Geant4  10.02
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4 // * *
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11 // * Neither the authors of this software system, nor their employing *
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18 // * This code implementation is the result of the scientific and *
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26 /*
27  * G4ITTimeStepper.hh
28  *
29  * Created on: 4 juin 2014
30  * Author: kara
31  */
36 #include "globals.hh"
37 #include "tls.hh"
38 #include <map>
40 class G4VITStepModel;
41 class G4ITModelHandler;
43 class G4ITGun;
47 {
48 protected:
49  G4VScheduler();
50  virtual ~G4VScheduler();
51 private:
54 public:
55  static G4VScheduler* Instance();
56  virtual void Initialize(){;}
57  virtual void Reset(){;}
59  virtual void SetVerbose(int){;}
61  virtual void SetGun(G4ITGun*){;}
63  virtual void Process();
65  virtual G4bool IsRunning(){ return false; }
67  virtual G4ITModelHandler* GetModelHandler(){ return 0; }
69  virtual void RegisterModel(G4VITStepModel*, double){;}
71  virtual void SetEndTime(const double){;}
73  virtual void SetTimeTolerance(double){;}
74  // Two tracks below the time tolerance are supposed to be
75  // in the same time slice
76  virtual double GetTimeTolerance() const{ return -1;}
78  virtual void SetMaxZeroTimeAllowed(int){;}
79  virtual int GetMaxZeroTimeAllowed() const{ return -1;}
81  virtual void SetTimeSteps(std::map<double, double>*){;}
82  virtual void AddTimeStep(double /*startingTime*/, double /*timeStep*/){;}
83  virtual void SetDefaultTimeStep(double){;}
84  virtual double GetLimitingTimeStep() const {return -1;}
85  virtual G4int GetNbSteps() const {return -1;}
86  virtual void SetMaxNbSteps(G4int) {;}
87  virtual G4int GetMaxNbSteps() const {return 0;}
88  virtual G4double GetStartTime() const {return -1;}
89  virtual G4double GetEndTime() const {return -1;}
90  virtual G4double GetTimeStep() const {return -1;}
91  virtual G4double GetPreviousTimeStep() const {return -1;}
92  virtual G4double GetGlobalTime() const {return -1;}
95  virtual G4UserTimeStepAction* GetUserTimeStepAction() const {return 0;}
99 };
101 #endif /* G4ITTIMESTEPPER_HH_ */
G4ITModelHandler holds for two IT types the corresponding model manager.
virtual void SetTimeTolerance(double)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:73
virtual G4UserTimeStepAction * GetUserTimeStepAction() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:95
virtual void SetVerbose(int)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:59
virtual ~G4VScheduler()
static G4VScheduler * Instance()
virtual G4double GetTimeStep() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:90
Define what to do before stepping and after stepping.
virtual void SetMaxNbSteps(G4int)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:86
virtual G4ITModelHandler * GetModelHandler()
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:67
virtual G4int GetNbSteps() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:85
virtual void RegisterModel(G4VITStepModel *, double)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:69
virtual void SetInteractivity(G4ITTrackingInteractivity *)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:97
virtual void Process()
#define G4ThreadLocal
Definition: tls.hh:89
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
virtual G4double GetPreviousTimeStep() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:91
virtual G4double GetStartTime() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:88
virtual void SetUserAction(G4UserTimeStepAction *)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:94
G4UserTimeStepAction is used by G4Scheduler.
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
virtual int GetMaxZeroTimeAllowed() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:79
virtual void AddTimeStep(double, double)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:82
virtual G4int GetMaxNbSteps() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:87
virtual G4bool IsRunning()
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:65
virtual G4ITTrackingInteractivity * GetInteractivity()
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:98
virtual double GetLimitingTimeStep() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:84
virtual G4double GetEndTime() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:89
virtual G4double GetGlobalTime() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:92
virtual void Reset()
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:57
virtual void SetEndTime(const double)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:71
virtual void SetGun(G4ITGun *)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:61
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
virtual void SetTimeSteps(std::map< double, double > *)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:81
static G4ThreadLocal G4VScheduler * fpInstance
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:52
virtual void SetMaxZeroTimeAllowed(int)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:78
virtual double GetTimeTolerance() const
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:76
virtual void SetDefaultTimeStep(double)
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:83
virtual void Initialize()
Definition: G4VScheduler.hh:56