35 #ifndef ExP01DetectorConstruction_h
36 #define ExP01DetectorConstruction_h 1
G4Material * fChamberMater
Detector messenger for the persistency example.
G4VPhysicalVolume * fPhysiWorld
G4LogicalVolume * fLogicWorld
G4double GetTargetFullLength()
const G4VPhysicalVolume * GetTracker()
G4Material * fTargetMater
Detector Construction for the persistency example.
G4double GetTrackerFullLength()
G4LogicalVolume * fLogicChamber
Magnetic field for the persistency example.
void setTargetMaterial(G4String)
G4VPhysicalVolume * fPhysiChamber
G4VPhysicalVolume * fPhysiTarget
ExP01DetectorMessenger * fDetectorMessenger
G4LogicalVolume * fLogicTarget
void SetMagField(G4double)
ExP01MagneticField * fPMagField
Definition of the ExP01MagneticField class.
void setChamberMaterial(G4String)
G4double GetWorldFullLength()
G4LogicalVolume * fLogicTracker
G4VPhysicalVolume * fPhysiTracker
virtual G4VPhysicalVolume * Construct()