55 <<
"\" parameters: " << nofParameters
110 h1Nbins0->
"Number of bins (default = 100)");
111 h1Nbins0->
"Can be reset with /analysis/h1/set command");
115 h1ValMin0->
"Minimum value, expressed in unit (default = 0.)");
116 h1ValMin0->
"Can be reset with /analysis/h1/set command");
120 h1ValMax0->
"Maximum value, expressed in unit (default = 1.)");
121 h1ValMax0->
"Can be reset with /analysis/h1/set command");
125 h1ValUnit0->
"The unit applied to filled values and valMin0, valMax0");
129 G4String fcnGuidance =
"The function applied to filled values (log, log10, exp).\n";
130 fcnGuidance +=
"Note that the unit parameter cannot be omitted in this case,\n";
131 fcnGuidance +=
"but none value should be used instead.";
137 G4String binSchemeGuidance =
"The binning scheme (linear, log).\n";
140 +=
"Note that the unit and fcn parameters cannot be omitted in this case,\n";
141 binSchemeGuidance +=
"but none value should be used instead.";
170 h1ValMin->
"Minimum value, expressed in unit");
173 h1ValMax->
"Maximum value, expressed in unit");
176 h1ValUnit->
"The unit applied to filled values and valMin, valMax");
181 G4String fcnGuidance =
"The function applied to filled values (log, log10, exp, none).\n";
182 fcnGuidance +=
"Note that the unit parameter cannot be omitted in this case,\n";
183 fcnGuidance +=
"but none value should be used instead.";
189 G4String binSchemeGuidance =
"The binning scheme (linear, log).\n";
191 +=
"Note that the unit and fcn parameters cannot be omitted in this case,\n";
192 binSchemeGuidance +=
"but none value should be used instead.";
271 std::vector<G4String> parameters;
283 G4String title = parameters[counter++];
287 G4String sunit = parameters[counter++];
288 G4String sfcn = parameters[counter++];
289 G4String sbinScheme = parameters[counter++];
291 fManager->
CreateH1(name, title, nbins, vmin*unit, vmax*unit, sunit, sfcn, sbinScheme);
299 G4String sunit = parameters[counter++];
300 G4String sfcn = parameters[counter++];
301 G4String sbinScheme = parameters[counter++];
303 fManager->
id, nbins, vmin*unit, vmax*unit, sunit, sfcn, sbinScheme);
308 G4String title = parameters[counter++];
314 G4String xaxis = parameters[counter++];
320 G4String yaxis = parameters[counter++];
void SetParameter(G4UIparameter *const newParameter)
std::ostringstream G4ExceptionDescription
G4int CreateH1(const G4String &name, const G4String &title, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none", const G4String &binSchemeName="linear")
void SetParameterRange(const char *theRange)
void SetParameterCandidates(const char *theString)
G4UIcommand * fSetH1YAxisCmd
void SetDefaultValue(const char *theDefaultValue)
G4UIcommand * fCreateH1Cmd
void SetGuidance(const char *aGuidance)
static G4double ConvertToDouble(const char *st)
G4bool SetH1(G4int id, G4int nbins, G4double xmin, G4double xmax, const G4String &unitName="none", const G4String &fcnName="none", const G4String &binSchemeName="linear")
void AvailableForStates(G4ApplicationState s1)
G4UIcommand * fSetH1XAxisCmd
G4bool SetH1YAxisTitle(G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4double GetUnitValue(const G4String &unit)
G4UIcommand * fSetH1TitleCmd
static G4int ConvertToInt(const char *st)
virtual void SetNewValue(G4UIcommand *command, G4String value)
void G4Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, G4ExceptionSeverity severity, const char *comments)
const G4String & GetCommandName() const
void Tokenize(const G4String &line, std::vector< G4String > &tokens)
G4H1Messenger(G4VAnalysisManager *manager)
void Exception(const char *originOfException, const char *exceptionCode, ExceptionSeverity severity, int level, const char *description)
void SetGuidance(const char *theGuidance)
G4bool SetH1Title(G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4int GetParameterEntries() const
G4bool SetH1XAxisTitle(G4int id, const G4String &title)
G4VAnalysisManager * fManager
Associated class.