Geant4  10.03.p03
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G4EmParametersMessenger Class Reference

#include <G4EmParametersMessenger.hh>

Inheritance diagram for G4EmParametersMessenger:
Collaboration diagram for G4EmParametersMessenger:

Public Member Functions

 G4EmParametersMessenger (G4EmParameters *)
virtual ~G4EmParametersMessenger ()
virtual void SetNewValue (G4UIcommand *, G4String) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from G4UImessenger
 G4UImessenger ()
 G4UImessenger (const G4String &path, const G4String &dsc, G4bool commandsToBeBroadcasted=true)
virtual ~G4UImessenger ()
virtual G4String GetCurrentValue (G4UIcommand *command)
G4bool operator== (const G4UImessenger &messenger) const
G4bool CommandsShouldBeInMaster () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from G4UImessenger
G4String ItoS (G4int i)
G4String DtoS (G4double a)
G4String BtoS (G4bool b)
G4int StoI (G4String s)
G4double StoD (G4String s)
G4bool StoB (G4String s)
void AddUIcommand (G4UIcommand *newCommand)
void CreateDirectory (const G4String &path, const G4String &dsc, G4bool commandsToBeBroadcasted=true)
template<typename T >
T * CreateCommand (const G4String &cname, const G4String &dsc)
- Protected Attributes inherited from G4UImessenger
G4String baseDirName
G4bool commandsShouldBeInMaster

Detailed Description

Definition at line 68 of file G4EmParametersMessenger.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G4EmParametersMessenger::G4EmParametersMessenger ( G4EmParameters ptr)

Definition at line 64 of file

65  : theParameters(ptr)
66 {
67  eLossDirectory = new G4UIdirectory("/process/eLoss/");
68  eLossDirectory->SetGuidance("Commands for EM processes.");
69  mscDirectory = new G4UIdirectory("/process/msc/");
70  mscDirectory->SetGuidance("Commands for EM scattering processes.");
71  emDirectory = new G4UIdirectory("/process/em/");
72  emDirectory->SetGuidance("General commands for EM processes.");
74  flucCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/fluct",this);
75  flucCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable energy loss fluctuations.");
76  flucCmd->SetParameterName("choice",true);
77  flucCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
80  rangeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/CSDARange",this);
81  rangeCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable CSDA range calculation");
82  rangeCmd->SetParameterName("range",true);
83  rangeCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
86  lpmCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/LPM",this);
87  lpmCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable LPM effect calculation");
88  lpmCmd->SetParameterName("lpm",true);
89  lpmCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
92  splCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/spline",this);
93  splCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable usage spline for Physics Vectors");
94  splCmd->SetParameterName("spl",true);
95  splCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
98  rsCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/useCutAsFinalRange",this);
99  rsCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable use of cut in range as a final range");
100  rsCmd->SetParameterName("choice",true);
101  rsCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
104  aplCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/applyCuts",this);
105  aplCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable applying cuts for gamma processes");
106  aplCmd->SetParameterName("apl",true);
107  aplCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
110  deCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/fluo",this);
111  deCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable atomic deexcitation");
112  deCmd->SetParameterName("fluoFlag",true);
113  deCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
116  dirFluoCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/fluoBearden",this);
117  dirFluoCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable usage of Bearden fluorescence files");
118  dirFluoCmd->SetParameterName("fluoBeardenFlag",true);
119  dirFluoCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
120  dirFluoCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
122  auCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/auger",this);
123  auCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable Auger electrons production");
124  auCmd->SetParameterName("augerFlag",true);
125  auCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
128  auCascadeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/augerCascade",this);
129  auCascadeCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable simulation of cascade of Auger electrons");
130  auCascadeCmd->SetParameterName("augerCascadeFlag",true);
131  auCascadeCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
134  pixeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/pixe",this);
135  pixeCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable PIXE simulation");
136  pixeCmd->SetParameterName("pixeFlag",true);
137  pixeCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
140  dcutCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut",this);
141  dcutCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/Disable usage of cuts in de-excitation module");
142  dcutCmd->SetParameterName("deexcut",true);
143  dcutCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
146  latCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/msc/LateralDisplacement",this);
147  latCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable sampling of lateral displacement");
148  latCmd->SetParameterName("lat",true);
149  latCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
152  mulatCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/msc/MuHadLateralDisplacement",this);
153  mulatCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable sampling of lateral displacement for muons and hadrons");
154  mulatCmd->SetParameterName("mulat",true);
155  mulatCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
158  catCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/msc/DisplacementBeyondSafety",this);
159  catCmd->SetGuidance("Enable/disable displacement at geometry boundary");
160  catCmd->SetParameterName("cat",true);
161  catCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
164  delCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/UseAngularGenerator",this);
165  delCmd->SetGuidance("Enable usage of angular generator");
166  delCmd->SetParameterName("del",true);
167  delCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
170  IntegCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/eLoss/integral",this);
171  IntegCmd->SetGuidance("Switch true/false the integral option");
172  IntegCmd->SetParameterName("integ",true);
173  IntegCmd->SetDefaultValue(true);
176  mottCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/msc/UseMottCorrection",this);
177  mottCmd->SetGuidance("Enable usage of Mott corrections for e- elastic scattering");
178  mottCmd->SetParameterName("mott",true);
179  mottCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
182  birksCmd = new G4UIcmdWithABool("/process/msc/UseG4EmSaturation",this);
183  birksCmd->SetGuidance("Enable usage of built-in Birks saturation");
184  birksCmd->SetParameterName("birks",true);
185  birksCmd->SetDefaultValue(false);
188  minSubSecCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/eLoss/minsubsec",this);
189  minSubSecCmd->SetGuidance("Set the ratio subcut/cut ");
190  minSubSecCmd->SetParameterName("rcmin",true);
191  minSubSecCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit);
193  minEnCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/eLoss/minKinEnergy",this);
194  minEnCmd->SetGuidance("Set the min kinetic energy for EM tables");
195  minEnCmd->SetParameterName("emin",true);
196  minEnCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
199  maxEnCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/eLoss/maxKinEnergy",this);
200  maxEnCmd->SetGuidance("Set the max kinetic energy for EM tables");
201  maxEnCmd->SetParameterName("emax",true);
202  maxEnCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
205  cenCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/eLoss/maxKinEnergyCSDA",this);
206  cenCmd->SetGuidance("Set the max kinetic energy for CSDA table");
207  cenCmd->SetParameterName("emaxCSDA",true);
208  cenCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
211  lowEnCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/em/lowestElectronEnergy",this);
212  lowEnCmd->SetGuidance("Set the lowest kinetic energy for e+-");
213  lowEnCmd->SetParameterName("elow",true);
214  lowEnCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
217  lowhEnCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/em/lowestMuHadEnergy",this);
218  lowhEnCmd->SetGuidance("Set the lowest kinetic energy for muons and hadrons");
219  lowhEnCmd->SetParameterName("elowh",true);
220  lowhEnCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
223  lllCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/eLoss/linLossLimit",this);
224  lllCmd->SetGuidance("Set linearLossLimit parameter");
225  lllCmd->SetParameterName("linlim",true);
228  brCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/eLoss/bremThreshold",this);
229  brCmd->SetGuidance("Set bremsstrahlung energy threshold");
230  brCmd->SetParameterName("emaxBrem",true);
231  brCmd->SetUnitCategory("Energy");
234  labCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/eLoss/LambdaFactor",this);
235  labCmd->SetGuidance("Set lambdaFactor parameter for integral option");
236  labCmd->SetParameterName("Fl",true);
239  mscfCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/msc/FactorForAngleLimit",this);
240  mscfCmd->SetGuidance("Set factor for computation of a limit for -t (invariant trasfer)");
241  mscfCmd->SetParameterName("Fact",true);
242  mscfCmd->SetRange("Fact>0");
243  mscfCmd->SetDefaultValue(1.);
246  angCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/process/msc/ThetaLimit",this);
247  angCmd->SetGuidance("Set the limit on the polar angle for msc and single scattering");
248  angCmd->SetParameterName("theta",true);
249  angCmd->SetUnitCategory("Angle");
252  frCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/msc/RangeFactor",this);
253  frCmd->SetGuidance("Set RangeFactor for msc processes of e+-");
254  frCmd->SetParameterName("Fr",true);
255  frCmd->SetRange("Fr>0");
256  frCmd->SetDefaultValue(0.04);
259  fr1Cmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/msc/RangeFactorMuHad",this);
260  fr1Cmd->SetGuidance("Set RangeFactor for msc processes of muons/hadrons");
261  fr1Cmd->SetParameterName("Fr1",true);
262  fr1Cmd->SetRange("Fr1>0");
263  fr1Cmd->SetDefaultValue(0.2);
266  fgCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/msc/GeomFactor",this);
267  fgCmd->SetGuidance("Set GeomFactor parameter for msc processes");
268  fgCmd->SetParameterName("Fg",true);
269  fgCmd->SetRange("Fg>0");
270  fgCmd->SetDefaultValue(3.5);
273  skinCmd = new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/process/msc/Skin",this);
274  skinCmd->SetGuidance("Set skin parameter for msc processes");
275  skinCmd->SetParameterName("skin",true);
278  dedxCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/eLoss/binsDEDX",this);
279  dedxCmd->SetGuidance("Set number of bins for EM tables");
280  dedxCmd->SetParameterName("binsDEDX",true);
281  dedxCmd->SetDefaultValue(77);
284  lamCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/eLoss/binsLambda",this);
285  lamCmd->SetGuidance("Set number of bins for EM tables");
286  lamCmd->SetParameterName("binsL",true);
287  lamCmd->SetDefaultValue(77);
290  amCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/eLoss/binsPerDecade",this);
291  amCmd->SetGuidance("Set number of bins per decade for EM tables");
292  amCmd->SetParameterName("bins",true);
293  amCmd->SetDefaultValue(7);
296  verCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/eLoss/verbose",this);
297  verCmd->SetGuidance("Set verbose level for EM physics");
298  verCmd->SetParameterName("verb",true);
299  verCmd->SetDefaultValue(1);
302  ver1Cmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/em/verbose",this);
303  ver1Cmd->SetGuidance("Set verbose level for EM physics");
304  ver1Cmd->SetParameterName("verb1",true);
305  ver1Cmd->SetDefaultValue(1);
308  ver2Cmd = new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/process/em/workerVerbose",this);
309  ver2Cmd->SetGuidance("Set worker verbose level for EM physics");
310  ver2Cmd->SetParameterName("verb2",true);
311  ver2Cmd->SetDefaultValue(1);
314  mscCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/msc/StepLimit",this);
315  mscCmd->SetGuidance("Set msc step limitation type");
316  mscCmd->SetParameterName("StepLim",true);
317  mscCmd->SetCandidates("Minimal UseSafety UseSafetyPlus UseDistanceToBoundary");
320  msc1Cmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/msc/StepLimitMuHad",this);
321  msc1Cmd->SetGuidance("Set msc step limitation type for muons/hadrons");
322  msc1Cmd->SetParameterName("StepLim1",true);
323  msc1Cmd->SetCandidates("Minimal UseSafety UseSafetyPlus UseDistanceToBoundary");
326  pixeXsCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/em/pixeXSmodel",this);
327  pixeXsCmd->SetGuidance("The name of PIXE cross section");
328  pixeXsCmd->SetParameterName("pixeXS",true);
329  pixeXsCmd->SetCandidates("ECPSSR_Analytical Empirical ECPSSR_FormFactor");
332  pixeeXsCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/em/pixeElecXSmodel",this);
333  pixeeXsCmd->SetGuidance("The name of PIXE cross section for electron");
334  pixeeXsCmd->SetParameterName("pixeEXS",true);
335  pixeeXsCmd->SetCandidates("ECPSSR_Analytical Empirical Livermore Penelope");
338  paiCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/AddPAIRegion",this);
339  paiCmd->SetGuidance("Activate PAI in the G4Region.");
340  paiCmd->SetGuidance(" partName : particle name (default - all)");
341  paiCmd->SetGuidance(" regName : G4Region name");
342  paiCmd->SetGuidance(" paiType : PAI, PAIphoton");
345  G4UIparameter* part = new G4UIparameter("partName",'s',false);
346  paiCmd->SetParameter(part);
348  G4UIparameter* pregName = new G4UIparameter("regName",'s',false);
349  paiCmd->SetParameter(pregName);
351  G4UIparameter* ptype = new G4UIparameter("type",'s',false);
352  paiCmd->SetParameter(ptype);
354  meCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/em/AddMicroElecRegion",this);
355  meCmd->SetGuidance("Activate MicroElec model in the G4Region");
356  meCmd->SetParameterName("MicroElec",true);
359  dnaCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/AddDNARegion",this);
360  dnaCmd->SetGuidance("Activate DNA in a G4Region.");
361  dnaCmd->SetGuidance(" regName : G4Region name");
362  dnaCmd->SetGuidance(" dnaType : DNA_opt0, DNA_opt1, DNA_opt2");
365  G4UIparameter* regName = new G4UIparameter("regName",'s',false);
366  dnaCmd->SetParameter(regName);
368  G4UIparameter* type = new G4UIparameter("dnaType",'s',false);
369  dnaCmd->SetParameter(type);
371  mscoCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/AddEmRegion",this);
372  mscoCmd->SetGuidance("Add optional EM configuration for a G4Region.");
373  mscoCmd->SetGuidance(" regName : G4Region name");
374  mscoCmd->SetGuidance(" mscType : G4EmStandard, G4EmStandard_opt1, ...");
377  G4UIparameter* mregName = new G4UIparameter("regName",'s',false);
378  mscoCmd->SetParameter(mregName);
380  G4UIparameter* mtype = new G4UIparameter("mscType",'s',false);
381  mscoCmd->SetParameter(mtype);
383  dumpCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/printParameters",this);
384  dumpCmd->SetGuidance("Print all EM parameters.");
386  SubSecCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/eLoss/subsec",this);
387  SubSecCmd->SetGuidance("Switch true/false the subcutoff generation per region.");
388  SubSecCmd->SetGuidance(" subSec : true/false");
389  SubSecCmd->SetGuidance(" Region : region name");
392  G4UIparameter* subSec = new G4UIparameter("subSec",'s',false);
393  SubSecCmd->SetParameter(subSec);
395  G4UIparameter* subSecReg = new G4UIparameter("Region",'s',false);
396  SubSecCmd->SetParameter(subSecReg);
398  StepFuncCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/eLoss/StepFunction",this);
399  StepFuncCmd->SetGuidance("Set the energy loss step limitation parameters for e+-.");
400  StepFuncCmd->SetGuidance(" dRoverR : max Range variation per step");
401  StepFuncCmd->SetGuidance(" finalRange: range for final step");
404  G4UIparameter* dRoverRPrm = new G4UIparameter("dRoverR",'d',false);
405  dRoverRPrm->SetParameterRange("dRoverR>0. && dRoverR<=1.");
406  StepFuncCmd->SetParameter(dRoverRPrm);
408  G4UIparameter* finalRangePrm = new G4UIparameter("finalRange",'d',false);
409  finalRangePrm->SetParameterRange("finalRange>0.");
410  StepFuncCmd->SetParameter(finalRangePrm);
412  G4UIparameter* unitPrm = new G4UIparameter("unit",'s',true);
413  unitPrm->SetDefaultValue("mm");
414  StepFuncCmd->SetParameter(unitPrm);
416  StepFuncCmd1 = new G4UIcommand("/process/eLoss/StepFunctionMuHad",this);
417  StepFuncCmd1->SetGuidance("Set the energy loss step limitation parameters for muon/hadron.");
418  StepFuncCmd1->SetGuidance(" dRoverR : max Range variation per step");
419  StepFuncCmd1->SetGuidance(" finalRange: range for final step");
422  G4UIparameter* dRoverRPrm1 = new G4UIparameter("dRoverRMuHad",'d',false);
423  dRoverRPrm1->SetParameterRange("dRoverRMuHad>0. && dRoverRMuHad<=1.");
424  StepFuncCmd1->SetParameter(dRoverRPrm1);
426  G4UIparameter* finalRangePrm1 = new G4UIparameter("finalRangeMuHad",'d',false);
427  finalRangePrm1->SetParameterRange("finalRangeMuHad>0.");
428  StepFuncCmd1->SetParameter(finalRangePrm1);
430  G4UIparameter* unitPrm1 = new G4UIparameter("unit",'s',true);
431  unitPrm1->SetDefaultValue("mm");
432  StepFuncCmd1->SetParameter(unitPrm1);
434  deexCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/deexcitation",this);
435  deexCmd->SetGuidance("Set deexcitation flags per G4Region.");
436  deexCmd->SetGuidance(" regName : G4Region name");
437  deexCmd->SetGuidance(" flagFluo : Fluorescence");
438  deexCmd->SetGuidance(" flagAuger : Auger");
439  deexCmd->SetGuidance(" flagPIXE : PIXE");
442  G4UIparameter* regNameD = new G4UIparameter("regName",'s',false);
443  deexCmd->SetParameter(regNameD);
445  G4UIparameter* flagFluo = new G4UIparameter("flagFluo",'s',false);
446  deexCmd->SetParameter(flagFluo);
448  G4UIparameter* flagAuger = new G4UIparameter("flagAuger",'s',false);
449  deexCmd->SetParameter(flagAuger);
451  G4UIparameter* flagPIXE = new G4UIparameter("flagPIXE",'s',false);
452  deexCmd->SetParameter(flagPIXE);
454  bfCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/setBiasingFactor",this);
455  bfCmd->SetGuidance("Set factor for the process cross section.");
456  bfCmd->SetGuidance(" procName : process name");
457  bfCmd->SetGuidance(" procFact : factor");
458  bfCmd->SetGuidance(" flagFact : flag to change weight");
461  G4UIparameter* procName = new G4UIparameter("procName",'s',false);
462  bfCmd->SetParameter(procName);
464  G4UIparameter* procFact = new G4UIparameter("procFact",'d',false);
465  bfCmd->SetParameter(procFact);
467  G4UIparameter* flagFact = new G4UIparameter("flagFact",'s',false);
468  bfCmd->SetParameter(flagFact);
470  fiCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/setForcedInteraction",this);
471  fiCmd->SetGuidance("Set factor for the process cross section.");
472  fiCmd->SetGuidance(" procNam : process name");
473  fiCmd->SetGuidance(" regNam : region name");
474  fiCmd->SetGuidance(" tlength : fixed target length");
475  fiCmd->SetGuidance(" unitT : length unit");
476  fiCmd->SetGuidance(" tflag : flag to change weight");
479  G4UIparameter* procNam = new G4UIparameter("procNam",'s',false);
480  fiCmd->SetParameter(procNam);
482  G4UIparameter* regNam = new G4UIparameter("regNam",'s',false);
483  fiCmd->SetParameter(regNam);
485  G4UIparameter* tlength = new G4UIparameter("tlength",'d',false);
486  fiCmd->SetParameter(tlength);
488  G4UIparameter* unitT = new G4UIparameter("unitT",'s',true);
489  fiCmd->SetParameter(unitT);
491  G4UIparameter* flagT = new G4UIparameter("tflag",'s',true);
492  fiCmd->SetParameter(flagT);
494  bsCmd = new G4UIcommand("/process/em/setSecBiasing",this);
495  bsCmd->SetGuidance("Set bremsstrahlung or delta-e- splitting/Russian roullette per region.");
496  bsCmd->SetGuidance(" bProcNam : process name");
497  bsCmd->SetGuidance(" bRegNam : region name");
498  bsCmd->SetGuidance(" bFactor : number of splitted gamma or probability of Russian roulette");
499  bsCmd->SetGuidance(" bEnergy : max energy of a secondary for this biasing method");
500  bsCmd->SetGuidance(" bUnit : energy unit");
503  G4UIparameter* bProcNam = new G4UIparameter("bProcNam",'s',false);
504  bsCmd->SetParameter(bProcNam);
506  G4UIparameter* bRegNam = new G4UIparameter("bRegNam",'s',false);
507  bsCmd->SetParameter(bRegNam);
509  G4UIparameter* bFactor = new G4UIparameter("bFactor",'d',false);
510  bsCmd->SetParameter(bFactor);
512  G4UIparameter* bEnergy = new G4UIparameter("bEnergy",'d',false);
513  bsCmd->SetParameter(bEnergy);
515  G4UIparameter* bUnit = new G4UIparameter("bUnit",'s',true);
516  bsCmd->SetParameter(bUnit);
518  nffCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/process/em/setNuclearFormFactor",this);
519  nffCmd->SetGuidance("Define typy of nuclear form-factor");
520  nffCmd->SetParameterName("NucFF",true);
521  nffCmd->SetCandidates("None Exponential Gaussian Flat");
523 }
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetParameter(G4UIparameter *const newParameter)
Definition: G4UIcommand.hh:152
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetParameterRange(const char *theRange)
void SetDefaultValue(const char *theDefaultValue)
void SetUnitCategory(const char *unitCategory)
void SetDefaultValue(G4bool defVal)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetRange(const char *rs)
Definition: G4UIcommand.hh:125
void SetGuidance(const char *aGuidance)
Definition: G4UIcommand.hh:161
void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)
void SetDefaultValue(G4double defVal)
void SetCandidates(const char *candidateList)
void SetDefaultValue(G4int defVal)
void SetParameterName(const char *theName, G4bool omittable, G4bool currentAsDefault=false)

Here is the call graph for this function:

G4EmParametersMessenger::~G4EmParametersMessenger ( )

Definition at line 527 of file

528 {
529  delete eLossDirectory;
530  delete mscDirectory;
531  delete emDirectory;
533  delete flucCmd;
534  delete rangeCmd;
535  delete lpmCmd;
536  delete splCmd;
537  delete rsCmd;
538  delete aplCmd;
539  delete deCmd;
540  delete dirFluoCmd;
541  delete auCmd;
542  delete auCascadeCmd;
543  delete pixeCmd;
544  delete dcutCmd;
545  delete latCmd;
546  delete mulatCmd;
547  delete catCmd;
548  delete delCmd;
549  delete IntegCmd;
550  delete mottCmd;
551  delete birksCmd;
553  delete minSubSecCmd;
554  delete minEnCmd;
555  delete maxEnCmd;
556  delete cenCmd;
557  delete lowEnCmd;
558  delete lowhEnCmd;
559  delete lllCmd;
560  delete brCmd;
561  delete labCmd;
562  delete mscfCmd;
563  delete angCmd;
564  delete frCmd;
565  delete fr1Cmd;
566  delete fgCmd;
567  delete skinCmd;
569  delete dedxCmd;
570  delete lamCmd;
571  delete amCmd;
572  delete verCmd;
573  delete ver1Cmd;
574  delete ver2Cmd;
576  delete mscCmd;
577  delete msc1Cmd;
579  delete pixeXsCmd;
580  delete pixeeXsCmd;
582  delete paiCmd;
583  delete meCmd;
584  delete dnaCmd;
585  delete mscoCmd;
586  delete dumpCmd;
588  delete SubSecCmd;
589  delete StepFuncCmd;
590  delete StepFuncCmd1;
591  delete deexCmd;
592  delete bfCmd;
593  delete fiCmd;
594  delete bsCmd;
595  delete nffCmd;
596 }

Member Function Documentation

void G4EmParametersMessenger::SetNewValue ( G4UIcommand command,
G4String  newValue 

Reimplemented from G4UImessenger.

Definition at line 600 of file

602 {
603  G4bool physicsModified = false;
604  if (command == flucCmd) {
605  theParameters->SetLossFluctuations(flucCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
606  physicsModified = true;
607  } else if (command == rangeCmd) {
608  theParameters->SetBuildCSDARange(rangeCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
609  } else if (command == lpmCmd) {
610  theParameters->SetLPM(lpmCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
611  physicsModified = true;
612  } else if (command == splCmd) {
613  theParameters->SetSpline(splCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
614  physicsModified = true;
615  } else if (command == rsCmd) {
616  theParameters->SetUseCutAsFinalRange(rsCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
617  physicsModified = true;
618  } else if (command == aplCmd) {
619  theParameters->SetApplyCuts(aplCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
620  physicsModified = true;
621  } else if (command == deCmd) {
622  theParameters->SetFluo(deCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
623  physicsModified = true;
624  } else if (command == dirFluoCmd) {
625  theParameters->SetBeardenFluoDir(dirFluoCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
626  } else if (command == auCmd) {
627  theParameters->SetAuger(auCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
628  physicsModified = true;
629  } else if (command == auCascadeCmd) {
630  theParameters->SetAugerCascade(auCascadeCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
631  physicsModified = true;
632  } else if (command == pixeCmd) {
633  theParameters->SetPixe(pixeCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
634  physicsModified = true;
635  } else if (command == dcutCmd) {
636  theParameters->SetDeexcitationIgnoreCut(dcutCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
637  physicsModified = true;
638  } else if (command == latCmd) {
639  theParameters->SetLateralDisplacement(latCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
640  physicsModified = true;
641  } else if (command == mulatCmd) {
642  theParameters->SetMuHadLateralDisplacement(mulatCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
643  physicsModified = true;
644  } else if (command == catCmd) {
645  theParameters->SetLatDisplacementBeyondSafety(catCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
646  physicsModified = true;
647  } else if (command == delCmd) {
648  theParameters->ActivateAngularGeneratorForIonisation(delCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
649  } else if (command == IntegCmd) {
650  theParameters->SetIntegral(IntegCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
651  physicsModified = true;
652  } else if (command == mottCmd) {
653  theParameters->SetUseMottCorrection(mottCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
654  } else if (command == birksCmd) {
655  theParameters->SetBirksActive(birksCmd->GetNewBoolValue(newValue));
657  } else if (command == minSubSecCmd) {
658  theParameters->SetMinSubRange(minSubSecCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
659  } else if (command == minEnCmd) {
660  theParameters->SetMinEnergy(minEnCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
661  physicsModified = true;
662  } else if (command == maxEnCmd) {
663  theParameters->SetMaxEnergy(maxEnCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
664  physicsModified = true;
665  } else if (command == cenCmd) {
666  theParameters->SetMaxEnergyForCSDARange(cenCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
667  physicsModified = true;
668  } else if (command == lowEnCmd) {
669  theParameters->SetLowestElectronEnergy(lowEnCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
670  physicsModified = true;
671  } else if (command == lowhEnCmd) {
672  theParameters->SetLowestMuHadEnergy(lowhEnCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
673  physicsModified = true;
674  } else if (command == lllCmd) {
675  theParameters->SetLinearLossLimit(lllCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
676  physicsModified = true;
677  } else if (command == brCmd) {
678  theParameters->SetBremsstrahlungTh(brCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
679  physicsModified = true;
680  } else if (command == labCmd) {
681  theParameters->SetLambdaFactor(labCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
682  physicsModified = true;
683  } else if (command == mscfCmd) {
684  theParameters->SetFactorForAngleLimit(mscfCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
685  physicsModified = true;
686  } else if (command == angCmd) {
687  theParameters->SetMscThetaLimit(angCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
688  physicsModified = true;
689  } else if (command == frCmd) {
690  theParameters->SetMscRangeFactor(frCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
691  physicsModified = true;
692  } else if (command == fr1Cmd) {
693  theParameters->SetMscMuHadRangeFactor(fr1Cmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
694  physicsModified = true;
695  } else if (command == fgCmd) {
696  theParameters->SetMscGeomFactor(fgCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
697  physicsModified = true;
698  } else if (command == skinCmd) {
699  theParameters->SetMscSkin(skinCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
700  physicsModified = true;
702  } else if (command == dedxCmd) {
703  theParameters->SetNumberOfBins(dedxCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
704  physicsModified = true;
705  } else if (command == lamCmd) {
706  theParameters->SetNumberOfBins(lamCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
707  physicsModified = true;
708  } else if (command == amCmd) {
709  theParameters->SetNumberOfBinsPerDecade(amCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
710  physicsModified = true;
711  } else if (command == verCmd) {
712  theParameters->SetVerbose(verCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
713  } else if (command == ver1Cmd) {
714  theParameters->SetVerbose(ver1Cmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
715  } else if (command == ver2Cmd) {
716  theParameters->SetWorkerVerbose(ver2Cmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
718  } else if (command == mscCmd || command == msc1Cmd) {
719  G4MscStepLimitType msctype = fUseSafety;
720  if(newValue == "Minimal") {
721  msctype = fMinimal;
722  } else if(newValue == "UseDistanceToBoundary") {
723  msctype = fUseDistanceToBoundary;
724  } else if(newValue == "UseSafety") {
725  msctype = fUseSafety;
726  } else if(newValue == "UseSafetyPlus") {
727  msctype = fUseSafetyPlus;
728  } else {
729  G4cout << "### G4EmParametersMessenger WARNING: StepLimit type <"
730  << newValue << "> unknown!" << G4endl;
731  return;
732  }
733  if (command == mscCmd) {
734  theParameters->SetMscStepLimitType(msctype);
735  } else {
736  theParameters->SetMscMuHadStepLimitType(msctype);
737  }
738  physicsModified = true;
739  } else if (command == pixeXsCmd) {
740  theParameters->SetPIXECrossSectionModel(newValue);
741  physicsModified = true;
742  } else if (command == pixeeXsCmd) {
743  theParameters->SetPIXEElectronCrossSectionModel(newValue);
744  physicsModified = true;
745  } else if (command == paiCmd) {
746  G4String s1(""),s2(""),s3("");
747  std::istringstream is(newValue);
748  is >> s1 >> s2 >> s3;
749  theParameters->AddPAIModel(s1, s2, s3);
750  } else if (command == meCmd) {
751  theParameters->AddMicroElec(newValue);
752  } else if (command == dnaCmd) {
753  G4String s1(""),s2("");
754  std::istringstream is(newValue);
755  is >> s1 >> s2;
756  theParameters->AddDNA(s1, s2);
757  } else if (command == mscoCmd) {
758  G4String s1(""),s2("");
759  std::istringstream is(newValue);
760  is >> s1 >> s2;
761  theParameters->AddMsc(s1, s2);
762  } else if (command == dumpCmd) {
763  theParameters->Dump();
764  } else if (command == SubSecCmd) {
765  G4String s1, s2;
766  std::istringstream is(newValue);
767  is >> s1 >> s2;
768  G4bool yes = false;
769  if(s1 == "true") { yes = true; }
770  theParameters->SetSubCutoff(yes,s2);
771  } else if (command == StepFuncCmd || command == StepFuncCmd1) {
772  G4double v1,v2;
773  G4String unt;
774  std::istringstream is(newValue);
775  is >> v1 >> v2 >> unt;
776  v2 *= G4UIcommand::ValueOf(unt);
777  if(command == StepFuncCmd) {
778  theParameters->SetStepFunction(v1,v2);
779  } else {
780  theParameters->SetStepFunctionMuHad(v1,v2);
781  }
782  physicsModified = true;
783  } else if (command == deexCmd) {
784  G4String s1 (""), s2(""), s3(""), s4("");
785  G4bool b2(false), b3(false), b4(false);
786  std::istringstream is(newValue);
787  is >> s1 >> s2 >> s3 >> s4;
788  if(s2 == "true") { b2 = true; }
789  if(s3 == "true") { b3 = true; }
790  if(s4 == "true") { b4 = true; }
791  theParameters->SetDeexActiveRegion(s1,b2,b3,b4);
792  physicsModified = true;
793  } else if (command == bfCmd) {
794  G4double v1(1.0);
795  G4String s0(""),s1("");
796  std::istringstream is(newValue);
797  is >> s0 >> v1 >> s1;
798  G4bool yes = false;
799  if(s1 == "true") { yes = true; }
800  theParameters->SetProcessBiasingFactor(s0,v1,yes);
801  physicsModified = true;
802  } else if (command == fiCmd) {
803  G4double v1(0.0);
804  G4String s1(""),s2(""),s3(""),unt("mm");
805  std::istringstream is(newValue);
806  is >> s1 >> s2 >> v1 >> unt >> s3;
807  G4bool yes = false;
808  if(s3 == "true") { yes = true; }
809  v1 *= G4UIcommand::ValueOf(unt);
810  theParameters->ActivateForcedInteraction(s1,s2,v1,yes);
811  physicsModified = true;
812  } else if (command == bsCmd) {
813  G4double fb(1.0),en(1.e+30);
814  G4String s1(""),s2(""),unt("MeV");
815  std::istringstream is(newValue);
816  is >> s1 >> s2 >> fb >> en >> unt;
817  en *= G4UIcommand::ValueOf(unt);
818  theParameters->ActivateSecondaryBiasing(s1,s2,fb,en);
819  physicsModified = true;
820  } else if (command == nffCmd) {
822  if(newValue == "Exponential") { x = fExponentialNF; }
823  else if(newValue == "Gaussian") { x = fGaussianNF; }
824  else if(newValue == "Flat") { x = fFlatNF; }
825  theParameters->SetNuclearFormfactorType(x);
826  physicsModified = true;
827  }
828  if(physicsModified) {
829  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/run/physicsModified");
830  }
831 }
void SetLossFluctuations(G4bool val)
void SetApplyCuts(G4bool val)
void SetProcessBiasingFactor(const G4String &procname, G4double val, G4bool wflag)
void SetVerbose(G4int val)
void ActivateSecondaryBiasing(const G4String &name, const G4String &region, G4double factor, G4double energyLimit)
void SetDeexcitationIgnoreCut(G4bool val)
void SetUseMottCorrection(G4bool val)
void SetLowestElectronEnergy(G4double val)
void SetLatDisplacementBeyondSafety(G4bool val)
static G4int GetNewIntValue(const char *paramString)
void SetMscStepLimitType(G4MscStepLimitType val)
void SetBeardenFluoDir(G4bool val)
void SetLinearLossLimit(G4double val)
void SetAuger(G4bool val)
void SetNumberOfBins(G4int val)
void SetMinSubRange(G4double val)
void SetMaxEnergyForCSDARange(G4double val)
tuple x
void SetStepFunctionMuHad(G4double v1, G4double v2)
static G4double GetNewDoubleValue(const char *paramString)
void SetPIXEElectronCrossSectionModel(const G4String &)
void SetDeexActiveRegion(const G4String &region, G4bool fdeex, G4bool fauger, G4bool fpixe)
void SetMaxEnergy(G4double val)
void SetBremsstrahlungTh(G4double val)
static G4bool GetNewBoolValue(const char *paramString)
static G4UImanager * GetUIpointer()
void SetBirksActive(G4bool val)
void AddPAIModel(const G4String &particle, const G4String &region, const G4String &type)
void SetLateralDisplacement(G4bool val)
void SetWorkerVerbose(G4int val)
void SetPIXECrossSectionModel(const G4String &)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
void SetMscRangeFactor(G4double val)
static G4double GetNewDoubleValue(const char *paramString)
void SetAugerCascade(G4bool val)
void Dump() const
void SetNumberOfBinsPerDecade(G4int val)
void SetNuclearFormfactorType(G4NuclearFormfactorType val)
void SetLowestMuHadEnergy(G4double val)
void SetMscGeomFactor(G4double val)
void SetMscMuHadStepLimitType(G4MscStepLimitType val)
void AddDNA(const G4String &region, const G4String &type)
void SetSubCutoff(G4bool val, const G4String &region="")
void SetBuildCSDARange(G4bool val)
void AddMicroElec(const G4String &region)
void SetMscMuHadRangeFactor(G4double val)
void SetPixe(G4bool val)
void SetSpline(G4bool val)
void SetMuHadLateralDisplacement(G4bool val)
void SetMinEnergy(G4double val)
void SetLPM(G4bool val)
static G4double ValueOf(const char *unitName)
void SetIntegral(G4bool val)
void AddMsc(const G4String &region, const G4String &type)
void ActivateAngularGeneratorForIonisation(G4bool val)
void ActivateForcedInteraction(const G4String &procname, const G4String &region, G4double length, G4bool wflag)
void SetUseCutAsFinalRange(G4bool val)
#define G4endl
Definition: G4ios.hh:61
void SetMscThetaLimit(G4double val)
void SetLambdaFactor(G4double val)
void SetFactorForAngleLimit(G4double val)
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
void SetStepFunction(G4double v1, G4double v2)
G4int ApplyCommand(const char *aCommand)
void SetFluo(G4bool val)
void SetMscSkin(G4double val)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: