Geant4  10.03.p03
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Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <stdarg.h>
6 #ifdef WIN32
7 /*#define va_copy(dst, src) ((dst) = (src))*/
8 #endif
10 #include "statusMessageReporting.h"
12 #if defined __cplusplus
13 namespace GIDI {
14 using namespace GIDI;
15 #endif
17 #define SMR_InitialMessageSize 1024
18 #define SMR_IncrementMessageSize 1024
20 static int smrIsSetup = 0;
21 static char smr_mallocFailed[] = "statusMessageReporting could not allocate memory for message";
22 static char statusStringOk[] = "Ok", statusStringInfo[] = "Info",
23  statusStringWarning[] = "Warning", statusStringError[] = "Error", statusStringInvalid[] = "Invalid";
26 static char unknownLibrary[] = "unknownID";
27 static char tooManyLibrary[] = "tooManyIDs";
28 static char invalidLibrary[] = "invalidID";
29 static char errnoLibrary[] = "errnoID";
30 static char smrLibrary[] = "statusMessageReporting";
33 static statusMessageReport *smr_reportNew( void );
34 static int smr_reportInitialize( statusMessageReport *report );
35 static void smr_reportRelease( statusMessageReport *report );
36 static int smr_setReport( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code,
37  enum smr_status status, char const *fmt, va_list *args );
38 static int smr_setAllocationFailure( statusMessageReport *report, char const *file, int line, char const *function, char const *fmt, va_list *args );
39 /*
40 ============================================================
41 */
42 int smr_setup( void ) {
44  int i;
46  if( smrIsSetup ) return( 0 );
47  smrIsSetup = 1;
48  for( i = 0; i < smr_maximumNumberOfRegisteredLibraries; ++i ) registeredLibraries[i] = NULL;
59  return( 1 );
60 }
61 /*
62 ============================================================
63 */
64 int smr_cleanup( void ) {
66  int i;
68  if( smrIsSetup == 0 ) return( 0 );
69  for( i = smr_smrID + 1; i < numberOfRegisteredLibraries; ++i ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(registeredLibraries[i]) );
70  numberOfRegisteredLibraries = 0;
71  smrIsSetup = 0;
73  return( 0 );
74 }
75 /*
76 ============================================================
77 */
78 int smr_registerLibrary( char const *libraryName ) {
80  int i;
82  if( smrIsSetup == 0 ) return( -1 );
84  for( i = 0; i < numberOfRegisteredLibraries; ++i ) { /* Check if name is already registered. */
85  if( strcmp( libraryName, registeredLibraries[i] ) == 0 ) return( i );
86  }
87  if( ( registeredLibraries[numberOfRegisteredLibraries] = strdup( libraryName ) ) == NULL ) return( -2 );
89  return( numberOfRegisteredLibraries - 1 );
90 }
91 /*
92 ============================================================
93 */
97 }
98 /*
99 ============================================================
100 */
101 char const *smr_getRegisteredLibrariesName( int ID ) {
103  if( ( ID < 0 ) || ( ID >= smr_maximumNumberOfRegisteredLibraries ) ) return( NULL );
104  return( registeredLibraries[ID] );
105 }
106 /*
107 ============================================================
108 */
109 statusMessageReporting *smr_new( statusMessageReporting *smr, enum smr_status verbosity, int append ) {
111  statusMessageReporting *new_SMR;
113  if( ( new_SMR = (statusMessageReporting *) smr_malloc2( smr, sizeof( statusMessageReporting ), 0, "new_SMR" ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
114  smr_initialize( new_SMR, verbosity, append );
115  return( new_SMR );
116 }
117 /*
118 ============================================================
119 */
120 int smr_initialize( statusMessageReporting *smr, enum smr_status verbosity, int append ) {
122  if( smr == NULL ) return( 0 );
123  smr->verbosity = verbosity;
124  smr->append = append;
125  smr_reportInitialize( &(smr->report) );
126  return( 0 );
127 }
128 /*
129 ============================================================
130 */
133  if( smr == NULL ) return( NULL );
134  return( smr_new( NULL, smr->verbosity, smr->append ) );
135 }
136 /*
137 ============================================================
138 */
141  statusMessageReport *current, *next, *first = smr_firstReport( smr );
143  if( smr == NULL ) return;
144  for( current = first; current != NULL; current = next ) {
145  next = smr_nextReport( current );
146  smr_reportRelease( current );
147  if( current != first ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &current );
148  }
149  smr_initialize( smr, smr->verbosity, smr->append );
150 }
151 /*
152 ============================================================
153 */
156  if( smr == NULL ) return( NULL );
157  if( *smr != NULL ) {
158  smr_release( *smr );
159  smr_freeMemory( (void **) smr );
160  }
161  return( *smr );
162 }
163 /*
164 ============================================================
165 */
168  statusMessageReport *report;
170  if( ( report = (statusMessageReport *) smr_malloc2( NULL, sizeof( statusMessageReport ), 0, "report" ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
171  smr_reportInitialize( report );
172  return( report );
173 }
174 /*
175 ============================================================
176 */
179  report->next = NULL;
180  report->status = smr_status_Ok;
181  report->libraryID = smr_unknownID;
182  report->code = smr_codeNULL;
183  report->line = -1;
184  report->fileName[0] = 0;
185  report->function[0] = 0;
186  report->message = NULL;
187  return( 0 );
188 }
189 /*
190 ============================================================
191 */
192 static void smr_reportRelease( statusMessageReport *report ) {
194  if( report->message != NULL ) {
195  if( report->message != smr_mallocFailed ) smr_freeMemory( (void **) &(report->message) );
196  }
197  smr_reportInitialize( report );
198 }
199 /*
200 ============================================================
201 */
202 static int smr_setReport( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code,
203  enum smr_status status, char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
205  char *userMsg;
206  statusMessageReport *report, *next;
208  if( smr == NULL ) return( 0 );
209  if( (int) status < (int) smr->verbosity ) return( 0 );
210  if( status == smr_status_Ok ) return( 0 );
211  if( ( smr->report.status != smr_status_Ok ) && smr->append ) {
212  if( ( report = smr_reportNew( ) ) == NULL ) return( smr_setAllocationFailure( NULL, file, line, function, fmt, args ) );
213  for( next = smr_firstReport( smr ); next->next != NULL; next = next->next ) ;
214  next->next = report; }
215  else {
216  if( status <= smr->report.status ) return( 0 );
217  smr_release( smr );
218  report = &(smr->report);
219  }
220  report->status = status;
221  if( ( libraryID < 0 ) || ( libraryID >= numberOfRegisteredLibraries ) ) libraryID = smr_invalidID;
222  report->libraryID = libraryID;
223  report->code = code;
224  report->line = line;
225  if( file != NULL ) strncpy( report->fileName, file, smr_maximumFileNameSize );
226  report->fileName[smr_maximumFileNameSize] = 0;
227  if( function != NULL ) strncpy( report->function, function, smr_maximumFileNameSize );
228  report->function[smr_maximumFileNameSize] = 0;
230  if( ( report->message = smr_vallocateFormatMessage( fmt, args ) ) == NULL ) return( smr_setAllocationFailure( report, file, line, function, fmt, args ) );
231  if( userInterface != NULL ) {
232  if( ( userMsg = (*(smr_userInterface *) userInterface)( (void *) userInterface ) ) != NULL ) {
233  int userSize = (int) strlen( userMsg );
234  if( ( report->message = (char *) smr_realloc2( NULL, report->message, strlen( report->message ) + userSize + 2, "report->message" ) ) == NULL ) {
235  free( userMsg );
236  return( smr_setAllocationFailure( report, file, line, function, fmt, args ) );
237  }
238  strcat( report->message, userMsg );
239  free( userMsg );
240  }
241  }
242  return( 0 );
243 }
244 /*
245 ============================================================
246 */
247 static int smr_setAllocationFailure( statusMessageReport *report, char const *file, int line, char const *function, char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
249  vfprintf( stderr, fmt, *args );
250  va_end( *args );
251  fprintf( stderr, "\nAt line %d of %s in function %s\n", line, file, function );
252  if( report != NULL ) {
253  report->status = smr_status_Error;
254  report->message = (char *) smr_mallocFailed;
255  return( 1 );
256  }
257  return( -1 );
258 }
259 /*
260 ============================================================
261 */
262 int smr_setReportInfo( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, ... ) {
264  int status;
265  va_list args;
267  va_start( args, fmt );
268  status = smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Info, fmt, &args );
269  va_end( args );
270  return( status );
271 }
272 /*
273 ============================================================
274 */
275 int smr_vsetReportInfo( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
277  return( smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Info, fmt, args ) );
278 }
279 /*
280 ============================================================
281 */
282 int smr_setReportWarning( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, ... ) {
284  int status;
285  va_list args;
287  va_start( args, fmt );
288  status = smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Warning, fmt, &args );
289  va_end( args );
290  return( status );
291 }
292 /*
293 ============================================================
294 */
295 int smr_vsetReportWarning( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
297  return( smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Warning, fmt, args ) );
298 }
299 /*
300 ============================================================
301 */
302 int smr_setReportError( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, ... ) {
304  int status;
305  va_list args;
307  va_start( args, fmt );
308  status = smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Error, fmt, &args );
309  va_end( args );
310  return( status );
311 }
312 /*
313 ============================================================
314 */
315 int smr_vsetReportError( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
317  return( smr_setReport( smr, userInterface, file, line, function, libraryID, code, smr_status_Error, fmt, args ) );
318 }
319 /*
320 ============================================================
321 */
324  enum smr_status status = smr_status_Ok;
325  statusMessageReport *report;
327  if( smr == NULL ) return( smr_status_Ok );
328  for( report = smr_firstReport( smr ); report != NULL; report = smr_nextReport( report ) ) if( report->status > status ) status = report->status;
329  return( status );
330 }
331 /*
332 ============================================================
333 */
336  return( smr_highestStatus( smr ) == smr_status_Ok );
337 }
338 /*
339 ============================================================
340 */
343  return( smr_highestStatus( smr ) == smr_status_Info );
344 }
345 /*
346 ============================================================
347 */
350  return( smr_highestStatus( smr ) == smr_status_Warning );
351 }
352 /*
353 ============================================================
354 */
357  return( smr_highestStatus( smr ) == smr_status_Error );
358 }
359 /*
360 ============================================================
361 */
364  enum smr_status status = smr_highestStatus( smr );
366  return( ( status == smr_status_Warning ) || ( status == smr_status_Error ) );
367 }
368 /*
369 ============================================================
370 */
373  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
374  return( report->status == smr_status_Ok );
375 }
376 /*
377 ============================================================
378 */
381  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
382  return( report->status == smr_status_Info );
383 }
384 /*
385 ============================================================
386 */
389  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
390  return( report->status == smr_status_Warning );
391 }
392 /*
393 ============================================================
394 */
397  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
398  return( report->status == smr_status_Error );
399 }
400 /*
401 ============================================================
402 */
405  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
406  return( ( report->status == smr_status_Warning ) || ( report->status == smr_status_Error ) );
407 }
408 /*
409 ============================================================
410 */
413  int n = 0;
414  statusMessageReport *report;
416  if( smr == NULL ) return( 0 );
417  if( smr->report.status == smr_status_Ok ) return( 0 );
418  for( report = smr_firstReport( smr ); report != NULL; report = smr_nextReport( report ) ) ++n;
419  return( n );
420 }
421 /*
422 ============================================================
423 */
426  if( smr == NULL ) return( NULL );
427  if( smr->report.status == smr_status_Ok ) return( NULL );
428  return( &(smr->report) );
429 }
430 /*
431 ============================================================
432 */
435  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
436  return( report->next );
437 }
438 /*
439 ============================================================
440 */
443  if( smr == NULL ) return( smr_status_Ok );
444  return( smr->verbosity );
445 }
446 /*
447 ============================================================
448 */
451  if( smr == NULL ) return( 0 );
452  return( smr->append );
453 }
454 /*
455 ============================================================
456 */
459  if( report == NULL ) return( 0 );
460  return( report->libraryID );
461 }
462 /*
463 ============================================================
464 */
467  if( report == NULL ) return( -1 );
468  return( report->code );
469 }
470 /*
471 ============================================================
472 */
475  if( report == NULL ) return( -1 );
476  return( report->line );
477 }
478 /*
479 ============================================================
480 */
481 char const *smr_getFile( statusMessageReport *report ) {
483  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
484  return( report->fileName );
485 }
486 /*
487 ============================================================
488 */
489 char const *smr_getFunction( statusMessageReport *report ) {
491  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
492  return( report->function );
493 }
494 /*
495 ============================================================
496 */
497 char const *smr_getMessage( statusMessageReport *report ) {
499  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
500  return( report->message );
501 }
502 /*
503 ============================================================
504 */
507  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
508  if( report->status == smr_status_Ok ) return( NULL );
509  return( smr_allocateFormatMessage( report->message ) );
510 }
511 /*
512 ============================================================
513 */
516  if( report == NULL ) return( NULL );
517  if( report->status == smr_status_Ok ) return( NULL );
518  return( smr_allocateFormatMessage( "%s\nAt line %d of %s in function %s", report->message, report->line, report->fileName, report->function ) );
519 }
520 /*
521 ============================================================
522 */
523 void smr_print( statusMessageReporting *smr, int clear ) {
525  smr_write( smr, stdout, clear );
526 }
527 /*
528 ============================================================
529 */
530 void smr_write( statusMessageReporting *smr, FILE *f, int clear ) {
532  statusMessageReport *report;
534  if( smr == NULL ) return;
535  for( report = smr_firstReport( smr ); report != NULL; report = smr_nextReport( report ) ) smr_reportWrite( report, f );
536  if( clear ) smr_release( smr );
537 }
538 /*
539 ============================================================
540 */
543  smr_reportWrite( report, stderr );
544 }
545 /*
546 ============================================================
547 */
548 void smr_reportWrite( statusMessageReport *report, FILE *f ) {
550  if( report->message != NULL ) fprintf( f, "%s\nAt line %d of %s in function %s\n", report->message, report->line, report->fileName, report->function );
551 }
552 /*
553 ============================================================
554 */
555 char const *smr_statusToString( enum smr_status status ) {
557  switch( status ) {
558  case smr_status_Ok : return( statusStringOk );
559  case smr_status_Info : return( statusStringInfo );
560  case smr_status_Warning : return( statusStringWarning );
561  case smr_status_Error : return( statusStringError );
562  }
563  return( statusStringInvalid );
564 }
565 /*
566 ============================================================
567 */
568 char *smr_allocateFormatMessage( char const *fmt, ... ) {
570  char *s;
571  va_list args;
573  va_start( args, fmt );
574  s = smr_vallocateFormatMessage( fmt, &args );
575  va_end( args );
576  return( s );
577 }
578 /*
579 ============================================================
580 */
581 char *smr_vallocateFormatMessage( char const *fmt, va_list *args ) {
583  int n, size = SMR_InitialMessageSize;
584  char buffer[SMR_InitialMessageSize], *message = buffer;
585  va_list args_;
587  while( 1 ) {
588  va_copy( args_, *args );
589  n = vsnprintf( message, size, fmt, args_ );
590  va_end( args_ );
591  if( ( n > -1 ) && ( n < size ) ) break;
592  if( n > -1 ) { /* glibc 2.1 */
593  size = n + 3; }
594  else { /* glibc 2.0 */
595  size += SMR_IncrementMessageSize;
596  }
597  if( message == buffer ) message = NULL;
598  if( ( message = (char *) realloc( message, size ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
599  } // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
600  if( message == buffer ) {
601  if( ( message = (char *) malloc( n + 1 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
602  strcpy( message, buffer ); }
603  else {
604  if( ( message = (char *) realloc( message, n + 1 ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
605  }
606  return( message );
607 }
608 /*
609 ============================================================
610 */
611 void *smr_malloc( statusMessageReporting *smr, size_t size, int zero, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function ) {
613  void *p = smr_realloc( smr, NULL, size, forItem, file, line, function );
614  size_t i;
615  char *c;
616  long long *l;
618  if( ( p != NULL ) && zero ) {
619  for( i = 0, l = (long long *) p; i < size / sizeof( long long ); i++, l++ ) *l = 0;
620  for( i *= sizeof( long long ), c = (char *) l; i < size; i++, c++ ) *c = 0;
621  }
623  return( p );
624 }
625 /*
626 ============================================================
627 */
628 void *smr_realloc( statusMessageReporting *smr, void *pOld, size_t size, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function ) {
630  void *p = realloc( pOld, size );
632  if( ( p == NULL ) && ( smr != NULL ) ) {
633  smr_setReportError( smr, NULL, file, line, function, smr_smrID, -1, " smr_realloc: failed to realloc size = %z for variable %s\n", size, forItem );
634  }
635  return( p );
636 }
637 /*
638 ============================================================
639 */
640 void *smr_freeMemory( void **p ) {
642  if( p == NULL ) return( NULL );
643  if( *p != NULL ) {
644  free( *p );
645  *p = NULL;
646  }
647  return( *p );
648 }
649 /*
650 ============================================================
651 */
652 char *smr_allocateCopyString( statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *s, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function ) {
653 /*
654 * User must free returned string.
655 */
656  char *c = strdup( s );
658  if( c == NULL ) smr_setReportError( smr, NULL, file, line, function, smr_smrID, -1, " smr_allocateCopyString: strdup failed for strlen( s ) = %z for variable %s",
659  strlen( s ), forItem );
660  return( c );
661 }
662 /*
663 ============================================================
664 */
665 char *smr_allocateCopyStringN( statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *s, size_t n, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function ) {
666 /*
667 * User must free returned string.
668 */
669  size_t l = strlen( s );
670  char *c;
672  if( l > n ) l = n;
673  if( ( c = (char *) smr_malloc( smr, l + 1, 0, forItem, file, line, function ) ) != NULL ) {
674  strncpy( c, s, n );
675  c[l] = 0;
676  }
677 /*
678  c = strndup( s, l ); # Not standard on enough systems.
679  if( c != NULL ) {
680  c[l] = 0; }
681  else {
682  smr_setReportError( smr, NULL, file, line, function, smr_smrID, -1, " smr_allocateCopyStringN: strndup failed for strlen( s ) = %z for variable %s",
683  strlen( s ), forItem );
684  }
685 */
686  return( c );
687 }
689 #if defined __cplusplus
690 }
691 #endif
char * smr_allocateCopyStringN(statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *s, size_t n, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function)
int smr_isReportError(statusMessageReport *report)
static char statusStringWarning[]
void smr_release(statusMessageReporting *smr)
static char statusStringError[]
int smr_setup(void)
static char * registeredLibraries[smr_maximumNumberOfRegisteredLibraries]
#define smr_tooManyIDs
statusMessageReporting * smr_clone(statusMessageReporting *smr)
static char unknownLibrary[]
char const * smr_getRegisteredLibrariesName(int ID)
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
static char statusStringInvalid[]
char const * smr_getFunction(statusMessageReport *report)
int smr_isWarning(statusMessageReporting *smr)
#define smr_errnoID
char *(* smr_userInterface)(void *userData)
void * smr_free(statusMessageReporting **smr)
#define SMR_IncrementMessageSize
#define buffer
static char statusStringInfo[]
int smr_getLibraryID(statusMessageReport *report)
static char smr_mallocFailed[]
int smr_numberOfReports(statusMessageReporting *smr)
int smr_isReportOk(statusMessageReport *report)
int smr_isInfo(statusMessageReporting *smr)
void smr_print(statusMessageReporting *smr, int clear)
char * smr_allocateFormatMessage(char const *fmt,...)
int smr_isReportWarning(statusMessageReport *report)
int smr_setReportInfo(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)
int smr_vsetReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
char const * smr_statusToString(enum smr_status status)
const XML_Char * s
Definition: expat.h:262
int smr_vsetReportInfo(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
statusMessageReport * smr_firstReport(statusMessageReporting *smr)
enum smr_status smr_getVerbosity(statusMessageReporting *smr)
int smr_isReportWarningOrError(statusMessageReport *report)
statusMessageReport report
#define smr_invalidID
static char tooManyLibrary[]
#define smr_codeNULL
static int smr_setReport(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, enum smr_status status, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
#define SMR_InitialMessageSize
int smr_getLine(statusMessageReport *report)
void smr_reportPrint(statusMessageReport *report)
static char smrLibrary[]
int smr_cleanup(void)
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)
static char invalidLibrary[]
static char statusStringOk[]
#define smr_malloc2(smr, size, zero, forItem)
int smr_setReportWarning(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)
void smr_write(statusMessageReporting *smr, FILE *f, int clear)
const G4int n
#define smr_unknownID
enum smr_status smr_highestStatus(statusMessageReporting *smr)
char * smr_allocateCopyString(statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *s, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function)
int smr_isOk(statusMessageReporting *smr)
char fileName[smr_maximumFileNameSize+1]
static char errnoLibrary[]
static int smr_setAllocationFailure(statusMessageReport *report, char const *file, int line, char const *function, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
char * smr_copyFullMessage(statusMessageReport *report)
Definition: inftrees.h:24
static int smr_reportInitialize(statusMessageReport *report)
void * smr_freeMemory(void **p)
char * smr_vallocateFormatMessage(char const *fmt, va_list *args)
void * smr_malloc(statusMessageReporting *smr, size_t size, int zero, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function)
int smr_setReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)
int smr_isWarningOrError(statusMessageReporting *smr)
char const * smr_getFile(statusMessageReport *report)
statusMessageReporting * smr_new(statusMessageReporting *smr, enum smr_status verbosity, int append)
struct statusMessageReport * next
static statusMessageReport * smr_reportNew(void)
static int numberOfRegisteredLibraries
char * smr_copyMessage(statusMessageReport *report)
char const * smr_getMessage(statusMessageReport *report)
char function[smr_maximumFileNameSize+1]
int smr_initialize(statusMessageReporting *smr, enum smr_status verbosity, int append)
#define smr_realloc2(smr, old, size, forItem)
int smr_isError(statusMessageReporting *smr)
static int smrIsSetup
int smr_registerLibrary(char const *libraryName)
int smr_getAppend(statusMessageReporting *smr)
#define smr_smrID
int smr_isReportInfo(statusMessageReport *report)
tuple c
#define smr_maximumNumberOfRegisteredLibraries
int smr_vsetReportWarning(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
int smr_getCode(statusMessageReport *report)
void * smr_realloc(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *pOld, size_t size, char const *forItem, char const *file, int line, char const *function)
int smr_numberOfRegisteredLibraries(void)
statusMessageReport * smr_nextReport(statusMessageReport *report)
static void smr_reportRelease(statusMessageReport *report)
void smr_reportWrite(statusMessageReport *report, FILE *f)
#define smr_maximumFileNameSize