#include <G4Be8FermiFragment.hh>
| G4Be8FermiFragment (G4int anA, G4int aZ, G4int Pol, G4double ExE) |
virtual | ~G4Be8FermiFragment () |
| G4UnstableFermiFragment (G4int anA, G4int aZ, G4int Pol, G4double ExE) |
virtual | ~G4UnstableFermiFragment () |
void | FillFragment (G4FragmentVector *, const G4LorentzVector &aMomentum) const |
| G4VFermiFragment (G4int anA, G4int aZ, G4int Pol, G4double ExE) |
virtual | ~G4VFermiFragment () |
G4FragmentVector * | GetFragment (const G4LorentzVector &aMomentum) const |
G4int | GetA (void) const |
G4int | GetZ (void) const |
G4int | GetPolarization (void) const |
G4double | GetExcitationEnergy (void) const |
G4double | GetFragmentMass (void) const |
G4double | GetTotalEnergy (void) const |
G4bool | IsStable () const |
Definition at line 40 of file G4Be8FermiFragment.hh.
G4Be8FermiFragment::~G4Be8FermiFragment |
( |
| ) |
virtual |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- geant4.10.01.p02/source/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/fermi_breakup/include/G4Be8FermiFragment.hh
- geant4.10.01.p02/source/processes/hadronic/models/de_excitation/fermi_breakup/src/G4Be8FermiFragment.cc