Geant4  10.01.p02
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1 //
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25 //
26 // $Id: G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS.hh 75573 2013-11-04 11:48:15Z gcosmo $
27 //
28 // Author: Luciano Pandola
29 //
30 // History:
31 // -----------
32 // 20 Oct 2010 L. Pandola 1st implementation.
33 // 02 May 2011 L. Pandola Remove dependency on CLHEP::HepMatrix
34 // 24 May 2011 L. Pandola Renamed (make default Penelope)
35 // 03 Oct 2013 L. Pandola Migration to MT
36 // 07 Oct 2013 L. Pandola Add verbosity and ismaster flag for the
37 // master-only methods
38 // 30 Oct 2013 L. Pandola Add a G4Cache of temporary vectors as
39 // private member.
40 //
41 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
42 //
43 // Class description:
44 // Helper class for the calculation of final state (energy and angular
45 // distribution) for bremsstrahlung, Penelope Model, version 2008
46 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
51 #include "globals.hh"
52 #include "G4DataVector.hh"
53 #include "G4Cache.hh"
54 #include <map>
57 class G4PhysicsLogVector;
58 class G4Material;
59 class G4PhysicsTable;
62 {
63 public:
65  G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS(G4int verbosity=0);
72  G4double GetEffectiveZSquared(const G4Material* mat) const;
73  size_t GetNBinsX() const {return nBinsX;};
75  G4double up,G4int momOrder) const;
77  const G4double cut) const;
79  const G4Material*, const G4double cut) const;
82  void ClearTables(G4bool isMaster=true);
83  void BuildScaledXSTable(const G4Material* material,G4double cut,
84  G4bool isMaster);
86  void SetVerbosity(G4int ver){fVerbosity=ver;};
89 private:
90  //assignment operator
92  //copy constructor
95  //Differential cross section tables
96  //Table contains G4PhysicsVectors of log(XS(E,x)) vs. log(E)
97  //for a grid of 32 values in x (= reduced photon energy)
98  std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> ,
101  std::map<const G4Material*,G4double> *theEffectiveZSq;
104  //Element data table
105  static const size_t nBinsE = 57;
106  static const size_t nBinsX = 32;
107  //x and E grids used in the data tables
110  void ReadDataFile(G4int Z);
112  //Map of element data vs. Z.
113  //This is conceptually an array [57][33] with 57 energy
114  //points and 32 points in x. The 33-th column gives the total XS vs. E.
115  //It is implemented as a one-dimensional array of dimension
116  //57*33=1881 elements. data[e][x] --> theElementData[e*(nBinsX+1)+x]
117  std::map<G4int,G4DataVector*> *theElementData;
119  //Tables for energy sampling
122  //Table contains G4PhysicsVectors of integral_XS(E,x) vs. x for a grid of
123  //57 values in energy
124  std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> ,
126  std::map< std::pair<const G4Material*,G4double> ,
129  //temporary vector. Used as member variable to avoid to book/release the
130  //memory on the fly. This vector is over-written at every call of
131  //SampleGammaEnergy(). It is thread-local (each thread has its own)
132  //and managed by G4Cache
137 };
139 #endif
std::map< G4int, G4DataVector * > * theElementData
G4double GetEffectiveZSquared(const G4Material *mat) const
Master and workers (do not touch tables) All of them are const.
G4double GetMomentumIntegral(G4double *y, G4double up, G4int momOrder) const
std::map< std::pair< const G4Material *, G4double >, G4PhysicsTable * > * theSamplingTable
G4double SampleGammaEnergy(G4double energy, const G4Material *, const G4double cut) const
std::map< const G4Material *, G4double > * theEffectiveZSq
void InitializeEnergySampling(const G4Material *, G4double cut)
int G4int
Definition: G4Types.hh:78
void BuildScaledXSTable(const G4Material *material, G4double cut, G4bool isMaster)
void ClearTables(G4bool isMaster=true)
Reserved for the master model: they build and handle tables.
bool G4bool
Definition: G4Types.hh:79
std::map< std::pair< const G4Material *, G4double >, G4PhysicsFreeVector * > * thePBcut
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS(G4int verbosity=0)
Only master models are supposed to create instances.
G4double energy(const ThreeVector &p, const G4double m)
G4Cache< G4PhysicsFreeVector * > fCache
std::map< std::pair< const G4Material *, G4double >, G4PhysicsTable * > * theReducedXSTable
double G4double
Definition: G4Types.hh:76
const G4PhysicsTable * GetScaledXSTable(const G4Material *, const G4double cut) const
G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS & operator=(const G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungFS &right)