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MCGIDI_misc.h File Reference
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#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk2(smr, required, attributes, name)   MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk( smr, NULL, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk3(smr, path, required, attributes, name)   MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk( smr, path, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk2(smr, element, required, attributes, name)   MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk( smr, element, NULL, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk3(smr, path, required, attributes, name)   MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk( smr, NULL, path, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )


char const * MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *path, int required, xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes, char const *name, char const *file, int line)
char const * MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, char const *path, int required, xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes, char const *name, char const *file, int line)
int MCGIDI_misc_setMessageError_Element (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, xDataXML_element *element, char const *file, int line, int code, char const *fmt,...)
char * MCGIDI_misc_getAbsPath (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *fileName)
int MCGIDI_misc_copyXMLAttributesToTOM (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_attributionList *TOM, xDataXML_attributionList *XML)
enum xDataTOM_frame MCGIDI_misc_getProductFrame (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_element *frameElement)
double MCGIDI_misc_getUnitConversionFactor (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *fromUnit, char const *toUnit)
ptwXYPointsMCGIDI_misc_dataFromXYs2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_XYs *XYs, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, char const *units[2])
ptwXYPointsMCGIDI_misc_dataFromElement2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_element *linear, char const *toUnits[2])

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk2 (   smr,
)    MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk( smr, element, NULL, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 31 of file MCGIDI_misc.h.

#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk3 (   smr,
)    MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk( smr, NULL, path, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 33 of file MCGIDI_misc.h.

#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk2 (   smr,
)    MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk( smr, NULL, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 26 of file MCGIDI_misc.h.

#define MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk3 (   smr,
)    MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk( smr, path, required, attributes, name, __FILE__, __LINE__ )

Definition at line 28 of file MCGIDI_misc.h.

Function Documentation

int MCGIDI_misc_copyXMLAttributesToTOM ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataTOM_attributionList TOM,
xDataXML_attributionList XML 

Definition at line 296 of file

296  {
298  int i;
299  xDataXML_attribute *attribute;
301  xDataTOMAL_initial( smr, TOM );
302  for( i = 0; ; i++ ) {
303  if( ( attribute = xDataXML_attributeByIndex( XML, i ) ) == NULL ) break;
304  if( xDataTOMAL_addAttribute( smr, TOM, attribute->name, attribute->value ) != 0 ) goto err;
305  }
306  return( 0 );
308 err:
309  xDataTOMAL_release( TOM );
310  return( 1 );
311 }
void xDataTOMAL_initial(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes)
void xDataTOMAL_release(xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes)
xDataXML_attribute * xDataXML_attributeByIndex(xDataXML_attributionList *attributes, int index)
int xDataTOMAL_addAttribute(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes, char const *name, char const *value)

Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* MCGIDI_misc_dataFromElement2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataTOM_element linear,
char const *  toUnits[2] 

Definition at line 424 of file

424  {
426  int length;
427  double *data;
428  xDataTOM_axes *axes = &(linear->xDataInfo.axes);
429  char const *fromUnits[2];
430  ptwXY_interpolation interpolation;
432  if( axes->numberOfAxes != 2 ) {
433  smr_setReportError2( smr, smr_unknownID, 1, "axes must have 2 axis, it has %d", axes->numberOfAxes );
434  return( NULL );
435  }
437  if( MCGIDI_fromTOM_interpolation( smr, linear, 0, &interpolation ) != 0 ) return( NULL );
438  fromUnits[0] = axes->axis[0].unit;
439  fromUnits[1] = axes->axis[1].unit;
441  length = xDataTOM_XYs_getDataFromXDataInfo( (xDataTOM_xDataInfo *) &(linear->xDataInfo), &data );
442  return( MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf( smr, interpolation, length, data, fromUnits, toUnits ) );
443 }
int numberOfAxes
Definition: xDataTOM.h:69
int MCGIDI_fromTOM_interpolation(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_element *element, int index, enum ptwXY_interpolation_e *interpolation)
int xDataTOM_XYs_getDataFromXDataInfo(xDataTOM_xDataInfo *xDI, double **data)
const XML_Char const XML_Char * data
Definition: expat.h:268
xDataTOM_axis * axis
Definition: xDataTOM.h:70
#define smr_setReportError2(smr, libraryID, code, fmt,...)
#define smr_unknownID
enum ptwXY_interpolation_e ptwXY_interpolation
char * unit
Definition: xDataTOM.h:64
xDataTOM_axes axes
Definition: xDataTOM.h:153
xDataTOM_xDataInfo xDataInfo
Definition: xDataTOM.h:187
static ptwXYPoints * MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf(statusMessageReporting *smr, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, int length, double *data, char const *fromUnits[2], char const *toUnits[2])

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* MCGIDI_misc_dataFromXYs2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataTOM_XYs XYs,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
char const *  units[2] 

Definition at line 405 of file

406  {
408  int length;
409  double *data;
410  char const *fromUnits[2];
412  fromUnits[0] = xDataTOM_subAxes_getUnit( smr, &(XYs->subAxes), 0 );
413  if( !smr_isOk( smr ) ) return( NULL );
414  fromUnits[1] = xDataTOM_subAxes_getUnit( smr, &(XYs->subAxes), 1 );
415  if( !smr_isOk( smr ) ) return( NULL );
417  length = xDataTOM_XYs_getData( XYs, &data );
419  return( MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf( smr, interpolation, length, data, fromUnits, toUnits ) );
420 }
xDataTOM_subAxes subAxes
Definition: xDataTOM.h:83
const XML_Char const XML_Char * data
Definition: expat.h:268
int smr_isOk(statusMessageReporting *smr)
static ptwXYPoints * MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf(statusMessageReporting *smr, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, int length, double *data, char const *fromUnits[2], char const *toUnits[2])
int xDataTOM_XYs_getData(xDataTOM_XYs *XYs, double **data)
char const * xDataTOM_subAxes_getUnit(statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_subAxes *subAxes, int index)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char* MCGIDI_misc_getAbsPath ( statusMessageReporting smr,
char const *  fileName 

Definition at line 250 of file

250  {
251 /*
252 * User must free returned string.
253 */
254  int n = (int) strlen( fileName ) + 1, nCwd = 0;
255  char *absPath, cwd[4 * 1024] = "", *p, *needle;
257  if( fileName[0] != '/' ) {
258  //if( getcwd( cwd, sizeof( cwd ) + 1 ) == NULL ) {
259  //TK modified above line for compiler(gcc.4.8) warning message
260  if( getcwd( cwd, sizeof( cwd ) ) == NULL ) {
261  smr_setReportError2p( smr, smr_unknownID, -1, "hardwired cwd too small" );
262  return( NULL );
263  }
264  nCwd = (int) strlen( cwd );
265  n += nCwd + 1; /* cwd + '/'. */
266  }
267  if( ( absPath = (char *) smr_malloc2( smr, n, 0, "absPath" ) ) == NULL ) return( NULL );
268  if( fileName[0] != '/' ) {
269  strcpy( absPath, cwd );
270  strcat( absPath, "/" );
271  strcat( absPath, fileName ); }
272  else {
273  strcpy( absPath, fileName );
274  }
276  while( 1 ) { /* Remove all ./ from path. */ // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
277  if( ( needle = strstr( absPath, "/./" ) ) == NULL ) break;
278  p = needle;
279  for( needle += 2; *needle; p++, needle++ ) *p = *needle;
280  *p = 0;
281  }
282  while( 1 ) { /* Remove all ../ from path. */ // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
283  if( ( needle = strstr( absPath, "/../" ) ) == NULL ) break;
284  p = needle - 1;
285  while( ( p > absPath ) && ( *p != '/' ) ) p--; // Loop checking, 11.06.2015, T. Koi
286  if( *p != '/' ) break; /* This should not happen if path is legit, I think, and I do not know what to do so will leave it. */
287  if( p == absPath ) break; /* Ditto. */
288  for( needle += 3; *needle; p++, needle++ ) *p = *needle;
289  *p = 0;
290  }
291  return( absPath );
292 }
const char * p
Definition: xmltok.h:285
#define smr_setReportError2p(smr, libraryID, code, fmt)
typedef int(XMLCALL *XML_NotStandaloneHandler)(void *userData)
#define smr_malloc2(smr, size, zero, forItem)
const G4int n
#define smr_unknownID

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

enum xDataTOM_frame MCGIDI_misc_getProductFrame ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataTOM_element frameElement 

Definition at line 315 of file

315  {
317  char const *frameString;
320  if( ( frameString = xDataTOM_getAttributesValueInElement( frameElement, MCGIDI_token_productFrame ) ) != NULL ) {
321  if( ( frame = xDataTOM_axis_stringToFrame( smr, frameString ) ) == xDataTOM_frame_invalid ) {
322  smr_setReportError2( smr, smr_unknownID, 1, "Invalid frame = '%s'", frameString );
323  }
324  }
325  return( frame );
326 }
enum xDataTOM_frame xDataTOM_axis_stringToFrame(statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *frame)
#define smr_setReportError2(smr, libraryID, code, fmt,...)
#define smr_unknownID
#define MCGIDI_token_productFrame
Definition: xDataTOM.h:23
char const * xDataTOM_getAttributesValueInElement(xDataTOM_element *element, char const *name)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double MCGIDI_misc_getUnitConversionFactor ( statusMessageReporting smr,
char const *  fromUnit,
char const *  toUnit 

Definition at line 381 of file

381  {
382 /*
383 * This is a kludge until units are better supported.
384 */
385  if( strcmp( fromUnit, toUnit ) == 0 ) return( 1.0 );
387  if( strcmp( fromUnit, "eV" ) == 0 ) {
388  if( strcmp( toUnit, "MeV" ) == 0 ) return( 1e-6 ); }
389  else if( strcmp( fromUnit, "MeV" ) == 0 ) {
390  if( strcmp( toUnit, "eV" ) == 0 ) return( 1e+6 ); }
391  else if( strcmp( fromUnit, "1/eV" ) == 0 ) {
392  if( strcmp( toUnit, "1/MeV" ) == 0 ) return( 1e+6 ); }
393  else if( strcmp( fromUnit, "1/MeV" ) == 0 ) {
394  if( strcmp( toUnit, "1/eV" ) == 0 ) return( 1e-6 ); }
395  else if( strcmp( fromUnit, "K" ) == 0 ) {
396  if( strcmp( toUnit, "MeV/k" ) == 0 ) return( 8.617343183775137e-11 );
397  }
399  smr_setReportError2( smr, smr_unknownID, 1, "Cannot convert unit '%s' to unit '%s'", fromUnit, toUnit );
400  return( 1.0 );
401 }
#define smr_setReportError2(smr, libraryID, code, fmt,...)
#define smr_unknownID

Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* MCGIDI_misc_pointerToAttributeIfAllOk ( statusMessageReporting smr,
xDataXML_element element,
char const *  path,
int  required,
xDataTOM_attributionList attributes,
char const *  name,
char const *  file,
int  line 

Definition at line 184 of file

185  {
187  char const *value;
189  if( !smr_isOk( smr ) ) return( NULL );
190  if( ( value = xDataTOMAL_getAttributesValue( attributes, name ) ) == NULL ) {
191  if( required ) {
192  if( element != NULL ) {
193  MCGIDI_misc_setMessageError_Element( smr, NULL, element, file, line, 1, "element does not have attribute named %s", name ); }
194  else {
195  smr_setReportError( smr, NULL, file, line, __func__, smr_unknownID, 1, "element does not have attribute named %s for file = %d", name, path );
196  }
197  }
198  }
199  return( value );
200 }
const XML_Char * name
Definition: expat.h:151
char const * xDataTOMAL_getAttributesValue(xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes, char const *name)
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
#define smr_unknownID
int smr_isOk(statusMessageReporting *smr)
int smr_setReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)
int MCGIDI_misc_setMessageError_Element(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, xDataXML_element *element, char const *file, int line, int code, char const *fmt,...)

Here is the call graph for this function:

char const* MCGIDI_misc_pointerToTOMAttributeIfAllOk ( statusMessageReporting smr,
char const *  path,
int  required,
xDataTOM_attributionList attributes,
char const *  name,
char const *  file,
int  line 

Definition at line 168 of file

169  {
171  char const *value;
173  if( !smr_isOk( smr ) ) return( NULL );
174  if( ( value = xDataTOMAL_getAttributesValue( attributes, name ) ) == NULL ) {
175  if( required ) {
176  smr_setReportError( smr, NULL, file, line, __func__, smr_unknownID, 1, "element does not have attribute named %s for file = %d", name, path );
177  }
178  }
179  return( value );
180 }
const XML_Char * name
Definition: expat.h:151
char const * xDataTOMAL_getAttributesValue(xDataTOM_attributionList *attributes, char const *name)
const XML_Char int const XML_Char * value
Definition: expat.h:331
#define smr_unknownID
int smr_isOk(statusMessageReporting *smr)
int smr_setReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)

Here is the call graph for this function:

int MCGIDI_misc_setMessageError_Element ( statusMessageReporting smr,
void userInterface,
xDataXML_element element,
char const *  file,
int  line,
int  code,
char const *  fmt,

Definition at line 204 of file

205  {
207  int status = 0;
208  va_list args;
209  char *msg;
211  va_start( args, fmt );
212  msg = smr_vallocateFormatMessage( fmt, &args );
213  va_end( args );
214  if( msg == NULL ) {
215  status = 1;
216  va_start( args, fmt );
217  smr_vsetReportError( smr, userInterface, file, line, __func__, smr_unknownID, code, fmt, &args );
218  va_end( args ); }
219  else {
220  status = smr_setReportError( smr, userInterface, file, line, __func__, smr_unknownID, code, "%s for element %s", msg, element->name );
221  smr_freeMemory( (void **) &msg );
222  }
223  return( status );
224 }
int smr_vsetReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt, va_list *args)
#define smr_unknownID
Definition: inftrees.h:24
void * smr_freeMemory(void **p)
char * smr_vallocateFormatMessage(char const *fmt, va_list *args)
int smr_setReportError(statusMessageReporting *smr, void *userInterface, char const *file, int line, char const *function, int libraryID, int code, char const *fmt,...)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: