54 fHitID(new
72 for (
G4int j=0;j<1; j++) {fHitID[j] = -1;};
84 if ((edep == 0.) && (stepl == 0.) )
return false;
92 if (fHitID[number]==-1)
96 fHitID[number] = fCalCollection->
insert(calHit) - 1;
98 G4cout <<
" New Calorimeter Hit on F01: " << number <<
103 (*fCalCollection)[fHitID[number]]->AddAbs(edep,stepl);
114 static G4int hcID = -1;
G4String SensitiveDetectorName
G4int GetCollectionID(G4String colName)
G4double GetStepLength() const
G4VPhysicalVolume * GetVolume(G4int depth=0) const
F01CalorimeterSD(G4String, F01DetectorConstruction *)
const G4VTouchable * GetTouchable() const
G4THitsCollection< F01CalorHit > F01CalorHitsCollection
void AddAbs(G4double de, G4double dl)
Definition of the F01DetectorConstruction class.
G4StepPoint * GetPreStepPoint() const
virtual void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *)
G4GLOB_DLL std::ostream G4cout
void insert(G4String str)
const G4VPhysicalVolume * GetAbsorber()
Definition of the F01CalorHit class.
Definition of the F01CalorimeterSD class.
G4double GetTotalEnergyDeposit() const
void AddHitsCollection(G4int HCID, G4VHitsCollection *aHC)
static G4SDManager * GetSDMpointer()
virtual ~F01CalorimeterSD()
G4CollectionNameVector collectionName
virtual G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step *, G4TouchableHistory *)
virtual void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *)