalConversionFlag == 2)
97 aDataFile >> theLevelEnergies[ii] >> theTransitionProbabilities[ii] >> thePhotonTransitionFraction[ii];
98 theLevelEnergies[ii]*=
102 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4NeutronHPPhotonDist: Unknown conversion flag");
110 G4cout <<
"Data representation in G4NeutronHPPhotonDist: "<<repFlag<<
111 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4NeutronHPPhotonDist: This data representation is not implemented.");
126 aDataFile >> isoFlag;
129 if ( repFlag == 2 )
G4cout <<
"G4NeutronHPPhotonDist: repFlag == 2 && isoFlag != 1 is unexpected! If you use G4ND3.x, then please report to Geant4 Hyper News. Thanks." <<
130 aDataFile >> tabulationType >> nDiscrete2 >> nIso;
132 if ( theGammas != NULL && nDiscrete2 != nDiscrete )
G4cout <<
"080731c G4NeutronHPPhotonDist nDiscrete2 != nDiscrete, It looks like something wrong in your NDL files. Please update the latest. If you still have this messages after the update, then please report to Geant4 Hyper News." <<
135 std::vector < G4double > vct_gammas_par;
136 std::vector < G4double > vct_shells_par;
137 std::vector < G4int > vct_primary_par;
138 std::vector < G4int > vct_distype_par;
139 std::vector < G4NeutronHPVector* > vct_pXS_par;
140 if ( theGammas != NULL )
143 for ( i = 0 ; i < nDiscrete ; i++ )
145 vct_gammas_par.push_back( theGammas[ i ] );
146 vct_shells_par.push_back( theShells[ i ] );
147 vct_primary_par.push_back( isPrimary[ i ] );
148 vct_distype_par.push_back( disType[ i ] );
150 *hpv = thePartialXsec[ i ];
151 vct_pXS_par.push_back( hpv );
154 if ( theGammas == NULL ) theGammas =
new G4double[nDiscrete2];
155 if ( theShells == NULL ) theShells =
new G4double[nDiscrete2];
158 for (i=0; i< nIso; i++)
160 aDataFile >> theGammas[i] >> theShells[i];
164 nNeu =
new G4int [nDiscrete2-nIso];
167 for(i=nIso; i< nDiscrete2; i++)
169 if(tabulationType==1)
171 aDataFile >> theGammas[i] >> theShells[i] >> nNeu[i-nIso];
175 theLegendreManager.
176 for (ii=0; ii<nNeu[i-nIso]; ii++)
178 theLegendre[i-nIso][ii].
181 else if(tabulationType==2)
183 aDataFile >> theGammas[i] >> theShells[i] >> nNeu[i-nIso];
187 for (ii=0; ii<nNeu[i-nIso]; ii++)
189 theAngular[i-nIso][ii].
195 throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"cannot deal with this tabulation type for angular distributions.");
199 if ( vct_gammas_par.size() > 0 )
202 for ( i = 0 ; i < nDiscrete ; i++ )
204 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < nDiscrete ; j++ )
207 if ( theGammas[ i ] == vct_gammas_par [ j ] && theShells [ i ] == vct_shells_par[ j ] )
209 isPrimary [ i ] = vct_primary_par [ j ];
210 disType [ i ] = vct_distype_par [ j ];
211 thePartialXsec[ i ] = ( *( vct_pXS_par[ j ] ) );
216 for ( std::vector < G4NeutronHPVector* >::iterator
217 it = vct_pXS_par.begin() ; it != vct_pXS_par.end() ; it++ )
229 G4int i, energyDistributionsNeeded = 0;
230 for (i=0; i<nDiscrete; i++)
232 if( disType[i]==1) energyDistributionsNeeded =1;
234 if(!energyDistributionsNeeded)
235 aDataFile >> nPartials;
236 distribution =
new G4int[nPartials];
241 for (i=0; i<nPartials; i++)
244 probs[i].
248 partials[i]->
256 aDataFile >> nDiscrete >> targetMass;
259 theTotalXsec.
262 theGammas =
new G4double[nDiscrete];
263 theShells =
new G4double[nDiscrete];
264 isPrimary =
new G4int[nDiscrete];
265 disType =
new G4int[nDiscrete];
267 for(i=0; i<nDiscrete; i++)
269 aDataFile>>theGammas[i]>>theShells[i]>>isPrimary[i]>>disType[i];
272 thePartialXsec[i].
287 G4int nSecondaries = 0;
292 for(i=0; i<nDiscrete; i++)
294 current = theYield[i].
296 if(nDiscrete==1&¤t<1.0001)
298 actualMult[i] =
305 nSecondaries += actualMult[i];
308 for(i=0;i<nSecondaries;i++)
312 thePhotons->push_back(theOne);
324 if ( nDiscrete == 1 && nPartials == 1 )
326 if ( actualMult[ 0 ] > 0 )
328 if ( disType[0] == 1 )
365 temp = partials[ 0 ]->
370 std::vector< G4double > photons_e_best( actualMult[ 0 ] , 0.0 );
373 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < maxTry ; j++ )
375 std::vector< G4double > photons_e( actualMult[ 0 ] , 0.0 );
376 for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator
377 it = photons_e.begin() ; it < photons_e.end() ; it++ )
381 if ( std::accumulate( photons_e.begin() , photons_e.end() , 0.0 ) > maximumE )
383 if ( std::accumulate( photons_e.begin() , photons_e.end() , 0.0 ) < best )
384 photons_e_best = photons_e;
389 for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator
390 it = photons_e.begin() ; it < photons_e.end() ; it++ )
392 thePhotons->operator[](count)->SetKineticEnergy( *it );
400 G4cout <<
"NeutronHPPhotonDist could not find fitted energy set for multiplicity of " << actualMult[0] <<
"." <<
401 G4cout <<
"NeutronHPPhotonDist will use the best set." <<
402 for ( std::vector< G4double >::iterator
403 it = photons_e_best.begin() ; it < photons_e_best.end() ; it++ )
405 thePhotons->operator[](count)->SetKineticEnergy( *it );
416 thePhotons->operator[](count)->SetKineticEnergy(energy[i]);
419 if(count > nSecondaries)
throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4NeutronHPPhotonDist::GetPhotons inconsistancy");
425 for(i=0; i<nDiscrete; i++)
427 for(ii=0; ii< actualMult[i]; ii++)
432 for(iii=0; iii<nPartials; iii++) sum+=probs[iii].GetY(anEnergy);
435 for(iii=0; iii<nPartials; iii++)
437 run+=probs[iii].
439 if(random<run/sum)
441 if(theP==nPartials) theP=nPartials-1;
444 temp = partials[theP]->
446 thePhotons->operator[](count)->SetKineticEnergy(eGamm);
451 thePhotons->operator[](count)->SetKineticEnergy(energy[i]);
454 if(count > nSecondaries)
throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
"G4NeutronHPPhotonDist::GetPhotons inconsistancy");
461 for (i=0; i< nSecondaries; i++)
464 G4double theta = std::acos(costheta);
467 G4double en = thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetTotalEnergy();
468 G4ThreeVector temp(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
469 thePhotons->operator[](i)->SetMomentum( temp ) ;
475 for(i=0; i<nSecondaries; i++)
477 G4double currentEnergy = thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetTotalEnergy();
478 for(ii=0; ii<nDiscrete2; ii++)
480 if (std::abs(currentEnergy-theGammas[ii])<0.1*
482 if(ii==nDiscrete2) ii--;
489 G4double en = thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetTotalEnergy();
490 G4ThreeVector tempVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
491 thePhotons->operator[](i)->SetMomentum( tempVector ) ;
493 else if(tabulationType==1)
497 for (iii=0; iii<nNeu[ii-nIso]; iii++)
500 if(theLegendre[ii-nIso][iii].GetEnergy()>anEnergy)
504 aStore.
SetCoeff(1, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][it]));
509 aStore.
SetCoeff(0, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][it-1]));
513 aStore.
SetCoeff(0, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][it]));
519 G4double en = thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetTotalEnergy();
520 G4ThreeVector tempVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
521 thePhotons->operator[](i)->SetMomentum( tempVector ) ;
527 for (iii=0; iii<nNeu[ii-nIso]; iii++)
530 if(theAngular[ii-nIso][iii].GetEnergy()>anEnergy)
537 G4double en = thePhotons->operator[](i)->GetTotalEnergy();
538 G4ThreeVector tmpVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*costh );
539 thePhotons->operator[](i)->SetMomentum( tmpVector ) ;
544 else if(repFlag == 2)
547 running[0]=theTransitionProbabilities[0];
549 for(i=1; i<nGammaEnergies; i++)
551 running[i]=running[i-1]+theTransitionProbabilities[i];
555 for(i=0; i<nGammaEnergies; i++)
558 if(random < running[i]/running[nGammaEnergies-1])
561 G4double totalEnergy = theBaseEnergy - theLevelEnergies[it];
565 if(theInternalConversionFlag==2 && random>thePhotonTransitionFraction[it])
576 G4double theta = std::acos(costheta);
583 G4ThreeVector temp(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
589 for(ii=0; ii<nDiscrete2; ii++)
591 if (std::abs(currentEnergy-theGammas[ii])<0.1*
593 if(ii==nDiscrete2) ii--;
607 G4ThreeVector tempVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
610 else if(tabulationType==1)
614 for (iii=0; iii<nNeu[ii-nIso]; iii++)
617 if(theLegendre[ii-nIso][iii].GetEnergy()>anEnergy)
621 aStore.
SetCoeff(1, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][itt]));
626 aStore.
SetCoeff(0, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][itt-1]));
630 aStore.
SetCoeff(0, &(theLegendre[ii-nIso][itt]));
640 G4ThreeVector tempVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*std::cos(theta) );
647 for (iii=0; iii<nNeu[ii-nIso]; iii++)
650 if(theAngular[ii-nIso][iii].GetEnergy()>anEnergy)
661 G4ThreeVector tmpVector(en*sinth*std::cos(phi), en*sinth*std::sin(phi), en*costh );
665 thePhotons->push_back(theOne);
667 else if( repFlag==0 )
671 if ( thePartialXsec == 0 )
682 thePhotons->push_back( theOne );
688 std::vector < G4double > dif( nDiscrete , 0.0 );
689 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < nDiscrete ; j++ )
703 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < nDiscrete ; j++ )
729 if ( iphoton < nIso )
747 if ( tabulationType == 1 )
752 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < nNeu [ iphoton - nIso ] ; j++ )
755 if ( theLegendre[ iphoton - nIso ][ j ].GetEnergy() > anEnergy )
759 aStore.
SetCoeff( 1 , &( theLegendre[ iphoton - nIso ][ iangle ] ) );
760 aStore.
SetCoeff( 0 , &( theLegendre[ iphoton - nIso ][ iangle - 1 ] ) );
765 else if ( tabulationType == 2 )
771 for (
G4int j = 0 ; j < nNeu [ iphoton - nIso ] ; j++ )
774 if ( theAngular[ iphoton - nIso ][ j ].GetEnergy() > anEnergy )
777 cosTheta = theAngular[iphoton-nIso][ iangle ].
785 G4double theta = std::acos( cosTheta );
786 G4double sinTheta = std::sin( theta );
788 G4double photonE = theGammas[ iphoton ];
789 G4ThreeVector direction ( sinTheta*std::cos( phi ) , sinTheta * std::sin( phi ) , cosTheta );
791 thePhotons->operator[]( 0 )->SetMomentum( photonP ) ;