Geant4  10.01
G4FFGDefaultValues.hh File Reference
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "G4ThreeVector.hh"
#include "G4FFGEnumerations.hh"
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 G4FFGDefaultValues is a one-stop shop for storing the default values to variables that configure how the fission fragment generator code is initialized.


static const G4ThreeVector G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceCenter (0, 0, 0)
 Default source center. More...


static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::ThermalNeutronEnergy = 0.0253 * eV
 The energy of thermal neutrons. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::Verbosity = G4FFGEnumerations::SILENT
 Verbosity for the entire package. More...
static const G4int G4FFGDefaultValues::Isotope = 92238
 Default Isotope. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::MetaState = G4FFGEnumerations::GROUND_STATE
 Default meta state. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::FissionCause = G4FFGEnumerations::SPONTANEOUS
 Default fission cause. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::IncidentEnergy = ThermalNeutronEnergy / eV
 Default incident energy. More...
static const char G4FFGDefaultValues::IncidentEnergyUnit [] = "eV"
 Default incident energy unit. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::YieldType = G4FFGEnumerations::INDEPENDENT
 Default yield type. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::SamplingScheme = G4FFGEnumerations::NORMAL
 Default sampling scheme. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::TernaryProbability = 0
 Default probabilility of a ternary fission. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::AlphaProduction = 0
 Default alpha production in a ternary fission. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::MeanGammaEnergy = 800 * keV
 Default mean gamma energy for gamma sampling. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::EventTime = 0
 Default event time. More...
static const char G4FFGDefaultValues::EventTimeUnit [] = "ns"
 Default event time units. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceDepth = 1
 Default source depth. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceHeight = 1
 Default source rectangle Height. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceRadius = 1
 Default source radius. More...
static const G4double G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceWidth = 1
 Default source rectangle Width. More...
static const char G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceDimensionUnit [] = "cm"
 Default event time units. More...
static const
G4FFGDefaultValues::SourceType = G4FFGEnumerations::SPHERE
 Default source type. More...
static const char G4FFGDefaultValues::UICommandDirectory [] = "/process/hadronic/ffgupga"
 Default command directory. More...
static const char G4FFGDefaultValues::ENDFFissionDataLocation [] = "/Fission/FF/"
 ENDF data tape location, reference against G4HPNEUTRONDATA. More...