Geant4  10.02.p02
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25 //
28 // $Id: G4CascadeRecoilMaker.hh 71719 2013-06-21 00:01:54Z mkelsey $
29 //
30 // Collects generated cascade data (using Collider::collide() interface)
31 // and computes the nuclear recoil kinematics needed to balance the event.
32 //
33 // 20100909 M. Kelsey -- Inspired by G4CascadeCheckBalance
34 // 20100909 M. Kelsey -- Move G4IntraNucleiCascader::goodCase() here, add
35 // tolerance for "almost zero" excitation energy, add function
36 // to manually override excitation energy
37 // 20100910 M. Kelsey -- Drop getRecoilFragment() in favor of user calling
38 // makeRecoilFragment() with returned non-const pointer. Drop
39 // handling of excitons.
40 // 20100914 M. Kelsey -- Migrate to integer A and Z
41 // 20100921 M. Kelsey -- Return G4InuclNuclei using "makeRecoilNuclei()".
42 // Repurpose "makeRecoilFragment()" to return G4Fragment.
43 // 20100924 M. Kelsey -- Add raw excitation energy (mass difference) function
44 // 20110214 M. Kelsey -- Replace "model" with G4InuclParticle::Model enum
45 // 20110722 M. Kelsey -- For IntraNucleiCascader, take G4CollOut as argument
46 // 20130620 Address Coverity complaint about missing copy actions
48 #include <cmath>
49 #include <vector>
50 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
52 #include "G4VCascadeCollider.hh"
53 #include "globals.hh"
54 #include "G4CollisionOutput.hh"
55 #include "G4InuclNuclei.hh"
56 #include "G4Fragment.hh"
57 #include "G4LorentzVector.hh"
59 class G4CascadParticle;
62 class G4InuclParticle;
66 public:
68  virtual ~G4CascadeRecoilMaker();
70  // Standard Collider interface (non-const output "buffer")
71  void collide(G4InuclParticle* bullet, G4InuclParticle* target,
72  G4CollisionOutput& output);
74  // This is for use with G4IntraNucleiCascader
75  void collide(G4InuclParticle* bullet, G4InuclParticle* target,
76  G4CollisionOutput& output,
77  const std::vector<G4CascadParticle>& cparticles);
79  // Modifiable parameters
84  // Build nucleus from current parameters, if physically reasonable
86  G4Fragment* makeRecoilFragment(); // For use with PreCompound
88  // Attach exciton configuration for use by "nucleus makers"
90  theExcitons = exciton;
91  }
93  // Access nuclear configuration parameters
94  G4int getRecoilA() const { return recoilA; }
95  G4int getRecoilZ() const { return recoilZ; }
99  // Data quality checks
100  G4bool goodFragment() const; // Verify A, Z both meaningful
101  G4bool goodRecoil() const; // And sensible four-vector
102  G4bool wholeEvent() const; // Zero recoil
103  G4bool unphysicalRecoil() const { return !wholeEvent() && !goodRecoil(); }
105  G4bool goodNucleus() const; // Ensure that fragment is energetically okay
107 protected:
108  void fillRecoil(); // Set recoil parameters from CheckBalance
109  G4double deltaM() const; // Mass difference from current parameters
111 private:
112  G4CascadeCheckBalance* balance; // Used to do kinematics calculations
114  G4double excTolerance; // Minimum excitation energy, rounds to zero
116  G4double inputEkin; // Available initial kinetic energy
118  G4int recoilA; // Nuclear parameters of recoil
123  G4ExitonConfiguration theExcitons; // Used by G4InuclNuclei and G4Fragment
125  G4InuclNuclei theRecoilNuclei; // Reusable buffers for recoil
128 private:
129  // Copying of modules is forbidden
132 };
134 #endif /* G4CASCADE_RECOIL_MAKER_HH */
static const double MeV
Definition: G4SIunits.hh:211
static const G4float tolerance
const G4LorentzVector & getRecoilMomentum() const
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
G4double getRecoilExcitation() const
void collide(G4InuclParticle *bullet, G4InuclParticle *target, G4CollisionOutput &output)
G4CascadeRecoilMaker & operator=(const G4CascadeRecoilMaker &)
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
G4bool unphysicalRecoil() const
G4InuclNuclei * makeRecoilNuclei(G4InuclParticle::Model model=G4InuclParticle::DefaultModel)
G4ExitonConfiguration theExcitons
void setTolerance(G4double tolerance)
G4CascadeCheckBalance * balance
void setRecoilExcitation(G4double Eexc)
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
G4LorentzVector recoilMomentum
G4CascadeRecoilMaker(G4double tolerance=0.001 *CLHEP::MeV)
void addExcitonConfiguration(const G4ExitonConfiguration exciton)
G4Fragment * makeRecoilFragment()
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector G4LorentzVector