Geant4  10.03.p02
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1 //
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4 // * *
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25 //
26 // $Id$
27 // Author: Michael Kelsey (SLAC)
28 // Date: 22 April 2013
29 //
30 // Description: intermediate base class for INUCL parametrizations of
31 // three-body angular distributions in Bertini-style cascade
32 //
33 // NOTE: Coefficient arrays have fixed dimensions, validated by compiler
35 #ifndef G4InuclParamAngDst_h
36 #define G4InuclParamAngDst_h 1
38 #include "globals.hh"
39 #include "G4VThreeBodyAngDst.hh"
43 public:
44  // NOTE: Array arguments must be STATIC, GLOBAL declarations
46  const G4double (&abnC)[2][4][4],
47  G4int verbose=0)
48  : G4VThreeBodyAngDst(name, verbose), coeffAB(abnC) {;}
50  virtual ~G4InuclParamAngDst() {;}
52  virtual G4double GetCosTheta(G4int ptype, G4double ekin) const;
54  // FIXME: Must re-declare base class interface with call-through
55  // to avoid "hidden function" compiler warnings
56  virtual G4double GetCosTheta(const G4double& ekin, const G4double& pcm) const {
57  return G4VThreeBodyAngDst::GetCosTheta(ekin, pcm);
58  }
60 protected:
61  const G4double (&coeffAB)[2][4][4]; // (coeffs Ekin^0..3) * S^0..3
62 };
64 #endif /* G4InuclParamAngDst_h */
const XML_Char * name
Definition: expat.h:151
virtual G4double GetCosTheta(G4int ptype, G4double ekin) const
const G4double(& coeffAB)[2][4][4]
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
virtual G4double GetCosTheta(const G4double &ekin, const G4double &pcm) const
G4InuclParamAngDst(const G4String &name, const G4double(&abnC)[2][4][4], G4int verbose=0)
virtual G4double GetCosTheta(G4int ptype, G4double ekin) const =0
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76