Geant4  10.02.p02 File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
#include "ptwXY.h"
+ Include dependency graph for

Go to the source code of this file.


static void ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint (ptwXYOverflowPoint *overflowPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *prior, ptwXYOverflowPoint *next)
static nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int incY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)
static int ptwXY_mergeCompareFunction (void const *x1p, void const *x2p)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_new (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_setup (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int userFlag)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_create (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *xy, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys (ptwXY_interpolation interpolation, ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *interpolationOtherInfo, double biSectionMax, double accuracy, int64_t primarySize, int64_t secondarySize, int64_t length, double const *Xs, double const *Ys, nfu_status *status, int userFlag)
nfu_status ptwXY_copy (ptwXYPoints *dest, ptwXYPoints *src)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_clone (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_interpolation interpolationTo, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_slice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index1, int64_t index2, int64_t secondarySize, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xMinSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMin, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_xMaxSlice (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double xMax, int64_t secondarySize, int fill, nfu_status *status)
ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
char const * ptwXY_getInterpolationString (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int ptwXY_getUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
void ptwXY_setUserFlag (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int userFlag)
double ptwXY_getAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setAccuracy (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double accuracy)
double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double biSectionMax)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size)
nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t size, ptwXYPoint *newPoint, int forceSmallerResize)
nfu_status ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_clear (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_release (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
ptwXYPoints * ptwXY_free (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_length (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength (ptwXYPoints const *ptwXY)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *xy)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t length, double const *x, double const *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t i1, int64_t i2)
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
ptwXYPoint * ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index)
nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double *x, double *y)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint)
ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, ptwXYOverflowPoint *lessThanEqualXPoint, ptwXYOverflowPoint *greaterThanXPoint, double eps, int *closeIsEqual, ptwXYPoint **closePoint)
nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double *y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y, double eps, int override)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xs, double *ys)
nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int length, double *xys)
nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, int64_t index, double x, double y)
nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, double x, const char side, double *slope)
double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY, ptwXY_dataFrom *dataFrom)
double ptwXY_getXMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMin (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)
double ptwXY_getYMax (ptwXYPoints *ptwXY)


static char const linLinInterpolationString [] = "linear,linear"
static char const linLogInterpolationString [] = "linear,log"
static char const logLinInterpolationString [] = "log,linear"
static char const logLogInterpolationString [] = "log,log"
static char const flatInterpolationString [] = "flat"

Function Documentation

nfu_status ptwXY_appendXY ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1062 of file

References ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(), and x.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_clear ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 536 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_copy(), and ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_clone ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 208 of file

References ptwXY_slice().

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::GIDI_settings_processedFlux(), ptwXY_add_ptwXY(), ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), ptwXY_fromUnitbase(), ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(), ptwXY_mul_ptwXY(), ptwXY_sub_ptwXY(), ptwXY_thin(), ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation(), ptwXY_toUnitbase(), ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolationTo,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 215 of file

References flatInterpolationString, linLinInterpolationString, linLogInterpolationString, logLinInterpolationString, logLogInterpolationString, nfu_free(), and ptwXY_clone().

Referenced by ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_coalescePoints ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
ptwXYPoint *  newPoint,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 469 of file

References ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), and ptwXY_reallocatePoints().

Referenced by ptwXY_appendXY(), ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(), ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints(), ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(), ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_copy ( ptwXYPoints *  dest,
ptwXYPoints *  src 

Definition at line 148 of file

References nfu_free(), ptwXY_clear(), ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), and ptwXY_reallocatePoints().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_create ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy,
nfu_status *  status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 108 of file

References ptwXY_free(), ptwXY_new(), and ptwXY_setXYData().

Referenced by MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf(), MCGIDI_target_heated_read(), and ptwXY_fromString().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int64_t  length,
double const *  Xs,
double const *  Ys,
nfu_status *  status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 126 of file

References ptwXY_new().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_deletePoints ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  i1,
int64_t  i2 

Definition at line 660 of file

References n, and ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_free ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 574 of file

References nfu_free(), and ptwXY_release().

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::GIDI_settings_processedFlux(), GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction(), MCGIDI_angular_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_angularEnergy_parsePointwiseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseGeneralEvaporationFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseMadlandNixFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseNBodyPhaseSpaceFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseWeightFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_release(), MCGIDI_energyAngular_linear_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_fromTOM_pdfsOfXGivenW(), MCGIDI_KalbachMann_parseFromTOM2(), MCGIDI_LLNL_angularEnergy_parsePointwiseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_misc_Data2ptwXYPointsInUnitsOf(), MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_product_parsePolynomialMultiplicity(), MCGIDI_product_parseWeightedReferenceMultiplicityFromTOM(), MCGIDI_product_release(), MCGIDI_reaction_release(), MCGIDI_target_heated_read(), MCGIDI_target_heated_release(), ptwXY_binary_ptwXY(), ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_convolution(), ptwXY_create(), ptwXY_createFromFunction(), ptwXY_createGaussian(), ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY_forFlats(), ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear(), ptwXY_groupOneFunction(), ptwXY_groupThreeFunctions(), ptwXY_groupTwoFunctions(), ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(), ptwXY_mul2_ptwXY(), ptwXY_sub_ptwXY(), ptwXY_thin(), ptwXY_toOtherInterpolation(), ptwXY_union(), ptwXY_unitbaseInterpolate(), ptwXY_xSlice(), and GIDI_settings_processedFlux::~GIDI_settings_processedFlux().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 372 of file

double ptwXY_getBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 390 of file

ptwXY_interpolation ptwXY_getInterpolation ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 337 of file

Referenced by MCGIDI_energy_parseGeneralEvaporationFromTOM().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

char const* ptwXY_getInterpolationString ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 344 of file

int64_t ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength ( ptwXYPoints const *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 590 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_abs(), ptwXY_appendXY(), ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_copy(), ptwXY_div_fromDouble(), ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(), ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom(), ptwXY_getYMax(), ptwXY_getYMin(), ptwXY_mod(), ptwXY_neg(), ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose(), ptwXY_showInteralStructure(), and ptwXY_slopeOffset().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoint* ptwXY_getPointAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 675 of file

References ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely().

Referenced by ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex(), ptwXY_showInteralStructure(), and ptwXY_simpleWrite().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoint* ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  index 

Definition at line 684 of file

Referenced by MCGIDI_angular_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseMadlandNixFromTOM(), MCGIDI_fromTOM_pdfOfX(), MCGIDI_KalbachMann_parseFromTOM2(), ptwXY_areDomainsMutual(), ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_dullEdges(), ptwXY_getPointAtIndex(), ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(), ptwXY_mutualifyDomains(), and ptwXY_tweakDomainsToMutualify().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  greaterThanXPoint 

Definition at line 710 of file

References ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual().

Referenced by ptwXY_convolution2(), ptwXY_getSlopeAtX(), and ptwXY_getValueAtX().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXY_lessEqualGreaterX ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  lessThanEqualXPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  greaterThanXPoint,
double  eps,
int *  closeIsEqual,
ptwXYPoint **  closePoint 

Definition at line 720 of file

References ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom(), ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom(), ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint(), and x.

Referenced by ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(), and ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getSlopeAtX ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
const char  side,
double *  slope 

Definition at line 1139 of file

References ptwXY_getPointAtIndex_Unsafely(), and ptwXY_getPointsAroundX().

Referenced by ptwXY_div_ptwXY().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getStatus ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 351 of file

Referenced by nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int ptwXY_getUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 358 of file

nfu_status ptwXY_getValueAtX ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 844 of file

References ptwXY_getPointsAroundX(), and ptwXY_interpolatePoint().

Referenced by MCGIDI_reaction_getCrossSectionAtE(), MCGIDI_sampling_ptwXY_getValueAtX(), MCGIDI_target_heated_getTotalCrossSectionAtE(), ptwXY_div_ptwXY(), ptwXY_div_s_ptwXY(), ptwXY_dullEdges(), ptwXY_getValueAtX_ignore_XOutsideDomainError(), ptwXY_intersectionWith_ptwX(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMax ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 1239 of file

References ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom().

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction(), MCGIDI_product_sampleMultiplicity(), MCGIDI_reaction_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_sampling_ptwXY_getValueAtX(), ptwXY_convolution3(), ptwXY_integrateDomain(), ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x(), ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x(), ptwXY_xMinSlice(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMaxAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom *  dataFrom 

Definition at line 1215 of file

References nfu_getNAN(), ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), and x.

Referenced by ptwXY_appendXY(), ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and ptwXY_getXMax().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMin ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 1206 of file

References ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom().

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction(), MCGIDI_reaction_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_sampling_ptwXY_getValueAtX(), ptwXY_convolution3(), ptwXY_integrateDomain(), ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_sqrt_x(), ptwXY_integrateDomainWithWeight_x(), ptwXY_xMaxSlice(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getXMinAndFrom ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
ptwXY_dataFrom *  dataFrom 

Definition at line 1182 of file

References nfu_getNAN(), and ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength().

Referenced by ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and ptwXY_getXMin().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_getXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double *  x,
double *  y 

Definition at line 698 of file

References ptwXY_getPointAtIndex().

Referenced by MCGIDI_energy_parseMadlandNixFromTOM(), and nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getYMax ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 1269 of file

References n, and ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength().

Referenced by MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), and ptwXY_clip().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_getYMin ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 1248 of file

References n, and ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength().

Referenced by MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), and ptwXY_clip().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static void ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint ( ptwXYOverflowPoint *  overflowPoint,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  prior,
ptwXYOverflowPoint *  next 

Definition at line 1290 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int64_t ptwXY_length ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 583 of file

Referenced by MCGIDI_angular_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energy_parseMadlandNixFromTOM(), MCGIDI_fromTOM_pdfOfX(), MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), nf_Legendre_from_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXAndY().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static int ptwXY_mergeCompareFunction ( void const *  x1p,
void const *  x2p 

Definition at line 1051 of file

References d1, and d2.

Referenced by ptwXY_mergeFrom().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFrom ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int  incY,
int  length,
double *  xs,
double *  ys 

Definition at line 991 of file

References n, nfu_free(), nfu_malloc(), ptwXY_mergeCompareFunction(), ptwXY_reallocatePoints(), ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints(), and x.

Referenced by ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs(), and ptwXY_mergeFromXYs().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xs,
double *  ys 

Definition at line 966 of file

References ptwXY_mergeFrom().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_mergeFromXYs ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int  length,
double *  xys 

Definition at line 973 of file

References nfu_free(), nfu_malloc(), and ptwXY_mergeFrom().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_new ( ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status *  status,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 29 of file

References nfu_calloc(), nfu_free(), and ptwXY_setup().

Referenced by MCGIDI_angularEnergy_parsePointwiseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_energyAngular_linear_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_KalbachMann_parseFromTOM2(), MCGIDI_product_parseFromTOM(), MCGIDI_product_parsePolynomialMultiplicity(), ptwXY_clip(), ptwXY_convolution(), ptwXY_create(), ptwXY_createFrom_Xs_Ys(), ptwXY_createFromFunction(), ptwXY_createGaussianCenteredSigma1(), ptwXY_flatInterpolationToLinear(), ptwXY_slice(), ptwXY_thin(), ptwXY_union(), ptwXY_valueTo_ptwXY(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  size 

Definition at line 439 of file

References nfu_realloc(), and ptwXY_coalescePoints().

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_reallocatePoints ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  size,
int  forceSmallerResize 

Definition at line 410 of file

References nfu_realloc().

Referenced by ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_copy(), ptwXY_mergeFrom(), ptwXY_setup(), ptwXY_setXYData(), and ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_release ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY)

Definition at line 549 of file

References nfu_free().

Referenced by ptwXY_free(), and ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_setAccuracy ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  accuracy 

Definition at line 379 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double ptwXY_setBiSectionMax ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  biSectionMax 

Definition at line 397 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setup ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
ptwXY_interpolation  interpolation,
ptwXY_interpolationOtherInfo const *  interpolationOtherInfo,
double  biSectionMax,
double  accuracy,
int64_t  primarySize,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 46 of file

References flatInterpolationString, linLinInterpolationString, linLogInterpolationString, logLinInterpolationString, logLogInterpolationString, ptwXY_initialOverflowPoint(), ptwXY_reallocateOverflowPoints(), ptwXY_reallocatePoints(), ptwXY_release(), ptwXY_setAccuracy(), ptwXY_setBiSectionMax(), and ptwXY_setUserFlag().

Referenced by ptwXY_new().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ptwXY_setUserFlag ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int  userFlag 

Definition at line 365 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_setup().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setValueAtX_overrideIfClose ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  x,
double  y,
double  eps,
int  override 

Definition at line 883 of file

References ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_getNonOverflowLength(), ptwXY_getPointsAroundX_closeIsEqual(), and x.

Referenced by ptwXY_createFromFunction(), ptwXY_createFromFunctionBisect(), ptwXY_createFromFunctionZeroCrossing(), and ptwXY_setValueAtX().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYData ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  xy 

Definition at line 597 of file

References ptwXY_reallocatePoints().

Referenced by ptwXY_create().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYDataFromXsAndYs ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  length,
double const *  x,
double const *  y 

Definition at line 631 of file

References ptwXY_clear(), ptwXY_reallocatePoints(), and x.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

nfu_status ptwXY_setXYPairAtIndex ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  index,
double  x,
double  y 

Definition at line 1098 of file

References x.

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_slice ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
int64_t  index1,
int64_t  index2,
int64_t  secondarySize,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 248 of file

References n, ptwXY_new(), and ptwXY_simpleCoalescePoints().

Referenced by ptwXY_clone().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xMaxSlice ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 326 of file

References ptwXY_getXMin(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xMinSlice ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  xMin,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 315 of file

References ptwXY_getXMax(), and ptwXY_xSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ptwXYPoints* ptwXY_xSlice ( ptwXYPoints *  ptwXY,
double  xMin,
double  xMax,
int64_t  secondarySize,
int  fill,
nfu_status *  status 

Definition at line 274 of file

References n, ptwXY_clone(), ptwXY_coalescePoints(), ptwXY_free(), ptwXY_getValueAtX(), ptwXY_getXMax(), ptwXY_getXMin(), ptwXY_new(), and ptwXY_setValueAtX().

Referenced by GIDI_settings_processedFlux::groupFunction(), ptwXY_createGaussian(), ptwXY_xMaxSlice(), and ptwXY_xMinSlice().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

char const flatInterpolationString[] = "flat"

Definition at line 21 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), and ptwXY_setup().

char const linLinInterpolationString[] = "linear,linear"

Definition at line 17 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), and ptwXY_setup().

char const linLogInterpolationString[] = "linear,log"

Definition at line 18 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), and ptwXY_setup().

char const logLinInterpolationString[] = "log,linear"

Definition at line 19 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), and ptwXY_setup().

char const logLogInterpolationString[] = "log,log"

Definition at line 20 of file

Referenced by ptwXY_cloneToInterpolation(), and ptwXY_setup().