virtual void BuildForMaster() const
WLSActionInitialization(WLSDetectorConstruction *)
Definition of the WLSPrimaryGeneratorAction class.
Definition of the WLSStackingAction class.
Definition of the WLSSteppingVerbose class.
virtual ~WLSActionInitialization()
Definition of the WLSDetectorConstruction class.
WLSDetectorConstruction * fDetector
virtual G4VSteppingVerbose * InitializeSteppingVerbose() const
Definition of the WLSRunAction class.
Definition of the WLSTrackingAction class.
void SetUserAction(G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction *) const
G4GeneralParticleSource * masterGPS
virtual void Build() const
Definition of the WLSSteppingAction class.
Definition of the WLSEventAction class.
Definition of the WLSActionInitialization class.