Geant4  10.03.p02
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1 //
2 // ********************************************************************
3 // * License and Disclaimer *
4 // * *
5 // * The Geant4 software is copyright of the Copyright Holders of *
6 // * the Geant4 Collaboration. It is provided under the terms and *
7 // * conditions of the Geant4 Software License, included in the file *
8 // * LICENSE and available at . These *
9 // * include a list of copyright holders. *
10 // * *
11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
12 // * institutes,nor the agencies providing financial support for this *
13 // * work make any representation or warranty, express or implied, *
14 // * regarding this software system or assume any liability for its *
15 // * use. Please see the license in the file LICENSE and URL above *
16 // * for the full disclaimer and the limitation of liability. *
17 // * *
18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
19 // * technical work of the GEANT4 collaboration. *
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24 // ********************************************************************
25 //
26 //
27 // $Id: 83403 2014-08-21 15:07:30Z gcosmo $
28 //
29 //
30 // John Allison 3rd April 2001
31 // Model which knows how to draw axes.
33 #include "G4AxesModel.hh"
35 #include "G4ModelingParameters.hh"
36 #include "G4VGraphicsScene.hh"
37 #include "G4VisAttributes.hh"
38 #include "G4Polyline.hh"
39 #include "G4Colour.hh"
40 #include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
41 #include "G4ArrowModel.hh"
42 #include "G4TextModel.hh"
45 {
46  delete fZAnnotationModel;
47  delete fZLabelModel;
48  delete fZAxisModel;
49  delete fYAnnotationModel;
50  delete fYLabelModel;
51  delete fYAxisModel;
52  delete fXAnnotationModel;
53  delete fXLabelModel;
54  delete fXAxisModel;
55 }
59  G4double arrowWidth, const G4String& colourString,
60  const G4String& description,
61  G4bool withAnnotation,
62  G4double textSize):
63  fXAxisModel(0),
64  fXLabelModel(0),
65  fXAnnotationModel(0),
66  fYAxisModel(0),
67  fYLabelModel(0),
68  fYAnnotationModel(0),
69  fZAxisModel(0),
70  fZLabelModel(0),
71  fZAnnotationModel(0)
72 {
73  fType = "G4AxesModel";
74  fGlobalTag = fType;
75  fGlobalDescription = fType + ": " + description;
76  fExtent = G4VisExtent
77  (x0, x0+length, y0, y0+length, z0, z0+length);
79  G4Colour colour(1,1,1,1); // Default white and opaque (unless "auto").
80  G4bool autoColour = false;
81  if (colourString == "auto") autoColour = true;
82  else {
83  if (!G4Colour::GetColour(colourString, colour)) {
85  ed << "Colour \"" << colourString
86  << "\" not found. Defaulting to white and opaque.";
88  ("G4AxesModel::G4AxesModel",
89  "modeling0012", JustWarning, ed);
90  }
91  }
93  G4String annotation = G4BestUnit(length,"Length");
95  G4Text* text = 0;
96  G4VisAttributes* va = 0;
98  G4Colour xColour(colour);
99  if (autoColour) xColour = G4Colour::Red();
100  fXAxisModel = new G4ArrowModel
101  (x0, y0, z0, x0+length, y0, z0, arrowWidth,
102  xColour, "x-axis: " + description);
103  if (withAnnotation) {
104  text = new G4Text("x",G4Point3D(x0+1.05*length, y0, z0));
105  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
106  text->SetOffset(0.5*textSize,0.5*textSize);
107  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
108  va = new G4VisAttributes(xColour);
109  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
110  fXLabelModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
111  delete text;
112  text = new G4Text(annotation,G4Point3D(x0+0.8*length, y0, z0));
113  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
114  text->SetOffset(-1.5*textSize,-1.5*textSize);
115  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
116  va = new G4VisAttributes(xColour);
117  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
118  fXAnnotationModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
119  delete text;
120  }
122  G4Colour yColour(colour);
123  if (autoColour) yColour = G4Colour::Green();
124  fYAxisModel = new G4ArrowModel
125  (x0, y0, z0, x0, y0+length, z0, arrowWidth,
126  yColour, "y-axis: " + description);
127  if (withAnnotation) {
128  text = new G4Text("y",G4Point3D(x0, y0+1.05*length, z0));
129  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
130  text->SetOffset(0.5*textSize,0.5*textSize);
131  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
132  va = new G4VisAttributes(yColour);
133  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
134  fYLabelModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
135  delete text;
136  text = new G4Text(annotation,G4Point3D(x0, y0+0.8*length, z0));
137  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
138  text->SetOffset(-1.5*textSize,-1.5*textSize);
139  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
140  va = new G4VisAttributes(yColour);
141  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
142  fYAnnotationModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
143  delete text;
144  }
146  G4Colour zColour(colour);
147  if (autoColour) zColour = G4Colour::Blue();
148  fZAxisModel = new G4ArrowModel
149  (x0, y0, z0, x0, y0, z0+length, arrowWidth,
150  zColour, "z-axis: " + description);
151  if (withAnnotation) {
152  text = new G4Text("z",G4Point3D(x0, y0, z0+1.05*length));
153  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
154  text->SetOffset(0.5*textSize,0.5*textSize);
155  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
156  va = new G4VisAttributes(zColour);
157  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
158  fZLabelModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
159  delete text;
160  text = new G4Text(annotation,G4Point3D(x0, y0, z0+0.8*length));
161  text->SetScreenSize(textSize);
162  text->SetOffset(-1.5*textSize,-1.5*textSize);
163  text->SetLayout(G4Text::centre);
164  va = new G4VisAttributes(zColour);
165  text->SetVisAttributes(va);
166  fZAnnotationModel = new G4TextModel(*text);
167  delete text;
168  }
169 }
172 {
173  if (fXAxisModel) fXAxisModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
174  if (fXLabelModel) fXLabelModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
175  if (fXAnnotationModel) fXAnnotationModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
176  if (fYAxisModel) fYAxisModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
177  if (fYLabelModel) fYLabelModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
178  if (fYAnnotationModel) fYAnnotationModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
179  if (fZAxisModel) fZAxisModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
180  if (fZLabelModel) fZLabelModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
181  if (fZAnnotationModel) fZAnnotationModel->DescribeYourselfTo(sceneHandler);
182 }
Definition: G4Text.hh:73
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
Definition: globals.hh:76
static G4Colour Green()
Definition: G4Colour.hh:149
void SetLayout(Layout)
static G4bool GetColour(const G4String &key, G4Colour &result)
HepGeom::Point3D< G4double > G4Point3D
Definition: G4Point3D.hh:35
#define G4BestUnit(a, b)
virtual void DescribeYourselfTo(G4VGraphicsScene &)=0
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
G4AxesModel(G4double x0, G4double y0, G4double z0, G4double length, G4double arrowWidth=1., const G4String &colourString="auto", const G4String &description="", G4bool withAnnotation=true, G4double textSize=10.)
virtual void DescribeYourselfTo(G4VGraphicsScene &)
static G4Colour Blue()
Definition: G4Colour.hh:150
virtual ~G4AxesModel()
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
void SetVisAttributes(const G4VisAttributes *)
void SetOffset(double dx, double dy)
static G4Colour Red()
Definition: G4Colour.hh:148
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
void SetScreenSize(G4double)