Geant4  10.02.p02 File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "PoPs.h"
#include "PoPs_mass.h"
+ Include dependency graph for

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  ZLabels


static char const * lPoPs_ZSymbol (int Z)
int lPoPs_addParticleIfNeeded (statusMessageReporting *smr, char const *name, char const *special)


static struct ZLabels Zs []
static const int nZs = sizeof( Zs ) / sizeof( Zs[0] )

Function Documentation

int lPoPs_addParticleIfNeeded ( statusMessageReporting *  smr,
char const *  name,
char const *  special 

Definition at line 36 of file

References A(), lPoPs_ZSymbol(), name, PoP_free(), PoP_makeAlias(), PoPs_addParticleIfNeeded(), PoPs_particleCreateLoadInfo(), PoPs_particleIndex(), and PoPs_smr_ID.

Referenced by _MCGIDI_map_addEntry(), MCGIDI_map_findAllOfTarget(), MCGIDI_map_findTarget(), MCGIDI_map_initialize(), MCGIDI_POPs_addParticleIfNeeded(), and PoPs_particleReadDatabase().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static char const * lPoPs_ZSymbol ( int  Z)

Definition at line 183 of file

References Zs.

Referenced by lPoPs_addParticleIfNeeded().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

const int nZs = sizeof( Zs ) / sizeof( Zs[0] )

Definition at line 30 of file

struct ZLabels Zs[]
Initial value:
= { { 0, "n" }, { 1, "H" }, { 2, "He" }, { 3, "Li" }, { 4, "Be" }, { 5, "B" }, { 6, "C" }, { 7, "N" }, { 8, "O" },
{ 9, "F" }, { 10, "Ne" }, { 11, "Na" }, { 12, "Mg" }, { 13, "Al" }, { 14, "Si" }, { 15, "P" }, { 16, "S" }, { 17, "Cl" },
{ 18, "Ar" }, { 19, "K" }, { 20, "Ca" }, { 21, "Sc" }, { 22, "Ti" }, { 23, "V" }, { 24, "Cr" }, { 25, "Mn" }, { 26, "Fe" },
{ 27, "Co" }, { 28, "Ni" }, { 29, "Cu" }, { 30, "Zn" }, { 31, "Ga" }, { 32, "Ge" }, { 33, "As" }, { 34, "Se" }, { 35, "Br" },
{ 36, "Kr" }, { 37, "Rb" }, { 38, "Sr" }, { 39, "Y" }, { 40, "Zr" }, { 41, "Nb" }, { 42, "Mo" }, { 43, "Tc" }, { 44, "Ru" },
{ 45, "Rh" }, { 46, "Pd" }, { 47, "Ag" }, { 48, "Cd" }, { 49, "In" }, { 50, "Sn" }, { 51, "Sb" }, { 52, "Te" }, { 53, "I" },
{ 54, "Xe" }, { 55, "Cs" }, { 56, "Ba" }, { 57, "La" }, { 58, "Ce" }, { 59, "Pr" }, { 60, "Nd" }, { 61, "Pm" }, { 62, "Sm" },
{ 63, "Eu" }, { 64, "Gd" }, { 65, "Tb" }, { 66, "Dy" }, { 67, "Ho" }, { 68, "Er" }, { 69, "Tm" }, { 70, "Yb" }, { 71, "Lu" },
{ 72, "Hf" }, { 73, "Ta" }, { 74, "W" }, { 75, "Re" }, { 76, "Os" }, { 77, "Ir" }, { 78, "Pt" }, { 79, "Au" }, { 80, "Hg" },
{ 81, "Tl" }, { 82, "Pb" }, { 83, "Bi" }, { 84, "Po" }, { 85, "At" }, { 86, "Rn" }, { 87, "Fr" }, { 88, "Ra" }, { 89, "Ac" },
{ 90, "Th" }, { 91, "Pa" }, { 92, "U" }, { 93, "Np" }, { 94, "Pu" }, { 95, "Am" }, { 96, "Cm" }, { 97, "Bk" }, { 98, "Cf" },
{ 99, "Es" }, { 100, "Fm" }, { 101, "Md" }, { 102, "No" }, { 103, "Lr" }, { 104, "Rf" }, { 105, "Db" }, { 106, "Sg" }, { 107, "Bh" },
{ 108, "Hs" }, { 109, "Mt" } }

Referenced by lPoPs_ZSymbol().