Geant4  10.01.p02
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27 // $Id:$
28 //
29 // Class G4MTRandGeneral
30 //
31 // Modified version with MT extensions
32 // of corresponding CLHEP class RandGeneral
34 // --------------------------------------------------------------------
35 #ifndef G4MTRandGeneral_h
36 #define G4MTRandGeneral_h 1
38 #include <vector>
40 #include "G4MTHepRandom.hh"
43 {
45 public:
47  G4MTRandGeneral ( const G4double* aProbFunc,
48  G4int theProbSize,
49  G4int IntType=0 );
50  G4MTRandGeneral ( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& anEngine,
51  const G4double* aProbFunc,
52  G4int theProbSize,
53  G4int IntType=0 );
54  G4MTRandGeneral ( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* anEngine,
55  const G4double* aProbFunc,
56  G4int theProbSize,
57  G4int IntType=0 );
58  // These constructors should be used to instantiate a G4MTRandGeneral
59  // distribution object defining a local engine for it.
60  // The static generator will be skiped by using the non-static methods
61  // defined below. In case no engine is specified in the constructor, the
62  // default engine used by the static generator is applied.
63  // If the engine is passed by pointer the corresponding engine object
64  // will be deleted by the G4MTRandGeneral destructor.
65  // If the engine is passed by reference the corresponding engine object
66  // will not be deleted by the G4MTRandGeneral destructor.
67  // The probability distribution function (Pdf) must be provided by the user
68  // as an array of positive real number. The array size must also be
69  // provided. The Pdf doesn't need to be normalized to 1.
70  // if IntType = 0 ( default value ) a uniform random number is
71  // generated using the engine. The uniform number is then transformed
72  // to the user's distribution using the cumulative probability
73  // distribution constructed from his histogram. The cumulative
74  // distribution is inverted using a binary search for the nearest
75  // bin boundary and a linear interpolation within the
76  // bin. G4MTRandGeneral therefore generates a constant density within
77  // each bin.
78  // if IntType = 1 no interpolation is performed and the result is a
79  // discrete distribution.
81  virtual ~G4MTRandGeneral();
82  // Destructor
84  // Methods to shoot random values using the static generator
85  // N.B.: The methods are NOT static since they use nonstatic members
86  // theIntegralPdf & nBins
88  inline G4double shoot();
90  inline void shootArray ( const G4int size, G4double* vect);
92  // Methods to shoot random values using a given engine
93  // by-passing the static generator.
95  G4double shoot( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* anEngine );
97  void shootArray ( CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* anEngine, const G4int size,
98  G4double* vect );
100  // Methods using the localEngine to shoot random values, by-passing
101  // the static generator.
103  G4double fire();
105  void fireArray ( const G4int size, G4double* vect);
109 private:
111  CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* localEngine;
113  std::vector<G4double> theIntegralPdf;
118  // Private methods to factor out replicated implementation sections
119  void prepareTable(const G4double* aProbFunc);
120  void useFlatDistribution();
121  G4double mapRandom(G4double rand) const;
123 };
125 #include "G4MTRandGeneral.icc"
127 #endif
void shootArray(const G4int size, G4double *vect)
G4double operator()()
G4double fire()
G4double mapRandom(G4double rand) const
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
void fireArray(const G4int size, G4double *vect)
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine * localEngine
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
std::vector< G4double > theIntegralPdf
G4MTRandGeneral(const G4double *aProbFunc, G4int theProbSize, G4int IntType=0)
void prepareTable(const G4double *aProbFunc)
virtual ~G4MTRandGeneral()
G4double shoot()
void useFlatDistribution()
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76