Geant4  10.02 File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "xDataTOM_importXML_private.h"
+ Include dependency graph for

Go to the source code of this file.


#define PATH_MAX   4096


static xDataXML_document * xDataXML_mallocDoc (statusMessageReporting *smr)
static int xDataXML_initializeDoc (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_document *doc)
static int xDataXML_endXMLParsing (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_document *doc)
static void * xDataXML_freeElement (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element)
static void xDataXML_freeElementItems (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element)
static int xDataXML_parse (xDataXML_document *doc, char const *s)
static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseStartElement (void *userData, char const *name, char const **attris)
static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseEndElement (void *userData, char const *name)
static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseCharacterData (void *userData, XML_Char const *s, int len)
static void xDataXML_initializeRootElement (xDataXML_document *doc, xDataXML_rootElement *re, xDataXML_element *parentElement, int depth)
static int xDataXML_parseInitializeText (xDataXML_document *doc, xDataXML_text *text)
static int xDataXML_addElementToRoot (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_rootElement *parentRoot, char const *name, char const **attris)
static enum xDataXML_errorCodes xDataXML_parseGetCurrentPosition (xDataXML_document *doc, xDataXML_docInfo *docInfo)
static int xDataXML_init_xDataTypeNone (xDataXMLType *xDT, xDataXML_element *element)
static char * xDataXML_getTraceback (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element)
static char * xDataXML_getTraceback2 (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_rootElement *parentRoot, int n)
static int xDataXML_setFileName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_document *doc, char const *fileName)
static int xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceInitialize (xDataXML_document *doc)
static int xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceFree (xDataXML_document *doc)
static char * xDataXML_smrUserInterface (void *userData)
static char const * xDataXML_shortStringForMessage (size_t size, char *Out, char const *In)
static int xDataXML_constructTOM (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataTOM_element *TE, xDataXML_element *element)
xDataTOM_TOM * xDataXML_importFile (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *fileName)
xDataXML_document * xDataXML_importFile2 (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *fileName)
void * xDataXML_freeDoc (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_document *doc)
int xDataXML_parseIsError (xDataXML_document *doc)
xDataXML_element * xDataXML_getDocumentsElement (xDataXML_document *doc)
xDataXML_element * xDataXML_getFirstElement (xDataXML_element *element)
xDataXML_element * xDataXML_getNextElement (xDataXML_element *element)
enum xDataXML_itemMode xDataXML_getFirstItem (xDataXML_element *element, xDataXML_item *item)
enum xDataXML_itemMode xDataXML_getNextItem (xDataXML_item *item)
int xDataXML_isAttributeInList (xDataXML_attributionList *attributes, char const *name)
int xDataXML_isAttributeInElement (xDataXML_element *element, char const *name)
char * xDataXML_getAttributesValue (xDataXML_attributionList *attributes, char const *name)
char const * xDataXML_getAttributesValueInElement (xDataXML_element *element, char const *name)
int xDataXML_attributeListLength (xDataXML_attributionList *attributes)
xDataXML_attribute * xDataXML_attributeByIndex (xDataXML_attributionList *attributes, int index)
int xDataXML_getCommonData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, xDataTOM_Int *index, xDataTOM_Int *start, xDataTOM_Int *end, xDataTOM_Int *length)
int xDataXML_xDataTypeConvertAttributes (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element)
xDataTOM_Int xDataXML_convertAttributeTo_xDataTOM_Int (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, char const *name, xDataTOM_Int *n, int required)
int xDataXML_convertAttributeToDouble (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, char const *name, double *d, int required)
int xDataXML_numberOfElementsByTagName (statusMessageReporting *, xDataXML_element *element, char const *tagName)
xDataXML_elementList * xDataXML_getElementsByTagName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, char const *tagName)
xDataXML_element * xDataXML_getOneElementByTagName (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *element, char *name, int required)
void xDataXML_freeElementList (statusMessageReporting *, xDataXML_elementList *list)
int xDataXML_is_xDataType (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXMLType *xDT, char const *const ID, int setMsg)
char const * xDataXML_getFileName (xDataXML_document *doc)
char const * xDataXML_getRealFileName (xDataXML_document *doc)
xDataXML_document * xDataXML_getElementsDocument (xDataXML_element *element)
void * xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromDocument (xDataXML_document *doc)
void * xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement (xDataXML_element *element)
int xDataXML_stringTo_xDataTOM_Int (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *smrUserInterface, char const *c, xDataTOM_Int *value, char const *endings, char **e)
int xDataXML_stringTo_double (statusMessageReporting *smr, void *smrUserInterface, char const *c, double *value, char const *endings, char **e)
int xDataXML_addToAccessed (statusMessageReporting *, xDataXML_element *element, int increment)
int xDataXML_getAccessed (statusMessageReporting *, xDataXML_element *element)
void * xDataXML_initializeData (statusMessageReporting *smr, xDataXML_element *XE, xDataTOM_element *TE, char const *ID, size_t size)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PATH_MAX   4096

Definition at line 33 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_setFileName().

Function Documentation

static int xDataXML_addElementToRoot ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_rootElement *  parentRoot,
char const *  name,
char const **  attris 

Definition at line 311 of file

References a, n, smr_freeMemory(), xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement(), xDataXML_getTraceback(), xDataXML_init_xDataTypeNone(), xDataXML_initializeRootElement(), xDataXML_parseGetCurrentPosition(), and xDataXML_parseInitializeText().

Referenced by xDataXML_parseStartElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_addToAccessed ( statusMessageReporting *  ,
xDataXML_element *  element,
int  increment 

Definition at line 925 of file

xDataXML_attribute* xDataXML_attributeByIndex ( xDataXML_attributionList *  attributes,
int  index 

Definition at line 512 of file

Referenced by MCGIDI_misc_copyXMLAttributesToTOM(), and xDataXML_constructTOM().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_attributeListLength ( xDataXML_attributionList *  attributes)

Definition at line 505 of file

static int xDataXML_constructTOM ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataTOM_element *  TE,
xDataXML_element *  element 
xDataTOM_Int xDataXML_convertAttributeTo_xDataTOM_Int ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  name,
xDataTOM_Int *  n,
int  required 

Definition at line 601 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement(), and xDataXML_getAttributesValueInElement().

Referenced by xDataXML_axesToTOM(), xDataXML_KalbachMannCoefficientsToTOM(), xDataXML_polynomialToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries_regionToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsXYs_regionToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_W_XYsToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_XYsToTOM(), xDataXML_xDataTypeConvertAttributes(), and xDataXML_XYsToTOM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_convertAttributeToDouble ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  name,
double *  d,
int  required 

Definition at line 624 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement(), and xDataXML_getAttributesValueInElement().

Referenced by MCGIDI_target_read(), xDataXML_KalbachMannCoefficientsToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsXYs_regionToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_W_XYsToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_XYsToTOM(), and xDataXML_XYsToTOM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_endXMLParsing ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_document *  doc 

Definition at line 167 of file

References smr_isOk(), xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromDocument(), XML_ErrorString(), XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(), XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(), XML_GetErrorCode(), XML_Parse(), and XML_ParserFree().

Referenced by xDataXML_freeDoc(), and xDataXML_importFile2().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xDataXML_freeDoc ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_document *  doc 

Definition at line 188 of file

References smr_freeMemory(), xDataXML_endXMLParsing(), xDataXML_freeElement(), and xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceFree().

Referenced by MCGIDI_map_readFile(), MCGIDI_target_read(), xDataXML_importFile(), xDataXML_importFile2(), and xDataXML_mallocDoc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void * xDataXML_freeElement ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 201 of file

References smr_freeMemory(), and xDataXML_freeElementItems().

Referenced by xDataXML_freeDoc(), and xDataXML_freeElementItems().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void xDataXML_freeElementItems ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 215 of file

References smr_freeMemory(), and xDataXML_freeElement().

Referenced by xDataXML_freeElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void xDataXML_freeElementList ( statusMessageReporting *  ,
xDataXML_elementList *  list 

Definition at line 706 of file

References smr_freeMemory().

Referenced by xDataXML_getOneElementByTagName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromDocument ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 808 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_endXMLParsing(), and xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_getAccessed ( statusMessageReporting *  ,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 933 of file

char* xDataXML_getAttributesValue ( xDataXML_attributionList *  attributes,
char const *  name 

Definition at line 486 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_getAttributesValueInElement().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* xDataXML_getAttributesValueInElement ( xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  name 

Definition at line 498 of file

References xDataXML_getAttributesValue().

Referenced by MCGIDI_map_readFile(), MCGIDI_target_read(), xDataXML_axesToTOM(), xDataXML_constructTOM(), xDataXML_convertAttributeTo_xDataTOM_Int(), xDataXML_convertAttributeToDouble(), xDataXML_KalbachMannToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries_regionToTOM(), and xDataXML_regionsXYs_regionToTOM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_getCommonData ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element,
xDataTOM_Int *  index,
xDataTOM_Int *  start,
xDataTOM_Int *  end,
xDataTOM_Int *  length 

Definition at line 542 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, and xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

xDataXML_element* xDataXML_getDocumentsElement ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 413 of file

Referenced by MCGIDI_map_readFile(), MCGIDI_target_read(), and xDataXML_importFile().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

xDataXML_elementList* xDataXML_getElementsByTagName ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  tagName 

Definition at line 658 of file

References n, xDataXML_getFirstElement(), xDataXML_getNextElement(), and xDataXML_numberOfElementsByTagName().

Referenced by xDataXML_getOneElementByTagName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

xDataXML_document* xDataXML_getElementsDocument ( xDataXML_element *  element)

Definition at line 798 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* xDataXML_getFileName ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 767 of file

enum xDataXML_itemMode xDataXML_getFirstItem ( xDataXML_element *  element,
xDataXML_item *  item 

Definition at line 419 of file

References xDataXML_getFirstElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

enum xDataXML_itemMode xDataXML_getNextItem ( xDataXML_item *  item)

Definition at line 439 of file

xDataXML_element* xDataXML_getOneElementByTagName ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element,
char *  name,
int  required 

Definition at line 684 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_freeElementList(), xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement(), and xDataXML_getElementsByTagName().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

char const* xDataXML_getRealFileName ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 774 of file

static char * xDataXML_getTraceback ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 713 of file

References name, s, and xDataXML_getTraceback2().

Referenced by xDataXML_addElementToRoot().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static char * xDataXML_getTraceback2 ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_rootElement *  parentRoot,
int  n 

Definition at line 731 of file

References name, and s.

Referenced by xDataXML_getTraceback().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

xDataTOM_TOM* xDataXML_importFile ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
char const *  fileName 

Definition at line 63 of file

References xDataTOM_freeTOM(), xDataTOM_mallocTOM(), xDataTOM_setFileNameTOM(), xDataXML_constructTOM(), xDataXML_freeDoc(), xDataXML_getDocumentsElement(), and xDataXML_importFile2().

Referenced by xDataTOM_importFile().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

xDataXML_document* xDataXML_importFile2 ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
char const *  fileName 

Definition at line 90 of file

References buffer, n, s, smr_isOk(), xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_endXMLParsing(), xDataXML_freeDoc(), xDataXML_mallocDoc(), xDataXML_parse(), and xDataXML_setFileName().

Referenced by MCGIDI_map_readFile(), MCGIDI_target_read(), and xDataXML_importFile().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_init_xDataTypeNone ( xDataXMLType *  xDT,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 520 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_addElementToRoot().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void* xDataXML_initializeData ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  XE,
xDataTOM_element *  TE,
char const *  ID,
size_t  size 

Definition at line 1009 of file

References smr_freeMemory(), xData_initializeData(), and xDataXML_axesElememtToTOM().

Referenced by xDataXML_KalbachMannToTOM(), xDataXML_polynomialToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsXYsToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYsToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), and xDataXML_W_XYsToTOM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_initializeDoc ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_document *  doc 

Definition at line 142 of file

References smr_isOk(), xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_initializeRootElement(), xDataXML_parseCharacterData(), xDataXML_parseEndElement(), xDataXML_parseStartElement(), xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceInitialize(), XML_ParserCreate(), XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(), XML_SetElementHandler(), and XML_SetUserData().

Referenced by xDataXML_mallocDoc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void xDataXML_initializeRootElement ( xDataXML_document *  doc,
xDataXML_rootElement *  re,
xDataXML_element *  parentElement,
int  depth 

Definition at line 286 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_addElementToRoot(), and xDataXML_initializeDoc().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_is_xDataType ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXMLType *  xDT,
char const *const  ID,
int  setMsg 

Definition at line 753 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, and xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int xDataXML_isAttributeInElement ( xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  name 

Definition at line 479 of file

References xDataXML_isAttributeInList().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int xDataXML_isAttributeInList ( xDataXML_attributionList *  attributes,
char const *  name 

Definition at line 467 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_isAttributeInElement().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static xDataXML_document * xDataXML_mallocDoc ( statusMessageReporting *  smr)

Definition at line 130 of file

References xDataXML_freeDoc(), and xDataXML_initializeDoc().

Referenced by xDataXML_importFile2().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_numberOfElementsByTagName ( statusMessageReporting *  ,
xDataXML_element *  element,
char const *  tagName 

Definition at line 647 of file

References n, xDataXML_getFirstElement(), and xDataXML_getNextElement().

Referenced by xDataXML_getElementsByTagName(), xDataXML_KalbachMannToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeries_regionToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsW_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_regionsXYsToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeries_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), xDataXML_V_W_XYsToTOM(), xDataXML_W_XYs_LegendreSeriesToTOM(), and xDataXML_W_XYsDataToTOM().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_parse ( xDataXML_document *  doc,
char const *  s 

Definition at line 228 of file

References XML_Parse().

Referenced by xDataXML_importFile2().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseCharacterData ( void *  userData,
XML_Char const *  s,
int  len 

Definition at line 257 of file

References smr_isOk().

Referenced by xDataXML_initializeDoc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseEndElement ( void *  userData,
char const *  name 

Definition at line 247 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_initializeDoc().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static enum xDataXML_errorCodes xDataXML_parseGetCurrentPosition ( xDataXML_document *  doc,
xDataXML_docInfo *  docInfo 

Definition at line 397 of file

References XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(), and XML_GetCurrentLineNumber().

Referenced by xDataXML_addElementToRoot(), and xDataXML_parseInitializeText().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_parseInitializeText ( xDataXML_document *  doc,
xDataXML_text *  text 

Definition at line 300 of file

References xDataXML_parseGetCurrentPosition().

Referenced by xDataXML_addElementToRoot().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_parseIsError ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 406 of file

static void XMLCALL xDataXML_parseStartElement ( void *  userData,
char const *  name,
char const **  attris 

Definition at line 237 of file

References smr_isOk(), and xDataXML_addElementToRoot().

Referenced by xDataXML_initializeDoc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_setFileName ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_document *  doc,
char const *  fileName 

Definition at line 781 of file

References PATH_MAX, and smr_freeMemory().

Referenced by xDataXML_importFile2().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static char const * xDataXML_shortStringForMessage ( size_t  size,
char *  Out,
char const *  In 

Definition at line 940 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_stringTo_double(), and xDataXML_stringTo_xDataTOM_Int().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static char * xDataXML_smrUserInterface ( void *  userData)

Definition at line 841 of file

References smr_allocateFormatMessage().

Referenced by xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceInitialize().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceFree ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 832 of file

Referenced by xDataXML_freeDoc().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int xDataXML_smrUserInterfaceInitialize ( xDataXML_document *  doc)

Definition at line 823 of file

References xDataXML_smrUserInterface().

Referenced by xDataXML_initializeDoc().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_stringTo_double ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
void *  smrUserInterface,
char const *  c,
double *  value,
char const *  endings,
char **  e 

Definition at line 891 of file

References n, s, xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, and xDataXML_shortStringForMessage().

Referenced by xDataXML_stringToDoubles().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int xDataXML_stringTo_xDataTOM_Int ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
void *  smrUserInterface,
char const *  c,
xDataTOM_Int *  value,
char const *  endings,
char **  e 

Definition at line 858 of file

References n, s, xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, and xDataXML_shortStringForMessage().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int xDataXML_xDataTypeConvertAttributes ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
xDataXML_element *  element 

Definition at line 559 of file

References xDataTOM_smrLibraryID, xDataXML_convertAttributeTo_xDataTOM_Int(), and xDataXML_get_smrUserInterfaceFromElement().

+ Here is the call graph for this function: