Enumerations | |
enum | Long { nuclei =0, proton =1, neutron =2, pionPlus =3, pionMinus =5, pionZero =7, photon =9, kaonPlus =11, kaonMinus =13, kaonZero =15, kaonZeroBar =17, lambda =21, sigmaPlus =23, sigmaZero =25, sigmaMinus =27, xiZero =29, xiMinus =31, omegaMinus =33, deuteron =41, triton =43, He3 =45, alpha =47, antiProton =51, antiNeutron =53, antiDeuteron =61, antiTriton =63, antiHe3 =65, antiAlpha =67, diproton =111, unboundPN =112, dineutron =122, electronNu =-1, muonNu =-3, tauNu =-5, antiElectronNu =-7, antiMuonNu =-9, antiTauNu =-11, WMinus =-13, WPlus =-15, Zzero =-17, electron =-21, muonMinus =-23, tauMinus =-25, positron =-27, muonPlus =-29, tauPlus =-31 } |
enum | Short { nuc =nuclei, pro =proton, neu =neutron, pip =pionPlus, pim =pionMinus, pi0 =pionZero, gam =photon, kpl =kaonPlus, kmi =kaonMinus, k0 =kaonZero, k0b =kaonZeroBar, lam =lambda, sp =sigmaPlus, s0 =sigmaZero, sm =sigmaMinus, xi0 =xiZero, xim =xiMinus, om =omegaMinus, deu =deuteron, ap =antiProton, an =antiNeutron, ade =antiDeuteron, atr =antiTriton, ahe =antiHe3, aal =antiAlpha, pp =diproton, pn =unboundPN, nn =dineutron, enu =electronNu, mnu =muonNu, tnu =tauNu, aenu =antiElectronNu, amnu =antiMuonNu, atnu =antiTauNu, wm =WMinus, wp =WPlus, z0 =Zzero, ele =electron, mum =muonMinus, tm =tauMinus, pos =positron, mup =muonPlus, tp =tauPlus } |
Functions | |
const char * | nameLong (G4int ptype) |
const char * | nameShort (G4int ptype) |
const char * | name (G4int ptype) |
G4bool | isPhoton (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | isMuon (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | isElectron (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | isNeutrino (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | pion (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | nucleon (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | antinucleon (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | quasi_deutron (G4int ityp) |
G4int | baryon (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | antibaryon (G4int ityp) |
G4bool | hyperon (G4int ityp) |
Definition at line 44 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
Enumerator | |
nuc | |
pro | |
neu | |
pip | |
pim | |
pi0 | |
gam | |
kpl | |
kmi | |
k0 | |
k0b | |
lam | |
sp | |
s0 | |
sm | |
xi0 | |
xim | |
om | |
deu | |
ap | |
an | |
ade | |
atr | |
ahe | |
aal | |
pp | |
pn | |
nn | |
enu | |
mnu | |
tnu | |
aenu | |
amnu | |
atnu | |
wm | |
wp | |
z0 | |
ele | |
mum | |
tm | |
pos | |
mup | |
tp |
Definition at line 60 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
Definition at line 114 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References baryon().
Definition at line 97 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References antiNeutron, and antiProton.
Referenced by G4InuclElementaryParticle::antinucleon().
Definition at line 104 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References aal, ade, ahe, an, ap, atr, deu, lam, neu, nn, om, pn, pp, pro, s0, sm, sp, xi0, and xim.
Referenced by antibaryon(), GammaKnifeParticles::ConstructParticle(), HadrontherapyParticles::ConstructParticle(), GammaRayTelParticles::ConstructParticle(), IORTParticles::ConstructParticle(), and G4CollisionOutput::getTotalBaryonNumber().
Definition at line 84 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References electron, and positron.
Referenced by G4PhysicsListHelper::CheckParticleList(), and G4InuclElementaryParticle::isElectron().
Definition at line 82 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References muonMinus, and muonPlus.
Referenced by G4InuclElementaryParticle::isMuon().
Definition at line 86 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References antiElectronNu, antiMuonNu, antiTauNu, electronNu, muonNu, and tauNu.
Referenced by G4InuclElementaryParticle::isNeutrino().
Definition at line 80 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References photon.
Referenced by G4InuclElementaryParticle::isPhoton().
inline |
Definition at line 77 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References nameLong().
const char * G4InuclParticleNames::nameLong | ( | G4int | ptype | ) |
Definition at line 39 of file
References alpha, antiAlpha, antiDeuteron, antiElectronNu, antiHe3, antiMuonNu, antiNeutron, antiProton, antiTauNu, antiTriton, deuteron, dineutron, diproton, electron, electronNu, He3, kaonMinus, kaonPlus, kaonZero, kaonZeroBar, lambda, muonMinus, muonNu, muonPlus, neutron, nuclei, omegaMinus, photon, pionMinus, pionPlus, pionZero, positron, proton, sigmaMinus, sigmaPlus, sigmaZero, tauMinus, tauNu, tauPlus, triton, unboundPN, WMinus, WPlus, xiMinus, xiZero, and Zzero.
Referenced by name().
const char * G4InuclParticleNames::nameShort | ( | G4int | ptype | ) |
Definition at line 95 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References neutron, and proton.
Referenced by G4Analyser::analyse(), G4BinaryCascade::BuildTargetList(), G4INCL::Nucleus::decayOutgoingDeltas(), G4INCL::PiNElasticChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::PiNToDeltaChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::PiNToMultiPionsChannel::fillFinalState(), G4FTFParticipants::GetList(), G4InuclElementaryParticle::nucleon(), G4NucleiModel::passFermi(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNIne(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNOnePi(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNTwoPi(), and G4CascadeCoalescence::selectCandidates().
Definition at line 91 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
References pionMinus, pionPlus, and pionZero.
Referenced by G4Analyser::analyse(), GammaRayTelHadronPhysics::ConstructProcess(), G4INCL::Nucleus::decayOutgoingDeltas(), G4INCL::NNToMultiPionsChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::PiNElasticChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::PiNToMultiPionsChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::PiNToDeltaChannel::fillFinalState(), G4INCL::DeltaDecayChannel::fillFinalState(), G4ResonanceNames::MinMass(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNIne(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNOnePi(), G4INCL::CrossSectionsMultiPions::piNTwoPi(), and G4InuclElementaryParticle::pion().
Definition at line 101 of file G4InuclParticleNames.hh.
Referenced by G4InuclElementaryParticle::quasi_deutron().