Geant4  10.03.p02
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1 //
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26 // $Id: 67796 2013-03-08 06:18:39Z mkelsey $
27 // Author: Michael Kelsey (SLAC)
28 // Date: 7 March 2013
29 //
30 // Description: class containing parametrized momentum distributions
31 // in the CM for nucleon/nucleon >= 4-body final states
33 #include "G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDst.hh"
35 namespace {
36  // Powers of Ekin^0..3, blocks of S^0..3 for PQ,PR: outgoing N; outgoing h,K,Y
37  static const G4double pqprC[2][4][4] = {
38  { { 1.6208, -0.2009, 0.0126, -0.0002},
39  {-4.3139, 1.3641, -0.0835, 0.0014},
40  { 12.291, -3.403, 0.186, -0.0024},
41  {-15.288, 3.8559, -0.2004, 0.0022} },
42  { {1.2419, -0.244, 0.0157, -0.0003},
43  {-4.3633, 1.3158, -0.0826, 0.0014},
44  {13.743, -3.5691, 0.2143, -0.0034},
45  {-18.592, 4.3867, -0.2585, 0.0039} }
46  };
48  // Powers of Ekin^0..2 for PS: outgoing N; outgoing h,K,Y
49  static const G4double psC[2][3] = {
50  { 0.6296, 0.1787, -0.0026 }, { 0.8381, 0.0086, 0.0033 }
51  };
52 }
54 // Constructor passes arrays to templated base class
57  : G4InuclParamMomDst("G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDist", pqprC, psC, verbose) {;}
G4NuclNucl4BodyMomDst(G4int verbose=0)
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76